This is a Roguelike Card Game in early development! It contains Adult Content like nudity. There will be more pornographic content and transformations in the future, but the first focus is to have more content to have a stable gameplay loop.
I'm a solo game developer trying to make juicy games you can enjoy. If you want to support me and have early access to future releases, check out my Patreon:
or my Subscribestar:
-Click on each encounter until you have finished them all.
-Do not click on EXIT, or you will restart the run.
-Drag your cards from the hand onto the ally (to block) or on the enemy to attack.
-On the top left of the card, the Energy needed is displayed. You have 3 Energy each round.
-If your HP reaches 0, you lose (this won't regenerate between encounters!).
-Strength does not carry on into the next encounter.
Leave a comment if you have any other questions :)
More cards, More enemies and bosses, Animations, Winning / losing scenes
You are a Rogue trying to save a Princess in a corrupting Monstergirl World.
Tips to Win:
- Try to Block Damage and stack Strength before focusing on attacks
- Preventing to get hit instead of hitting the enemy is sometimes smarter
- Wait for a Round, where the enemy is not attacking to attack
Patreon/SubStar Version 0.2.3 Undead Set
+ 3 new Enemies from the Undead Set (Zombie, Vampire, Skeleton)
+ 6 New Cards from the Undead Set
+ New Card effect scaling dmg every time played
+ New Card effect checking yourself for Buffs
Bug fixes (hopefully):
- Events get you soft locked if appearing 2x in a row
- "This is still in development" window appearing after stage 1
- Demon altar Bug if you have no Basic attacks
Tell me if the bugs still appear (for me, they don't).
Public Version 0.2.2 Heavenly Set
+ 3 new Enemies from the Heavenly Set (Valkyrie, Nun, Maenad)
+ 6 New Cards from the Heavenly Set
+ New Card effect Dodge
+ New Card effect dependent on Yellow Cards in your deck
+ New Card effect changing the Cost of Cards
Public Version 0.2.1 Boss Toys Scene
+ Boss Stage 2 Ending Scenes (Dragongirl, Demongirl, Angel)
Including an animated Scene, with Sound etc.
+ Fixed Death Scenes in Stage 2 now showing 3 new Transformations
+ Fixed Bug, where the Traps didn't lead to the correct Encounter
+ Fixed (hopefully) problems with the Android Version and newer Phones
+ New: Build .io went silent and doesn't respond to updates.
Therefore there isn't any iOS Version for IPhones anymore, sorry.
Public Version 0.2.0 Another Transformation
+ 12 new Player Transformations (5 images each) including:
Human -> Demon, Pond, Goblin
Beast -> Demon, Pond, Goblin
Mystic -> Demon, Pond, Goblin
Slime -> Demon, Pond, Goblin
+ Human -> Demon, Pond, Goblin transformation in end scene
Bug Fixes and small Changes:
- "Packing a big Surprise" now exhausts
- Bug fix where gold was surpassing the max amount
Public Version 0.1.9 Stage 2 Bosses
+ 3 new Stage Bosses from new Sets (Undead, Heavenly, Dragon)
+ 3 new Backgrounds (Undead, Heavenly, Dragon)
+ 2 new abilities: Dodge and Debuff
+ 7 new Stage 2 Boss Relics with unique effects affecting the whole game!
+ New on-draw effect for cards (happens on drawing the card)
Small Changes and Bug fixes:
- Fixed a couple Cards display color from str/tox buffs
Public Version 0.1.8 Hotfix
+ Fixed a bug where the game crashes upon death
+ Fixed a bug where the card reward tooltip info didn't disappear after clicking
+ Fixed the "looking for the weakspot" card not showing the correct attack value
+ Fixed the Relics not showing correctly after death and restarting a run
+ Fixed the problem where widescreen users couldn't see the close button of the tutorial
+ Fixed the number size of Status effects (like block) if they reach 100+
Public Version 0.1.8 The 2nd Shop opened
+ New Shop in Stage 2
+ 3 new Events in Stage 2
+ 3 new small enemies in Stage 2
+ 4 New pictures for "it's a Trap"
+ Corruption Pie Chart reacts t to Stage 2 separately
+ Added Screensize options and Windowed mode
Small Changes and Bug fixes:
- Fixed the enemy gamble intention made the enemy attack itself
- The Cow event should only appear once per run
- Gold is now capped at 999 (to nerf goblin cards)
- Description of the Relics now appear on the Mouse (not in the corner)
Public Version 0.1.7 Stage 2 Elites
+ Added 6 new Stage 2 Elite Enemies
+ Added 8 new Stage 2 Elite Card Rewards
+ New Enemy Skill: Lifesteal (Deals Dmg and Heals)
+ New Enemy Skill: Gamble (Intention is not shown of next move)
+ New Enemy Skill: Card Steal (Exhausts Cards in your Deck)
+ New Enemy Skill: Health Regen (Heals every Round)
+ Multiple new Card skills: Execute, Double Debuffs,
keep Armor, Regain Exhausted Cards, extra Turn, etc.
