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Game Information
RPG Maker VX Ace
Release Date
Last Update
Chapter 2c
Orig PC Gender
Adult Themes

Version: Chapter 2c

Version: Chapter 2b

Version: Chapter 2a

Version: Chapter 2

Version: Chapter 2 pre-release Bugfix 1

Maid Quest

Welcome to Maid Quest!
A story about a young half-elf in a fantasy world, that after a magical storm ravages his village is offered employment at an unlikely place.
The esteemed Castle Brackenwald has a long history of magecraft and is in need of more servants,
though not the kind of work our protagonist is initially cut out for, it will soon become clear that the wearer might slowly start to fit the uniform.

A fun adventure of maids, mystery and magical hijinks begins!

Chapter 2 content:
- First 4 days of work and adventure at Brackenwald Castle!
- ~6 hours of additional gameplay!
- 6 new physical TF's!
- 10 new secrets! (Including a new secret boss!)
- New puzzles!
- More than 100 new maps!
- 51 new pieces of music, from 10 new artist and half a dozen returning ones.
- Even more stupid jokes, memes and pop culture references!

Chapter 2c:
- Small bugfix release to prevent a possible crash and a possible hardlock. Please see the changelog.

If you enjoy this game and would like to support the project, you can do so over at https://ko-fi.com/devsan or https://dev-san.itch.io/maid-quest!
All donations will go toward hiring an artist for the game.

400 years ago Dragons ruled the continent. After their dethronement they left behind a terrible legacy; Etherstorms.
Terrible magical storm that ravages the land once every few a decades. After such a storm nearly destroy your village, you are forced to find work to support your family and after an offer
of employement at a certain castle you set off together with your older sister. However it might not exactly be the kind of work you were expecting, nor expecting the changes that would soon follow.

Player - A young half elf thrown into an uncertain fate.
Buddy - The player's best friend, a true jokester.
Elizia - The player's older sister, calm and level headed.
Aurae - The player's younger sister, the smart one.
Esta - The player's youngest sister, likes animals.
Isau - A mysterious hermit who knows more than he lets on.

Jamis - A cat trying to outrun the consequences of his own actions.
Helga - An old and experienced Knight Commander.
Julia - A young and hotblooded knight.

Lady Kathrine - A shrewd and dignified noble woman.
Clair - A knight forced to serve as a maid.
Lucy - A spoiled and arrogant princess.
Anita - A strict and ambitious maid.
Mr. Hayton - The dabber butler of Castle Brackenwald.

Cylla - A young witch-in-training.
Kuro - A mysterious cat and witch familiar.
Galdrin - A mysterious elf ranger.
Nelly - The dryad guardian of the forest.
Lyrie - A mischieviously cunning farie.
Boo - A cunningly mischievious farie.

Chapter 2c Changelog:
* Fixed a hardlock related to a squeaky cart in the Forgotten Library.
* Fixed a crash related to the Repelling Charm.
* Fixed more grammatical and spelling errors, thanks to Rosander.
* The MC will now show a bit more satisfaction when making their bed after the fifth time.

Chapter 2b Changelog:
* Fixed a graphical error where two chests in the Forgotten Library would stay shut after opening them.
* Added an event to the mine if you managed to solve the puzzle without fixing the third cart.
* You should no longer be able enter any of the secret rooms from on top the bookshelves in the Forgotten Library.
* The sound of running water in the dark room in the Brackenwald cellar should now fade when leaving the map.
* Fixed a bug where after cleaning the fireplace in Room 108, the self switch would not properly unset, preventing it from being cleaned again.
* Fixed a lot of grammatical and spelling errors.
* Replaced Kyonides EkuipSwitch ACE script (it did not work) with one made by Rem.
* Made slight rewrite to Eva's event. She now hint at having bought the Pink bottle from Yumeko and is more surprised of its effect.
* Made slight rewrite to Verchiel's event. The event will now recognize if the player have acquired the Enchanted Hand Mirror.

