Welcome to Carnal Voyages, the sequel to the erotic text-based game Carnal Coup (available here)! The invasion force of the Galactic Pure Union was halted twenty years ago, but it's time for a new generation to take charge, and to begin to restore sexy funtimes to the rest of the galaxy!
Carnal Voyages features a new cast, a far more customizable player character (and sidekick), new alien species, and new worlds to explore! Rather than manage a single space station you will take on the role of a starship captain, stealthily infiltrating GPU space and fighting them on their home front. The crew of your ship will also be notable characters in their own right, with every crewmember having their own skills, talents, and of course - sexual preferences.
As with Carnal Coup, sexual preference flexibility is a driving force behind the game design. Not only will you be free to design the body type you desire (human or otherwise), but a galaxy of potential partners awaits you, and it is your choice who to pursue - space babes, space cowboys, or anyone else who catches your eye. There's something for everyone out there!
Game currently in development! This game is in a very early alpha release state, and will be receiving monthly updates via Patreon. At the moment, gameplay is limited to the 'Introduction Sequence', focused around introducing the setting, creating the characters, and offering intros to a few of the game's mechanics. Many more features are on the way!
Carnal Voyages will feature the following species to play as or play with:
Where can I find out more? In addition to the project blog, we also have a public Discord server at: https://discord.gg/DASPc65 There you can expect to find patch notes, species and project member highlights, and other game updates!
You can find the Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/CarnalCoup
The game blog is at: http://carnalcoup.blogspot.com/
Visit for more info!
v0.29.1 - v0.30.0 Combined Change Log
Game Functions:
Scene Content:
Art Content:
Codex Entries:
Bug Fixes:
Known Issues:
I think it looks nice, alone i failed in the combat training, because i simply didn't understand what i should do. You click on things and it seems that nothing happens. Then you click on something else and it seems that something happened, but you have no clue what exactly happened and so on. I had never the feeling that i would know what i was doing xD
Probably the least intuitive combat system Ive ever dealt with, tried to read and understand how it works but no luck. Shame as it seems like there is a lot here but I cant figure this out lol.