Beach Angels is set in French Polynesia. You, initially, play Ashley who ventures to this far away place in the South Pacific.
This title requires RAGS Player 2.4.16 or 2.6.x. Please note that RAGS requires both the 32- and 64-bit versions of installed on your computer.
"Thick, humid air of the South Pacific slicks your skin as you deplane from the jet liner. It’s your first time vacationing in French Polynesia and, also, the first time traveling alone. You wanted to be far away from home to reflect on past events. Rather upset, after yet another relationship ending, you booked the flight to visit the South Pacific island group the very next day. Despite being faithful and supportive, your girlfriend ended up cheating on you. Had your life been different somehow, you think, there wouldn't be any heartache. While brooding over this, you notice most of the other passengers have left the tarmac and are heading to the arrival area."
The non-player characters (NPCs) that you encounter in Beach Angels are:
Big Man
Tall Man
Handsome Man
Tahiti, Moorea and Bora Bora are the three islands in Beach Angels.
You start the game at Faa'a International Airport which is on the northern coast of Tahiti, and a few kilometres west of the Papeete, the capital city of French Polynesia. At customs you need to present your passport to Tawhiri. Before you can exit the airport and find what treasures and pleasures await, you'll need to visit the Outdoor Private Lounge. Pay very close attention to what happens to you in the Lounge. Hina suggests that you, as Ashely, visit her on a tiny island far to the south; it would be a good idea to follow her advice.
There are a few modes of transport in Beach Angels: airplane, bicycle, boat, bus and your own two feet.
- The domestic flight to Bora Bora is not available until you meet Hina on the tiny island off the coast of Vaitunanaa, Tahiti. For subsequent travel to and from Bora Bora, speak with Felio or Maeva.
- Travel between the islands of Moorea and Tahiti is accomplished by boat. Normally, there's a fee to use the ferry but, in Beach Angels, the cost of waived.
- Most locales on Moorea and Tahiti are several kilometres apart so you'll need a bus or a bicycle. Using the bus is the least expensive option but the route is limited to travel between the city of Papeete and Punaauia (a commune along the western coast of Tahiti). With a bicycle, however, you can explore more of Moorea and Tahiti.
- The city of Papeete, and the resort on Moorea can be explored on foot. On Mont Orohena you'll need to wear a pair of hiking boots. You can purchase the appropriate footgear from Downtown Papeete.
If you find yourself in need of CFP francs (the currency of French Polynesia), speak with Ipo. Appeal to his particular desires and, perhaps, he'll give you some money.
Entry to the Villa on the island of Moorea is normally barred. With the right set of feminine charms, however, you might convince either Handsome Man or Sho to let you into the luxurious home.
Meherio will either be on Mont Orohena or in the Tropical Garden. She has information that's useful.
Although many characters can be charmed, others won't express any romantic or sexual interest regardless of your efforts.
You can visit Bora Bora as a lone traveler or as a couple.
Version 1.5 is now available. No new content; only tiny fixes to grammar. Links are in the first post of the discussion thread, not the IGDB entry.
I really liked the setting and the descriptions gave me a feel for the area.
Once I got to the town I got a little lost and couldn't really figure out how to progress.
Then I clicked on something and the game crashed :(
I love your writing style but I wasn't able to find the content!
This one is far too randomized to me. You are Ashley, it takes me some time to confirm that this Ashley is a male character. You randomly flirt with people you do not know in the airport and then suddenly you get turned into a woman. A few conversation and you are alone again to deal with your situation.
Plenty of pictures, not making much sense, people come and go without much story. This is what you get from this game.
One of the best games here. Should have much more likes.
Wonderful photos of the landscape give you the right mood to explore (yourself). Many possible ways and bodys that you can try out to "Get Lucky". Though I wish, the description of the endings would be as detailed as the way to them.
Love this Game!
Well worth a play
Seriously stop reading this, Download... Go Go Go!!!
My new favourite game here. I loved the options in this and have spent the last several hours exploring them.