Chapter 2a Changelog:
* Poletta will no longer be invisible if you do her related secret before noon.
* You can no longer enter a certain secret from a top a bookcase in the Forgotten Library.
* Lady Kathrine's faceset should now be properly aligned.
* Fixed some spelling mistakes and grammatical errors.
* Librarian fight dialogue should no longer pop up when using Dancing Light after the fight.
* Changed Belgaesh dialogue regarding Chocolate.
* It should no longer be possible to get hardlocked by the squeeky carts in the Forgotten Library.
* When talking to the Ghost-of-Retcon past, the animation should not play twice when saying you had met the crazy merchant when you hadn't.
* Should have fixed any future occurrence of a floating Lucy outside the walls of the Forgotten Library.
* All cleanable dirt in the Forgotten Library has turned into green splotches of grime; this should make them easier to spot in the dark.
* Fixed an impassable tile in the Forgotten Library.
* After returning from Hamblestrup on day 3, you can no longer go to Westen Forest through the back gate until after having talked with Elizia.
* The lumberjack by the delapidated cottage will now give you some useful hints when trying to find the key on day 2.
* Fixed some passable tiles in Westen Forest that were not supposed to be passable.
* Redid the logic behind the Repelling Charm; it should no longer be possible to maintain its effect while having another accessory equipped.
* Fixed a bug where a variable related to cleaning the Study was never unset. (This might require you to replay the "Cleaning Study task" to properly unset.)
* Skipping your daily maid task should no longer prevent you from leaving the Castle. (Simply skip or do another daily task to fix this bug)
* There should no longer be any floating balloon icons during the fairy tea event alone.
* After returning to Brackenwald on day 3, the player will now suggest going back to his room; this should make triggering Eliza's event easier.

Chapter 2 Changelog:
- Added Chapter 2!
- Replaced the window resizer script with a new one made by Rem.
  This brings a few new options including traditional fullscreen and a new windowed fullscreen mode that keeps
  the 4:3 aspect ratio of the game instead of stretching it out.
- Fixed numerous spelling and gramatical errors.
- Fixed a slew of minor bugs and inconsistencies in Chapter 1.
- Added an event in case Old Mr. Hanka traps you between himself and his front door.
- Made small graphical changes to a few things and characters, noteably Aurae and Elizia.
- The Minecart puzzle in Chapter 1 have had its logic redone and should be way less buggy now.
  It now possible to move the carts around more freely after fixing and moving the third cart, this means that
  there are now two solutions to the puzzle.
- More furniture throughout the game can now be used properly and player will turn the correct way when doing so.
- Changed the floor naming scheme from British to American standard:
  Ground floor -> 1st. Floor
  1st. Floor -> 2nd. Floor
  2nd. Floor -> 3rd. Floor
- Made a few changes to Brackenwald inside and outside areas.
- More things around Brackenwald can be interacted with. This is an ongoing process.

Chapter 2 pre-release bugfix 1:
- Added a missing piece of music.
- Added a lever to the mine that can reset minecart puzzle if you're stuck.
- Fixed a minor bug with a passable tile that should not be passable.
- Fixed a major bug in the minecart puzzle in chapter 1. (hopefully for the last time)

