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Version: 0.64

Version: 0.63

Version: 0.62

Version: 0.61

Demon Gods

Demon Gods is about a woman (or man, or ...something else) who is isekai'd to another world and forced to learn to live as a Succubus and cope with her new instincts and desires. It is a smut game but has a focus on story and lore. I hope you enjoy it!

"Demon Gods" is a narrative-driven experience, with both humor and tragedy. The art is created with photoshop with borrowed AI assets.  Most of the art is merged and photoshopped by hand which is why you'll often see poses that stand out from other AI work. 

Every update is available early on the first of every month on my website daemonden.com

Downloadable versions come out on the 3rd of every month for both patrons and free players.
Patrons are always 1 update ahead of free players. 

Thank you so much for supporting my game! It means a lot!

It's ok if you can't donate, everyone has their reasons. But if you played more than the opening, please leave an honest review!

Version 0.64 is also available free https://www.daemonden.com/games/demongods/demongods.html 


This website is supported by minimal ads from ExoClick, a trusted provider that guarantees against malware, helping to keep the site running and the game free to play. Unlike many adult sites with ads, there are only two. Both of which will not reappear for 30 minutes once closed.

The downloadable version contains zero ads.



Demon Gods is about a woman (or man, or ...something else) who is isekai'd to another world and forced to learn to live as a Succubus and cope with her new instincts and desires. It is a text-heavy smut game with a focus on story and lore. I hope you enjoy it! There is an optional gender bender start as well as a parody start.

If you're a returning player, you already know that this game has both tragedy and humor. 


On the use of AI-Art: Originally I had pre-paid and hired an artist for the game.
Unfortunately after months of no delivery and paying her twice, I decided to let her keep the money I've given her so far and go our seperate ways.
At this point, I am using heavily edited AI art that I take time to pre-draw and significantly edit in photoshop. 
This is not the longterm goal and I hope to have an artist for the next game. 


For Android app users: Twine has a limitation that prevents export of save files. This restriction is imposed by Twine developers and cannot be resolved on my end. As a result, if you change phones without transferring data or if your cache is cleared, your progress cannot be backed up or restored.

Known Bugs:

  • It takes an extra expedition for your team’s location to update.

Version 0.64

New Content:

  • Chapter 4 is complete

  • You can now visit Yuki's home and finish her scenario.

    • Several different and detailed scenes based on choices.

    • Several non-lewd character and story images.

    • 3 seperate possible lewd scenes. 2 of them require at least 35 corruption.

  • New scenes with Yuki when you take her to her favorite place (after finishing her scenario).

  • Depending on the outcome with Yuki, one of two new scenes can be seen at the brothel. More to come later.

  • 2 new minor characters whose names will change based on who names them (Rhelyla or Takara).

    • Please view both versions... ♥

  • Multiple new lewd scenes available, including one with Yuki. Alaric also has a hidden option for his lewd scene depending on how you handle battle.

  • Trashed the old hints system, replaced with a new one.

  • Added a modification to battles to allow for a secret in a specific fight. (This SHOULDN'T break anything...)

  • New possible (bad) ending.


  • The usual typos.

  • Removed the note about transformation every single turn if the enemy is too high of a level.

  • Added a note under your stats - list of spells for transformation that it doesn't work on enemies that are 5 levels higher than you.

  • Modified some of the dialogue against in battle.

  • Rephrased "lounge" in your room since the only thing you can do with it at the moment is speak to Yuki. Possibly temporary.

  • Honestly a lot more...

Version 0.63

New Content:

  • Circe already reacted if you wore tentacle armor, added an additional reaction if you wore goldenware.
  • You can no longer update your team location while they're gone. Instead you now update their location immediately upon their return.
  • Final outfit added to the game. You'll have to trade the solar lamp for it after allowing divitia into your town, so it is missable.
  • You can now purchase materials from completed chapters for a high price from Divitia or a very talkative shopkeeper in Ashenfall.
  • Updated your stats page to show the new materials that have been added.
  • You are now required to update your expeditions immediately upon their return, you can no longer update them while they're away.
  • You can now keep your promise to Yuki and take her out.
  • Updated Divitia's dialogue when you first meet him to give you a slight hint about bringing your lamp to his shop.
  • Fixed:

  • You can once again continue from a game over in chapter 4.
  • Reduced Elyria summon delay from 3 days to 2 days. You can now summon her once every other day in battle.
  • Changed the dialogue about resting before summoning Elyria again so it's more clear.
  • Added code that was missing to allow you to summon Elyria against Vampires or Ghouls.
  • Fixed a scene where Scyllus talks about being a father when Rhelyla is dead.
  • Other minor text bugs and typos.
  • It should no longer take an extra expedition to update team location.
  • Fixed the inability to use transform against ghouls and banshees.
  • After obtaining the party dress, if you collect another spidersilk, it will not add the quest back to your notebook.
  • Fixed a missing greater than bracket which caused an inconsequential error message during one of the Dryad scenes.
  • Fixed 2 lewd scenes that were inaccessible at the beginning of chapter 3 due to checking for an incorrect variable.

Ver 0.61

New Content:

  • New scenes with Elyria + new reward.
  • New scene before you sleep after the 3rd agenda meeting.
  • New scenes with Scyllus and Rhelyla.
  • Continuation of the story, can now access the first part of the new exploration dungeon.
  • 2 new court agendas have been added, seperated by a few days apart.
  • In addition to hovering over the lustcrest to see your current hunger, you can also click on the lustcrest and see your current and max arousal/hunger. I hope this makes things a little easier for any colorblind players.
  • Several new scenes while exploring journeying the next area.
  • Added upgrade requirements for all items up to level 9, most materials are available.
  • A new power can be unlocked through Elyria in chapter 4. This new power can be used against the following enemies: Oni, Banshee, Slaver, Myceliastar, and a humorous scene with the cumslime.
  • New enemies added.
  • 2 new (normal) brothel scenes added.
  • 1 new scene with Eira.
  • 4 new enemy lewd scenes added.
  • Added a few extra outfits for a certain character (wasn't planned, added these last minute).
  • Added an option to click to expand some of the new, longer enemy lewd scenes. May go back and do similar with some older scenes.
  • New background images (though some locations aren't available yet).

