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Version: 0.12

Essentials (A mod for Lust Doll+)
by Aoibami

Lust Doll+ Essentials logo

Essentials is a mod for Lust Doll+ by Indivi


Some of the Features it adds


Background Music - In the Mod Sanctum there is an option to turn on bgm, in case you thought the game was too quiet. Here is a list of the current songs to choose from:

  • Piano 7 by Maoudamashii (魔王魂)
  • vntrack01 by TERNOX
  • Adventure by Alexander Nakarada

Noclip - When enabled, allows you to walk through solid tiles by using 'PageUp' to toggle on and 'PageDn' to toggle off. Since it uses RPG Maker's 'Through' Movement Route (command?), it will allow you to walk off the map area which I would not recommend because on most maps in the game there are events placed in this area that could be triggered out of order if you aren't careful.

Buttplug.io - Allows you to connect your intimate~ devices to the game using a program called Intiface. You can find a full list of supported devices here.

Stats - By going to the stats event in the Mod Sanctum you can view various stats I thought would be interesting to see like, for example, how many steps your character has taken since its creation, or how long until you finally get the 'Sleepy' state.

Menu Color Change - Allows you to change the color of all the menus in the game. Right now, there are 22 colors. But if there are any other colors you would like to have added let me know.

Dreams - I've had a few people reach out to me telling me they'd be willing to write dreams for the mod so hopefully they will be added soon.

Updated to r54.0
Updated to r53.0
Added a dream by Darkwalker
Tweaked the chance of dreams
Updated to r52.0
Updated to r51.0
Added 2 more dreams by Darkwalker
Fixed Str NaN bug
Fixed Akin's Tattoo picture not loading
Fixed buttplug.io not connecting on load like it should
Fixed dream sequence saying 'Lust' instead of the PC's name
Update to r50.1
Added yet another dream sequence by Darkwalker
Added 'Cheats' category
Added Currency cheat
Mo;ved Noclip into Cheats category
Updated to r49.1
Added new dream sequence by Darkwalker
Updated to r48.1
Added secret achievement 'Happy Accident'
Updated to r47.1
Updated to r46.1
Added megaballs to succubus tower body workshop
Added Megaboobs and Megacock modification to Mod Sanctum
Readded save backup warning since it seems to have disappeared in v0.3

No buttplug.io changes this month :(
Updated to LDP r45.1
Added chievement 'Don't talk about it.'
Made Buttplug.io react to worn vibrators
Made Buttplug.io react to arousal
Added buttplug.io support for:
Bandit girl player defeat scenes
Slime Monster player defeat scenes
   Updated to LDP r44.1
Added Achievements Added Megaboobs & Megacock to the succubus tower body workshop Added toggle button to noclip menu Optimized menus Changed character creator stat modifier to allow up to 8 digits to be typed in Fixed audio file bug on Android Added buttplug.io support for: Rinny's Private Dungeon scenes Cassie's Private Dungeon scenes (todo pillory stocks) Fawn's Private Dungeon scenes (todo linda pd scenes) Hypnosnake lust attacks Pitcher plant lust attacks Succubus Teacher bind attacks Succubus Trainee bind attacks Adjusted Incubus lust attack timing Mistyra lust attacks Fixed bug not allowing old saves to work with the later versions -Note: This will only allow you to load old saves, it will not fix some of the game breaking bugs that using old saves causes. v0.1.1 Fixed Noclip not working. v0.1 Inital release :)

Review by DastardlyDoug

Version reviewed: 0.1 on 11/09/2022

Seems like it would be a good addition to a game. However, you need to be aware that a 3rd party is getting your usage and game info while you use it.

If privacy isn't an issue for you, go for it.

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