In this game you will play a guy, newly moved to the city with his mother, who will find himself discovering new sides to his sexuality. As you continue in your adventure you will explore this new nature of yours and deal with many other characters, both female and male, who will push you down that path.
All of the content of the game will focus on your journey of feminization and acceptance of your new sexuality with a whole growing series of events occurring as you progress through the game.
The game will have a new public release every month. From my website you can stay updated on the changelog and dates of the next one.
Did you find a bug in the game? Do you need assistance or do you just want to ask me for some information?
Send me an email at I will reply to you within 24 hours, weekends included.
You are a shy guy who has just arrived in a new town with his mother Sophie.
Attend your new school where you will meet classmates and teachers who will lead you into new paths of your sexuality.
Many characters and increasingly humiliating and perverse situations will change your life forever.
Player: A shy guy, just moved to a new city, struggling with situations that will lead him to change his sexuality.
Sophie: Your mother. A charming, uninhibited woman who has to juggle work and home.
Logan: Your best friend. He will be one of the few at school who seems to be kind and friendly to you. You will soon start seeing each other at his house to play video games... and experiment with new, more exciting kinds of games.
Riley and Veronica: Two very uninhibited and kinky inseparable friends who will push you to unleash your feminine side.
Melissa: The most mean girl among your classmates. She will blackmail you and push you to do things you never thought you would do.
Joshua: Melissa's loyal friend. He follows her every order without a word, and will help Melissa in your submission.
Landlord: A twisted old man who owns your house. He will come by to collect the rent every week, and when your mother is unable to pay him he will try to collect with services of another kind.... Not only from your mother's side.
Duncan: The maintenance man. A rough, muscular man who will help your mother with housework. Your mother will immediately be fascinated by him. Soon, however, you will find that you are also attracted to him.
Sean: One of the worst bullies in school. Initially he will taunt you whenever he gets a chance; when he realizes your tendencies, he will begin to take advantage of you sexually as well.
Principal Ann: The principal of your school. An authoritarian woman who will work to instill discipline in you by any means.
Mr. Williams: Your physical education teacher. A loudmouth man who will not miss an opportunity to humiliate you in front of the rest of the classroom for your poor physical skills. His attitude toward you will change as your features become increasingly feminine.
Mr. Johnson: The most "gifted" of your teachers.
So many other characters that will be gradually explored in future versions of the game.
The Quest section, accessible from within the game, contains all the information needed to continue in the game.
This version we will start with your coming out.
All your journey that has started since the beginning of the game has finally led you to this. No more secrets or subterfuge, it is time for everyone to know the real you.
This will not only change the attitude and the way everyone will address you from now on, but it will also lead you to unlock Feminization level 14 with all the consequences that entails: new outfits that are now completely feminine, the possibility then to finally wear skirts and accessories that are no longer just ambiguous, but that fearlessly reveal your true being. You will also unlock new cosmetic procedures at the surgery center that will allow you to shape your body as you prefer. As always, the choice whether to have surgeries is fully free, you can choose to therefore keep your body more petite and simple or have a more bursting and attention-grabbing body. For those who choose to do the surgeries there will be some unique events with some characters who will notice your changes.... Find out who and where.
In addition to this there will be the return of Joshua and your unexpected romantic relationship with him. First of all, know that even those who chose to abandon Melissa's path at the beginning of the game will now have the opportunity to start the Joshua-related quest anyway. Once you reach Feminization 11 and Lust 11 (those who have already reached them should simply go to sleep) you will see a new notification on the quest page that will allow you to start his quest but with a slightly different start.
Once you have established a relationship with him and had your first night of passion, you will begin your first romantic outings together. This is perhaps the most romantic and sentimental quest I have written so far and expect some major emotional ups and downs along the way as well. Relationships are never easy. In addition to the sentimental aspect there will still of course be plenty of sex, so there will be a lot to have fun with.
This month will see the return of your new kinky friend Natalie who will guide you toward advancement at Lust 14 and consequently lead to many new scenes at the party.
After introducing you to the cosmetic surgery center to maximize your desire for feminization, now Natalie will push you toward a new milestone in your lust. Through her you will in fact have your first Gangbang! After this experience nothing will be able to stop you from reaching the maximum in your new lustful life. You will no longer have any limits to what you can do in sex.
