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RPG Maker MV
English, Japanese
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Adult Themes
TF Themes

Version: 1.0.5

Version: 1.0.4

(Sirenski) Halloween Trial ~Steal the Male Energy!~ TS RPG

This year's halloween is a little bit different! The protagonist, after finding that all the candy was sold out, was forced to endure a trick from a mysterious woman. But that trick was to steal his Male Energy! In order to turn back into a man, and be crowned as a True Man, he must participate in this special Halloween celebration!

Game by Sirenski (Original Title: 試練のハロウィン~男性エネルギーを奪え!~-女性化RPG), Translated from Japanese by ch_wh.

The original game link can be found Here!

Support the original author on Fanbox Here!

As an avid fan of Sirenski's games, I saw that there was renewing interest in his games on this site, and decided to go to the effort of translating my personal favourite of the bunch.

This is a simple puzzle-type game, where you must transform into different forms to bypass various obstacles, and drain other people's Male Energy to level up and defeat various foes. All combat is deterministic - if you're the required level, you simply need to press the attack button and you'll win. If you're not, you'll lose.

It's a fairly lighthearted game, though it nonetheless contains some elements of non-con and sexual violence, as well as some politically incorrect depictions.

There are a total of 28 unique endings available, 5 different TFs, and a significant amount of content for all 5 of them.

The game lasts roughly 2 hours, but can potentially be longer for those seeking all the endings.

Download Link: MEGA

  • Junya - our protagonist. An average guy with a solid reputation, though it didn't protect him from the Halloween Trick.
  • Ryuji - a friend of Junya's, though after betraying him and transforming him into a woman, that friendship won't seem to last much longer.
  • Shunkei - another friend of Junya's and another victim of Ryuji's trick. He acts as Junya's ally, but is he as reliable as he seems? 
  • Mayor - the orchestrator of the Halloween Trial. A fanatic who seeks to find a True Man, preserving his "superior genes" and transforming the rest of the town into his harem.
  • Swordsman - a warrior vying to be recognized as a True Man. Has a somewhat twisted personality. 
  • Knight - a warrior vying to be recognized as a True Man. Seeking to form his own harem.

1.0.4 - Last bits of untranslated text removed, some formatting fixes

1.0.5 - Succubus Minigame timer increased from 7 to 15 seconds.

Review by Volendi

Version reviewed: 1.0.5 on 12/30/2023

Ok... ok! Ok, ok, ok!

Finally finished all the endings!

10/10! Recommended! If that's all you wanna know, then stop reading here... bc TEXT WALL AHEAD, and it's written at like 3-something am! Maybe half of it is rambling about one particular ending, and the perils of staying up at ohgawd in the morning. Really, this review should most likely stop here, bc it's a bit rambly.

I did struggle with getting one ending, but it was all in all a very enjoyable game. Sirenski made an amazing game, and chungus_wungus did really great translating it! Sirensky and Yon Yon are def two greats of RPG Maker TF games history, imo. If you find translated copies of either artists' games, I highly recommend giving them a try. Or, if you are one of the lucky ones who can read their native language, you can find untranslated copies to play, too!

This game in particular is pretty short to get ONE ending... and an enjoyable slog to get ALL of the endings (altho only 17 "count" towards getting the "Premium Ending"). Unlike Yon Yon's games, which require a bit more brain power IMO, this game is pretty simple-ish for most endings. Save, get defeated/fail at whatev, get the ending, then either continue from last battle (no reload or even pre-saving necessary), restart from right after first Succu-job, or manually reload to a diff save to continue from there.

It takes very little time to run back through the encounters though, so you CAN theoretically do everything and get all game-overs in one save file/run without bothering to even save, except for when shutting computer off. Very low stress game, with many enjoyable endings. Fair warning, most of them are endings where the MC STAYS TF'ed! Shocker, I know... out of 28 endings, only ONE ends with the MC's masculinity intact.

There was ONE ending that caused me no end of grief, however... even WITH the guide on Page 1 of the Discussions Pages.

The TS Sword Ending.

Posted my own route, which closely follows the OG guide but spells out some things that I felt could have been explained a bit clearer, it's on pg 6. Got it with plenty of points to spare, like 50 extra if I remember correctly.

Other endings are all at the guide on Page 1 of discussions, and should be doable with minimal work and just a little bit of backtracking. Using multiple saves can make things much quicker. Like, make a save with enough points in front of each of the Swords Hill enemies, then go pop each TF to lose and acquire the Game Over progression.

Just rlly wanted to add my steps for the TS Sword ending somewhere, bc I struggled, even with the guide. That might have been a me-error. In fact, it probably was... don't play at "ohgawd-o'clock" after a long day if you want your brain to "work good".

Review by TotallySane

Version reviewed: 1.0.5 on 10/07/2023

Awesome completed game with a few different endings depending on which TF you use to finish the game.

The translation is so good, I'd have believed it's an english game (if not for the names).

100% recommendation.

Review by Tochar

Version reviewed: 1.0.5 on 08/10/2023

Amazing game, I love this style but there's not a lot of games like that at least in english

Really nice job of the author and traduction is really good too

Review by flere301

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 07/29/2023

Good translation, translator make extra effort in color coding gendered language, which English doesn't display very well. Few typos, but good translation overall.

For the game itself, it's a very "Sirenski" game, which is short (~1-2 hr for all ending, ~15 minute on run through) with semi-linear plot. However, it's very solid and no bugs (as far as I can tell). The game was (probably released on Halloween) about trick-or-treating where the tricked is getting TSF. However, it does not mean people are going down without a fight. Combat system is minimal, and mostly exist as a puzzle rather than any strategy.

The puzzles in this game is mostly resource management where you will have limited points to spend and access locked area. If you don't have enough, it's game over. All bad endings are required to unlock "real & true" ending. Overall, if you got logic skills of a 5th grader, you should be able to beat this game. There are some artworks for main character (and important NPC) when get TSF'ed, but nothing 18+.

Good potential, but might not be everyone's cup of tea (if you are just here to coom), but I love puzzles - 9/10

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