+ New Save System (Offline and Online Play is possible!)
+ Too hard or too easy? New Difficulty / Progression System!
Small Changes and Bugfixes:
- Character stays transformed in stage 2 (for now)
- Some Balance Changes for stage 2
- Buff: Might of the bull doesn't remove the Block anymore
- Demon Crest auto targets the Player
- Slime Merge shows the buff from Shield
- Fix: Lone Wolf properly heals on kill
- Fix: Lifesteal and Healthpay didn't work, when killing the last enemy
Public Version 0.1.6 First Stage Ends
+ Added a transformation Pie Chart showing your Deck corruption.
+ Added 6 new Relics and Changed the effect of 1.
+ Added the Card "Claw Attack".
+ Relic choices change depending on your Decks corruption.
+ Added Ending Scenes to all 3 Bosses in Stage 1.
+ Added Patreon/SubscribeStar and Discord links to the Menu.
+ Added Unity Analytics to collect ingame Data for Balance improvements.
This Analytics Data is Anonymous and will only be used to improve the Game.
Example of this Data: Location/Enemy of Player death, Deck/Relics choices etc.
Including Version 0.1.6 Hotfix:
+ Fixed Bug where it was not possible to enter the Patreon Code on Android.
+ Added the Possibility to Opt-Out from the Analytics and Request Data deletion.
+ Changed the look of the Options Menu
Public Version 0.1.5 The Story Begins
+ Added an Intro Scene with 7 Scenes (skippable)
+ Added a Help/Tutorial Button to assist beginners with the basics.
+ Added a Map and Icons Glossary to the Tutorial.
+ Added Health bars to increase the visibility of the Health.
+ Added a Deck Button to view the Current Deck at any time.
+ Removed Max HP loss after Stage 2 to increase difficulty.
+ Added a new System to increase Enemy power and defense after Stage 2.
Small Changes:
Some minor Text changes to make certain events more Consensual...
Decreased Ambush Chance by a bit and increased Events Chance.
Goblins can now attack normally as well (not only with Gold steal)
Map Icons are less dark to make their color more visible.
Bug fixes:
Gold is capped at 9999 to address a bug at high gold.
Cow relic did not heal properly -> fixed
Some Cards did not show correct block value when affected by shield.
Researching is now auto-targeting the player.
Public Version 0.1.4 Sound and Music
+ Added Sound and Music system to the game
+ Added Options Menu to regulate Volume (accessible also ingame)
+ Added Mute Button to Mute all Sound (accessible also ingame)
+ Sound Options save to keep Volume between sessions
+ 34 Soundeffects added (license-owned)
+ 6 Musictracks added (license-owned)
Credits for the Music to:
Alexander Nakarada (CreatorChords), David Krulic, Rafael Krux
Public Version 0.1.3 Shrooms, Cows and More
+ New Mushroom Boss and Mushroom Spawn
New Multitarget Heal, Block and Strength increase
Enemy can Add Cards in your Deck during Combat
+ New Orc Boss
New Ability that Cleanses all negative effects
+ 3 New Events in Stage 1
(Moo-luscious Change, The Mirror of hidden Desires, Peeping Pervert)
new: Events can give Relics as Rewards
new: Events can add Cards to your Deck
new: Events can let you Remove Cards from the Deck
Bug fixes:
Attack number of enemies was displayed wrong when player is vulnerable.