Once you have reached Lust 14 you will also finally be able to advance to Slut Fame 3, unlocking so much new content to the party. In fact, there will no longer be a limit to going home when the party gets too far into the night; you will be able to stay late when things get hotter. By now it is obvious even to yourself that you don't go to the party just to dance or hang out... you go there to get laid by some handsome young man. Your initial hesitancy and shyness is now gone, and you will be the one very often looking for the hottest situations and enticing other guys to have sex with you. In addition to this your reputation will begin to spread at parties and more and more guys will begin to recognize you and expect specific 'services' from you.
In addition, now that you are reaching a high level of Slut Fame, your reputation will also spread outside the parties, and many guys will begin to recognize you as the party slut; so in the next versions your sexual adventures will also expand to school and the rest of the city. You have now entered the midst of your lustful new life, and things will get hotter and kinkier month after month.
Last addition, at the request and suggestion of some users, I have created 50 new male avatars for the random guys in the party. So you will no longer see the faceless avatar but a real face on each of the guys you meet, giving more immersiveness to the game.
This release will be devoted to an exciting new job, clerk work at the Sex Shop, and the continuation of your lustful first experiences with the Big Black Cock.
Going to the Sex Shop, the owner Sam will offer you to work for him as a salesgirl. While at first this may seem like just another job, even a particularly simple one, in time you will realize that customers will be particularly interested in the presence of a girl in a place like that. Moreover, even Sam himself is not one who will shy away from showing his interest in you, prompting you as you go along to add to your normal salesgirl duties, other much hotter tasks.
Now to the second topic of this version, after tasting Mr. Johnson's big black cookie, your passion and addiction for the BBC will increase more and more. Just touching it will no longer be enough, and you will want to go further and further and have it at every available opportunity, even in the classroom, nothing will stop your lust.
And after fully enjoying this new object of pleasure over and over again, Mr. Johnson will give you the honor of going to the final step, having your first time with a Big Black Cock. Despite your now extensive experience in sexual intercourse, what awaits you will be like losing your virginity a second time. Will you be ready?
This is going to be an important month, there will be both the continuation of the quest of the fearsome Mr. Addams, but most importantly there will be a new advancement in the Feminization Trait.
Let's start by talking just about the new level of Feminization. If up to this point the main protagonists of your feminization have been Veronica and Riley, as of this moment the baton will pass to Natalie, the perturbing new friend you met at the parties.
You will get a chance to hang out and befriend her, and you will discover that she is an incredibly kinky and shameless girl. She will not only give you a first taste of what it is like to spend an evening with her, but she will also urge you to take your femininity to the max by recommending the cosmetic surgery center, a new unlockable place downtown. Here you will meet Dr. Troy and his wonderful cosmetic surgery center, where you can reshape certain parts of your body and your overall appearance. And if the costs seem a bit too high, Dr. Troy will be happy to give you discounts in exchange for a few small “favors.”
Cosmetic surgery will not be a mandatory step; you can decide not to make any changes to your appearance if you like yourself the way you are, but if you want to make some adjustments instead, there are several choices available to you. You will be able to enlarge the size of your breasts, your butt and even your lips, each with different sizes to choose from. You will also be able to do facial touch-ups, these will unlock a new set of possible faces to choose from so you can have the look you most desire. After you have done facial touch-ups, you can in fact go to the beauty salon and in the Looks section (replacing the Haircuts section) you will see a long series of new faces and haircuts in addition to your pre-existing ones. Some of your surgeries also may unlock some unique events with some of your acquaintances, who will notice your changes and react to them.
I hope this is to your liking for those who love to shape their characters according to their own desires. Keep in mind, however, that with the exception of the dialog avatar, your appearance on the Profile page and some specific scenes, the surgeries will not affect all other content in the game. You will understand that given the large amount of content it would be impossible to create an alternate version of every scene for every single choice.
That said, let us now turn to your master Jeff Addams. After having sex with him for the first time, his domination over you will become increasingly massive. Now in fact he will demand that you go and satisfy him whenever he wants, no matter what you are doing or where you are, when he calls, you must go. Of course you could also disobey him if you prefer... but he is not one to let you get away with it, and his reaction will not be long in coming. Will you be servant and obedient to your master, giving him priority over any other aspect of your life? Or will you be a disobedient girl who needs to be taught? The choice will be yours.
This month's release will be dedicated to the continuation of Sean's quest and the expansion of the party with new events in rooms that were still Work in Progress.
