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Game Information
Release Date
Last Update
Orig PC Gender
Adult Themes

Version: 2.5.4

Version: 2.5.3

The Experiment

Development of this game is now finished. The only content of future updates will be bug and grammar fixes (and maybe a few more art scenes if I get inspired). Thank you everyone for being on this journey with me.

This game is a Rogue-lite dungeon crawler which I started developing to teach myself programming and improve my art skills in illustrator. In this game you play as someone who signs up for (or doesn't sign up for) experimental testing and finds themselves transformed into a woman and traversing a number of lewd tests. Each of the tests involves its own theme and fetishes and will have you navigating dungeons, investigating rooms, and ultimately trying to find the escape. Every test involves some degree of random generation so every run attempt will be different. All art is developed by myself and while the game is done with development I still might add more additional art scenes as time goes on. 


As you move between and investigate rooms there is a chance you will run into an encounter that will test one or more of your stats (willpower, intellect, strength, agility) using a d100 roll. Encounters have the potential to deal damage to either your characters Health (physical) or Resistance (sexy). When Resistance drops to 0, your character will orgasm which results in a semi-permanent lasting negative status and a small health loss. If Health reaches 0 your character passes out and you are returned to the main staging area where you can spend upgrade points on improving your stats or unlocking skills and spend credits on purchasing one-time use gear for your next attempt.

The game is intended to be hard and utilizes a fair bit of random number generation so don't expect to succeed a test on your first few runs. Upgrade points are awarded even for losing so use each attempt to try new things, explore the tests, and discover the optimal paths that lead to a greater chance of success. 


The game has:
- 5 fully completed areas each with multiple variants and endings
- Character portrait that changes based on your character's various states
- An upgrade system that allows you to improve general stats and unlock helpful skills
- A shop system to purchase one-time use items to improve your odds
- An achievement system
- An unlockable gallery
- An ending!

Available Tests:
Test 1 - A cavern themed test with tentacle vines, mind-controlling fungi, and arousing pink mist - Features: Mind Control, Tentacle Vines, Extreme Arousal

Test 2 - A dungeon themed test where you must complete requests for 3 seperate succubi sisters in order to earn your passage - Features: Lesdom, Genital Transformation, Chastity, BDSM, and Femdom

Test 3 - An Alien/Spaceship themed test where you must repair a damaged spaceship in order to escape - Features: Alien Sex, Machine Sex, Egg Impregnation

Test 4 - A University themed test where you must balance attending classes and learning spells while being hounded by sororities who want to transform you  - Features: Transformation, Anal, Inanimate TF, and Shrinking/Unbirth 

Test 5 - A mansion themed test where you must find the exit while dealing with traps and an ever-expanding ooze - Features: Breast Enlargement, Milking & Lactation, and Ooze (Latex-TF)



Help! I'm Lost!
A helpful tip document and walkthrough document have now been added to the download. If you find you aren't able to figure out what to do I encourage you to check out the Tips document (also found in the Walkthrough section) which provides hints and tips without explicitly explaining how to succeed. If you find the game is too hard or too complex I would also encourage you to comment that as a review or on the forum post so I can improve the gameplay/discovery experience.

If you find any bugs or have suggestions for the game please comment them in the forum thread. I monitor it closely and am invested in making this game as good as it can be.


You are provided an opportunity to participate in mysterious experimental testing. Do you accept? Will you succeed? 

- You, the main character.

- A mysterious business woman.

- A horrible tentacle monster.

- A giant mushroom.

- Three succubi sisters.

- An alien.

- A corrupted AI.

- A Vampire professor, Elven professor, Minotaur professor and Slime professor.

- A centaur janitor.

- A helpful Kitsune.

- An order of determined angels.

- A circle of playful witches.

- A clan of gruff giantesses.

- An ooze girl.

- Ruby, your bimbo alter-ego.

- A cow patterned milking ooze.

Helpful Tips:
- The two most powerful items in the games are the vibrator and cargo shorts. The game ramps in difficulty after your first orgasm and both vibrators and cargo shorts help delay that.
- The 3rd attempt (non-encounter) at investigating an area will always be successful.
- Intellect is the most useful proactive stat for getting early Credits and Upgrade Points. You'll fail more encounters since most encounters do not test for it but you'll clear rooms and objectives faster.
- A couple points in health and resistance go a long way to surviving!