Fixed Bugs:

  • Fixed a bug where some players would be unable to reach the boss of the mountains (at night).
  • Several scenes have been rewritten to improve pacing. I've stopped channeling my inner Anne Rice and reduced the number of pages dedicated to describing individual bricks, curtain tassels, and the exact shade of tangerine hair. Your scroll wheel should thank me.
  • Condensed / rewrote several scenes with better narration and dialogue.
  • Typos
  • Raised the success rate of all brothel events by 10% in chapter 4. Copper rank starts at 36% success rate, with a 26% chance of a special client.
  • Had special clients backwards, at copper rank it was 84% chance of a special client, while at silver it was 70% etc, counting down. Fixed that.
  • One of the endings included Rhelyla regardless of whether or not she was there with you.
  • Fixed an inconsequential error message if you got an ending before chapter 3.
  • Fixed some lines that forgot to check your original gender.
  • Fixed a bug where the background would change back to the elf bedroom when leaving the brothel.
  • Lowered the cost of the first barracks upgrade.
  • Reduced the frequency of enemy attacks by 2 days (this is intended to last throughout the rest of the game, not done all at once.)

Ver 0.6

Note: In chapter 3 and 4 there is currently no punishment for reaching max arousal. This is not a bug, I simply haven't decided how I want to handle it for those two chapters yet. I plan on resolving this soon.

New Content:

  • New scenes with Elyria + new reward.
  • New scene before you sleep after the 3rd agenda meeting.
  • New scenes with Scyllus and Rhelyla.
  • Continuation of the story, can now access the first part of the new exploration dungeon.
  • 2 new court agendas have been added, seperated by a few days apart.
  • In addition to hovering over the lustcrest to see your current hunger, you can also click on the lustcrest and see your current and max arousal/hunger. I hope this makes things a little easier for any colorblind players.
  • Several new scenes while exploring journeying the next area.
  • Added upgrade requirements for all items up to level 9, most materials are available.
  • A new power can be unlocked through Elyria in chapter 4. This new power can be used against the following enemies: Oni, Banshee, Slaver, Myceliastar, and a humorous scene with the cumslime.
  • New enemies added.
  • 2 new (normal) brothel scenes added.
  • 1 new scene with Eira.
  • 4 new enemy lewd scenes added.
  • Added a few extra outfits for a certain character (wasn't planned, added these last minute).
  • Added an option to click to expand some of the new, longer enemy lewd scenes. May go back and do similar with some older scenes.
  • New background images (though some locations aren't available yet).

Fixed Bugs:

  • Fixed a bug where some players would be unable to reach the boss of the mountains (at night).
  • Several scenes have been rewritten to improve pacing. I've stopped channeling my inner Anne Rice and reduced the number of pages dedicated to describing individual bricks, curtain tassels, and the exact shade of tangerine hair. Your scroll wheel should thank me.
  • Condensed / rewrote several scenes with better narration and dialogue.
  • Typos
  • Raised the success rate of all brothel events by 10% in chapter 4. Copper rank starts at 36% success rate, with a 26% chance of a special client.
  • Had special clients backwards, at copper rank it was 84% chance of a special client, while at silver it was 70% etc, counting down. Fixed that.
  • One of the endings included Rhelyla regardless of whether or not she was there with you.
  • Fixed an inconsequential error message if you got an ending before chapter 3.
  • Fixed some lines that forgot to check your original gender.
  • Fixed a bug where the background would change back to the elf bedroom when leaving the brothel.
  • Lowered the cost of the first barracks upgrade.
  • Reduced the frequency of enemy attacks by 2 days (this is intended to last throughout the rest of the game, not done all at once.)


Ver 0.55

(note: Some known bugs in this version. Recommended to keep a backup save for next update.)

New Content:

  • Location to explore.
  • Multiple new scenes with several returning characters.
  • New fun scenes with some minor NPC's, no impact on story for these.
  • Continued the story.
  • New scenes with: Takara, Vena, Nyan, Rhelyla, Yuki, and some others.
  • Added access to the brothel, modified how the Brothel works again but no new lewd scenes yet.
  • Made a small change to a couple scenes with Arabella if she survived the fight with Seraphina.
  • Rewrote several exploration scenes in the mountains to reduce the amount of generic text that can be exhausting after exploring repeatedly.

Fixed Bugs:

  • Added extra clarification that you need to be level 11 or higher to visit the mountains.
  • Did the same with the forest exploration scenes.
  • Modified some text in the wardrobe so it's more clear that your outfit will change to whatever is currently selected.
  • Aligned text to the left. Will wait on feedback before I decide on moving it back or leaving it. (This may have messed up the alignment of some images).
  • Adjusted some text from the Paladin to make a couple of hints slightly more noticeable.
  • Found and fixed a bug that occured when selling an item after obtaining a material that didn't have a price yet.
  • When a new material was obtained, the sell price of every material would default to that new price. To resolve this, all materials can now be sold for 20 copper, regardless of rarity. I spent several hours trying to fix this, but I couldn't figure out why capture was properly grabbing the correct material but overwriting the price for each item.

Ver 0.54

New Content:

  • Several new scenes provided by Eins, (30,000 words) with the Dryad in the forest. Unfortunately there is no way back to visit her if you've reached chapter 3, and some of her scenes will be time sensitive and unobtainable after chapter 3.

  • Rewritten scenes.

  • Multiple new sex scenes with Dryad.

  • New sex scene with Dryad if TF magic has been learned.

  • Option for a permanent change to the Dryad.

  • It is now possible to continue from most game-overs.

  • Continued the story up to the next checkpoint.

  • You can now skip (most) dreams.

Fixed Bugs:

  • Removed a single line of text to stop Rhelyla from magically transporting herself into a lewd scene she's not supposed to be in. Pesky succubus magic.

  • Fixed a scene where your magic was running out even though Coco was already full girl.

    Note regarding Android Version: There is a bug that I don't know how to resolve regarding the inability to export saves. This means if you change devices or your temporary data gets cleared, you may lose your save data.

Ver 0.53

New Content: 

  • Started chapter 4.

  • Added some background mechanics that won't be visible for a couple of updates.

  • Some story scenario.

  • Moved some stuff around, you can now find your materials in the notebook under stats and inventory.

  • You now have access to the mountains at night after finding the journal entry that mentions it. However, this may have bugs or continuity issues. I tried to make sure I covered everything that would be affected, but it's pretty difficult to edit older content.

  • Added the option to cheat through Nar's riddles if you don't have an adorable fox girl.

  • Multiple new art pieces in new scenes, as well as a couple lewd scenes.

  • Lots of side scenes of varying length. Some are important!

Fixed Bugs:

  • Added the maxed arousal - accidental kill mechanic back into the game (not sure when I accidentally removed this).

  • Replaced several images in the game. Multiple backgrounds, some early art.

  • Green crest bonus now applies to the gloryhole scene and the brothel.

  • Moved one of the journals so you didn't need to scroll down for it, making it harder to miss.

