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Version: 2.0.2

Version: 2.0.1

Life of Crime

"Really sweet and romantic." - DarklingPerhaps

"For a game about the crimnal underworld it was a surprisingly wholesome tale. I loved the way Ellie and Violet bonded, like Thelma & Louise." - shellyv

"Best parts for me were definitely moments of ... which made me laugh almost everytime. Story being linear isn´t a problem for me as long as it is enjoyable story to read, which you did good job on." - Shikiyoku

"a surprisingly wholesome tale of coerced feminization." - aegis7

To quote Thtoneguy, this is a game "where the main character does not wish to be feminized and indeed does not need to be but continues on entirely because it is a means to an end". The idea is to see how far a character will go to sell a lie.

The transformation is slow, both the physical and the mental. With the mental changes being the slower of the two, if I've done it right. Yes, it's more of a drama and yes, the corruption tag isn't the usual corruption, it's more a self-inflicted dysphoria. The submission and domination is done without leather and whips and not all humiliation is one way.

I didn't mean to write a wholesome game.

edit: I've removed the Corruption and Voluntary tags. The changes to the main character are both voluntary and involuntary and sometimes down to the players interpretation. For most of the game, the main character has the option to walk away at any time. What I need is a Coercion tag. The game contains corruption; it's been noted many times that it's not the usual sort of corruption associated with the tag and can be misleading. Someone suggested adding the Mental Changes tag, though these are self-inflicted by the MC... if you don't count Violet's psychological warfare.



What was meant to be a quick review of what I'd done, fixing a few bugs and making a few tweaks for Chapter Two, turned into a rework of most of the UI and mechanics. I haven't gotten as far as adding Chapter Two yet. Because I'm going back to the original three chapters I wrote when I started this, I've removed the changes I added for v1.2. I've slowed down the MCs mental acceptance and increased the pace. Some of the content from the previous version has been moved into Chapter Two, which isn't accessible yet, to help with the pacing.

A young miscreant wants to start a life of crime. His first job doesn't go that well. His second chance doesn't go as expected.

There's Violet and there's some other characters.

For more detailed release notes, see in game

2.0.2 (11-Nov-2024)
* Missing text in college course spoiler (RSKappa7)
* Old link text when first asked about selling photos (RSKappa7)
* BUG: Pay boss instead of dating (RSKappa7) - untested

2.0.1 (08-Nov-2024)
Too many changes to list so here's the highlights
* Increase game pace
* Slowed mental changes
* Alternative ending routes haven't been tested. They're still there and probably won't work.
* Removed forced chastity
* Removed v1.2 endings
* Moved some characters/scenes into Chapter Two
* New content for existing characters
* New characters
* Removed unused locations to help with navigation
* New tasks and activities
* New character images
* Removed images
* New Dreams mechanic
* Bug fixes
* Added a teddy bear

1.2.1 (09-Feb-2024)
* Bugs and typos (O1010000)

1.2.0 (08-Feb-2024)
* Reworked ending of Chapter One and merged two of the previous endings
* Added Chapter screens
* Added first few passages of Chapter two story - these have not been wired up to any mechanics

1.1.2 (29-Sept-2023)
* Bad SetFlag of ItemArtSuppliesOwned (Quinn)
* Replaced missing skip ahead macros (ZephyrWind)

1.1.1 (27-Sept-2023)
- NaN errors (kaytlyn & CandiIsSweet)
- Added disable libido mechanic cheat (kaytlyn)

1.1.0 (25-Sept-2023)
- Massive backend overhaul of how variables function. I've copied the way HiEv does it so going forward saves will always be backwards compatible. This'll fix a few things and break a whole lot more.
- Found a lot of passages that'd never be displayed because of bad logic
- General spelling mistakes and typos
- Increased chance that some story events will trigger

1.0.4 (06-June-2023)
- New make-up scene, see forum (Pakhawaj & daisycyoas)

1.0.3 (10-May-2023)
- Increased reward for stealing panties (daisycyoas)
- Typos, grammar and spelling mistakes (Shaqarava)

1.0.2 (29-April-2023)
- Increased Config.history.maxStates to 15
- Added cheat to avoid Ivy ending (aceina)

1.0.1 (27-April-2023)
- Bug: could remove chastity after surrendering key (Redstar62)

