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Fraternity Haze

You are a member of Kappa Delta Phi, the most infamous fraternity on campus. Your year-end event was meant to be a simple celebration of the graduating class, but the night takes a turn for the bizarre when an actual incubus shows up to crash the party. It's threatening to turn all but one of you into its sex-addled playthings unless you can win its perverted game and, worse still, the demon insists that one of the party guests is secretly scheming to sacrifice the rest of you. Can you keep yourself in the game long enough to expose the traitor, or will you end up another corrupted creature in the demon's expanding harem?

Neither, unfortunately. The current version contains only a prologue and one round of play; however, there's still quite a bit to explore on repeat playthroughs, including 4 transformative outcomes, over 30 erotic scenes, and about 80,000 words. The sexual content in this game is exclusively Male/Male.


v0.1.1: Corrected all bugs and typos identified during contest voting period.

Review by MandyZane

Version reviewed: 0.1.0 on 02/04/2023

cum laude, frater


Fraternity Haze, from the creative (and horny) duo at Railways, is a tightly polished digital adventure of a demonically interrupted night at a fantastically fictitious fraternity Kappa Delta Phi (could a place even exist without imploding--think of the smell alone!) that's as wonderfully gay as it is put together. Railway's sophomore game on TFGS takes the hazy erotic dream of a bunch of gay bros being forced to delve into depravity and delivers it with next-gen HTML elements that are well becoming the gold standard for games on the site and Twine games in general. Even if the erotism isn't quite to your taste, I personally prefer at least a little feminity before going full "hole", the game is worth playing just for its tightly put together UI and layouts. Bros would call this game "fucking mint" and "cleeaaannnn."

Railways are known for their traditional, real-life, gaming mechanics and FH hasn't fully developed its gaminess quite yet, which is also a nice change of pace for fans, as the duo continues to build their story writing chops to meet the level of their stand-out gamecrafting. An adaptation of the popular social deduction genre of board games, like Mafia or Werewolf, Railways is starting with a strong and familiar set of mechanics for their "Competition" contest entry that has players testing their friendships and doubting the shaky trust/truce a group of boys like this is sure to have. Unfortunately, the game is still very new so the interactions are limited and with each round consisting of only 4-5 choices--at most--with only one round of play the game is quick and leaves you craving even more. You'll want to keep close tabs on the development of the game though.

The demon behind the night's debauchery gives us terrifying transformations that are detailed in all five senses leaving your guts and your nuts fighting for dominance as your oscillate between being grossed out and turned on. For those after non-consenting transformations, that act as punishment and warning, you will love the ingenuity this pair has in store for you.


Join this fun fraternity by chanting "Polished, Promising, and Gay!" with all the other pledges before giving-in to the demon's, or your own, desires.


Review by art926

Version reviewed: 0.1.0 on 02/01/2023

Looks interesting! Wanna see more)

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Total Adult Themes: 10
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