  • Fixed a headshot in chapter 3.

  • Fixed various minor bugs and typos.


Ver 0.52

Availble via Patreon or Itch.io, a huge update which completes chapter 3!


Ver 0.51

New Content:

  • New healing vial - cannot be used in battle.
  • New dungeon - parts 1 and 2 are complete, part 3 has a preview available. (special thanks to G28 for a surprise).
  • Lots of new mini-scenario's in this dungeon.
  • New enemies.
  • Several new exploration scenes to each dungeon section, granting the player more diverse scenes offering a mix of entertainment and purpose. This aims to make exploration more engaging and varied than previous chapters, while reducing the length of repeat scenes.
  • Replaced the background for the in-between world as the original wasn't quite what I was hoping for.
  • Added some style to the title.
  • New upgrade tier for clothes: revealing dress from 5 -> 6, Jeans from 4 -> 6, alluring dress from 5 -> 6, goldenware from 5 -> 6, tentacle from 5-> 6, party from 5 -> 7, Adventurer dress from 6 -> 7.
  • New (good?) ending available.
  • Add a variation to a scene where Yuki offers a suggestion and you can be harsh with her.
  • Added some edited video scenes to: 1 Masturbate, 2 brothel, 2 Pat scenes, 5 squik, 3 slime, 2 alraune, 7 goblin, 1 giant, 1 orc, and a few more.

Fixed Bugs:

  • Adjusted Pat / Cheats to limit use to 3 times total every 7 days, balancing the desire for a power boost with maintaining game challenge and enjoyment. This change aims to prevent the game from becoming too easy and affecting the overall experience negatively, while still allowing to let the player to cheat if they desire.
  • various typos, grammar and punctuation.
  • Fixed a bug where if you bought a new magic tome in chapter 3, it would send you back to Blackpool.
  • Fixed a bug where you had infinite healing vials during battle.
  • Fixed a bug where the enemies charm resistance didn't change whether it was higher or lower leveled.
  • Fixed a bug where your seduction magic would be unusable in future fights if you ran after using it.
  • Fixed a typo preventing players from upgrading the Alluring Dress past level 3.
  • Fixed a bug where Elyria would show up if you ran out of mp, even if you hadn't allied with her.
  • A scene where Yuki acts like the Arachne Queen is still alive if you've already killed her.

Ver 0.50

Available on website only until 04/03

New Content:

  • Added a cute scene with an image between Yuki and Takara, if Yuki is in chapter 3.
  • Continued the story with 5x2=10 new scenes with Ephraim, doubled for variations regarding player corruption. However, this is intended to be spread out while the player explores the dungeons, so it might come off a bit slow in this update.
  • Added your accessories with descriptions to your inventory page.
  • 5 new -rare- brothel scenes. Some of these are short scenarios rather than a simple scene.
  • An optional new familiar can be obtained through the brothel. Note: It's not necessary to complete this during chapter 3.
  • Added a few images for a new minor character.

Fixed Bugs:

  • A couple hundred typo's, grammar fixes, bad punctuation...
  • Rewrote several sections for clarity and to remove redundancy.
  • Redid the code for text size, (should) be less buggy now.
  • Chapter 2 skip and Chapter 3 skip, note that chapter 3 skip is only available for Patrons.
  • Added some missing choices and variables to chapter 3 skip, there may still be some missing but this is difficult to test for.
  • Some dialogue regarding the Alraune during chapter skip.
  • Some incorrect text regarding the green accessory in the gremlin shop.
  • A confusing button when you invite Rhelyla for 'takeout'.
  • A couple incorrect speech bubbles in chapter 3.
  • There were 2 buttons in the wardrobe, removed the extra/broken one.
  • A minor visual error when you receive clients at the brothel in the elf village.
  • Rhelyla's note after defeating the first boss.
  • 2 bugs not letting you view old sex scenes when masturbating.
  • Changed some confusing text that stated an enemy was immune to attacks when it's level was much higher than yours.

Ver 0.49
new content:

  •  Continued story
  •  New location
  •  10 fun scenes in the bar by eavesdropping
  •  Multiple new characters
  •  Elves!
  •  Cat-girl? Cat-girl.
  •  Kitsune too!?
  •  You now gain a little bit of cum every night you sleep after gaining a familiar. Cross-dimensional cum!
  •  New lore
  •  Multiple conversation options with new characters
  •  1 new lewd scene, multiple more modified and added back
  •  Bestiary has been updated with lore, since this is written from the perspective of someone in the kingdom, some enemies will be missing.
  •  Bestiary must now be purchased in any bookstore, price may be different depending on location.
  •  Ability to rewatch old scenes when masturbating (chapter 3+ only)
  •  Pat returns to chapter 3.5, for those who wish to cheat
  •  Animated gifs (this needs to be enabled in your room)
  •  Not including edits to past content, this update includes a wordcount of 34,251 words. 


  •  Some text regarding the spidersilk quest, some players were getting confused on how many silks were needed for the dress.
  •  To prevent bugs and for future gameplay mechanics, after you finish chapter 2 you will no longer be immediately sent to sleep after running out of energy. 
  •  Nar the Riddler now accepts the first letter being capitalized in the first dungeon
  •  Reduced the number of days in between each visit when training your charm magic from 7 to 5
  •  Misty path shortcut went straight to the end instead of the passage before it, which could be a bit confusing. Fixed it so it goes to the path right before it. 
  •  Fixed a broken image at the beginning of chapter 3
  •  Your first familiar was only accessible with higher corruption. It makes sense from a story perspective, but I felt it punished "good" players too harshly, and made it available regardless of corruption level. However I increased the rewards from the version that requires higher corruption. 
  •  Fixed who was speaking in one of the endings
  •  Fixed some missing code which made some text hard to read near one of the endings. 



Ver 0.48

new content:

  • Earth is complete, next update will continue the main story
  • Added some fun scenes to Earths bar
  • 6 new lewd scenes in the bar! includes Yuri, solo and group sex.
  • You can now train Rhelyla in TF magic, multiple lewd scenes with her added!
  • Two early endings have been added with some variations depending on who's with you and your corruption level
  • You can now get hungry while on Earth
  • Bestiary added to the notebook! You can now find what drops you're still missing from which monsters. Monster lore will be added soon.
  • You can now teach transform magic to Rhelyla, this adds a few new scenes with Rhelyla. Special thanks to patron Eins for writing these scenes!
  • Final scene after taking Rhelyla to the concert added.
  • 4 lewd images added: 2 to Derek's lewd scenes at the beginning of chapter 3, a spitroast scene at the bar, a bathroom stall


  • Somehow jared's headshot image got capitalized, causing the image to no longer show.
  • Somehow managed to comment out a variable setting up Elyria's relationship with the player. Though this was previously working, I broke it in one of the past updates.
  • Added a missing speech bubble for the streaming scene with Rhelyla
  • Typos
  • Removed quest marker for Alraune quest if you ally with the Dryads.