On Loss the Relic symbol was not removed from the UI.
Public Version 0.1.2 Updates and Changes
+ New Card/Enemy abilities:
Defense: Block that is not removed at the start of the turn.
Vulnerable Draw: Draw a Card when the enemy is vulnerable.
Cleanse: Remove all Status from the enemy (Strength, Poison, Block etc.).
Add cards: Add a certain Card to your Hand.
Block Attack: Attack with your Block.
On Kill effect: Gain Mana or Heal if the Card kills the enemy.
Spikes now only get halved every turn.
+ 6 New Shop Cards (2 Rare, 4 Common).
The shop displays 8 Cards at random from the designated card pool.
+ Balance Changes:
Deeper Balance Calculations and ingame algorithms to determine difficulty.
Cards and Enemy adjustments.
The enemies strength is more graduated.
Enemies can have different amount of HP for variation and difficulty graduation.
Public Version 0.1.1 Hotfix
+ Bug fix on Windows where player cant load saves.
+ Visual bug fix multiple backgrounds on Rest sites.
+ Android Version Upgrade to API level 34 (for new phones).
Public Version 0.1.1 Goblin, Demons, Pond Set
+ For Big Banana Support Tiers: Startdeck chooser (aggressive, poison or defensive)
+ For Huge Banana Support Tiers: Startdeck draft (draft a deck from presented cards)
+ New Demon Set in Stage 2 with 3 Enemies and 6 Cards.
+ New Goblin Set in Stage 2 with 3 Enemies and 6 Cards.
+ New Pond Set in Stage 2 with 3 Enemies and 6 Cards.
+ New Card/Enemy abilities:
Stun: Stunns the enemy for X turns (their turn gets skipped)
Fragile: Player/Enemies with Fragile gain less Block
Shield: Increases future Block gain
Spikes: Returns X dmg to attackers
Gold: Cards can gain, gamble and pay gold. Or act dependent on your current Gold.
Health: Certain cards cost you Health.
Multiattack: Attacks can be multiattack (e.g. 3x 5 dmg)
EnemyGoldAttack: An attack that steals Gold for every unblocked dmg.
+ 2 New Backgrounds (Lake, Hideout)
+ Some Card Balance changes
Public Version 0.1.0 Relics
+ 6 different Relics (Obtainable after the Boss)
+ Save and Load System (only if online)
+ Offline Mode with no save
+ 3 new Enemies
Balance Changes (ongoing Process):
+ New Enemy attack system (Random abilities with certain probabilities)
+ Changes of Enemies Attack Values, Health etc.
+ Changes of various Card Values
+ Some more Cards now Exhaust after being played (e.g. Strength Cards)
+ 3 New Common Enemies
+ 6 New Common Cards
+ 3 New Elite Enemies
+ 3 New Elite Cards
+ Elite Rewards give now only Elite Cards
+ Remove Cards from your deck (for a price) in the Shop
+ New Card and Enemy Status effect "Weakened" (Deal 25% less dmg)
+ New Card and Enemy Status effect "Vulnerable" (Get 50% more dmg)
+ Enemy Attacks/Poison Intentions includes now the Strength or Toxicity value.
+ New "Exhaust" card function. Cards with Exhaust can only be played once per combat.
+ Heal Cards now Exhaust
+ New Stage 1 Boss (Demon Girl)
+ New Cave Background
+ New Enemy Darkness Effect
Difficulty adjustment:
+ In the first couple fights you won't face 3 enemies at once.
+ After those couple fights you won't face single enemies anymore.
+ Shop heal increased to 25
+ Stats + Health reduction for multiple Enemies and Elites
+ New Trap/Event Map
+ 3 new events
+ 4 new monster traps
+ 3 New Backgrounds
+ Repeated playthrough with keeping the deck is possible
+ New Downloadable Android Version! (Important: tap the cards before dragging on the Phone!)