Chapter 2 pre-release:
- Added Chapter 2 (pre-release)!
- Added experimental SFW mode! (Can be turned on and off with the crystal ball in your inventory.)
  SFW mode will skip some adult and TF scenes in the game. These scenes can be revisited after turning SFW mode off to be seen in full. SFW mode is still a Work-In-Progress thing.
- Added "Ghost of Retcon Past" to the storeroom next the bathroom in the Maids Dormitory.
  Talking to the ghost will allow you to change your (male)name and track things chapter 1 didn't track, such as meeting certain NPC's
  or which secrets you had found.
- Added a small event to the mine in Chapter 1 that tells players that if they want to do other thing they should do it before heading onwards.
- Added an icon for dialog options that continues the story.
- Added an icon for dialog options related to quests.
- Changed description for the main character to a variable. If your description on the Status screen is shown as "0", don't worry, it will change at the start of the new content.
- Changed text color for different types of items. They are now color coded for your convenience:
    - Consumables: Green
    - Weapons and Armor: Brown
    - Key Items: Amethyst/Purple-ish color
- Changed the Nun event in Chapter 1 to trigger on proximity rather than interacting with her.
- Changed the tutorial to better reflect item interaction going forward. You now have to select the fence key from a menu to open the fence gate.
- Changed the icon for the "Hungry Hungry Slime" quest to something a little more slime-like.
- Changed text formatting for some dialog in chapter 1 (I'll eventually get around to redo all text in chapter 1... Eventually.)
- Passives have been renamed to "Traits".
- Made a few minor changes to some maps and events in chapter 1.
- Fixed a lot of gramatical errors in chapter 1.
- Increased HP of the rat in the tutorial fight to prevent players from accidentally killing it too early.
- Switched the buttons for skipping text and speeding up batttle animations. You now skip text with CTRL and speed up animations with Shift.
  This is to prevent running up to an NPC and accidentally skipping their first lines of dialog.
- The player now starts the game actually wearing some underwear. New underwear will be given at the start of the new content for players who's been free-balling until now.
- Reduced effectiveness of healing potions from 500 -> 300 HP recovered.
- Removed Shield equipment slot from player.
- Removed ability for player to trigger random encounters.
  Previously it was possible to trigger random encounters on maps with monsters if you took an average of 999 steps per map, it happened to me one time. ONE TIME!
- Fixed major bug in the minecart puzzle in chapter 1.
- Fixed a number of minor bugs in chapter 1.
- Changed the priest's sprite in the nun event to the correct one.

Chapter 1b:
- Fixed a major bug that changed the size of the text box unintentionally.
- Fixed a minor bug with a passable tile that should not be passable.

Chapter 1a:
- Fixed a lot of grammar and spelling mistakes
- Fixed various bugs and mistakes
- Fixed low music volume on a few maps.
- Game will now start up in your preferred resolution size (except fullscreen).
- Reduced the chance that bats will blind you.
- Reduced the number of monsters in the mine slightly.
- Interacting with the last gate in the mine now gives a hint on how to open it.
- Encounter-the-bear event can now only be triggered once
- You can no longer leave the stables until you have talked with Hans.
- You can now hold CTRL to speed up animations during combat.
- You can now use the Shift key(default) to quickly skip through text boxes.
- Game font have changed slightly.

Chapter 1:
- Initial Release.

Review by Rem

Version reviewed: Chapter 2c on 12/11/2024

Maid quest is a top down RPG adventure game with a focus on self-exploration and discovery.
In other words, the game is rich with dialogue, interactable objects and secrets for the player to find.

The game has multiple methods of play and you can make it as difficult for yourself as you want. Mobs and combat are for the most part optional. The few exceptions are bosses and mobs you need to find to obtain a treasure. The game is designed in a way that allows for defeating the bosses no matter which level you are, although lower levels make such fight more difficult. Mobs themselves also offer difficulty in later areas, till your level is high enough or have multiple party members.

As the name suggests, the game is about a maid on a quest to find out more about their father.
Transformation themes that you can observe in game are as of the current build male to female related and as of the current build only involve the main protagonist, the player character. I am unaware if there are plans to expand display transformations of other characters.
Each transformation that happens is a minor change, so no instant full character transformations. Some of these are obligated, some are optional and some are hidden behind specific events or only happen when entering a specific area. It creates a sense of 'slow transformation', but each minor one is instant and there is no forced transformation stage that happens on later, so I wouldn't call it slow.

There is another character that according to the lore underwent minor transformations, but basically that is it. You don't observe it.

The game itself extremely well-polished and clearly designed for the player. It is without a doubt that you'll like this game and find fun in each area it offers, if at least you're looking for this. There are many interactable objects offering dialogue or treasure for you to find, there are secrets for you to find (without guides); both of these make actions and effort feel rewarding. The game uses every mechanic the game engine (RPG Maker VX Ace) has to offer and goes beyond this in order to increase what is achievable and create interesting effects in the project.
This game is simply put "good", even in its current stage.