Ver. 0.47

Note: Note: A backup save is recommended if you don't want to miss out on content, most scenes are done however most of the art is missing (this is mostly a text update) and some stuff is still incomplete. There are no new lewd scenes if you brought Azrael with you.

New content:

  • Story continues with 80 new passages
  • You can now sell 1, 5 or 10 of a material at a time.
  • new image for derek sex scene
  • added 3 new conversations with Azrael
  • Added a museum event with Azrael
  • Finished Azrael's earth route
  • Added a concert event with Rhelyla
  • Finished Rhelyla's earth route (not including her TF training)
  • Added excerpts from some of my other writings at the library. Unrelated to the story of Demon Gods, but I like to dream will someday sit on a bookshelf. Give them a read if you're interested.
  • Added a few lewd scenes with rhelyla that are unmissable, images pending completion.
  • Added a masturbation scene for Rhelyla, or you can join her if you have enough relationship points with her.
  • Removed hunger punishment from Chapter 3
  • new background images for various locations


  • in the forest players were getting double bonuses for lust crests
  • People were having trouble finding the journal in the thunder section of the mountains, moved it to be more noticeable.
  • Material names were missing from the sell menu
  • removed false dialogue of double exp/money from dryad.
  • clarified that the papers melek taus drops is added to your notebook.
  • mulitple minor QOL fixes
  • updated chapter 1 skip with new content and corrected stats
  • Typos



Ver 0.46  -

Note: This update may feel a bit short and linear, it is a bit lengthy but mostly due to multiple choices which are hidden based on who you brought with you and your corruption stat.


Note 2: I've been considering this for a while but free players now have access to cheats. Note that in order to access them, you'll have to start over or wait for the next update where I will have it automatically updated. I ran out of time to update it, sorry!

I also forgot to update the Chapter 1 skip, so using this might break your game! new content:


  • Patrons can now log into their patreon account on https://www.daemonden.com/ to play the patron version without downloading!
  • wrote opening scenario to chapter 3
  • 4 new lewd scenes during opening scenario, no images yet
  • Different versions of the opening to chapter 3, based on whether you have transform magic
  • Different versions of the opening to chapter 3, based on your current corruption level (max possible is 60 at this time)
  • final choice based on corruption level, may also cause corruption
  • Added some dialogue at the mountain barrier to let players know if they're missing an essence.
  • new green plug giving a 10% increase to drop rates, and a 10% increase to rare item drops
  • Due to modifications in the story, Arachne journal entries 2 and 3 have been modified.


  • Players gained double corruption when fighting the Dryad, and when losing could repeat it and gain even more.
  • a check at the bar for how many times the players have met the ogre.
  • Players can no longer read tomes to refill their energy.
  • Removed duplicate text from the tavern.
  • dialogues when you leveled up based on how comfortable you were with your body were backwards.
  • some players were unable to re-enter the silent city after finishing the content
  • the higher level you were the harder it was to get drops from enemies, this is the opposite of what was intended.
  • slightly increased enemy drop rates

Ver 0.45

Note: The update will immediately pull you out of any scene you're in and put you back in your home. It's recommended you save somewhere safe before playing the update.

new content:

  •  Images added to the following scenes: rock goblin charm, orc charm, futa bandit, female bandit - futa player, female goblin - futa player, futa goblin, caught in web, orcshaman, slime
  •  New section in notebook, Hints. For players who would like a little extra guidance. This will probably be re-worked and improved more later.
  •  New difficulty modifier, can be changed in your home. This also affects rewards received from enemies.
  •  Your favorite outfits can now be upgraded. All outfits start at tier 1.
  •  Battle system has once again been remade, defense is now percentage-based
  •  New shop in the market, Blacksmith! You'll need to visit him for mandatory upgrades.
  •  Outfits have greater importance, you definitely want to upgrade your outfits or you'll find enemies hitting you much harder than before.
  •  Hitting an enemy with it's weakness now has a chance to cause a status effect based on the level of the skill!
  •  Hitting an enemy with it's weakness now ignores enemy defense for bonus damage!
  •  Reward modifier based on difficulty
  •  It is now possible to obtain thunder2 and water2! (both can be found in the mountains at night)
  •  Players can now re-read completed tomes if they choose to do so.
  •  Increased base exp for each defeated enemy
  •  Reduced the amount of damage an enemy does when getting a critical hit
  •  As outfit upgrades are now essentially mandatory, significantly increased enemy material drop rate, enemies are also more likely to drop when they're a lower level than you.
  •  If you return to the tailor for your dress, he now tells you that it will be ready soon.


  •  Fixed female goblin showing up as Arachne when defeating her.
  •  Added clarification that the male start is Gender Bender
  •  Removed some narration from within the Tailor's speech bubble.
  •  Updated the quest log after delivering the spidersilk and waiting for the dress.
  •  Cleaned up and organized the notebook, making it easier to find what you're looking for.  
  •  Some people were getting confused when they didn't unlock a spell after reading the tome. Added dialogue to remind them to sleep and spend cum after they finish reading it.
  •  Yuki's outfit description is now accurate
  •  When going straight from the plains to challenge melek taus a second time, your location wasn't updated causing you to get stuck after defeating him. This has been fixed.
  •  Moved the buttons on the thunder-path as people were often missing the journal entry on that path.
  •  Rebalanced stats for player and enemies
  •  Transform no longer works on enemies 5 or more levels higher than the player
  •  Reorganized buttons on attack screen
  •  Magic damage has been reworked and hits harder against most physical enemies.
  •  Updated MP costs
  •  If you completed things in a certain order, you could leave Azrael's party without ever meeting him. This has been resolved.
  •  Sex with alraune exp has been updated to reflect new values and drops
  •  Updated the opening page for players who are starting new.
  •  Misty Mountains shortcut actually took you to the end of the windy mountains puzzle. Fixed this. 



Ver 0.43b - Android Version
Note: Some bugs are present in this version, mostly visual and shouldn't be too common. All the known ones have been fixed for 0.44.

  • rewrote the code for 1,830 speech bubbles in game
  • improved layout via redoing all speech bubbles
  • improved mobile responsiveness
  • fixed a bug where you might miss receiving the party dress after turning it in to the tailor, this should work retroactively for players who already experienced this bug. Simply return home again.
  • temporarily removed outfit presets


Ver 0.43

Note: important if continuing from 0.42, you must stop by your home asap to update some necessary variables!

new content:
Note: Some of these new scenes will be blocks of text until I can get more art completed, sorry in advance!