Difficulty Settings:
- At normal setting the encounter chance is typically 25% per investigation or move action (but not always)
- Easy: Reduces the chance of encounters by 10%
- Hard: Increases the chance of encounters by 10%

Negative Orgasm Effect Explanations:
- Horny = -20 Willpower
- Distracted = -20 Intellect
- Frail = -20 Strength
- Sluggish = -20 Agility
- Insatiable = Induces a 10% chance when moving for investigating for the character to instead hit themselves for -1 resistance
- Eager = Increases the odds of finding encounters when moving or investigating by 10%
- Aroused = All effects that hit resistance hit for an additional resistance, goes away after orgasming
- Exhausted = Lose an additional health from orgasming

The Cavern:
- To beat the cavern you need to find both the key and the exit. After finding one of the objectives the "Boss" will spawn and block the path and harder encounters are added to the pool. Additional objectives spawn in to aid in getting past the "Boss"; getting past the boss without doing the side objectives is possible but EXTREMELY unlikely.

Cavern Set-Up and Navigation:
- There are three floors in the cavern. The first floor has 5 explorable rooms, the second floor has 10, the third has 7.
- Each room has to be explored to visit.
- The key and the escape will always be found on the second floor.
- The third floor contains the optional objectives that make escaping easier/possible.
- The encounter chance on the third floor is significantly higher.

General Strategy:
- After finding the path down there's no reason to stay on the first floor other than to farm credits or look for items.
- On the second floor, its best to explore all rooms before investigating any of them as harder encounters spawn once you find the key or the exit.
- Depending on how healthy you are, try to find as many optional items on the 3rd floor as possible. Escaping without their assistance is extremely hard (but often not impossible).

The Dungeon:
- To beat the dungeon you need to talk to each of the three succubus sisters and complete 2 tasks for them each. The succubi can always be found in their respective rooms.
- Once you satisfy all the Succubi, you will have to return to the dungeon entrance where a final "end game" occurs. There are 3 possible "end games".

Dungeon Set-up and Navigation:
- The Dungeon layout is randomized each time but will always follow some basic rules:
- It will always be a 4x5 grid.
- The 4 corners will always be the Succubi rooms and the portal room.
- The main dungeon spawn point will always be sector 1x3 (the top middle) of the grid.
- Adjacent to each of the succubi rooms will always be each's "unique rooms". These are identifiable by the color referenced (the color of each succubi is specified at the game start).
- One room, the "Map Room", contains a map that will display the coordinates and names of each location on the randomized map.

Getting & Completing Tasks:
- Talking to a succubus who you have the correct genital state for does not require a roll so target the one you correspond with if possible.
- If you do not have the correct Genital State, they will refuse to give you a task unless you can succeed in an Intellect roll.
- If you fail a roll to talk with a succubus, you can try again once you either have the correct genital state or after you've completed a task for a different succubus.
- If you successfully talk to a succubus you can ask her for a task to complete. Once you do her task you will need to return to her to complete it.

Chastity & You:
- Being locked up makes it so you do not orgasm at 0 resistance but comes with a multitude of negatives:
- Once you hit 0 Resistance your Intellect and Willpower are set to 0 until you orgasm or raise it above 0.
- Hitting -10 Resistance causes an auto-loss.
- Encounters are inherently worse when you are locked in chastity and many cause automatic resistance damage without a roll.
- If you are below 0 resistance you can initiate an orgasm by talking to the dominatrix succubus in her room to restore you to max resistance.
- There are 2 ways to unlock yourself:
- Find a key potentially hidden in one of the rooms (the key is on a random loot table, can only be found once, and consumes on use).
- Complete the dominatrix succubus' tasks.
- Unlocking yourself from chastity will reset your resistance to 1 if it is in the negatives.

General Strategy:
- The best strategy for completing the dungeon is to avoid investigating needless rooms and instead beeline it for each of the corners. Investigate each of the succubi rooms and try to get tasks early so that you always have a plan where to head next.
- If you find yourself unable to open the final door after completing all the tasks, perhaps the Lead Succubus Sister can help?

The Ship:
- To beat The Ship you will need to do the following objectives:
- Find the captains key card & reactivate the power
- Reactivate the teleporter by finding the captains passcode, resetting the ships engines, and realigning the communications array.
- The location to reset the power is randomly selected as either the generator room, diagnostics station, or security station. It is mentioned in the ship intro, found on the ship system check, and labeled on the ship objectives.
- The captains key/corpse will never be found on the same deck as the power activation room.
- Both the comm alignment and captain passcodes can be made easier by finding things hidden around the ship.
- There are a lot of hints in the text that will direct you where to go if you're lost.

On The Clock:
- Slower move speeds reduces the chance of encounters while faster move speed increases it.
- Depending on your move speed, time will pass as you move/investigate and at certain thresholds harder encounters will spawn.
- Before the power is activated moving from deck to deck takes a long time. After the power is activated moving between decks does not advance time.
- The final time threshold makes it so that encounters become significantly more likely and also disables the option to select your speed.

