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RPG Maker MV
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Adult Themes
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Version: 1.0.0

(Sirenski) Tower of Trials

In a kingdom with a social class of elites called Supreme Warriors, a prideful challenger named Makoto has finally arrived at his final challenge, the Tower of Trials. Should he succeed, he’ll be granted all of the privileges of a Supreme Warrior: Immense wealth, a castle, political power, all the women he could ever want. Unfortunately for him, the trials aren’t at all what he expected…



This game was translated by kmalloc from Japanese with explicit permission by the original author, Sirenski. The original Japanese title is “Shiren no Tou” (試練の塔).

Original Game Link

Themes/Content Warnings

Domestic violence, sexual assault, rape, explicit nudity and sexual imagery. There is also a bit of, for lack of a better phrase, “politically incorrect” content. As always with this kind of thing: I am not the original author, I don’t endorse actions in the game, it’s a work of fiction, etc.

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Review by hathios

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 07/24/2023

I need a walkthrough because I am stuck as a maid.

Review by parya

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 06/01/2023

та блядь! Я даже из второй комнаты не могу выйти!!unrerally difficult, go fuck yourself. you have no idea what people looking for on this site

Review by Volendi

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 05/31/2023

This game is short... like VERY short!

Even shorter if you don't know that clicking on non-sparkling items is sometimes the way forward, instead of hitting every SPARKLY OBJECT!!! you can see...

Decent amount of endings, but none of them are "good".

Even in the "true" ending, things go wrong for the protagonist.

WARNING: There is... a bit of trigger warnings that need to be noted. "forced", domestic abuse, MORE "forced" and def noncon!

MORE WARNING: somewhat unintuitive puzzles, but not the worst. Hardest was the one in the school, and felt like a ditz after savescumming it, then retroactively figuring out what the hints were trying to say.

SCHOOL PUZZLE: Shift the envelope letters one way to form the word ANSWER. Then, with the one hint, it says the third letter is key. Shift BACK, and you'll find the number changes to the number of the correct envelope, 1-3 being top row, 4-6 being bottom row. That's as much as I'm willing to put here, and even that might be spoiler-ish.

Try getting to the "true" end first before going to diff bad ends. You'll get a "bonus room" you can use to warp to diff spots to try stuff, goes MUCH quicker, for an already short game.

I mean, I liked it, and no real problems with the english translation, translator did a great job! Surprisingly a good many endings for the tiny amount of rooms in-game!

If the above-mentioned triggers are bearable for you, I would reccommend playing this!

Review by DogIdleDays

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 05/30/2023

I'm too smoothbrained for puzzle games, even relatively simple ones like this, but kmalloc's translations are always a high point, and the translator's notes are half the reason I've downloaded this. From what I've seen, the "politically incorrect" content mostly relates to a rather regressive interpretation of gender roles, and while that's not a turn-on for me specifically, I know that's a major interest of several people who list games on this site. If you like the RPG Maker Escape Room oeuvre and don't mind or enjoy the aspects mentioned in the game description, it's probably at least an 8/10. If you suck at puzzle games or cringe at "get in the kitchen" sentiments, I'm with you 100%. For me personally, it's a 4/10, it'll stay on my hard drive for when I'm really bored though. Once again, thanks to kmalloc for putting in the effort to get these games to a wider international audience.

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