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Adult Themes

Version: 0.1



Come and join a lovely bunch of Imps as they attempt to navigate their way through a week of magical chaos! their goal is to emerge on the other side having improved themselves enough to claim the affections of their beloved Mistress.  

 Thank you for checking out Imparagon! Of course, this game is more than a little bit lewd (I believe there's a grand total of 3 articles of clothing shared between the main cast). In order to enjoy responsibly, please only continue if you are over 18! If you like the game, please consider supporting it by donating, providing critique, or spreading the word! I've had a blast working on this project, and I hope you enjoy it just as much as I do! Have a wonderful time! 


 Fetishes included/planned: 

  •  Imps, goblins, and various other shortstacks~ 
  • Transformations! Mundera currently has 50+ transformations, including enlargement, species changes, mental changes, and much more! although they arent quite playable yet, Sylvie and Loria have about 14tfs each, plenty for you to explore and experiment with! 
  • Furries welcome! Most of these adorable transformations will make our delightful little servants a bit more animalistic~ 


This game is still in development, and it's slow going since I'm primarily working on my own. The first pass of art for this game is mostly completed. I'm only really missing the writing half, so if you know anybody who would be willing to contribute some raunchy TF writing, send em my way!

Come and join a lovely bunch of Imps as they attempt to navigate their way through a week of magical chaos! their goal is to emerge on the other side having improved themselves enough to claim the affections of their beloved Mistress.  


Mundera is our super cute main character. She is (like most imps) incredibly dedicated to her summoner, who she knows as “The Mistress”. Average in every way, this little miss has struggled to grasp the limelight her whole life. This struggle has led to many failures, meaning she is ostracized by her peers. She's not really antisocial, but she's learned to avoid her peers on account of their rather obnoxious gossip. As such, she's become quite the bookworm, drawn to stories of adventures she's not able to have. By default, she is super eager to take risks. Unfortunately she's never backed a successful horse before, so her self confidence could use a boost.



Loria is our sassy companion. Armed with incredibly sensitive hearing, Loria was once the queen of lair gossip. That is until the social attention became too much for the strained introvert. With disdain she retreated into the library in an attempt to isolate herself. She was lonely for quite a while, that is until Mundera relegated herself to the library as well. The two quickly bonded over their shared pool of literature, and loria got to know Mundera. With her hearing, she discovered that the gossip surrounding Mundera actually outweighed her own, and that sparked a protective impulse towards the younger imp. Loria wants to help Mundera through the most judgemental point of the year (assessment week) by allowing her to experience the adventure she's always dreamed of. During the adventure, Loria will always let Mundera take the lead, its her adventure afterall. Loria is just there to make sure she doesn't get hurt. 



Sylvie is our unintended tag-along. As the youngest of the three imps, she is still immensely involved in the imp social structure. She's claimed herself a rather high seat thanks to her rare skin and eye color (she's an albino), and her meager innate magic. A former bully to the two book worms, she is often opposed to working as a team. Hot headed, and inexperienced, she is bound to get herself into trouble. The time limit to return home is the most pressing for her, since she is a front runner for winning the imparagon competition even without any tfs. For the same reason, she is more likely to react negatively to transformations initially. 



version 0.16 (patreon build):

- day 1 of playable loria! including her perspective of her dog tf, and her socialize and research actions. 

- 2 new combo forms! wild(any) + barbarian, and guardian + fox! 

version 0.15:

- Mythical island expedition added! introducing the new guardian form!

- the harpy is now acheivable through the mythical island expedition

- Guardian combo forms have been added, including bimbo, cat, and wild wolf. 

version 0.14:

- Sylvie's day 3 and bimbo event, including gremlin and cat combo forms.

- new female artwork for Raynie! 

- 2 preview tfs: Mundera displacer beast, Mundera harpy

version 0.13:

- new true dragon forms for both mundera and loria! find them in the day 4 event, try messing with trust levels! 