Sean's quest will resume immediately after your first fuck together. Now that you have given your ass to him, you have no way to get rid of his cumbersome presence and he will take every opportunity to tease and humiliate you, often even in public in the middle of the school. With him it will indeed be difficult to keep your adventures secret for long and, if you agree to submit to him, his actions will increase your fame as a slut and your exhibitionism even within the school context. He now considers you his and will demand to have fun with you whenever he feels like it, in every situation and with whoever is around. Will you be strong enough to resist his temptations or will you be overwhelmed by lust?
As for the party, three new rooms will be unlocked: the courtyard, the bathroom and the bedroom floor. In the courtyard you will find yourself in new exciting situations with other guys in the open air. You will thus be more "exposed" instead of in the cramped and crowded places of the house. In the bathroom you may perform some new actions such as peeing or puking to lower your alcohol level. But above all, some spicy situations may occur, the bathroom is in fact unisex, and you may often find it occupied by other guys who will be aroused by seeing a girl enter. Finally, the upstairs bedroom currently has only one possible action but with dozens of exciting little events that change every time; it will be possible to play Truth or Dare with a group of other guys... and you know what situations that game can lead to. With these new additions the party will start to become more and more a place to let loose and unleash your lust, there will also be several events that will lead to the increase of your addictions and new scenes that will be unlockable as you level up.
Furthermore, to increase the chance of viewing sexual scenes within the party, almost all ordinary scenes that do not have erotic or sexual events will now be shown only once and then will not appear again in the following days. In this way you will maximise your enjoyment by only (or almost only) seeing sexual scenes after a few days that you start attending parties.
After the last few versions have been mainly focused on new characters and new events, with this month we will instead return to two old acquaintances: the landlord and your PE teacher.
After having sex for the first time with your kinky and filthy landlord, it's time to see how your 'working' relationship will continue. Your maid duties will have less and less to do with tidying up the house and will instead be increasingly concerned with satisfying Mr. Morrison's personal needs.
Allow yourself to be carried away by his most extreme rudeness and perversion in a series of exciting situations until you discover that he has definite plans for you that go far beyond household chores.
With Mr. Williams, too, it is time to see the continuation of your relationship after your first fuck in the locker room. His rough and humiliating ways toward you will not change and in fact will go further and more explicitly even in front of your classmates.
In addition, an important novelty awaits you in the upcoming practice sessions; Mr. Williams will begin selections to form a team for the student championship. The best players in the school will be tested for selection. Of course he does not consider you worthy of even trying out to be on that team, yet you may have one final surprise in the plans he has for you.
As these quests progress, all the repetitive scenes with both the landlord and Williams will also be restored, so you can continue to entertain with them and have them fuck you as often as you like.
The two main points of this month's release will be the advancement of Slut Fame to level 2, which will then lead to unlocking new scenes at the party... and most importantly what so many of you have been waiting for, a long release dedicated to Duncan, the maintenance man.
Let's start by talking about what's new at the party, with this month's release it will be possible to reach level 2 of Slut Fame, this will allow you to start a series of scenes that until now were Work In Progress. You will have the possibility first of all to ask Neil not only for discounts on drinks anymore, but just to receive one as a gift in exchange for sexual favors, the more available you are towards him, the more he will be willing to offer you expensive drinks.
Moreover, now that you are more uninhibited you will easily be willing to do more and more explicit and kinky actions, and accept the flirtations of the guys present at the party, and in some cases you will even be bold enough to come forward yourself.
From here on, probably every other month, I will be releasing new party-related content all the time, unlocking rooms that are still in the works, and especially advancing Slut Fame and the final stages of the party where the most perverse and exciting things happen. What you have seen so far is just the beginning of what the parties will become.
And now we turn to one of the most desired and much anticipated characters in the game, the charming Duncan. I will start by telling you that while Duncan has not yet been given a lot of space, he is actually one of the most important characters in the game. Now that you have reached an advanced stage of your feminization, he will gain more and more space in the game's storyline. Duncan is not just another character, he is not an easy one to seduce, he has to be conquered. And for this very reason I believe that the ultimate satisfaction will be even greater.
This release will have a large amount of scenes dedicated to him, in the first ones you will see him continue in his relationship with Sophie, he will often be at your house and will also often start sleeping at your house. This will give you a chance to get to know him better from many perspectives, some of them very exciting. At some point you will have to decide whether to accept his relationship with Sophie as it is without meddling, and begin to see him more as a kind of father... or to meddle in the relationship and try to seduce him into becoming your 'daddy'. And it is at this point that you will have to display all your seductive arts to bring his attention to you.