  • New region! (mountains - night)
  • Several new scenes in the mountains at night
  • If you gained Yuki as an ally, she can follow you to the new region!
  • If you don't want to deal with the puzzles, Yuki can tell you how to get past them.
  • New scenes to remove Yuki's collar
  • New scenes to get Yuki clothes
  • New random events!
  • The rest of the Arachne's journals have been added and can only be accessed at night.
  • Adjusted transform spell for a different scene for female bandits and female goblins
  • 3 player-submitted scenes added for: female goblin and female bandit
  • added a bad end to the game, achieved by rejecting both Rhelyla and Azrael.
  • Added variations to your speech, optional actions and thoughts based on your corruption level (hidden stat).
  • 4 different versions of the final scene with Pseudinferis, 3 of which are sexual.


  • typo's
  • Players who played 0.42 should be able to continue their saved games. Be aware there may be unexpected bugs.
  • Note: If you continue, regardless of your previous choice Rhelyla and Azrael will know about your past. I just added the variable check for these, so this won't change unless you start over.
  • Raised transformation success rate during battle to 20% from 10%
  • rewrote goddess introduction for male / female players - Added motivation behind the Goddess' commandment, will need to update more scenes with this in mind.
  • rewrote portions of the town guard introduction for male / female players
  • made a gif, replaced the goddess with gif
  • switched back to old headshot images due to complaints, but modified them after you unlock dormant power
  • fixed a quest so that it properly displays in the notebook
  • Cleaned up the notebook a bit so it's easier to read.
  • removed some redundant information from the notebook, cleaned it up a bit.
  • Fixed a bug where if you got hungry during the brothel scene you would miss the scene entirely



Ver 0.42

Known issues:

  • Battling monsters is tough, and keeping track of it all is even tougher. There's a known hiccup with the battle log - if you're quick on the trigger and click a button while it's updating, the log might take a break and leave you with an empty box. But don't worry, your HP/MP and your enemy's HP/Mental HP will still be keeping score correctly.
  • For all you Firefox users - I've noticed the battle log has some issues on your platform. So, for now, I've disabled that feature for Firefox.

new content:

  • Spellcasters, rejoice! Every magic tome has received a personal touch, now including lore about the authors and a look at how Succubi magic stands apart.
  • Introducing a new hidden stat: Corruption. Right now, it'll just put a twist on your ending, but expect it to influence more in the future.
  • Once you wrap up Rhelyla's revenge quest, swing by town again to discover some new scenes I've added.
  • I've put in some glimpses of your earthly life at the very start, including a chance to change your natural hair color. Fun, right?
  • Mountain charmed scenes are all polished. Some images have been added.
  • Text size and color can now be modified for main areas. (some text can't be modified)
  • Wrote/re-wrote a lot of action scenes in the forest, also wrote another version. I'm experimenting a bit with writing styles and scenes.
  • added a new quest scenario up to completion, you can now save the fox girl from abuse in the tavern after you've met the Elf.
  • Added a quest board before you leave town
  • Added more content to the fores, after you have a dream that beckons you to return
  • Added a mysterious shop where you can purchase 3 new accessories
  • It is now possible to get all 5 elemental magics, 2 can be purchased. The rest must be found. In addition to elemental magic, there are also 2 more magic tomes and fire level 2 to be found.
  • Made pretty massive modifications to the battle log, hope you guys like it.


  • Nixed various typos and brushed up some character-focused passages.
  • Gave a tune-up to many lines for better flow.
  • Squashed a bug in a particular charm scene.
  • Realigned buttons in town and forest areas.
  • Reimagined enemy death descriptions in the forest level for better immersion.
  • Caught and fixed a bug that let you keep shopping after spending all your cum on dormant power.
  • Solved an issue where Rhelyla's revenge could be repeated if you didn't sleep.
  • text showing wings when meeting Freydis
  • meeting Freydis a second time but not first
  • Tackled an error that allowed skipping the last part of Rhelyla's training.
  • going to the noble district too early (need Rhelyla to give up first, then party with Az)
  • Because of a bug specifically affected Firefox, I have removed the typing feature from battles.
  • an error that caused Rhelyla's revenge to be repeatable if you didn't sleep
  • an error that allowed you to skip the last part of Rhelyla's training
  • Had to pull the typing feature from battles for Firefox users - it wasn't playing nice with Firefox and causing the feature to break.

Ver 0.41

Note: Removing maps has made my game significantly shorter. Hopefully more fun though. This does mean you can probably speed through my game faster than before if you skip over a lot of reading.

Known issues:
Firefox - Currently only affecting users playing on firefox browser. During fight scenes, the attack buttons are not supposed to show up until after the text has completed typing. On firefox, the typing animation is much slower than it's supposed to be, and the buttons show up early. If you're using firefox, simply don't hit the attack buttons until after the typing is completed or you'll hit a bug that will remove all text and throw an error out. Or use another browser. If there are a lot of reports like this, I'll remove the typing feature entirely.

New Content:

  • updated the tavern scene for male and female paths
  • Added image for bone centipede charm
  • new scenes for the first time you enter the forest (includes nsfw scene and image that I didn't really use AI for other than a bit of blending) :)
  • completed Rhelyla's revenge quest (yes, Rhevenge is spelled like that on purpose)
  • Different variations of revenge scene if you have a certain spell
  • Completed Azrael's party
  • updated guard scene for leaving town for the first time
  • new outfit art added (part of a quest)
  • removing the maps changed a lot of the events I had created, thus making each forest significantly shorter. To remedy this, I had to create significantly more content in the forests. There are now 3 new paths for each section of the forest, and brand new events as well as some modified events.
  • Also removed map for town, which means that the games length has been significantly decreased but less of a slog.
  • James / Emily are no longer friends! Well maybe. You can decide what they are to you.
  • updated 2 scenes in regard to an elf you meet in the forest, to prep for another scene coming soon (one of the two scenes will be updated again)
  • removed will-o'-the-wisp scene and replaced it with a different scene with the same creature. This could lead you to a new place
  • Added a scene with a hut you can find when you get lost in the forest
  • Added some scenes inside the hut if you can figure out how to get inside
  • added fire2, the tome can be found in the forest but not until you find out how to get inside the hut
  • rewrote the steps to using illusion magic. I had an idea that all succubi magic would be based on illusion, then by tricking the world itself you can make that illusion into reality. Thus using spells such as fire, ice, etc. (I will eventually go back and re-write the rest of the tomes as well)
  • rewrote fire tome, and another special hidden tome that both include a bit more lore.
  • multiple new images, some of which were not created with AI (I did use AI to clean some of my rough edges, but there are a few images that have been created via photoshop. For example, AI is terrible at goblins. AI is also terrible at multiple people in a single image. I made those, then used AI to cleanup a bit)
  • updated the notebook with new quest logs
  • If you ally with the dryad, you should no longer be able to fight alraunes
  • re-wrote forest 1 - 3 and the main city.
  • it is now possible to charm - charm immuned creatures. However another spell is required for this to work (this does not add lewd scenes for animals / bugs)
  • added more content to the notebook
  • New outfit (party outfit)
  • I have completely removed ads from my website-hosted version of the game. However in exchange for this, I will no longer be releasing the update early since it costs me money to host this for you guys. Sorry!


