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Game Information
RPG Maker MZ
Release Date
Last Update
Orig PC Gender
Adult Themes

Version: 1.0.2

Version: 1.0.1

Version: 1.0.0

Magical Potion Land
by Neeavyn

Magical Potion Land is a relatively short puzzle game with multiple solutions for maximum replayability. You have to transform yourself or the people around you to advance. Multiple playthroughs are necessary to get all transformations.

Development Note
The game is considered feature complete, but I will continue to provide bug fixes and flesh out specific scenes as the need arises.

1.0.2 Changelog
-Fixed the ending where all bikini models become male and PC is not a bikini model.
-Fixed the ending where Cloe wins.
-Fixed Copy Potion issues when you're a Cowgirl.
-Fixed not being able to take masculinity potion after using it on yourself.
-Fixed unconscious contestants spawning in Guestroom.
-Fixed dialogue for Samuel's girlfriend quest.
-Fixed dialogue for getting drinks in the tavern as Sabrina.
-Fixed catching rat as a cat.
-Fixed some dialogue issues, variable dependancies and typos.
-Added a version for Mac user.
-Fixed bad grammar in the changelog (me fail english? unpossible).

1.0.1 Changelog
-Enter Castle through the Boulder Cave no longer softlocks you.
-You're no longer able to switch back bodies after becoming a snake.
-Sabrina only spawns in Forest Cave after bodyswap.
-Fixed dialogue repetition if you chose to not switch bodies back.
-Fixed dialogue faces in Forest Cave.
-Farmhand no longer softlocks the game when you transform him.
-Made it more clear that the farm dog is female.
-Fixed Samuel not despawning in barn.
-Fixed a few typos.

Review by Red-XIII

Version reviewed: 1.0.2 on 03/05/2023

Short, cute, mischievous and hilarious. You get games like this on tfgs from time to time which are not about scratching a certain itch but rather about a specific "local" brand of humour, and they are generally worth every second you spend on them. This one is no exception.

But this one is also a walking testament to the power of RPG-maker for storytelling.

You'd never achieve the same result with the same amount of assets with HTML or renpy.

That's the effect of having a controllable character for you.

It makes the world and it's characters feel alive, and as direct a result of that, you get more out of one set of sprites and a single short passage of text then you'd get out of pages upon pages of writing in one of those gazillion and a half HTML "games".

I agree with a previous reviewer - this is what games on TFGS should strive to be like.

But not because of the "short and done vs long and stuck" sentiment.

It's because this is actually a game telling a story, while the site nowadays is mostly filled by stories pretending to be games.

Review by Volendi

Version reviewed: 1.0.1 on 02/25/2023

Short, but with a surprising amount of ways to get through each of the areas! This is what games on TFGames Site should aspire to be! Most epic length games end up discontinued or oversaturated with "options" or both...




Lots of replayability!

Awesome game!

Review by MayxMarzo

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 02/24/2023

For an initial release of the game, it's short and fun time for about twenty minutes which is as long as it took me to play through most of the tfs I could find. The main point of the game is to solve puzzles in one of a few ways with some examples focused on transforming the main character while others involve transforming other people with these potions. I think the mechanic is fun and while it's not a big game, it's enough to spend the time on. I think that more puzzles and tfs could be really fun to see if this game gets updates, expanding on whats there. 


A few issues I have is that there's ultimately only one ending with some slight flavour text changes depending on the form the MC finished as. Personally, I'd have liked to have seen more variations and perhaps brief epilogues of the oc after the events of the game depending on the form but that's certainly something that can be added in a later update. There's a few spelling mistakes I noticed in the intro which are an easy fix and don't take the game down for me, and a few bugs which didn't affect my progression in the slightest, just made it so certain things that happened probably shouldn't have happened. 


Otherwise, I like whats there and It's a fun game to spend half an hour on just looking for different tfs.

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Total Adult Themes: 10
Total Transformation Themes: 26
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