This month we have finally arrived at the first version dedicated to the much anticipated student parties.
I already start by telling you that the version will be entirely dedicated to this, as you will see when you try it out, it will be practically a game within a game, and this has taken so much work, not only at the content level but also at the software level to create all the basic infrastructure. Now let's look at a little bit of detail about what you can expect in these parties.
The parties will be accessible from the residential area on weekend evenings, Friday through Sunday. Once you enter the party you will start a new explorable scenario within the party house. You will be able to navigate the various rooms (entrance, dance hall, kitchen, bathroom, bedrooms, courtyard) and in each room there will be actions you can perform or events to participate in. The night at the party will consist of 7 time phases (only the first 4 will be available in this version), each action or event makes time pass and consumes a time phase. The further along you go in the time phases the greater the chances of hot situations. In addition to this many of your actions will depend on your alcoholic state. Drinking beer, cocktails or hard liquor will change your inhibitions and you will be more likely to perform more perverse and extreme actions.
As previously anticipated the party will expand and have dozens and dozens of scenes and actions to do as developments progress. This is only the first release, so some rooms, actions, and events are still Work in Progress. In addition, many of the actions you will be able to do in the party will be closely tied to the level of your addictions and especially the level of your Slut Fame.
Slut Fame stands for your willingness to do kinky and sexual actions with strangers, it is also an indicator of your reputation. This statistic starts at level 0 and can increase up to level 5. In this version only levels 0 and 1 will be accessible, from next month level 2 will already be available, and later in the year the other levels will be gradually developed.
This is only the first version, so don't expect gangbangs and extreme actions already now, those will come in the next versions when you have a high level of Slut Fame. In your early days at the party (when your slut fame will still be 0) you will still be very awkward and shy. At first there will be mainly soft erotic scenes, but settle in with the party and keep attending weekend after weekend until you increase your Slut Fame to 1 and start having your first real sexual approaches with other people.
Remember to go to Neil, the liquor vendor in the kitchen, at least once a night, he will offer you discounts on alcohol in exchange for some of your 'favors'. Besides taking alcohol this is also a great way to quickly increase your Slut Fame and Exhibitionism. Last tip, read the party Quest page carefully, there you will find all the tips for unlocking scenes. By going to the party without reading that page you may risk missing much of the content there.
In this version we will see the return of your best friend Logan. After your first sexual experience it is time to see how your relationship will evolve now. After having sex, you will experience some mutual awkwardness. Sex always changes relationships, even in the best of friendships. But don't worry, without spoiling too much, I can tell you that this will be temporary and you will immediately return to your 'games' even in a more perverse way than before. In fact, your audacity will increase and this will push you to have a good time together no longer just at Logan's house. Many new exciting sexual events await you in this version with him.
As a general information, since more than a few users asked me, all the repetitive scenes with the characters that disappeared after the virginity quest will be gradually restored with the continuation of their respective quests in the next versions. Those scenes were no longer consistent after having sex, for that reason were blocked. With this month's release then there will be restoration of Logan's repetitive scenes with new scenes updated to your new situation with him. In the coming months all the others will also be restored as we go along.
As for what is new this month there will be the first release dedicated to the much anticipated student party. Together with your two crazy friends Veronica and Riley you will start attending college parties. At these parties you will have the opportunity to unleash your new sexuality to the fullest, opening the door to dozens of exciting and kinky situations. In this month you will see just a first glimpse. There will be a few evenings that you will spend together with your two friends where you will be introduced to this new place and guided through the various actions that can be done. In this version there will only be introductory scenes that will serve as tutorials. As early as the next version there will instead be the actual unlocking of the party where you will be free to move around and make your own choices day by day. Each day you will be able to do and discover different things, but I will give you more details in the next month. This of the party will not simply be a single release event. The goal is to create a scenario that will be developed and expanded as we go throughout the year. As the versions, your addictions and your lust progress, it will be possible to do more and more extreme and perverse actions.
These early nights of yours at the party in the company of your friends will also lead to a new increase in your Lust Trait, that is, the one dedicated to being able to have sexual intercourse even with strangers (which is essential in parties). In addition there will also be the unlocking of the Slut Fame. The Slut Fame will be one of the main features of the party and other quests that will be started later in the year. This represents your reputation in the city. The more sexual or obscene acts you do with strangers or in public, the more this will increase, unlocking new oppurtunities, actions and events.