- fusion hydra form! try kissing loria as mundera in the day 4 event after the two of you decide to share the loot!

- 2 new dragon combo forms! (cat dragon, and elemental dragon!)

- the first appearance of the bully Azure!

- brand new slug tf! find the slime in the dungeon, and bring it to Azure!


verson 0.12:

- code reworked to include toggleable pronouns! select pronouns for all three of the main characters from the very start, and flip them when genders get swapped! 

-  revamped artwork for some of the games oldest forms! (mundera, sylvie, loria, both wolf munderas, and goat mundera!)

- two new outfits for suti! visit him on separate runs to try and find them all!

- alternate sex scene for bimboi Mundera and Ratchet! bring him his key while Mundera is feeling ditzy~


Version 0.11:

- 4 new femboy combo forms! (cat, cow, dom wolf, and bunny!)

- petplay tf scene with Suti! all you have to do is bring him rope as a dom wolf! 

- bee tf scene with Ratchet! bring him honey! 


Version 0.10:

- day 2 of Sylvie's playable rout, including all of the subterranean tfs from her perspective! 

- 1 brand new form for Sylvie (ill keep it as a surprise~) which you can find by being caught by the guards!

- the first appearance of a new YCH character! Süti will be playing the role of our tailor from this point forward! 

- Ratchet now has a lovely sex scene with Mundera, and it comes with our first TG tf in the game so far! all you have to do to "unlock" it is find the key in the mistresses chambers, and bring it to Ratchet! 


version 0.9:

- day 1 for Sylvie's path has been added! unlocking the new Socialize mechanic!

- our first YCH character Ratchet will be making an appearance! have Loria or Sylvie introduce you to the Jeweler if you'd like to meet him! 


version 0.8:

- 7 NEW BIMBO COMBO FORMS!!! (hedgehog, rabbit, dragon, wild, wildsub, elemental, and cow!)

- slightly adjusted dialogue for bimbo forms written by the lovely Vinomath!


version 0.7: 

- the ranger outpost expedition itself, which will lead to a plethora of new tfs! including: 2 barbarian forms, 2 ranger companion forms, and 3 druid companion forms! 

- a special hidden goat combo form for Mundera! (take the goat form to the training grounds~)

- of course this update will also include some special contributions from my friend T004 who has very kindly donated a sequential artwork for Munderas barbarian transformation! 


version 0.6:

- a new milkable form, that being the cow! accompanied by a special transformation scene! (the cow form can be obtained by asking Kenzie for milk while in your cat form. alternatively, once we get to the component update, you will be able to trigger the TF just by drinking the cows milk component.) 

- 2 new "milking" endings that you can find by befriending Kenzie, and reaching the end of the game in a milkable form! 

- and just because this update feels a touch light, ill also add in the new combo form: bimbo + dragon

version 0.5:

  • added 4 special endings featuring the werewolf grove expedition wild forms. reaching the end of the game with the two characters in the following forms will result in an ending (wild Mundera + wild sub Loria, wild Mundera + wild sub Sylvie, wild sub Mundera + wild loria, and wild sub Mundera + wild Sylvie). each ending is accompanied by a new splash artwork!
  • minor bug fixes concearning combo forms 
  • additional atwork by Rhythmicbeast for some scenes

version 0.4:

  • the werewolf grove expedition is added to munderas adventure!
  • 2 new wild forms added for each of the main cast members (total of 6). 
  • added 1 combo form (Cat + Bimbo) for mundera. 


version 0.3:

days 5-7 are added in this version, allowing you to finish the game and find out who wins the contest!


version 0.2:

complete overhaul! the entire game was reworked from the ground up with community feedback in mind! the first few days of the game are available, with several different routes to explore!



Total Games: 2,269
Total Contests: 32
Total Reviews: 21,557
Total Engines: 33
Total Adult Themes: 10
Total Transformation Themes: 26
Total Multimedia Themes: 10
Total Online Plays: 5,072,916

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