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Version: 0.6b

Version: 0.5b

Version: 0.5a

Version: 0.4a

Version: 0.3b

by Skiegh

Press-Switch is a game designed by Trigger and is primarily focused on Body Swapping but with quite a numerous amount of other forms of TF and things of a similar nature. It is a Visual Novel style game which, while, on occasion will follow the typical VN format of a linear storyline, will more often than not, lead off into entirely different tangents with each decision made. You can expect a lot of dead ends, a lot of poor writing, and an author who doesn't care about either. Enjoy what's there, this is my free time's free time project afterall.


Illia's Mansion is an offshoot, somewhat non-canon route for P-S which was never going to see the light of day until... it did. Mika Greenfield, through a very silly non-canon way acquires a board game capable of changing the world around her. She then proceeds to invite her friends and family to play with her and chaos ensues.

You take control of Calvin Hintre, an evasive teenager who finds himself observing others more than engaging with them. His people watching habits leave most of his time spent in simple wonder of situations to be -- of conversations that could be had, but never will due to his lack of assertion. This "if they don't approach, I won't either" kind of mentality leads him to live a very isolated life, with only those willing to force their way through his bubble capable of wrenching him from his otherwise boring existence. New possibilities come knocking however...

When a passing truck nearly flattens him, a stray bit of it's contents falls loose from it's rickety tail. Inside that unmarked package lay a device capable of changing the very people around him in ways he never could've imagined. Now he comes set on a dilemma, change others or himself, and how, and for what reason? The moral dilemma of this comes to shape the entirety of his life from then on. However, the device came riddled with warnings, and with it's mysterious properties, it may only be a matter of time until his curiosity leaves him hurdling towards his own bane.

:::::::::::::::::::::::::UPDATE VERSION 0.6B:::::::::::::::::::::::::
**Press-Switch 0.6b**
**Version Size difference**
**v.6a:** 56,821 screens (average of 13.0 words per screen) (total of 737,223 words) (301 menus)
**v.6b:** 65,446 screens (average of 12.7 words per screen) (total of 828,593 words) (301 menus)
This value may not be entirely accurate to reachable content.

**What is new?**
*- New Path Extension*: Family Swap Ciel - Jenna Variant extension. This update is broken in half, but both are focused on the same point within the path. This update specifically focuses more on the preliminary conclusions of one particular pathway of the Family Swap path, and the next update will be focused on completing that.

There is one Easter Egg ending this time around. The hint I'll give is that you do need to click on something, and it comes during a dire moment.

- There is now a new Bio Screen where you can view character details. This can be accessed from the main menu. Ideally, down the line, I would like information to be added to it as you find endings. For now, it contains mostly known information and a couple spoiler or possibly story hooks for later content.

- Added an option to name save games. The default option is not to, but you can toggle it on in the preference menu!

- Allowed the use of "esc" to exit out of unrequired menus, so the DSM manual and the DSM screen. I'd like to look into detecting if someone is fast skipping so you can avoid them all together. But this at least makes it faster.

- Memory reduction in the game, courtesy of Mariana.
While my goal was to complete the Jenna extension of this part of the family swap, I have decided instead to cut the update in half (relative) and release some content now. The content available at least follows... some semblance of a theme, and I feel the next update will have a different one.
**What is coming in the next updates?**
- Conclude the rest of the content for the Jenna variant of the Family Swap path.

- Depending on whether I want to make the next update short or long, possibly other things!


Press-Switch 0.6a
Version Size difference
v.5c: 43,221 screens (average of 14.4 words per screen) (total of 621,814 words) (266 menus)
v.6a: 56,821 screens (average of 13.0 words per screen) (total of 737,223 words) (301 menus)
You may notice the word count is not significantly higher, this is due to me removing the unseen content from this release. Had I kept that in, the word count difference is about 300~400k. This update is about as large as 0.4, and like 0.4, most of it's content is one location in the game. Though this one is uh... less of a confusing mess.

What is new?
- New Path: Family Swap (Ciel). The major focus of this update, which focuses on Calvin switching all the bodies of his family in hopes they learn more about each other. Things do not go exactly as expected, and Calvin is forced into a scenario more stressful than he originally planned. This path is not complete, but the conclusion to certain variants will be coming in the updates after this one (much smaller). That said, there is a good amount of content and plenty of endings to find, even if no "true" ending is in the game yet.
This new path is not finished, and the true endings are all pending conclusion. You can expect those endings to come in shorter time frames than this update. I will likely release each one individually. I personally felt there was enough content to warrant a release, and I was also feeling myself rushing from wanting to get content out, so I decided in order to not see a drop in quality to release now.
- Path Revamp: Trio Swap. One of the first paths of Press-Switch, where Calvin, Mika, and Ashley switch bodies has been revamped and rewritten, or rather... the introduction is written. It only lasts until gym class, so it's not large, but it will serve is a nice launching point for a future update.
- Old Content that was removed is back in the game, this includes the Eliza path where you clone yourself into Elena, Eliza's new twin sister. This also includes 0.4, though I can attest 0.4 is not entirely working visually. Multiple images are incorrectly placed due to changes in sprites since that version and this. One day I will perhaps fix them. For the best experience for 0.4, I suggest the original version, but this one should be mostly functional besides a few visual displacements and possible wrong expressions on characters.
- Mild alterations to multiple paths for consistency.
- New UI
- Finally updated to a modern version of Ren'py, even if I'm still stuck at 800x600 (maybe someday).
- Multiple new screens, including a new DSM screen for the device itself. This is only introduced in this version, but I plan to utilize it more in the future. Even if it's mostly for tactile affect.