After finishing the first phase of the game dedicated to your transformation into a woman and the discovery of the pleasures of sex, it's time to begin the next phase of the game dedicated to exploring your kink and lust. And what better way than by starting with your first experiences with the Big Black Cock.
All the content of this version will be devoted to Mr. Johnson, your incredibly endowed black teacher. Since so far his quest had not even been started yet, I decided to dedicate the entire version to him so as to accelerate on his quest and get right to 'having fun' with him.
Immediately after losing your virginity you will feel the irreferenable desire to seduce your teacher in the hope of being able to see--and touch--what he is hiding in his pants. An exciting long adventure awaits you toward this new experience. To avoid posthumous disappointment, I am already informing you now that you will still not be able to have anal sex with him already in this version, but you can still already now play and have fun with his big rod.
Also in this version there will be, for subscribers only, a new feature: checkpoint selection. By starting a new game you will be able to choose to start the game from a specific checkpoint. There are currently 3 checkpoints available, and they start from important situations in the game stage. The purpose of this feature is to re-experience certain parts of the game without having to start over from the beginning. Use this feature only if you have already played the game, starting from a checkpoint obviously results in not being able to see all the sex scenes prior to that point. Last thing, the feature is new and as such may have bugs, if you experience problems in the game subsequent to using the checkpoint, please let me know on Discord or by email to
And now for a small preview of what you will see in the coming months. My intention is to devote one part of each release to continuation in the quests of the characters with whom you lost your virginity and the other part to new content. By new content I mean new characters, new stories, advancements in Lust, Feminization and addictions, and above all a lot of space will be devoted to an important and exciting new part of the game: student parties.
Here we go again for the final part of the Virginity Quest that began last month.
After experiencing the thrill of your first time with your best friend Logan, with the janitor along with Veronica and Riley, and with the rough Mr. Addams, it's time to complete your virginity loss journey with the four remaining characters.
You have experienced Logan's kindness and romance, are you ready to find out what his arch-rival and your bully Sean has in store for you instead? Find out the consequences of their rivalry on your first time with him.
If you thought your PE teacher's public humiliation in front of all the other students was too much, prepare yourself for what you will be forced to do in order to continue your relationship with him. Mr. Williams is someone who can have any schoolgirl, if you want to have him for yourself you will have to show him that you are willing to do things that no other girl would ever agree to do.
Joshua's unexpected turn of events will lead you to have mixed feelings about the guy you once considered Melissa's accomplice. His need for love will cause you to discover sides of his personality that you never expected, leading to a very special and romantic first time with him.
Your filthy landlord will continue with his increasingly perverse and inappropriate demands. You have no real reason to submit to his demands and yet something in him urges you to please him in every way possible. He will not only take your ass but also your dignity.
With this release will be concluded what I consider the first phase of this game, that of your full transformation into a woman; physically, mentally and sexually. From next month a new journey will begin to expand your perversion and sexuality to the highest level.
We have reached the long-awaited moment, in this month you will finally be able to lose your virginity.
As anticipated in the year-end post, this month's release and the next month's release will be dedicated to your first time with all 7 characters with whom you have entered into a relationship. As there are as many as seven characters and wanting to properly build up this special first time of yours, I have divided the quest between February and March, so as to devote the right amount of space to each of them.
In this month's release before you can give your ass to your men, there will also be room for one more point in Feminization to be acquired, perhaps one of the most important. With the attainment of Feminization 12 you will acquire your full acceptance in feeling like a woman. No more doubts or second thoughts, you will begin to tell those closest to you and those with whom you will enter into closer personal relationships about your new feminine nature. In addition, your thoughts and dialogues will also be feminine from then on.
Having acquired your full realization as a female you will be ready to lose your virginity as a real woman. Given their importance in your feminization journey, one of the first chances to lose your virginity will be with your two friends Veronica and Riley--supported by the janitor cock. It is with them that you began to feel like a real girl; is it also with them that you will bring your change to full completion?
Another person who has been equally important in your journey is of course your best friend Logan. It was with him that you experienced the first pleasures of cock. Your first handjob, your first blowjob. Will he also be the first to have your ass?
Logan will also be the only one of the seven characters to be a virgin like you; you may decide to share this common situation with him or perhaps devote yourself to someone with more experience--someone like the fearsome Jeff Addams. If it is not the smoothness or delicacy you are looking for in your first time, he is the man for you. Jeff will take you and use you as he sees fit without regard to your feelings nor worrying about being 'nice' in your first time.
