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Version: 1.0.3

Be Good at Something
by vegatg

Played many games on this site and always felt it was missing something or they were too short. So I decided to try to make one myself. But It is not that easy :) So this is my first game (ever) in Twine. Your support highly appreciated.

  • There are some spelling and language issues in this game but I ll correct them soon. Sorry for inconvenience. I’m trying to enhance my writing skills as much as possible. It is my first story and also my first game creation. Please show my flaws and support me to continue my writing passion.

You are a teen boy lives in apartment in busy town while attending your university studies. Currently studying as a web development in well university and very interested in Athletics more than your academic works. You are not very good at academic work anyway. Your main goal is to follow your athletic dream and win titles.

But One day you found out you became a girl by doing of your close one. After that you can decide the way, you are heading with the story. This story contains Female to Female sex, Female to Male sex, Threesome, Masturbation, Real life period situation, Feminization, Submission, Domination you can even have Pregnancy. You can do something Involuntary or Voluntary based on your choice.

  • Female vs Female sex
  • Female vs Male sex
  • Threesome
  • Masturbation
  • Real life period situation
  • Feminization
  • Submission
  • Domination
  • you can even have Pregnancy
  • You can do something Involuntary
  • You can do something Voluntary 

Funding page for patron : https://www.patreon.com/c/vegatg

Alternative Funding page for patron : https://subscribestar.adult/vegatg

Real world images show you very real action throughout the game. Sex and every Sexual action fully described with images.

You are a teen boy lives in apartment in busy town while attending your university studies. Currently studying as a web development in well university and very interested in Athletics more than your academic works. You are not very good at academic work anyway. Your main goal is to follow your athletic dream and win titles.

But One day you found out you became a girl by deed of your close one. After that you can decide the way you are heading with the story.

This story contain

  • Female vs Female sex
  • Female vs Male sex
  • Threesome
  • Mastrubation
  • Real life period situation
  • Feminization
  • Submission
  • Domination
  • you can even have Pregnancy
  • You can do something Involuntary
  • Voluntary based on your choice.

You are a teen boy lives in apartment in busy town while attending your university studies. Currently studying as a web development in well university and very interested in Athletics more than your academic works. You are not very good at academic work anyway. Your main goal is to follow your athletic dream and win titles.

Friends and Relationships:

She is a teen girl lives in apartment in busy town while attending your university and studies History. She is very good at academic works. You had relationship with her more than 2 years now. She is bit strange and she told you many time she can do magic work eventhough you didn't belive.

Your Female friend from Athletic team

Your Male friend from Athletic team

Your Male friend from Athletic team


Your fathers name is Brandon neilson and he is working as electrician. He is 54 year old and happly married with your mother.

Your mothers name is Sara neilson and she is working as a teacher in primary schools. She is 52 year old and happly married with your father.

Your elder brothers name is Erik neilson and He is 19 years old who is undergraduate student at University in their city. He is studying European history. He is 5 feet and 11 inches tall with muscular body and brown heir. His girl friends name is Nansy Bentley and she is 19 years old pretty girl with black heir. She is 5 feet and 6 inch tall.

Your elder Sister name is Beck neilson and She is 19 years old who is undergraduate student at University in their city. She is studying music. She is 5 feet and 5 inches tall with petite body and brown heir. She currently doesnt have and affair. She likes both girls and boys other wise known as bisexual person. She had several boys and girl during high school as lovers.

Terrier Dog

Characters are still adding to game

You are the Protagonist in Be Good at something Story.

There are 4 main stories planned now. You can choose your path.

You can find next event or events in Objectives Tab.

You have to spend Protagonist day today life to reach some event example as some events are happen after one event happens or sometimes pre set time of days you have to stay as your character or be relationship with someone.

eg - If you practice on Ground then you can meet Alexis for talk about your diminishing athletic ability.

eg - You can have Date with someone periodically. (2 days, 3 days).

Your Normal daily routine boardly (awake -> school or outside -> visit some place or someone or both -> come back home -> sleep -> awake). This is very simple routine you have lot more option than this.

You can find essential details in Stats Tab


Future Versions And Patron Version

Already Published

  • v-1.0.3 - add new story
    • add new story
    • Bug fixes
  • v- - Bug fixes
  • v-1.0.2 - add beach and park content with new media
    • In beach you can go swmming
    • In beach you can go snorkling
    • In beach you can go Sea Shine Hotel
      • You can drink here
      • You can meet new people and go futher
    • In park you can run
    • In park you can walk
    • In park you can stalk other people
      • You can watch unwanted things
    • New clothes added to the shops
  • v-1.0.1 - add stroy content, new cloths, fix game bugs
  • v-1.0.0 - fix game grammer
  • v-0.0.9 - Add Wordrobe functinallity to sport change room and at nigth bedroom
  • v- - minor bug fixes
  • v-0.0.8 - Add more contents 40 media, bar scene
  • v-0.0.6 - Add more contents on Fred's paths. You can go there after first sport selection event
  • v-0.0.5.c - photo not loading issue
  • v-0.0.5 - Major update- Game restructure with new look and add more media correct some of language errors. This is Major release
  • v- - Weekend School clash bug fix
  • v- - Minor bug fixes
  • v- - Start point of the story fix
  • v- - Sport event loop fix
  • v-0.0.4 - New - Sport Dressing room - dressing functinality
  • v- - image loading fix
  • v- - bug fixes
  • v-0.0.3 - Added more story on Alexis path
    • Alexis path added 3 more events (lesbian sexual seens, hug, kiss, fingering, Scissoring)
    • Bug fixes in images and links
  • V- - Minor bug fixes and fix image not loading issue in mall and due to jpg -> JPG
  • v-0.0.2 - Cloth wear functionally added 2022/08/19
  • v-0.0.1 - Initial version - only Alexis's path available - some lesbian sexual seens, hug, kiss 2022/08/16