  • Made changes to hopefully significantly reduce the grind in battle. Increased EXP gain, increased money - cum gain. Certain non-repeatable events will give you enough exp to level up.
  • back button didn't work from the changelog if you did it from the opening game screen
  • rhelyla's note quest showed up way too early
  • fixed headshot image not being displayed in certain areas
  • fixed missing code causing alraunes to always be your ally
  • accidentally overwrote a passage on the way to challenge melek taus, I've "fixed" this, but I will unfortunately need to re-write the content that I lost...
  • added an extra point to pdef and mdef every 3 levels
  • crit rate and charm crit rate were seperate. I merged them together and they're now the same stat.
  • a couple typos
  • added a small timer on the buttons in battle to prevent players from clicking too fast (and causing the buttons to break)
  • removed maps from forest 1 - 3
  • removed map from city
  • healing outside of battle no longer puts your health at a decimal
  • Fixed Rhelyla assuming you worked at her brothel when you go in for charm training
  • Every spider was a boss. Oops.
  • UI fixes, typos
  • text fixes (such as the use of the word marathon in a medeival world)
  • Fixed a bug causing your suspicion to rise when you had illusion
  • strengthened armor, weakened enemies
  • Further updated the battle system, enemies more than 3 levels higher than you will be harder, while enemies within 3 levels, there will be a check to make sure you can still damage them. Adjustments are made if you cannot. 
  • You can no longer explore the mountains until you've beaten melek taus and have reached level 11.
  • Made a small change to the arousal meter (lustcrest) for color blind players. You can now hover your mouse over the image to see your current lust percentage.


Ver 0.4
Note: This update was massive. I don't want to set false expectations that every update will be this large, but I wanted to finish several things in this update, especially some story elements to try to keep the game making sense, especially as I change things (this is why some of the girl start path and slut path is/was messed up). I pretty much worked on this non-stop all month, so if there are bugs please be gentle and let me know. I'll fix any game breaking ones ASAP, minor ones I'll address in the follow-up update! (I will be out of town for 1 week after this release, but I'll bring my laptop and work on it when I can, I have discord on my phone so I'll constantly check the #bugs section).
A couple things I was hoping to add but ran out of time for, these should be present in the next update:
1. Updating female slut path to make more sense. Female slut path was made by copying most of the male and female virgin paths, which caused some consistency issues as I missed fixing parts. I intend to go back and fix these. Most of the female virgin path has been fixed in this update.
2. I am going to add a lewd scene when you first reach the forest to explain why your personality drastically changes (unless you chose slut) when you charm an enemy. Originally it was kind of a non-canon game mechanic but I've chosen to add an explanation. I had considered locking the charm button behind your characters acceptance of their situation, but since that could mess up player builds I've changed my mind.

New Content:

  • completely revamped battle system and removed some limitations I previously had when wanting to add new spells / enemies / etc. This means I can now add spells that effect battle in various ways other than just hurting the enemy. (for now this is for the mountains region only, I intend to go back and redo the forest area a bit too but since that will probably be an entire update on it's own, I'm waiting on this) Edit: Had to do the forest too as it messed up game balance among other things. Would have preferred to focus on adding more content but it needed to be done.
  • Adjusted how spells work
  • Added Illusion and seduction magic to battle
  • New enemies! (yaaaay)
  • new enemies means...New scenes!
  • More effort was placed into the writing of these scenes to make them less generic than the forest action scenes. However this also means that I'm only writing one scene per enemy, rather than writing variations for each spell / etc. This means you may come across scenes where you use magic that you haven't unlocked yet.
  • updated the UI (again)
  • armors now have tiers (mostly for me so I can decide how many stats to add to an armor). A higher tier armor has a larger pool of points to go towards stats. Tier's work in multiples of 5. Tier 1 armor is intended for level 1 - 5 characters, tier 2 is intended for level 6 - 10. However it is possible to obtain higher tier armor early. (If you obtain Goldenware early, you may miss out on some scenes).
  • Finished current waitress content
  • various images have been added or replaced on old content
  • new spells have been added to prepare for future content
  • Several new passages have been added.
  • Lots of updates to chapter 1 story, some of which was changed to work better with chapter 2.
  • wrote in a new optional ability that is unlocked after a certain scene, but I don't want to give too much away regarding this as it changes the story a bit, so I'll keep it vague.
  • New (extremely powerful) outfit to be found in the mountains! (patrons only)
  • Added outfit descriptions in the wardrobe
  • Added a notebook, you can find current objectives as well as some extra information here
  • Removed acceptance from your stats and replaced it with a small dialogue under your image
  • Shrunk all images, but made them expandable if you hover over them (mobile players will be unaffected), this should help prevent players from having to scroll down as much
  • After Allying with the dryad, you now receive boosts from any alraune you meet
  • new scenes if you return to melek taus after being defeated
  • Did you know Melek Taus is a lovesick puppy?
  • Added a skip chapter 1 feature, as there are things I've changed in chapter 1 this might cause some small confusion for the story. However I will likely continue improving and changing aspects of the story as we continue.
  • All enemies have portraits, I'm actually really happy I managed to get these done in time. Will be updating some later, though such as the bandits.
  • Finished mountains part 1! I will need to go back and make some edits and add a couple things I had planned to add originally, but this ordinarily should have been split into two updates. I worked nonstop on this update all month, I hope you guys like it!


