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Build 8
Orig PC Gender
Adult Themes
TF Themes

Version: Build 8


It's the year 2050, your government chose you for a secret operation to steal defense access codes from a neighboring country's minister of defense. With limited resources and time you are being sent into unknown territory to make contact with your target. Your only advantage are nanobots injected into your body that transformed you, giving you a new identity and a unique approach to achieving your goal.

Review by bluerubber

Version reviewed: Build 8 on 02/19/2024

Loved what there was in the real porn version (version 8 and lower) of this game. Had fun playing it. But it seems dev just released a rebooted paperdoll version that is starting from scratch on the mc only route. Basically making the new iteration no longer a TF game. I do have to admit that the game in it's original inception seemed highly highly ambitious based on offering 5-6 character routes which only the tf into female route was open. And then having several routes for that character to build upon once selected. So I definitely felt a dev was biting off way more than one could chew with all of that. So it really doesn't surprise me that the dev decided to cut out most of those routes from their plans, but it does surprise me that the dev has gone to the mc only route to start this reboot off.

I also understand a dev having the "been there done that" mindset and wanting a fresh start, but doing that in this instance makes it a whole new and different game and goes against what supporters might have anticipated and bought on for, so I can't say I agree with this move. It's hard enough for devs to successfully reboot a project without making that choice.

If anything, it would have been smart to keep the female transformation route available as an option until it could be replaced one day with the paperdoll stuff instead of fully removing it. I think part of the devs justification for moving away from real porn was to make it easier to customize, but to me it also makes it a much slower progression of development since now literally all the material will be custom and nothing can be plugged in from real porn.

I will add that I never supported this project financially, so I can't truly speak for what supporters voices might actually be, so maybe they were pushing for this flip. I most likely would have started supporting the project if it had reached pregnancy unlock traits, but it wasn't meant to be I guess (I generally only support projects that have preggo stuff in them and not future plans because most of the time it usually never gets there).

Anyways, take this review for what you may, but just know the newly released version 2 is not what the currently loaded version 8 is that is presently on tfgames.

Review by RedDotGecko

Version reviewed: Build 8 on 08/14/2023

10/10 would recommend!

-Gameplay loop can be a bit boring but i don't have a problem with grinding

-Story appears to be at least decent, but there isn't THAT much here yet (sadly)

-Images work great

-plz gib more ^^

Review by Lorence

Version reviewed: Build 8 on 08/09/2023

Build 8

Game is fun, gameloop is fine with kind of lifesim feature, but its just some JRPG like statgrind honestly.  But its still in the very early stages of development and sports quite few content for now

Review by RedGhost

Version reviewed: Build 7 on 07/24/2023

Build 7:

Writing for this game is solid and interesting for the one path that is available as of this release. Graphics used in the game are serviceable with this alpha release and all of the NPCs are unique. Sound in the game is alright but mostly forgettable background music right now. Interactivity in the game is excellent for this release, but you will run into limited options being available as you work through the current content. Transformations in the game right now are limited on the one path available to MtF with some minor body modification, but beyond that it is just corruption and mental to everyone else.

I enjoyed what I played with this Ren'Py game and I found the content that was available to be interesting enough. All main NPCs have their own driving motivations and most secondary NPCs have some of that too, so they aren't just window dressing. Your own avatar on this pathway can corrupt themselves through your choices, but this also opens up new paths for completing the game and all comes down to how risk-adverse you are with the spy mission.


Review by CugleTheClever

Version reviewed: Build 7 on 07/08/2023

I played this before at version 6 and thought it was pretty good, but it ended rather abruptly. This new version adds quite a lot of interesting content and the game now has quite some depth. The engine is Ren'Py, but the game is not typical of that engine, and has more of a HTML feel about it with menus and stats, which for me is a good feature.


You have a skill tree which you progress by spending points you accumulate through your actions and encounters. Your progress through this (branching) tree dictates what you can do in the game. The main source of skill points is from completing the quests you are given.


Sometimes the best path to suit your personal tastes is not immediately obvious, so I recommend saving regularly so you can replay various steps and try different skills which leads to different options. In my humble opinion this game is definitely worth downloading and playing.

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