1.0.0 (24-April-2023)
- General editing; fixing typos and spelling mistakes
- Removed option to stop working for Violet during phase two
- Stop evenings with Tom after he starts dating Pinky
- More notes
- Dick no longer shrinks after being glued
- Moved everything from 'to do' to 'wish list'

0.6.6 (31-March-2023)
- Replaced call to PhaseIntro with IntroVideo (Sfelix)
- Libido killed during private performance (O1010000)
- Correct check on dance skill > 75 (O1010000)
- Journal entry after first date with Malcolm (O1010000)
- Typo in conversation after meeting Johnson (O1010000)
- Shuffle of constant namespaces (please don't break anything)
- BUG: You can still pay for the hacker after getting the plans from dating (O1010000)
- HACK: Remove the above bug in existing saves
- Wrong scene called when masturbating after M2F (O1010000)
- Thanks
- Rewording of paragraph in Malcolm ending
- Cheats

0.6.5 (25-March-2023)
- Replaced dreams after being glue
- Added hack for missing variables
— Re-enable missed variables
- Replaced "Use vibe on cage"
- More couple on sofa images
- Reduce history to 5 (does it need to be reduced this much?)
- Changed end of game text
- Bathroom text & images after glue and after m2f
- Dance practice at home (weekday evenings after dance lesson if Violet is bridesmaid)
- Add forgery class to pay for second phase hacker path.
- Missing journal entry (ForgeryClass)
- Various typos

0.6.4 (22-March-2023) - Change to beta
- More tester notes
- Link paid money path at end of phase one to phase two
- Correct event set at start of phase two if paid at end of phase one
- Added currency formatting
- If switch back to M2F path, first kiss
- Rearranged media files (deleted unused)
- None dating path
- Non-M2F route, Rose ending
- Disabled Malcolm dates after refusing M2F
- Journal entries

0.6.3 (14-March-2023)
- One more scene with Johnson
- Info for alpha testers
- BUG: Richard event state out of sync after talking to Violet
- Content: not helping with wedding path
- Content: New scene at end of not asking Violet to help with wedding

0.6.2 (13-March-2023)
* More Lexie content
* More Ivy content
* More Malcolm content
* More Rose and Jane content
* Running task bug (tUKr)
* Missing boss conversation (Pakhawaj)
* Looping content (CandiIsSweet)
* Story progression all the way to the end of phase 2 for some paths.
* Rewrite of meeting with Johnson.
* New journal entries.
* Extra brattiness.

0.6.1 (09-March-2023)
* Links to jump to later content
* Tweaked logic for displaying clinic help with libido (CandiIsSweet)
* Reducing libido logic (wolfmage & CandiIsSweet)
* Study is reset after check, not at night (wolfmage)
* Moved time with Tom to Afternoon for better spacing of activities - does this break anything?
* SisterAskForChastityHelp error (Pakhawaj)
* Fixed lots of things I didn't know were broken

0.6.0 (08-March-2023)
* New content! First scenes for phase two
* QoL work on pickpocketing
* Added consequences for too many cold showers
* New drugs at clinic (need unlocking)
* Study rewards are back
* Refactoring of events system, should make it easier to add events going forward and no break saves

0.5.4 (14-Feb-2023)
* Bug fixes (Surume, TofuCannibal, sappho and knightofshadows)

0.5.3 (11-Feb-2023)
* Removed debug code from Sleep (sappho)
* Hack for club availability; triggered in sleep (BgCntry)
* Reduced time before pickpocket/club event is triggered

0.5.2 (10-Feb-2023)
* Club no longer gets locked after talking to Rose (thanks girtrude8k)

0.5.1 (09-Feb-2023)
* Bug fixes
* Option to play past 'End of Content' screen
* Some events should trigger more easily

0.5.0 (07-Feb-2023)
* Massive refactor of navigation
* New content: events, places, activities
* New characters
* Attempt at reducing grind (might have gone too far)
* Journal and implant reworked
* New pill (O1010000)
* Bug fixes (O1010000)

0.4.0 (22-Dec-2022)
* Massive refactor of variables and constants
* New navigation menu
* Removed confidence stat
* Increased chance Rose appearing (Wittyusername)
* Many bugs - some old and some new
* Campus stealing error (Trashacc123)

