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$ 10.00
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Version: 0.3

Mistress's Rampage

"Mistress's Rampage" is a top-down style shooter in which you take control of Mistress herself!
Infectious bimbos have overrun her base, and she needs to blast them all or risk becoming one of them!
(Non-lethally blast them, of course)

The demo has 7 levels in it.
The current full game has an additional 30 levels, across two campaigns!
If you have any suggestions for additional content, feel free to tell me :D

Please note 2 things:
1. You'll need a desktop or laptop to play, and a mouse is highly recommended.
2. I've gotten reports from my playtesters that the game sometimes softlocks on slower computers. Hopefully, most of that is fixed now.
Also, it lags a lot on slower computers^^

This is still an Alpha for now, however, if I get enough requests for it, I'd be willing to release it on itch.io.
I would charge 10$ for it on there as well, hypothetically of course.
For now, I am adding this to the bundle of games under the 10$ tier of my Subscribe Star and Patreon!

NOTE: By subscribing, you'll get access to all of my paid games, not just this one^^


Mistress's base is being invaded by infectious bimbos!

She needs to (non-lethally) blast them all or risk becoming one of them!

Oh, and also figure out where they're all coming from...

(Paid version only below)


Mistress's A.I. has had her systems invaded by a bimbo virus!

The A.I. must clear them all out and restore her corrupt systems without becomig corrupted herself!

Mistress: Main character! Powerful magic user who is resistant, but not immune, to the bimbos.

Bimbos: Various victims of the mysteryous plague, many of them used to be male.

Mages: Mysterious hostile magic users.

(Paid version only below)

Civilians: People who need to be saved from the bimbos!

Twilight: Mistress's A.I., who is a playable character in the campaign 'Bimbo Virus'!

The Viruses: Not exactly characters, but I'll put them on here anyway.


WASD or arrows to move, Esc to pause, left click for normal shot, right click for special shot.

Q for auto fire, and E to use special abilities. Spacebar for sprint (Unlockable, paid version only)


Basically, don't let the enemies or enemy projectiles touch you.

NOTE: Game will lag on slower computers, and may occasionally softlock on them as well.

V 0.3: Initial release.


V 0.4 (PAID)

-Finished the main campaign, complete with 18 levels and a boss fight at the end
-Changed the game window settings so it will always launch in full screen, and clicking out of the game accidentally is impossible
-Cleaned up the settings menu
-Added autosave feature
-Added ability to delete/reset your save file
-Added high score tracker
-Added a % bar to replace the 'Special Shot Charging/Ready' text on the HUD
-Added ability to load your most recent game even if game is closed and reopened
-Checkpoint system removed, due to ability to load most recent game
-Added 'Quit' and 'Resume' buttons to pause screen
-Added level number to level intro screens
-Increased all enemy damage by 50% on Very Hard difficulty
-Made autofire carry over between levels, so you don't have to push Q at the start of every level
-Added full-body avatar to the side of the screen that updates alongside the player
-Added 'Point Bank' that stores all your points from all completed playthroughs, including points from gameovers
-Added 'Point Shop' that sells one time purchase upgrades for 5000 points each
-Added 'Extra HP', 'Faster Recharge', and 'Enemy Tracker' to the shop
-Added 'Far Sight', Sprint', and 'Piercing Shot' to the shop
-Added sprint meter that unlocks at the same time the Sprint ability is unlocked
-Added extra security to try and prevent soft locks. You can always quit the game and reload your save to start the level over,
this will hopefully allow you to complete the game no matter what



V 0.5 (PAID)

-Added new campaign: Bimbo Virus. You play as Twilight, Mistress's A.I.
-Added new powerup exclusive to Twilight: Spinning Balls
-Added several new enemy types exclusive to the Bimbo Virus campaign
-Added the ability to purchase alternate TFs for both the original campaign and the new one

Review by Rand0

Version reviewed: 0.5 on 08/31/2023

Got to say, I love how this game is and its one of the few games I've spent money on and have no regrets doing so. The idea of a "bimbo infection" isn't one a new one but it's a rare and a welcome sight to see it actually played out in an actual "infection" type of way. With this and one other game, Bimbocalypse:Rise of the Bimbies, being the only two (that I know of) that actually follow this concept through to the capital T. However, Mistress's Rampage creates its own identity seprate from Bimbocalypse by adding onto itself it's own flavors of transformative fun. With varying enemies, a second campaign featuring a different (but still bimbo related) theme, as well as costumes that can not only change the player model's transformations but sometimes even the enemies you face as well. My only laments are that I wish there were more campaigns and/or costumes to give me an excuse to keep playing (not that I won't return time and time again for a good few rounds). As well as perhaps extending the demo to include one more mission from the main caimpaign. Specifically, the one in which we start to see other people and get to either save them, or fail to do so and see them join the horde. Since when I orignally tried the demo, I was left unsure if it would just be a game like CoD zombies. With people turning into bimbos only being an implied, offscreen matter and not like the actual Infector zombie like game that I found it to be.


As some have pointed out previously, this game, like all of Thriller's other titles, uses a Kisekae artstyle for its models. This is fine for me but I know that Kisekae's style isn't for everyone sadly.


All in all, with Thriller's track record of game's, I'm looking forward to how this title shapes up in the future. All we need to do is wait and support them through their efforts!

Review by boganfett

Version reviewed: 0.4 on 03/26/2023

You play as a head, and fight other heads. And the more you're touched, the more the head changes into a bimbo looking head. Eh. Not that great. There's no story that isn't just "oh no, here comes more". Just not that great at all. Graphics look like Chips Challenge

Review by valebb12

Version reviewed: 0.3 on 03/11/2023

Great game but I would love if we could continue to play after we become a bimbo, or maybe start right out as a bimbo

Review by Pewwaya

Version reviewed: 0.3 on 03/10/2023

This is my most favorite game from you! I love this kind of gameplay for transformation games. I just wish the controls didn't require both hands..

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Total Adult Themes: 10
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