Demon Gods is about a woman (or man, or ...something else) who is isekai'd to another world and forced to learn to live as a Succubus and cope with her new instincts and desires. It is a smut game but has a focus on story and lore. I hope you enjoy it!
"Demon Gods" is a narrative-driven experience, with both humor and tragedy. The art is created with photoshop with borrowed AI assets. Most of the art is merged and photoshopped by hand which is why you'll often see poses that stand out from other AI work.
Every update is available early on the first of every month on my website
Downloadable versions come out on the 3rd of every month for both patrons and free players.
Patrons are always 1 update ahead of free players.
Thank you so much for supporting my game! It means a lot!
It's ok if you can't donate, everyone has their reasons. But if you played more than the opening, please leave an honest review!
Version 0.64 is also available free
This website is supported by minimal ads from ExoClick, a trusted provider that guarantees against malware, helping to keep the site running and the game free to play. Unlike many adult sites with ads, there are only two. Both of which will not reappear for 30 minutes once closed.
The downloadable version contains zero ads.
Demon Gods is about a woman (or man, or ...something else) who is isekai'd to another world and forced to learn to live as a Succubus and cope with her new instincts and desires. It is a text-heavy smut game with a focus on story and lore. I hope you enjoy it! There is an optional gender bender start as well as a parody start.
If you're a returning player, you already know that this game has both tragedy and humor.
On the use of AI-Art: Originally I had pre-paid and hired an artist for the game.
Unfortunately after months of no delivery and paying her twice, I decided to let her keep the money I've given her so far and go our seperate ways.
At this point, I am using heavily edited AI art that I take time to pre-draw and significantly edit in photoshop.
This is not the longterm goal and I hope to have an artist for the next game.
New Content:
Chapter 4 is complete
You can now visit Yuki's home and finish her scenario.
Several different and detailed scenes based on choices.
Several non-lewd character and story images.
3 seperate possible lewd scenes. 2 of them require at least 35 corruption.
New scenes with Yuki when you take her to her favorite place (after finishing her scenario).
Depending on the outcome with Yuki, one of two new scenes can be seen at the brothel. More to come later.
2 new minor characters whose names will change based on who names them (Rhelyla or Takara).
Please view both versions... ♥
Multiple new lewd scenes available, including one with Yuki. Alaric also has a hidden option for his lewd scene depending on how you handle battle.
Trashed the old hints system, replaced with a new one.
Added a modification to battles to allow for a secret in a specific fight. (This SHOULDN'T break anything...)
New possible (bad) ending.
The usual typos.
Removed the note about transformation every single turn if the enemy is too high of a level.
Added a note under your stats - list of spells for transformation that it doesn't work on enemies that are 5 levels higher than you.
Modified some of the dialogue against in battle.
Rephrased "lounge" in your room since the only thing you can do with it at the moment is speak to Yuki. Possibly temporary.
Honestly a lot more...
New Content:
New Content:
Several new scenes provided by Eins, (30,000 words) with the Dryad in the forest. Unfortunately there is no way back to visit her if you've reached chapter 3, and some of her scenes will be time sensitive and unobtainable after chapter 3.
Rewritten scenes.
Multiple new sex scenes with Dryad.
New sex scene with Dryad if TF magic has been learned.
Option for a permanent change to the Dryad.
It is now possible to continue from most game-overs.
Continued the story up to the next checkpoint.
You can now skip (most) dreams.
Fixed Bugs:
Removed a single line of text to stop Rhelyla from magically transporting herself into a lewd scene she's not supposed to be in. Pesky succubus magic.
Fixed a scene where your magic was running out even though Coco was already full girl.
Note regarding Android Version: There is a bug that I don't know how to resolve regarding the inability to export saves. This means if you change devices or your temporary data gets cleared, you may lose your save data.
New Content:
Started chapter 4.
Added some background mechanics that won't be visible for a couple of updates.
Some story scenario.
Moved some stuff around, you can now find your materials in the notebook under stats and inventory.
You now have access to the mountains at night after finding the journal entry that mentions it. However, this may have bugs or continuity issues. I tried to make sure I covered everything that would be affected, but it's pretty difficult to edit older content.
Added the option to cheat through Nar's riddles if you don't have an adorable fox girl.
Multiple new art pieces in new scenes, as well as a couple lewd scenes.
Lots of side scenes of varying length. Some are important!
Fixed Bugs:
Added the maxed arousal - accidental kill mechanic back into the game (not sure when I accidentally removed this).
Replaced several images in the game. Multiple backgrounds, some early art.
Green crest bonus now applies to the gloryhole scene and the brothel.
Moved one of the journals so you didn't need to scroll down for it, making it harder to miss.
Fixed a headshot in chapter 3.
Fixed various minor bugs and typos.