These are the first three characters you can lose your virginity to in this release, in the next there will be the next four: the bully Sean, the filthy landlord, the romantic Joshua, and the vigorous Mr. Williams.
I recommend keeping a save before your virginity loss until next month, so you can try them all out and also see the differences in the scenes based on whether you are a virgin or not, before deciding who will be your first man.
Here we are at the last release before the long-awaited Virginity Quest. This month there will be the conclusion of the quests of the last two characters still left to proceed with your first time: Joshua a the landlord.
After much harassment suffered by Melissa with Joshua's complicity, it is time for you to try to turn the tables. You have noticed recently that Joshua seems increasingly impatient with Melissa, and this is your chance to seduce him and bring him to your side. This will not be an easy task; Joshua is succumbing to Melissa and is madly in love with her.... But with your seductive skills you may be able to shift his attentions to another girl: you.
By insisting and trying to get beyond that tough exterior of his, you may discover a more sensitive heart than you expected.
On the other hand, the one who certainly does not have a sensitive heart at all is the perverted and filthy Mr. Morrison, your landlord. After pushing you to go far beyond household chores, Mr. Morrison will add to your duties a new chore, satisfying him with your mouth. So far you have managed to avoid this 'burden' as well, but if you want his complacency you will have to take this step as well. Of course, the landlord is certainly not one to go easy on you besides being disgustingly perverse. Will you be drawn further and further down into his dirtiest kinks?
Finally in this version there will also be room for a new increment in your Feminization. This new achievement will unlock a number of juicy new features that will be very welcome to those who like to shape their feminine appearance. There will be the jewelry store inside the clothing store with lots of new jewelry that will enhance your appearance. In the beauty salon, on the other hand, there will be the opportunity to have a skin treatment to get an added bonus to your Feminity, but most importantly there will be the opportunity to get your nails polished in your favorite color and to choose one or more tattoos to apply to your body. You will be able to choose from the most discreet, extravagant, romantic... or, as your addictions increase in future versions, even some incredibly kinky and obscene ones. Find out already from this version what awaits you in the future.
In this version Mrs. Addams, one of your teachers, will offer you the opportunity to take advanced classes in her subject at her home. Mrs. Addams, besides being incredibly charming, is one of the sweetest and kindest teachers in your school, and you will be delighted to accept her offer. What you do not know, however, is that this will inevitably lead you to meet her husband, Mr. Addams.
Jeff Addams is the exact opposite of his wife; he is a rough and nasty man and will push you down a new path of perdition in your life. If you choose to submit to him, he will abuse you and use you as if you were an object created only for his sexual gratification. For those who do not like this kind of fetish, the quest can be abandoned during your first meeting with Jeff... But if, on the other hand, this teases your sexual fantasies, you will have a lot to have fun with in this and future versions with him.
In addition to this there will be some new scenes involving Sophie, Duncan and the landlord. There will not be much sexual content, but they will serve the continuation of the plot of some of the quests. First, I have included some small events with Sophie that occur as you increase your feminization. Now every time you increase your Feminization Trait she will notice and react to your changes. These events will also be retroactive on past Feminization points, so those who have a save with an already high Feminization will see them in sequence within a few days. For those who have agreed to continue Sophie's quest with the landlord, there will then be a continuation in that quest, with the perverse Mr. Morrison trying to aprofit the naive Sophie. And finally there will be a continuation of the Maintenance quest with Duncan. For the time being, only Sophie will be able to enjoy the attentions of this charming man, but with a little patience and persistence who knows that in the future his attentions will not begin to fall on you as well...
After the previous release dedicated to a refactoring of the whole game, from this month we are back to focus on the content. In this release there will be as many as two steps forward in the Lust Trait. Both will be achieved through the 'support' of Melissa. Melissa will want at all costs to remove the last traces of your masculinity by teaching you to stop using your penis. What better way to inhibit you from using your penis than a chastity cage? Albeit with some initial discouragement you will soon discover the benefits of using such a tool with a far more satisfying ultimate reward.
Those who don't like chastity and don't want to give up playing with their penis, don't worry, at the end of the quest it will be your choice whether to continue using it, and in the future unlock new chastity-related quests, or to leave it there unused in your closet and ignore that part of the content. For those who have chosen to abandon Melissa's quest, there will be a chance to unlock the chastity cage via the alternative DIY quest.
