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SRPG Studio
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Adult Themes
TF Themes

Version: 2022-08-11

Version: 2022-08-07


A corruption/transformation/mind control focused SRPG about being trapped in a strange fae realm. 6+ stages of Fire Emblem -esque tactical combat, featuring a large amount of different kinds of transformations and a variety of bad endings—at least one for every chapter. The current release is very polished, but more maps and more story will follow.

Content warning: Features ambiguously aged characters. If the characters depicted the screenshots below look too young for you, it might be best to skip this one.

Patch notes:

● 2022-08-11:
Chapter 7 implemented.
Fixed a crash that happens upon loading a save made in the battle preparation screen for the third bonus map.
Hopefully fixed a crash that may happen upon finishing the sixth chapter.
Characters should no longer be talking in the third stage after being TFed.
Miscellanous spelling error fixes.

● 2022-08-09:
Added an option for Easy mode.
Made chapter 6 slightly easier.
Lia's healing staves can now recover other units from the Wounded status even if they're out of charges.
Rejuvenator buffed from 3 charges to 4.
game.ini has been adjusted so it asks for confirmation to quit when you press Esc by default.

● 2022-08-07:
Initial release. First six chapters implemented.




Review by eldomtom2

Version reviewed: 2022-08-11 on 11/26/2022

Average. Kisekae images with fairly short transformations. Decent, and TF-focused, but not anything special.

Review by AngelGrace

Version reviewed: 2022-08-11 on 08/12/2022

I have to admit, historically SRPG Studio games have had...questionable quality. Forbidden Book is good, I'll admit that, but it gets kind of samey, the difficulty spikes all over the place and seems to rely on padding out the number of units to provide difficulty, and frankly the focus on slutty transformations kinda turns me off (I'm still writing a guide for it), so when I saw the graphics and the engine? It was only the name of the game that drew me in. It's a shame I didn't look at the name of the author; I would have dived in faster.

The concepts of SRPGs are pretty strong here; it probably helps that you've limited the available units. There's still a degree of luck involved (I had a couple of bad runs with Chapter 6 where the initial push kept missing, but I tend to play defensively anyway and that's not a map you do that on), but the combat is balanced enough that once I understood my units abilities, I was able to advance the map once I calmed down my corruption fetish. Suffice to say, I've quickly collected all the bad ends, and short of a couple of tricky areas, the difficulty curve is pretty good. Your design very much favors an aggressive playstyle, I'll say that much; hunkering down with limited true healing is not a strategy to employ here.

But it's writing that I specialize in, and the writing here is...actually pretty good. The lore of the world unfolds in a natural way (though there is a lot of text to go through between maps, which a less patient person than me may not enjoy...), and the characters feel...somewhat distinct. I'm sure as time goes on they'll...blossom beautifully <3. Writing a game with intentional bad ends, making those bad ends enjoyable enough to go back to again and again, that's a tricky prospect, and it's done well here. I'm looking forward to what this game has to offer, and I'll be adding it to my watchlist along with a couple others.

Also, generally? Thank you for Pandemonium, truly a gift that keeps giving.

Review by DHYohko

Version reviewed: 2022-08-07 on 08/11/2022

Difficulty is no joke.  This leads to constant creeping forward and luring one enemy at a time when possible but even that may not be enough because all your attacks may miss and screw you leading to constant save-scuming.

Review by Narg

Version reviewed: 2022-08-07 on 08/09/2022

I've played 4 chapters so far and I'm enjoying the amount of effort that you've clearly put into the game. Personally I'm not too great at these strategy-type games, and I find myself struggling a bit with so many enemies all over the place. If I could make a suggestion, I think it would be nice if the enemies could be weaker, or if there was a way to strengthen the main cast a bit more.

Review by Kishinslayer

Version reviewed: 2022-08-07 on 08/08/2022

Lemme just say, they aren't kidding when they say this is very polished. I LOVE this game so far. The story, characters, gameplay, transformations, all of them are on point. It's difficult at times but in a satisfying way. The level design reminds me of some of the better GBA fire emblem chapters, but on a smaller scale, sort of like what the Three Houses DLC felt like. The TFs feel very dynamic and are integrated into the levels well, though as a fan of slow transformations I feel like it would be really cool to see some permanent side effects when characters are wounded, though i have no idea how viable that would be in this engine. All of the characters so far feel natural and i genuinely enjoy the cast interactions. The plot isn't crazy or anything but come on, nobody cares about the plot in a fire emblem game, we play them for weeb chess, and this is weeb chess with SEX. Literally what else could you ask for? so far this game is an easy 9/10 and I'm only giving it that low because it's not completed. If it finishes well it'll be up there with the best on this site.

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