Difficulty adjustment:
+ More Money earned after Combat
+ Decreased Enemy Str gain
+ First round will always be 1 Wolf
+ New Shop Scene to spend Gold
+ New Cards for the Shop
+ New Shop NPC + Text
+ Resting/Healing for Gold
+ Longer Runs due to Healing
+ Poison Cards Nerf
+ WebGL Build (Play in Browser)
+ New UI and Card designs
+ New Player Transformations (22 new graphics)
+ Player Transformation changes depending on Card picks
+ Loss shows full transformation of Player
Money has no use yet
+ New Encounter choices on the Map
+ 6 new enemies
+ 9 new cards
+ New Poison and Toxicity Effect
Money has no use yet
- New Map for Random Generated Runs with 8 encounters
-7 different enemies (New Mystical Creatures Set)
-22 different cards
-Fixed the enemy intention number not showing correctly
-Money has no use yet
-1 single run with 8 encounters
-4 different enemies (wolf themed)
-15 different cards
-Money has no use yet
-1 single run with 4 encounters
-3 different enemies
-9 different cards
-Money has no use yet
I feel like someone needs to come in an correct something about the review below. The games balance isnt really to heal or always be at full HP. There is a heal at the "town" and your only goal is to have 1 life or better by the time you beat that instances last boss. Shields are also a form of healing and you can and normally will mitigate most to all damage dealt to you. Saying balance is bad because the few heals outside of the "town" are low isn't really correct in my opinion.
Now what is bad, Poison damage sucks. You cannot block it, you cannot remove it. If you do a slime run your going to take damage and theres no reason to use shields at all for a lot of attacks. Poisons should do their damage to shields before the shields wear off after the turn, otherwise your HP you can normally keep pretty high starts to drain really fast. And when Poison is your choice of damage, it doesn't really scale well without a small selection of specific cards, at which point it scales out of control. Very poor middle ground sadly.
Transformations are mostly good and theres a hand drawn version coming eventually. I would like to see multiple transformation paths for the same deck corruptions however. If all corrupts had 2 or 3 different transformation paths your character will follow with damage taken, it would be a lot more interesting to rerun. A lot of the transformations have big breasts as well and it would be nice to get some smaller transformations as well. Its kind of interesting that the Succubus transformation is the smallest and most modest but its also my favorite lol.
and with that my review cherry is popped. Good game btw, hopefully gets expanded more
PS: plz add more relics and redo the elite fights, they suck currently and the ? rooms are also lackluster so far.
This game has a beautiful design, and it could be good. However, the balance is still terrible. Heal cards of 5, every hit by every enemy is 7 - 30. Weird timing of cards, that consistently give you a hand full of block cards when no one is attacking and a hand full of attack cards when everyone else is attacking you. No method of blocking posion at all, period, and rapidly growing numbers of enemies with poison attacks. The developer is putting a lot of effort into it, and I download every new version, but the balance just keeps staying awful.
All of that is on the first level. The second level is ridiculous. You have no real method of getting stronger, but the enemies are twice as strong. Also, the goblins steal your money with every hit, and yet strangely I can't take my money back off their dead bodies? Come on man, I know the idea is to enjoy getting transformed, but it is hard to enjoy when the game is essentially just a "surprise, you get to die no matter what you do" grind.
Change every heal card to +10 or more, because your enemies are sure as heck going to consistently do that much damage to you. Make them so that they are actually helpful, not just some worthless tease.
The odd timing may just be random, but it is very consistent. Fix that.
I know this comes across as negative, and I apologize, because you've put a lot of work into this game. But the game is currently infuriating because it's impossible. Please, fix it.
Slay the spire with transformation when you get damaged. It´s a solid base for a game, I do hope dev keeps ironing out a couple of bugs and some lag in choosing cards in hand.
I would also recommend some more event nodes with opportunity to change the deck more.
Will come back to this in a few updates :)
Another Slay the Spire type of card game with art generated by AI (Stable Diffusion).
So far it is bareboned, only graphical TFs, no text description, can’t really build the deck by discarding unnecessary cards…etc,
However, it looks promising, will come back when there are more contents filled.
A solid start. Obviously this is bare-bones at the moment, but it shows a lot of potential. I think there's some balancing to be done (even without added strength cards, life steal is incredibly over-powered when a regular heal only gives you 3hp, for example), but the foundations are there for this game. I look forward to future updates.