In addition to this, there will be advancement in the quest of one of the recently introduced characters, the school janitor. Your two friends Veronica and Riley will accompany you on this sexual journey by contending with you for the janitor's cock. This quest will also be optional and there will be an option to abandon it, but for Veronica fans I strongly discourage it, because this quest will be necessary to unlock the romance with her in the future, although it will not exactly be the classic relationship you might think.
In this version I have started a big refactoring of the game to adjust it to all the feedback I have had over the course of these months and what I think has worked and what could be improved instead. With this version I think I'm now close to what will be the final structure of the game, and I don't think it will happen again that I'll be making such big overhauls as I am now. I anticipate right away that the old saves will unfortunately no longer be compatible with this version, but with the changes made there will be a great incentive to play from the beginning and experience the new features, which are also largely retroactive on the old quests. I suggest you read the list of changes in the Features section to find out how the game has changed.
In addition to all the new features, there will of course also be room for some new content. The amount will be a little less than usual, since I have been working on the new features most of the time, but it will still be very intriguing. In fact, this month's content will be about the gloryhole. After you have mastered the art of blowjob, you will start experimenting with your new knowledge at the gloryhole in the school bathroom to the delight of the other students... and your own.
Eliminated Submission trait and merged with Lust. The max value of Main Traits for this version is as follows:
After buying your new feminine outfit together with Veronica and Riley, it is now time to wear it and show your femininity to the world. However, you do not yet feel ready to take such a step on your own, so your two friends will join you for outings together en femme. All it will take is a few outings with them and the effect your new appearance will have on other men to give you the strength to start wearing your new clothes to school as well, beginning your first steps toward publicly showing your true self.
In addition to this you will get to continue your story with Logan, your best friend. Although he was the first with whom you had your first experiences, he has not yet been able to benefit from your mouth. It is time to provide for this lack now and show your new skills to him as well. Not to mention that he will also discover your habit of wearing anal plugs. These discoveries will also be an opportunity to confide in him and talk sincerely about your change and what has been happening to you.
Melissa will want to push your oral skills to the limit and, through both Joshua's support and your dildos, will guide you to the practice of the perfect deepthroath. Once you learn this skill you will immediately have a chance to practice it on Sean, the bully at your school and Logan's former best friend.
Sean will in fact begin to notice your increasingly feminine features and be attracted to you. Unlike Logan, however, he will be neither kind nor sweet to you, but that does not mean you cannot like him. You will get to know him very 'thoroughly' and begin to wonder who you like more, whether the gentle Logan or the rough Sean.
As for your feminization Veronica and Riley will urge you to purchase a new explicitly more feminine outfit. In this release there will not yet be the Feminization boost so you will not be able to wear them yet, but from the next one there will be a direct continuation of this quest with a series of public events where you will try out your new feminine outfits by going out to pick up guys with Veronica and Riley.
As anticipated last month, now that you are now sufficiently uninhibited, you can start experimenting with your new skills with all the other male characters in the game. Indeed, the highlight of this version will be the continuation of quests with the landlord and your PE teacher.
Your landlord will begin to make increasingly explicit and perverse demands of you. The new tasks he will require may not exactly be considered ordinary for a maid, but you are not an ordinary maid after all, and though hesitant you will end up complying with his demands in exchange for a welcome bonus on your pay.
Mr. Williams, on the other hand, will notice how incredibly feminine you have become lately, and his interest in your body will go far beyond what is normally appropriate for a PE teacher. Increasingly eager to get you to try some new exercises at the gym, he will begin to tease you more and more until you linger with your workouts and seclude himself with you alone in the locker room. And at that point who knows what might happen...
There will also be a few new features this month, such as: the ability to choose an avatar from three proposed for some of the male npc's; the introduction of bags (for now only a unisex fanny pack), useful for hiding some of your intimate accessories such as your plug; and other minor additions or changes to the structure of the game.
This will be the last version dedicated entirely to your classmates of the last adventures. In fact, with this month's events you will take a big step forward in your Main Traits to enable you, starting with the next versions, to continue in all the other quests so far only hinted at.
In this version you will begin to experience a desire to feel more 'pretty' for your best friend and this will prompt you to seek out new haircuts that reflect his tastes. In addition, your inseparable Riley and Veronica will push you to accept more and more of your feminine side by enticing you to choose a new feminine name that is more in keeping with your true self. Although you will not yet say it publicly, when you are with them you will begin to be a girl in your own right.