  • If your slutfame in town goes above 100, there was a bug where you could no longer get customers. This has been fixed.
  • If you failed to pay taxes you would get stuck in a loop.
  • Significantly increased rewards for winning a battle
  • Moved several buttons into the container for better visibility
  • changed a bit of text the first time you visit the bookstore
  • made it a little easier to hit enemies in the forest so they don't dodge so often
  • drastically increased starting health to make enemy encounters less of a grind.
  • Enemies and player have higher attack damage and lower defense. - This works for the most part, but may need to start boosting defense a bit. For now this makes armor very important
  • fixed tax loop bug
  • Fixed a bug where if you saved 5 or more alraunes, the dryad wouldn't show up. But she would if you killed them.
  • Fixed images no longer showing up after making the alraunes your ally
  • rearranged some stuff in the caption menu
  • Walking through the forest again and again was a pain, you no longer need wings to take a shortcut
  • Fixed a bug where if you lost against melek taus you would be unable to re-challenge him
  • Male and female start office quiz questions have been re-written and are funnier (I hope) and it's a bit more obvious what stats are affected by your choices
  • Female virgin path has been largely rewritten to fix a lot of consistency issues
  • Fixed players able to meet Eira too early
  • Fixed a bug in the bookstore where you would meet the owner and Azrael at the same time
  • Fixed players able to meet Eira too early
  • back button didn't work from the changelog if you did it from the opening game screen 
  • rhelyla's note quest showed up way too early 
  • fixed headshot image not being displayed in certain areas 
  • fixed missing code causing alraunes to always be your ally 
  • accidentally overwrote a passage on the way to challenge melek taus, I've "fixed" this, but I will unfortunately need to re-write the content that I lost... 
  • added an extra point to pdef and mdef every 3 levels 
  • crit rate and charm crit rate were seperate. I merged them together and they're now the same stat. 
  • a couple typos 
  • enemies 1 level higher or weaker than you have had their stats reduced.



Ver 0.39

Version 0.39 is now up on my website and downloadable! Version 0.4 addresses a lot of QOL changes and fixes a few bugs. Version 0.4 is available for Patrons!  

new content:

  • Reviewed and re-wrote some of the opening scenes
  • New scenes with rhelyla added, available after Melek Taus is dead
  • New scenes in the bookstore, available after Melek Taus is dead
  • added an 'ending' for grill route after reaching melek taus. This is intended to be temporary as I focus on the main story.
  • 2 new armors added, one of which you can currently purchase it for a high price. Or use another method...
  • New scenes with the tailor (with art!)
  • Added Dryad fight, She is no longer at a fixed position and will appear after certain events, added scene for defeating her Note: due to these changes, you will be unable to see this scene without starting the game over.
  • Added images / stats for outfits at the tailor so you can preview them before purchasing
  • replaced images for your waitress at the tavern
  • Added a few images to the brothel
  • Added images, including different hair colors for when you wake up with a tail and wings
  • added images for alraune sex scenes
  • added images for squik sex scenes
  • added image for goblin soldier scene
  • added images for slime scenes
  • added image for melek taus sex scene
  • added images and two new outfits at the tailor
  • added images for scene with pat in your room (patron only)
  • Bonus: This was actually intended for the next version, but I don't know how to work/life balance.
  • To keep up appearances, you need to order food (no punishment for ignoring this). Upon doing so, you'll get to know the waitress. New tavern scenes!


  • Rewrote a portion of the brothel scenes / Not sure what happened here. It looks like I deleted a portion of this at some point by mistake. Also updated it a bit as it was still from my original version of the game.
  • When leaving your room, if you have illusion the text now changes from "tucking your ears behind your hair"
  • Updated text when going west from Forest 3- A1
  • rewrote some early text I was unsatisfied with
  • fixed a bug where the "not enough energy" message would repeat if you had multiple tomes and no energy.
  • altered various text that would be repetitive upon visiting your completed tome collection
  • Fixed incorrect image path for bandit headshot for optional bandit fight
  • Fixed a "bug" (ok I just forgot) where your race doesn't change
  • Fixed a bug regarding the taxman not showing up again after you refuse to pay him once
  • Fixed a bug where the tentacle image was being displayed instead of alraune's vines when charmed
  • Fixed a bug where you didn't raise your hidden stat (acceptance) when you did anything sexual in the forest. Acceptance raises how easy it is to do sexual actions or work at the brothel. A minor stat which will be irrelevant in future chapters.
  • rebalanced player level progression
  • rebalanced enemy stats
  • rebalanced outfit stats
  • updated enemy encounters: Forest 1 is more likely to give enemies level 1, with a smaller chance for level 2 and a low chance for level 3 enemies. Forest 2 and 3 have been similarly updated.
  • updated text when charming an enemy from arousal resilience to mental resistance.
  • Your arousal no longer goes up during battle
  • successfully charming an enemy now resets arousal
  • simplified code for outfit + character stats (this might require you to restart the game, but it may work by clicking the "update" option under changelog)
  • fixed a couple improperly sized images


Ver. 0.38

This update is now available on my website  http://daemonden.com/ 2 weeks after being available to patrons, and 1 month afterwards as a download. 


  • headshots now display ears / horns
  • multiple outfits (none in shop yet)
  • scenes based on whether or not you're wearing clothes / have an aura / wearing a certain outfit
  • you can now purchase hair color potions at the market
  • some images have been updated to reflect breast size - canceled and removed (might redo in the future, but too much image editing for now due to ears, horns, hair color)
  • your outfits now have their own stats
  • Several images have been updated with better quality
  • many characters have either gotten new portraits or have finally received their portraits (I've been working on this since before the first update)
  • Rhelyla is now an oriental inspired demon (succubus), as I originally envisioned her
  • MC art has been completely updated in almost all scenes / portraits / headshots
  • added enemy portraits
  • If you fail to pay weekly taxes, you're now forced to work in a stall next to the brothel (new gloryhole scene)
  • added image to status page if you're nude
  • If you're nude, or have an aura skill you can get propositioned for sex in town (currently does nothing). Need to have a high level of acceptance.
  • When in your wardrobe, added a section so you can preview your outfit + stats
  • Aura has been added as a skill. Will change some conversations in the future, will also mean you're more noticeable in town. Could be a double edged sword. 
  • Public Sex has been added (part of Aura skill)
  • Several new brothel scenes (1 new sexual scene)
  • new shops
  • 82 new images and an additional 50+ variations (same image with some changes) images added! I've been working on these for about 3 months, so I'm happy to drop a very large batch all at once.


  • Various typos
  • retrieving jeans from wardrobe is now fixed
  • leave town, fast travel to forest 3 has been fixed
  • Copper and cum gain have been adjusted. (Thanks Stadler!)
  • Rewrote portions of the male opening. I didn't like how quickly the main character would just go from being a guy to sucking monster cock with no explanation as to why.
  • It is no longer an instant game over when you wander around town with horns / tail. However, you still need to worry about rousing townsfolk suspicion. 
  • re-worked brothel + rewards


Review by Thtoneguy

Version reviewed: 0.64 on 02/06/2025

Why allow the player a choice of gender if you're just going to make them female in the opening scene? This is a gripe i have with a lot of games and i generally avoid it, but this time i wasnt aware that succubus actually meant succubus and not just incubus but bottom.