I recommend aspiring game developers to take a glance at this project, no joke.
There is a lot of lore and dialogue, but never too much in a row. You will always have some freedom to explore and see what happens when you deviate from the story and / or take a different route at whichever point in the story you are. Doing so also actually rewards with unique dialogue, secrets or items. This makes the game feel very open, replayable and increases the fun factor for the player by a large shot.
Although the story itself is linear, it doesn't feel this way as the game doesn't for a large part restrict you on this linear path. A number of areas are revisitable and doing so might even reward with new items or even more secrets in some cases. The game feels open and there is plenty to find or discover, even if this is just a joke made by the developer basically.

The narrative, setting and overall dialogue is strong and makes sense. The world building so far has been done well.

Each area is designed in an interesting way and simply put beautiful. The game dev went out of their way to add a lot of flavor, decoration and frills to each area, even using third party assets. Some of it was customized specifically to achieve unique features for a map, which creates an overal rich feel. The additional assets also give the game a more unique taste. All in all combined it is a unique experience. I don't doubt people will enjoy looking at every nook and cranny on these.

There are plenty of 'fancy' features you'd normally not find in RPG Maker games, but as always the little things matter even when you don't notice them. These things tend to end up making you like a project more.

Combat is quite enjoyable. The dev creates scenarios for some of the fights to create unusual experiences, where the player must either use Guard or use a specific skill, or they might just die to something like a rat. This in itself is funny. There is a mix of skills you can obtain, some of which depend on equipment.
Its okay to just grind basically; there isn't much delay between each command. The combat system is a turn based, front face one, similar to the default one. (It's Yanfly's enhanced version in case you care.) It doesn't take long to level up either and I find combat an extremely well balanced experience.
I tend to grind by the way, so I end up with a ton of loot and I am fine with it. I don't need the acceleration feature, but yes, there is an option to speed up animations during combat for those who feel some of combat is just too slow.

Even the random dialogue you might find somewhere is good.

Although I might not get every joke or reference mentioned and while it doesn't mean I like every line displayed, its a good burst to read at least. A lot of dialogue is also optional and not obligately thrown in your face through cutscenes. It's all just well designed.

The selection of music is good, fitting and gives a unique feel to the game. It might take multiple playthroughs before one of the songs is stuck in your head, but I think audiophiles will like it.

The game uses anime inspired sound effects and mostly emote balloons in its scenes to create liveliness with the character interactions during cutscenes, which is fine. Animals are also given sound effects.

Overall I'd give it a 10/10
I tend to score on the low end, but this game basically fits more than my requirements for a good game. An RPG Maker VX Ace game on this site, yeah.
This doesn't mean its perfect or flawless. I mean, the game is incomplete and there is still room for improvement obviously, but the game does well what it does well and it does everything well. I also expect more will be improved over time. It's a 9/10 at least lol.

It isn't focused on porn, which is rare for an RPG Maker game here. I recognize RPG Maker, I know its limits and what it offers. This developer is using the game engine well. Each of its default features is used instead of just some of them, and where needed he also expands its features to make it more enjoyable for the player. The game is player-first focused and pretty much every point in the game is a a good experience for them. Litterally every point, even if it is just because of the maps.

The only point of flaw I could mention is that some of the challenges behind a treasure, the secrets, might be too easy to complete. But then again, a lot of players don't like challenges for whatever reason. There are posts on the forums from people who complain about getting lost for example, although these are very little. At any rate, my own opinion on this won't affect my score.
The challenges are diffidently never too difficult; some are difficult for some players... not me at least.

Anyway, it’s a good game. Just try it and you'll probably see why.

Review by Altimos

Version reviewed: Chapter 2c on 12/10/2024

So, I've probably got a good 12 hours into this game now.

I will say, that I've yet to uncover absolutely everything... perhaps because I'm slow on the uptake or I'm spending more of my time running around these absurdly large maps trying to explore every nook and cranny.


