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Version: 0.0.1e

by nuk

This is Captivity. You can use the cheat menu to see where I'm going with the TF transformations. There is no subscriber lock so the passcode is boobandvagina. And yes, this game is inspired by The Good Son. So far, the content is linear, I do plan to open it up with ongoing updates. It is best played on fullscreen with whichever browser you're using.

This game might be regularly updated. I'm a student so take each update with a grain of salt. 

Join my discord if you want to contact me. I would love any help or ideas for this game.

Welcome to Captivity. A game where you're currently a 25 year old gambling virgin man who is stuck in debt with a big corporation. With each week, the debt going up in interest. The company who are indebted obviously got as big as they did by doing a lot of shady business.

This shady business includes working with criminals. The gang within the corperation figure it's better for you to pay your debt by working them, not voluntarily. You get captured, and get put into facility without any means to escape. Little did you know, this place, would make your old self would cease to exist.

How far are you willing to go to pay off this debt?

You - 25-year-old virgin 

Mr. Deacon - The loanshark

Francis - Gym Instructor

Dr. Maria - Personal doctor and therapist

Jakob - Brothel keeper

Jasmine Another prisoner

Follow the to-do list on the left hand side.

0.0.1e - Shifted the UI a bit to make space for the clothing system! I suggest starting the game again to fix some bugs that may occur. You now have a drawer under your bed which you can change your clothes.

  •  You can only change your outfit and underwear. Shoes and accessories will be added through later updates with shopping center
  • You can now buy serums from Jasmine during Mornings and Evening
  • Added more detail to the shelf. It will have an option to inject serums, but it's not implemented yet

 - Added more content throughout the first week!

  • Changed the UI! New vector graphics on the left hand side. (Hover over them to see what they are)
  • There is now a scene if you don't have enough money to pay off the debt (no punishment scene yet)
  • Added extra physical therapy (only handjobs) to practice (will be adding a skill system soon)
  • Added extra hormonal therapy which costs $250
  • Being able to steal serums (no use for them yet)
  • Introduced a new prisoner called Jasmine. You can talk to her after finishing both therapy sessions in the first week.
  • Added second corridor and Jasmine's bedroom (you can't buy serums from her yet)
  • Beard can grow bigger after 6 days of not shaving

0.0.1c - Added some content for the rest of the week

First week is complete!

  • Added 3rd gym session for the week
  • Able to use brothel for handjobs during free time (2 different scenes)
  • Added Payment Day (nothing will happen if you don't have enough money)

0.0.1b - Added some content throughout the week

  • Added first fem training on Tuesday (not Wednesday or Friday)
  • Added first physical and hormonal therapy sessions
  • Added another gym session on Thursday
  • Added To-do list onto UI
  • Changed phone design
  • Added more help in info app
  • Added brothel tutorial (no brothel content after this)
  • Able to shave at the mirror
  • Able to jerk off in the toilet

0.0.1a - Concept release. 

Review by Feylamia

Version reviewed: 0.0.1a on 01/19/2023

I do not know, if I played another version than the one before me, but in the version I played there is no M2F tf yet, you can just go to the gym, take a nap and thats it.

Review by RedGhost

Version reviewed: 0.0.1a on 01/19/2023


Interactivity is low right now, but the base layout is there for a full sim game. Images used in the game fit purpose, but again this is just a concept game so that will likely change. Transformations in the game are all vanilla around this sort of sim game but they do go MtF and FtM in this concept test. Writing for the introduction is solid with very few spelling mistakes, though the Russian had me wondering if it was straight from Google Translate.

Definitely something here with promise. Worth a look and then check again on next update.

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