Review by Cfestron

Version reviewed: 0.53 on 07/24/2024

Review for version 0.52

This game was a nice discovery. Its plot and themes remind me of the RPG Maker game Alone Amongst Demons (normal person turned into a succubus against their will, thrown into a fantasy setting alien to them, choices can corrupt the protagonist's viewpoint), which is a plus in my books since they both do the whole "forced to live as a sex demon" roleplay quite well. While AI images may be controversial to some, I think this is the kind of project that benefits a lot from them; if anything, I wish there'd be more (a pity hair color doesn't change in most of the scenes despite having a choice to change it for icons).

I also like the the experimentation with some scenes (spoiler alert: the College Daze scene is not a bug, keep playing!) and worldbuilding. At first the setting looks like the usual adventuring site (town, forest, mountain, etc.), but as the game advances, you see more and more pieces of the backstory's puzzle falling into place that go beyond that initial setting. I started for the succubus roleplay, I stayed for the lore.

It's not just a CYOA, by the way; there are different types of combat, level ups and some inventory management (although not as detailed as having to choose what underwear and socks the protagonist wears, thankfully). While the story itself is relatively linear, there are a lot of little variations, like extra scenes, alternative routes and artifacts and spells that you may or may not unlock depending on your choices, adding to its replayability.

Review by Svetka

Version reviewed: 0.48 on 02/17/2024

interesting intriguing plot, I’m looking forward to the continuation, but I’ll skip several versions so that more new content accumulates

Review by TooManyTeeth

Version reviewed: 0.46 on 12/07/2023

Review for potential players:

Yeah this game makes the succubus RP quite fun. Reading as your character exploits her supernatural charms and Sexual Healing magic to manipulate things her way is a blast. The narration is pretty well done and the sexual encounters are usually hot. Sometimes the descriptions repeat themselves too much and and descriptions of places in particular have a tendency to get overly prosaic and I get bored of reading it. There are a few different instances of "This path leads to a dead end" that contain 3 paragraphs of scene-setting and, while I greatly appreciate the dedication to making the world feel authentic, it's just too much sometimes. The lore seems at first like a generic Isekai that's not going to take itself seriously, but once the story gets rolling the lore presents some cool and intriguing concepts, so I encourage players who enjoy that sort of thing to push past the first impression and try not to skim too much when the game gets lore dump-y.

I think the game's story feels about 30-40% complete? There's a healthy chunk of game available. I hope it gets finished but there's plenty to enjoy already. Recommend to anyone who wants to indulge in the fantasy of becoming an ultra-alluring succubus whose body unrelentingly delights in the profane even as her recently-human mind cringes at her disgraceful behavior.


-- SPOILERS -- Thoughts for others who have already played the game, and critique/feedback for the author:

Sexual Healing is a great idea and creates a lot of satisfying scenarios. Bravo.

Lust/Cum/Hunger/Energy are all things you'd think would be interconnected for a succubus, but they're completely separate. You can have a ton of cum and be starving. When you have 1,000 lust (exp), you can have the screen sumultaneously inform you that you're pretty full and dangerously hungry. Masturbation decreases "arousal" but that's not Lust — it inexplicably decreases hunger. The way the game talks about how you feel after sex makes you think that semen would energize you, but having sex almost never refills energy and sometimes even drains it. These blow holes in the fantasy for me. The game could be a lot better in this regard. I think I'd just replace "Lust" with plain old experience entirely, because it's too prone to confusion. Even as the game is now you can just kill a bunch of monsters with your claws and be told you're "Full." (Full of lust I guess since lust is exp)

So I'm not sure I understood the corruption concept. There are a lot of words spent tutorializing the player on corruption, even though they've been told they're immune to it. The way you kill the first Demon God supports what the goddess tells us on this front. So why the distinction about humans having less corruption? Why is it less convenient to sate your appetite with other humans than monsters in the forest? It feels like there used to be the possibility of being corrupted, and it was removed or something. I spent quite a while feeling confused about this and anxious about the consequences of my actions before finally concluding it really didn't matter who I had sex with and I should just explore whatever scenes I'm curious about/fit my RP. Perhaps Rhelyla shouldn't go into such detail about who does and doesn't tend to contain corruption when she's introducing you to the world.

Making matters a bit worse is the fact that at the end of chapter 2, I was told I didn't have enough corruption to see certain options. I'm pretty sure this is actually completely separate from the corruption in Blackpool's world and only because I didn't say something dirty to my friend back when she was a human. If I'm right, it's a shame that such similar language is used for two completely unrelated statistics. Regardless, this only serves to further confuse matters. I wouldn't be surprised if the author told me I was mistaken about everything pertaining to "corruption."

It seems like the whole concept of avoiding drawing too much attention to yourself has yet to be implemented. I guess my only comment on this one is that you got my hopes up, lol. I'm really looking forward to this being a part of the experience. Maybe put in a notice that this feature doesn't exist yet just so people like me won't be so disappointed in the future.

Also the possessive form of "it" is "its." No apostrophe. "It's" is always short for "it is." This mistake is everywhere — just FYI. I think You could just do a find and replace and it would be correct much more often.

Sorry if this felt too negative. I like this project a ton and I wish you the best.

Review by TotallySane

Version reviewed: 0.45 on 11/21/2023

I can't tell how passionately I disagree with 'MugTreecko's opinion about AI art.

Not everyone spent hundreds of hours improving their drawing skills when growing up, so should someone who isn't a skilled artist just hire someone, or do you volunteer to do it for free? Not to mention even if you are actually good at drawing, how long it would take to draw a single image, not to mention the amount of work a whole game would require.

In addition to all the coding and writing that has gone into this, because technically this game is top notch.

The AI art in this game is fitting, and looks far superior than the crude scribbles that some authors use, or even kisekae paper dolls.

I'll definitely be following this.

EDIT: having played it further, there are some definite flaws. It can be pretty grindy, also in repeatable scenes there is too much text. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against reading, and the actual story is nice and well written, but having 1k+ words for combat encounters that are repeated endlessly is unecessary. Also having parts of the game blocked behind a patreon paywall leaves kind of a bad taste in my mouth.

Because of the grindy nature I'll likely only play it again either when it's finished or when it's gets abandoned (sorry for my pessimism, I hope it does get finished though)

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