New Content:
Fixed Bugs:
Ver 0.50
Available on website only until 04/03
New Content:
Fixed Bugs:
Ver 0.49
new content:
Ver 0.48
new content:
Ver. 0.47
Note: Note: A backup save is recommended if you don't want to miss out on content, most scenes are done however most of the art is missing (this is mostly a text update) and some stuff is still incomplete. There are no new lewd scenes if you brought Azrael with you.
New content:
Ver 0.46 -
Note: This update may feel a bit short and linear, it is a bit lengthy but mostly due to multiple choices which are hidden based on who you brought with you and your corruption stat.
Note 2: I've been considering this for a while but free players now have access to cheats. Note that in order to access them, you'll have to start over or wait for the next update where I will have it automatically updated. I ran out of time to update it, sorry!
I also forgot to update the Chapter 1 skip, so using this might break your game! new content:
Ver 0.45
Note: The update will immediately pull you out of any scene you're in and put you back in your home. It's recommended you save somewhere safe before playing the update.
new content:
Ver 0.43b - Android Version
Note: Some bugs are present in this version, mostly visual and shouldn't be too common. All the known ones have been fixed for 0.44.
Ver 0.43
Note: important if continuing from 0.42, you must stop by your home asap to update some necessary variables!
new content:
Note: Some of these new scenes will be blocks of text until I can get more art completed, sorry in advance!
Ver 0.42
Known issues:
new content:
Ver 0.41
Note: Removing maps has made my game significantly shorter. Hopefully more fun though. This does mean you can probably speed through my game faster than before if you skip over a lot of reading.
Known issues:
Firefox - Currently only affecting users playing on firefox browser. During fight scenes, the attack buttons are not supposed to show up until after the text has completed typing. On firefox, the typing animation is much slower than it's supposed to be, and the buttons show up early. If you're using firefox, simply don't hit the attack buttons until after the typing is completed or you'll hit a bug that will remove all text and throw an error out. Or use another browser. If there are a lot of reports like this, I'll remove the typing feature entirely.
New Content:
Ver 0.4
Note: This update was massive. I don't want to set false expectations that every update will be this large, but I wanted to finish several things in this update, especially some story elements to try to keep the game making sense, especially as I change things (this is why some of the girl start path and slut path is/was messed up). I pretty much worked on this non-stop all month, so if there are bugs please be gentle and let me know. I'll fix any game breaking ones ASAP, minor ones I'll address in the follow-up update! (I will be out of town for 1 week after this release, but I'll bring my laptop and work on it when I can, I have discord on my phone so I'll constantly check the #bugs section).
A couple things I was hoping to add but ran out of time for, these should be present in the next update:
1. Updating female slut path to make more sense. Female slut path was made by copying most of the male and female virgin paths, which caused some consistency issues as I missed fixing parts. I intend to go back and fix these. Most of the female virgin path has been fixed in this update.
2. I am going to add a lewd scene when you first reach the forest to explain why your personality drastically changes (unless you chose slut) when you charm an enemy. Originally it was kind of a non-canon game mechanic but I've chosen to add an explanation. I had considered locking the charm button behind your characters acceptance of their situation, but since that could mess up player builds I've changed my mind.
New Content:
Ver 0.39
Version 0.39 is now up on my website and downloadable! Version 0.4 addresses a lot of QOL changes and fixes a few bugs. Version 0.4 is available for Patrons!
new content:
Ver. 0.38
This update is now available on my website 2 weeks after being available to patrons, and 1 month afterwards as a download.
Why allow the player a choice of gender if you're just going to make them female in the opening scene? This is a gripe i have with a lot of games and i generally avoid it, but this time i wasnt aware that succubus actually meant succubus and not just incubus but bottom.
Review for version 0.52
This game was a nice discovery. Its plot and themes remind me of the RPG Maker game Alone Amongst Demons (normal person turned into a succubus against their will, thrown into a fantasy setting alien to them, choices can corrupt the protagonist's viewpoint), which is a plus in my books since they both do the whole "forced to live as a sex demon" roleplay quite well. While AI images may be controversial to some, I think this is the kind of project that benefits a lot from them; if anything, I wish there'd be more (a pity hair color doesn't change in most of the scenes despite having a choice to change it for icons).
I also like the the experimentation with some scenes (spoiler alert: the College Daze scene is not a bug, keep playing!) and worldbuilding. At first the setting looks like the usual adventuring site (town, forest, mountain, etc.), but as the game advances, you see more and more pieces of the backstory's puzzle falling into place that go beyond that initial setting. I started for the succubus roleplay, I stayed for the lore.