I'm loving the work that has been put into this game so far. While the maps are a lot to take it, I do like that there is much to the game to explore.


What I am a little disapointed in, is that there isn't really any interactions where deplorable acts are being done to the MC yet. So much content, yet none of it I feel gives any creedence to debachery. The old man in the library wanting to check your panties, but you're wearing boxers. I don't know if the scene continues with this, because I've yet to find anything to replace the boxers with. Perhaps there is, I just haven't found it yet because I'm too busy exploring? I mean, just to get to the mansion took me almost 2 hours... I may overly explore maps, so who knows. If you're looking for a quick fap, this isn't the game for it, hell... I'm 12 hours into the game and I've yet to fap to this game at all XD


While there are a certain number of TFs right now, none of them actually do anything as far as lead you to something sexual so far. I feel a bit board playing hoping that after seeing the noncon tag, I'd have experienced something sexual at some point.


Perhaps I've been spoiled by Star Knightess Aura, in the interactions you'll experience just about everywhere you go. I hope that something like that becomes available in the future with Maid Quest as well.

Nonetheless, I still like this game in its entirety and looking forward to MORE as the game continues being developed.

Review by Sileneth

Version reviewed: Chapter 2b on 12/08/2024

This is amazing!

This game uses huge maps, lots of different maps, and lots of neat transversal puzzles to get around those maps.
Usually large maps is not great from a gameplay stance since it's esentially a lot of space between interactable nodes, but so far it works.

The maps are good looking and well put together, one iritation is that interactable items that do not currently have interactions (like a an interesting statue that doesn't have a character reaction/description or a story item being interacted with before it's pertinent) have the exact same output which is the MC puts up a question mark in a thought bubble. I assume that is a placeholder; it would be nice if there was a slightly different reaction between non-functional interactives and interactives whose functionality could be unlocked in the current release, but that might be more work than it's worth for the Dev

All that said: I am really enjoying this!
It kinda reminds me of Little Bitch Academia and slightly less so of Magical Camp

The story is interesting, the characters are fun, and the in game world feels expansive even if the part of it we actually interact with is limited to the story

This and Atramentia's Sword and Soul have to be my favorite RPGmaker projects on the site at the moment

Review by Rosander

Version reviewed: Chapter 2a on 11/26/2024

This has definetly caught my eye with the narative on going, and having all the exploration being available is fun.  I look forward to seeing what happens in the future.

Review by lianneadamson

Version reviewed: Chapter 2a on 11/25/2024

I'm going to give this game the worst review possible: I like it. A lot, actually.

Confused? Let me explain. If you haunt this site long enough, you'll find a game you get attached to. It's enjoyable, creative, and full of potential, it makes you laugh, and it makes you eagerly wait for the next update so you can see what happens next. You want to find all the secrets, collect all the transformations, and then consider doing a separate playthrough trying to avoid those just to see what will happen. And the game keeps being fun. Seeing a new update brightens your day, and you dearly hope that the creator will see it through to completion. You've become attached to it. You've come to like it. A lot.

And then you get that announcement one day. The game is getting discontinued. You'll never get to see the ending, never get to explore what might have been. And you tell yourself you won't get attached to another game like that. You'll casually try out some of the new ones, and if the developer gives up on it, you'll just move on. But then you find another game with real potential, and despite yourself, you find yourself getting drawn in, wondering what might be in the next update. You come to like it.

And that's where I'm at with this game after the last update. I knew it had potential, but I was not prepared for how much megamand was going to do with the solid foundation I'd played before. I had a lot of fun poking around trying to find all the secrets, and I'm still looking. I've told myself I'd play for a half hour, only to play well past that. It's fun to explore, and it absolutely leaves me wanting more.


You've probably noticed a lot of other reviews saying how they hope the game isn't abandoned. Play it, and you'll understand. But be warned beforehand. There's a serious danger that you're going to like this game. A lot. Walk the path of the maid at your own risk.

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