0.3.0 (12-12-2022)
Story now continues all the way to the same point as the concept
A lot more content and events
A lot more bugs

0.2.0 (11-11-22) - First Alpha
A whole bunch of behind the scenes stuff, focusing on: tasks, libido and skills
Added events for pick pocketing and shop lifting
Lots of changes to intro pace and events
Add journal entries!!
New punishments

0.1.4 (17-10-22) - bug fixes
Social skills now shown in journal (O1010000 & aloopy)
Forger money (aloopy)
$seedyJoint (aloopy)
Removed time taken for using vibe (aloopy)
Removed bogus text from vibe video (aloopy)
'Punk' friends libido warning error (aloopy & Erbosch)

0.1.3 (12-10-22) - bug fix
Added missing zero (JaradLichLord)

0.1.2 (11-10-22) - bug fixes and typos
Release notes added (Thelo)
Typos (JamieOaks)
Bugs (JamieOaks)
    -newSkill reference
    -shower Masturbation video
    -pickpocket closing Tag
    -FrustrationImage replaced with call to FrustrationVideo
    -Removed debug code from club
    -Hidden club handjobs until after first guard handjob
    -Fixed bug in name display
    -Added chastity check before asking for release
Removed image labels (JaradLichLord)

0.1.1 (10-10-22)

Review by Unipron

Version reviewed: 2.0.2 on 01/29/2025

I don't know how this game escaped me for so long; there was an entire TF RPG that I didn't know about!

If you're a fan of the longer-term, slow transformation games with reactions from other characters, you should give this a try. In the first couple minutes, you may think it's just about earning some money click after click, but it quickly unfolds into an involved story which really took me by surprise. Looking forward to more updates! :D

Review by aegis7

Version reviewed: 2.0.2 on 12/09/2024

If you, like me, were put off by the title and the corruption tag, thinking this game would be another dark, forced sissification experiences, I have good news for you. This is (or at least has as a main path) a surprisingly wholesome tale of coerced feminization.

The storytelling and characterization is honestly very well done, especially the dynamic between the main character and Violet.

The only real problem is that it does get a little grindy, as with most games that implement time management. There's only so many events an author can write, so eventually you'll just end up cycling through the same few events, waiting for new content to appear. To be clear, it's not a huge problem in this game (especially when compared to some on this site), and there are some sections where the pace of new content is rapid, but it is worth mentioning. I suspect this would be less of an issue if I'd tried all of the sidepaths, but they didn't really appeal to me. 

And people looking for an overtly sexual game might be disappointed. There is some, but it's generally mild, and shows up later on. The game takes an intentionally slow pace around introducing the main character into sexual situations, which I appreciate, but I know that's not to everyone's taste.

If I might make one suggestion to the author, I'd recommend adding a paper doll and/or description page to check the status of our TG as the game progresses. That, and perhaps spending a bit more time on the physical aspects, not just the mental ones. It can be easy to lose track of them due to how little attention is paid to them in comparision to the rest of the content (especially the mental changes), and I feel that's something of a shame. Giving them the same level of attention would really make this game shine, in my opinion.

Overall, I highly recommend this game to anyone with a preference for slow burn TGs, and sincerely hope that the author offers a fittingly wholesome resolution to this tale down the line.

Review by user210

Version reviewed: 1.2.1 on 06/21/2024

Played this game at its starting point, already felt that it was not corruption based game so I backed off. But still its one of the easy going romantic game on this storyline if you take that path. Good game nonetheless, I respect Author to do something unique here.

Review by shellyv

Version reviewed: 1.1.2 on 01/23/2024

For a game about the crimnal underworld it was a surprisingly wholesome tale. I loved the way Ellie and Violet bonded, like Thelma & Louise. Would very much welcome a chapter two.

Review by repe

Version reviewed: 1.0.2 on 05/03/2023

This game is less fetishy than most here and more of a drama where the main character happens to change gender. Honestly it's not really what I'm here for and at some point earnestly acting a woman got a bit much for me, but the game felt all around well made and I'd recommend giving it a shot if that sounds like it could be your thing.

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Total Engines: 33
Total Adult Themes: 10
Total Transformation Themes: 26
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