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Version: 0.3

by kerris

You are just out of high school and living with your girlfriend. When she starts working out of town you make the stupid choice of cheating on her.


When you get caught, instead of breaking up with you she starts feminizing you with the help of her best friend.

You are just out of high school and living with your girlfriend. When she starts working out of town you make the stupid choice of cheating on her.


When you get caught, instead of breaking up with you she starts feminizing you with the help of her best friend.

The main characters are you, your girlfriend and her best friend. Other characters get introduced as time goes on.

I hope I have everything programmed where you don't need much of a walkthrough. The basics are:

Go to work.

Masturbate to keep sexual arousal below 81.

Keep an eye on the top right corner (Phone) to see if you have texts or emails. If you do an (!) or (+) will appear. This doesn't start until a couple of weeks into the game.

0.3 quickfix 2:

- FIxed issue with close phone link not working on day 50.

0.3 quickfix.

- Fixed issue where game would break if you chose to put panties on on day 22.

- Fixed a broken image.

Updated full download with fix also added just a html download if you already have the full game.


0.3 - Hi all it's been a while! Sorry had some family issues that complicated being able to work on this and I'm still learning how twine and sugarcube work which complicated how long it took me to get it done :P

I've made a ton of programming changes and sorry but you will have to restart if you have played before and have saves. Sorry like I said I'm still learning how all of this works. I added code into the game so hopefully this won't happen again. I haven't tested it yet though because I have been testing everything else like crazy but I plan to this week when I start on the next release.

I built the town and the city and added a lot of stores. Most of them are almost done but I still have to add items to a few stores and "hire" some employees. I also got rid of the hidden locations. Everything is open to visit if you want to. None of them are necessary at this point though so if you don't want to then you don't have to. The only thing you need to do at this point is go to work and come home. Some of the stores will be necessary at a later point but you will find out during the story and I will hopefully remember to get the hints updated correctly. There will also be some new locations added later when needed. And I plan on having multiple side quests at some of the locations in the future.

I reprogrammed the clothing and wardrobe system which took way longer to figure out how to do and to code than a care to admit. But you can now save a few outfits of your choice to make changing clothes easier and also just if you want to wear different things. I also added a bunch of clothes to the stores. None of them are necessary at this time but some will be in the future. And I still have more to add but it's time consuming to add them so I will do a little at a time.

I also made the location links just pictures for the city, town and mall. If you hover over them they say the names if you want. Hopefully with most of them you can pretty much tell what  it is by the picture. I tried putting the names as links also but to me it looked like crap. I guess just my personal preference but I like it better with just the images. But if people don't like it that way and want a link name also let me know.

I coded the lackey selection for girls night so it's now completely random. From which chip everyone draws to the dice roll. It's not used in this version but will be soon. Although I am putting a check in there so you don't go a long time without being the lackey. And I'm sure at some point I will force the mc to be the lackey if necessary for the storyline.

I'm sure there's more I can't think of right now but those are the main things. Sorry for the long post.

Also added more content.


0.2 - Sorry it's taken so long but a lot of changes and I'm still learning how to do everything in twine.

You will need to start over if you have a saved game but I removed the timed features so you can just click through everything fast.

* Removed the timed features in passages that used them.

* Changed getting caught masturbating passages to be hard coded at certain times instead of random when masturbating.

* Changed masturbating to take arousal to 0.

* Reduced the amount of increased arousal in most passages.

* Reduced size of files.

* Hopefully fixed the issue with images not working in linux. I don't have a linux box to test on so if they are still not working properly someone please let me know.

* Hid all locations outside of home and work that do not currently have content for them. They will unlock later.

* Changed the dialogues to be boxed in with pictures.

* Re-coded the texting system.

    - Reduced code.

    - Changed code so you get texts at different times of day instead of just when waking up.

    - Changed appearance of text messages.

    - Added audio alert when you get a text message. (I will add a mute button for this if people want it!)

* Fixed typos in several passages.

* Fixed some typos with names in a few passages.

* Changed the passage where orgasm control was going to start. I rushed starting it because masturbating was such a pain. Now that masturbating is fast and easy I will bring it in later.

* Added a couple of passages so there is more content the first couple of weeks. The week after you get caught cheating will still be a slow week besides work and sleep.

* Reduced some of the grind

   - Added go to work link in the bedroom

   - Changed it where you automatically dress for work when you wake up Mon-Fri.

   - Got rid of "outside" at work so you start in the lobby.

* Added new content. Sorry not much this time.


0.1 - Initial release.





Review by kerris

Version reviewed: 0.3 on 10/23/2024

Sorry I was testing something with that passage and forgot to change it back. I will fix it tomorrow but on the passage where you can wear the panties or not (pick no this is stupid). If you don't wear them you won't have this problem. Sorry again I will fix it tomorrow and thanks for letting me know.

Review by photodude2224

Version reviewed: 0.3 on 10/21/2024

Just played but on Day 25 there are no options to move anywhere. No master bedroom or spare room or anyway to advance the plot.

Review by DarcWing21

Version reviewed: 0.2 on 07/11/2023

I downloaded to v.2 file but when I open the html, it still shows as v.1. What gives?

Review by bobkelpie7

Version reviewed: 0.2 on 07/11/2023

I found the 0.1 version of this unplayable but thought I would give it another go.

0.2 is improved a lot! After the first 2 weeks or so of the "intro" there is quite a lot of content here and there is just enough of the daily cycle in place so that you are unsure when it will arrive but don't feel like nothing is happening.

The main characters in the story are decent and likeable, and while it is a sissy trainer, the style and approach feels different enough to make it standout.

Great job on the adjustments from the first version, looking forward to more!

Review by Renadon

Version reviewed: 0.1 on 03/05/2023

Nice but grindy game. I like the content so far and I have some suggestions. Mostly things that got on my nerves in similar games. Please keep in mind people may not play your game only once. Possible multiple paths in future updates could lead to replaying it. Maybe you fix something which breaks save falies (happens quite often) and we have to click throuh all of it again, only to be annoyed by the same repetive stuff. Prevents me from replaying some games which still receive updates but broke their save files and are so grindy and repetitive I'm had no motivation to repeat it all again.


Content is good and I'm really looking forward to future updates. Please don't be disheartened by the given feedback. Just want to help and maybe prevent "mistakes" that could turn players away.

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