Review by transall

Version reviewed: 1.0.3 on 11/19/2024

First choice in the game? Do you want to meet your girlfriend today or maybe not. Spoilers: You will no matter what you choose. The rest of the game is equally insulting.
It's yet another story about a braindead moron that doesn't see how they are groomed into submission, and doesn't react neither gives the player the chance to react even when the author mentions them noticing. You can only stall for time.
The one decision to turn me off irreversibly is stats that change with inevitable story events. A submission stat should only grow if the player chooses to submit. Unforgivable.
Some of the events that lead to more "submission" are plain stupid - like changing a period pad, getting female clothes, getting a bra, each makes the player character 2% more submissive. Give me a break!
And while I'm nitpicking, the women's 200m times are insulting, too. 34 seconds wouldn't get you in a building with a track and field team. Best you can achieve in game is 26.3s, that's nowhere near competitive. The author apparently is unable to use the google machine.
The only satisfying part of the game is choosing the colour and type of your clothes - for about 5 minutes. Well, muting the sleep inducing elevator music is also an enjoyable moment.
Don't play this if you like games that let you have choices or make sense.
Oh, also terrible grammar and not even spell-checked, which would be fine in a FREE game. You want them sweet patreon monies, you damn well better do the effing work imho.
Run like hell from this drivel.

Review by Strangyeard

Version reviewed: 1.0.3 on 11/10/2024

I can only echo the previous reviews: The game content is pretty good and something else for the site but the spelling and grammar make it rather unplayable (for me, at least). Considering this has been one of the major things mentioned in the reviews for a year now, I really recommend pasting the whole game text into a text editor of your choice and having a look at what it the automatic spelling correction throws up. As the game's author, you might not put that much priority on this but it *does* impact the main medium you chose to present the game - the text.


I gave it another try this update after first playing the very first version uploaded before and waiting to see if the spelling and grammar might get fixed, as it is a rather easy thing to fix overall, but if I look at something basic like the changelog and see things like "fix game grammer" and "add stroy content, new cloths", I feel the main issue is not being adressed.


You got something good here but this is the one thing that unfortunately taints the whole thing.

Review by ecostarr

Version reviewed: on 12/23/2023

The translation for this game is pretty aweful and the efforts at guiding you are laudable, but confusing. I lost patience with the game pretty quickly.

This was exacerbated by misleading tags. As far as I can tell, there is no sissy content. It's a straight up gender swap, so I am unsure why the sissy tag was added. Calling it a feminization game is also a little misleading. You're feminizing a female character, not a male one.  I'm kind of uncertain what the purpose of the feminization mechanic is. It's not clear in the game if you can switch back or how. It certainly isn't advertized in the synopsis.

For consumers of the gender swap genre, the premise is fine, but it has mechanics that aren't adequatley explained and you never slowly feminize a male character. The submission content is also kind of confusing too. Asking your girlfriend to help you dress like a woman increases your submission, which makes no sense to me, unless you're the kind of male that is terrified to ask for directions or believes the very act of asking makes you feel less manly. Not a submissive action, if you ask me.

Review by LynxF

Version reviewed: on 12/23/2023

I don't quite agree with the previous review. This game doesn't need an editor, it needs a translator. It's a very good game in all other ways. Very simple, yes, but there's nothing wrong with that. It's the language that makes it so awkward to play. People here come from all over the world and the language barrier can be a problem. English isn't my native language either so I understand this well enough. But it is possible to ask for help.

As for the game play. You agree to let your girlfriend turn you into a girl with a magic spell a girl and it's about as earth shattering a change in your life as changing your underwear. Afterwards you can choose between four potential partners, two female and two male, to have fun with. I did tell you it was simple, didn't I? But it's still a fun game - or would have been if it wasn't for the language barrier.

Review by Shirubaurufu

Version reviewed: 0.0.9 on 09/19/2023

I will probably be editing this review in a couple hours, but I just wanted to offer my services as an editor, to help make the sentences/grammar/etc flow a little more smoothly.

As a grammar nazi... the mistakes are glaringly obvious, and kill the immersion.

Again, this is not my official review (yet), just an offer of services ^.^

Edit: Do you see that above this? That was me... like 10-20 minutes ago. Not sure, I have 0 sense of time.
That being said, it may as well be my official review. This game needs an editor, badly. I was honestly trying to play the game for the content, but the errors are so glaring, it kills the immersion -- full stop.

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