It's not just a CYOA, by the way; there are different types of combat, level ups and some inventory management (although not as detailed as having to choose what underwear and socks the protagonist wears, thankfully). While the story itself is relatively linear, there are a lot of little variations, like extra scenes, alternative routes and artifacts and spells that you may or may not unlock depending on your choices, adding to its replayability.
interesting intriguing plot, I’m looking forward to the continuation, but I’ll skip several versions so that more new content accumulates
Review for potential players:
Yeah this game makes the succubus RP quite fun. Reading as your character exploits her supernatural charms and Sexual Healing magic to manipulate things her way is a blast. The narration is pretty well done and the sexual encounters are usually hot. Sometimes the descriptions repeat themselves too much and and descriptions of places in particular have a tendency to get overly prosaic and I get bored of reading it. There are a few different instances of "This path leads to a dead end" that contain 3 paragraphs of scene-setting and, while I greatly appreciate the dedication to making the world feel authentic, it's just too much sometimes. The lore seems at first like a generic Isekai that's not going to take itself seriously, but once the story gets rolling the lore presents some cool and intriguing concepts, so I encourage players who enjoy that sort of thing to push past the first impression and try not to skim too much when the game gets lore dump-y.
I think the game's story feels about 30-40% complete? There's a healthy chunk of game available. I hope it gets finished but there's plenty to enjoy already. Recommend to anyone who wants to indulge in the fantasy of becoming an ultra-alluring succubus whose body unrelentingly delights in the profane even as her recently-human mind cringes at her disgraceful behavior.
-- SPOILERS -- Thoughts for others who have already played the game, and critique/feedback for the author:
Sexual Healing is a great idea and creates a lot of satisfying scenarios. Bravo.
Lust/Cum/Hunger/Energy are all things you'd think would be interconnected for a succubus, but they're completely separate. You can have a ton of cum and be starving. When you have 1,000 lust (exp), you can have the screen sumultaneously inform you that you're pretty full and dangerously hungry. Masturbation decreases "arousal" but that's not Lust — it inexplicably decreases hunger. The way the game talks about how you feel after sex makes you think that semen would energize you, but having sex almost never refills energy and sometimes even drains it. These blow holes in the fantasy for me. The game could be a lot better in this regard. I think I'd just replace "Lust" with plain old experience entirely, because it's too prone to confusion. Even as the game is now you can just kill a bunch of monsters with your claws and be told you're "Full." (Full of lust I guess since lust is exp)
So I'm not sure I understood the corruption concept. There are a lot of words spent tutorializing the player on corruption, even though they've been told they're immune to it. The way you kill the first Demon God supports what the goddess tells us on this front. So why the distinction about humans having less corruption? Why is it less convenient to sate your appetite with other humans than monsters in the forest? It feels like there used to be the possibility of being corrupted, and it was removed or something. I spent quite a while feeling confused about this and anxious about the consequences of my actions before finally concluding it really didn't matter who I had sex with and I should just explore whatever scenes I'm curious about/fit my RP. Perhaps Rhelyla shouldn't go into such detail about who does and doesn't tend to contain corruption when she's introducing you to the world.
Making matters a bit worse is the fact that at the end of chapter 2, I was told I didn't have enough corruption to see certain options. I'm pretty sure this is actually completely separate from the corruption in Blackpool's world and only because I didn't say something dirty to my friend back when she was a human. If I'm right, it's a shame that such similar language is used for two completely unrelated statistics. Regardless, this only serves to further confuse matters. I wouldn't be surprised if the author told me I was mistaken about everything pertaining to "corruption."
It seems like the whole concept of avoiding drawing too much attention to yourself has yet to be implemented. I guess my only comment on this one is that you got my hopes up, lol. I'm really looking forward to this being a part of the experience. Maybe put in a notice that this feature doesn't exist yet just so people like me won't be so disappointed in the future.
Also the possessive form of "it" is "its." No apostrophe. "It's" is always short for "it is." This mistake is everywhere — just FYI. I think You could just do a find and replace and it would be correct much more often.
Sorry if this felt too negative. I like this project a ton and I wish you the best.
I can't tell how passionately I disagree with 'MugTreecko's opinion about AI art.
Not everyone spent hundreds of hours improving their drawing skills when growing up, so should someone who isn't a skilled artist just hire someone, or do you volunteer to do it for free? Not to mention even if you are actually good at drawing, how long it would take to draw a single image, not to mention the amount of work a whole game would require.
In addition to all the coding and writing that has gone into this, because technically this game is top notch.
The AI art in this game is fitting, and looks far superior than the crude scribbles that some authors use, or even kisekae paper dolls.
I'll definitely be following this.
EDIT: having played it further, there are some definite flaws. It can be pretty grindy, also in repeatable scenes there is too much text. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against reading, and the actual story is nice and well written, but having 1k+ words for combat encounters that are repeated endlessly is unecessary. Also having parts of the game blocked behind a patreon paywall leaves kind of a bad taste in my mouth.
Because of the grindy nature I'll likely only play it again either when it's finished or when it's gets abandoned (sorry for my pessimism, I hope it does get finished though)