What is coming in the next updates?
- An ending to one of the family swap variants.
- Possibly other path content
- While I do not know when, a sprite viewer, and a more detailed Bio Screen for the characters.
- Revamped Menu, currently it's quite placeholder.
- Splash screen, hopefully a video introduction to P-S.

-I am sure there will be bugs and typos, for all of those, please point them out in the Discord in the appropriate channel. #ciel-cleanup-bug-reports
- As per usual, please do not use older save data, it will likely crash.
- It's a very common bug that characters will incorrectly display upon loading a save. Rollback a view times or keep going and they will correct themselves. One day I'll... figure out how to deal with that.

If for whatever reason you want to support me, you can do so here...
or here...


Illia's Mansion v1.0


Illia's Mansion is an offshoot, somewhat non-canon route for P-S which was never going to see the light of day until... it did. Mika Greenfield, through a very silly non-canon way acquires a board game capable of changing the world around her. She then proceeds to invite her friends and family to play with her and chaos ensues.




An extension to the "mass_possession" path, or specifically five branches of the path. Said five can be completed up until the first day is over. After that, you will be greeted by one of my pending messages.


Other changes are mostly minor and works in progress. Hopefully things to be completed in the next go-around.





A small update which brings back one of the paths (Ashley's Eyes) from v0.3b, with revamped dialogue, visuals and so on.




Version 0.5a is the first in many 0.5 releases planned meant to revamp P-S and put all of the old content back into the game while continuing to add onto the game. Having had to rebuild the game from the ground up, a lot of previous content no longer works properly and has been sealed off. This is the first release, which is merely the alpha release of the game's intitial start, with some minor additions here and there. In time we'll hopefully be able to get everything back into the game and one day P-S will be back whole again and bigger than ever.







The long awaited new content is here in the form of a pathway to take a trip first and truly through all of Eliza's school, a place which was supposed to be a minor location but here it is with more content than the entire rest of the game. In this new path, which stems from an existing one, you take control of Calvin, where he reaches out to Karyn -- his sister's friend -- to see if she would be willing to let him spend a day with his sister inside her all girls' school Olivian High. No amount of forcing would let him in otherwise, and even a switch of his own chromosomes would leave him not on the enlisted girls, so his only course of action is to ask Karyn for the thing which she unconsciously holds most precious: her body.

Experience a path that is unlike every other thing I produced in that it actually functions like an organic path which continually merges back together with itself, with varying options leading to different conclusions much later. The path itself is incomplete. This is part of day 1, in what is planned to be a 3 day path. Day 1 is very introductory, but that doesn't stop it from having it's fair share of missteps, one of which has a very, very, very lengthy ending sequence. Speaking of, endings are no longer numbered, but there are quite a few of them to find. Good luck in doing so~

As this content is not complete, a general rule of thumb is that the path will end upon reaching the end of Eliza's school day, when the final class ends. There are exceptions to this in both ways, as well as a few options which simply can't be accessed due to being cut for either being incomplete, for time, or because I just didn't like them as they were. I apologize for it not being complete as I wanted it to be, but it only makes sense to get it out there now. Something else that is very important to note here is...

This Version Can Only Access The New Content!!!!

If you want to experience P-S as it once was, you will have to download and use version 0.3b. My intention next is to rework the game and get all of the old content working again.

Review by ZeroDKO

Version reviewed: 0.6b on 06/10/2024

I can't find the game, I downloaded the current file but there's no executable to be use.


Review by NONAME3568

Version reviewed: 0.6b on 05/30/2024

looks good

Review by salimshady

Version reviewed: 0.6a / Illia's Mansion v1.0 on 12/30/2023

Press Switch was one of the primary media that got me really invested since I got this fetish. I unequivocally love this game. Skiegh has cooked up a wonderful cast and plot, diverse branches and interesting endings, and the game is not even finished! Honestly, I can't wait for more, but perfection takes time. 

Review by Fantasist

Version reviewed: 0.6a / Illia's Mansion v1.0 on 05/30/2023

Really enjoyed this one.  The writing was actually pretty fun to read and made me laugh a few times, and there is SO MUCH game here that it takes many hours to get through the whole thing.  Like the author says, it's mainly body swap or possession TFs which normally aren't my thing, but I ended up having a lot of fun anyway.  I can tell a lot of effort was put into thinking into writing the descriptions of things from different perspectives.

Review by micem

Version reviewed: 0.6a / Illia's Mansion v1.0 on 11/02/2022

I have an opinion that the author just hates the main character and wants him to suffer... Calvin is presented as a stubborn guy, but in the game he is completely weak-willed and allows everyone around him to use and humiliate him.
Otherwise, one of the few interesting games with very rare updates.

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