Melissa on the other hand will not sit idly by, and seeing that you are now no longer able to control your sexual pulses, she will push you toward that last step that was still blocking you, making you finally taste your first cock. From that moment it will become clear to you that yours is no longer just a curiosity, you love cock and you love sucking it, and you can no longer do without it.
And of course, in addition to Joshua's with whom you will make your first experiments assisted by Melissa, the other with whom you will immediately want to share this new discovery of yours will be your best friend Logan.
With these additional steps in the new path of your life, you will now be able to start releasing your true nature with all the other men around you as well, and that will be what I will focus on in the next versions. Logan, Melissa and Joshua will have a little less space and I will move on to develop all the other quests that were waiting for the right increment of Lust and Feminization. The game is now ready to start getting into the swing of things.
In this version there will be an advancement in all three Main Traits: Feminization, Lust and Submission.
Your masculine clothes no longer reflect your true self, but you still don't feel quite ready to wear overly feminine clothes. Fortunately, there will be your two friends Riley and Veronica to help you find what is best for you at this stage of your life and take an important new step in your feminization.
Meanwhile, your friend Logan will be increasingly intrigued and interested in your female body. Exactly as you, on the other hand, are now completely captivated by a specific part of his body. Your desire toward your friend's big toy will drive you to experience a new and now longed-for experience, to taste for the first time the hot nectar Logan releases thanks to your warm help.
Melissa's tasks have now trained you enough to move to a new level of submission and humiliation. The plug she has given you is now no longer enough to "fill" the void in you. So she will recommend that you go to the sex shop downtown for new fascinating toys that can expand your new passion and prepare you for many new interesting games.
In the coming months with each release there will always be a part dedicated to your Feminization Trait. Each month there will be a new increase in this trait.
Specifically, in this month, Riley and Veronica will start teaching you how to use light makeup on your face for your photoshoots. But your face will look so much brighter and more alive that before long you will decide to start using it in your daily life as well. This will be the first small step that will lead you to expose more publicly the new expression of yourself.
This will lead to the end of the Photoshoot quest and start the new Feminization quest that will accompany you in the coming months, pushing you, as you go along, to wear increasingly feminine clothes, cuts and accessories.
In addition, you will continue your exploration into the lustful pleasures that the company of your best friend gives you. After seeing you in lingerie, Logan will become increasingly intrigued and fascinated by this new hobby of yours. He will start asking you, during your afternoon sessions, to undress and stay in lingerie for him while you 'play' together. This will lead you to go further and further in the afternoons spent with your friend...but not only with your friend.
In fact, your experiences with Logan will prompt you to return to the school bathroom in that particular stall with the hole. After trying Logan's rod, your curiosity to see and touch more is now uncontrollable. And what better way to explore your new passion completely unseen?
Got a new laptop, lost the saves. Noticed how you've sped up the start phase of this game. Well done
I usually don’t write many reviews, but I’ll give it a shot here, as the trend seems rather negative, although I’m convinced that this isn’t entirely accurate. At least not with the new versions.
The game now has quite a bit of content. The available content is well-written, and the photos and videos are certainly fitting. Yes, sometimes you need to click a bit more, but the clear "quest tab" always gives you an idea of where to go… This sometimes eases the pain. Additionally, there are some variations in the further "repeating scenes."
I also think you don’t need to replay the game every time a new update comes out, as the updates are fairly limited. Nevertheless, it's great that the author is so consistent with their work and updates, thank you for that!
A small tip to the author: in my opinion, for further updates, you shouldn’t focus too much on making the game longer at this moment, but rather expand it in breadth. By this, I mean making storylines playable from the beginning or current mid-game. This will alleviate some of the frustrations mentioned below.
SPOILER To give an example, it took me about 3 in-game weeks to successfully complete my last current quest (party), while I had already gone through all the other content. Now I read that the next update will mostly revolve around this. Since it can only be played one day a week, this will reinforce the comments below again.
In any case, thank you to the author for your consistent work.
When you say 'slow', I say 'boring'!
When you say 'click', I say 'read the exact same shit over and over for 12 hours'.
95% of this game is clicking through the exact same dialogs over and over and over.
1/10 - but that 1 is actually good.
With each update the game seem to get less content, version 0.13 and 0.14 could have been one update. The developer seemingly wanted to add an incest route from the start, but now the (step)mother is more or less an afterthought and someone who will rather get the character closer to the handyman. It is positive, however, that there is a possibility to avoid certain branches (such as Mrs Addams husband).
this spinoff was more successful than the original game. Hope the author puts more time into this game because lately there's less content every update.