- Being impregnated with a growing egg does not have a significant effect other than making certain encounters worse.
- Once the egg is fully grown, your strength and agility are set to 0 and all your actions take more time.
- If you're impregnated, an egg can be cleared at any state in the medical center (once its fully investigated).
- After clearing an egg the station will have to recharge.
- You cannot win the game if you have a fully grown egg in you.

Other Tips:
- If you fully investigate the initial room, you can download the map and system check and take it with you.

The University:
First Time?:
- The first 4 encounters are structured to introduce the angel, witch, and giantess sororities and then introduce Inari the helpful Kitsune.
- These will happen naturally overtime, but regardless of the objective its a good idea to head to your classes and start attempting them and then talk to Inari as soon as possible.

- Currently the objective to beating The University is successfully completing 2 lessons with each class and returning to Inari's hideout.
- Hidden in each classroom is an item that allows you to auto-pass each of the class for that subject. However, classrooms can only be accessed in the evening and night and only after you've gotten the keys from the janitor.
- The janitor keeps a constant schedule but can also be found at one randomly selected location in the morning/afternoon and a different location in the evening/night. These locations will always be at the beninning or end of the halls, not the middle.
- You can ask Inari to reveal the locations you can find the janitor in.
- If you've successfully learned a spell you can get the key from the janitor without any negative effect. Otherwise you can blow him and get the key which comes with several negative effects.

Attending Class:
- Each subject corresponds with each of your stats:
- Faculties of the Mind - Willpower
- Logical Reasoning - Intellect
- Energy and Anatomy - Strength
- Discipline of Balance - Agility
- Each subject can be attended once a day.
- Classes can only be attended in the morning and afternoon.
- The first class of each subject is tested against your base stat. The second class is tested at -20.
- If you fail the first class you can either a) repeat it the next day for a guaranteed succeess or b) take a -1 Health hit and pass it immediately.
- Attending class takes time (and additional time is lost if you take the -1 Health hit).

Scheduling the day:
- Each time of day is 10 actions (moving and investigating, orgasms and attending classes costs 5 actions)
- Classes can be attended in the morning and afternoon.
- Classes can be investigated in the evening and night after getting the key.
- Base encounter chances for the times of day are: 20% for morning, 30% for afternoon/evening, 15% for night.
- Getting caught at night sets you 1 Resistance and you lose the opportunity to sleep to regain 1 Health.

- Learned spells can be used once a day.
- Faculties of the Mind teaches you "Induction" which allows you dodge certain encounters.
- Logical Reasoning teaches you "Guide" which lets you instantly and testlessly investigate a room.
- Energy and Anatomy teaches you "Invigorate" which regains +2 Resistance.
- Discipline of Balance teaches you "Morph" which lets you turn a held item into any item you want.

Dealing with the sororities:
- Angel, Giantess, and Witch encounters where you choose your action have different likelihoods of success for each option. Maybe Inari can help you out?
- Becoming fully-TF'd does not cause you to lose, but instead changes the flow of the game and changes your stats (mostly negatively)
- Starting with the end of the second day, "Advanced Encounters" get added to the encounter pool which can cause different encounters to deal more resistance damage.

General Strategy:
- Having a single high skill value in either Strength, Willpower, or Agility will make beating the University much easier. Being able to pass a single class early allows you to get access the keys from the janitor early without repercussions and gives you a skill to rely on for handling sorority encounters.

(Variant: Passing Classes)
- Prioritize passing your the classes that have the best likelihood of success.
- Try to make sure to stop by Inari's hideout for your one request each day.
- If you can, try to learn one spell early so that you can get the keys from the janitor without having to suffer the negative penalties.
- Once you've got the classroom keys, prioritize getting the auto-pass item for your lowest stat classes.
- The test has a lot of ways to heal resistance (spells, sleeping at night, asking Inari) but the encounters naturally scale overtime. Try not to take too long!

(Variant: Helping Students)
- Having Inari open up access to other neutral rooms is extremely helpful as each of them will have a student in need.
- Identify the students you can help versus the ones you can't and need to dismiss.
- Its hard to split your time between classes and helping students. Identify one or two spells to focus on learning quickly and then try to find the students you can help using them.

The Finale:
(Variant: Sorority Leaders)
- Each of the sorority leaders has a will, strength, and agility test you can attempt to pass in order to beat them. You only need one success to pass each of their tests.
- The difficulty for each test is -10, -30, & -50 depending on the stat tested.
- Using your spells gives you +20 roll boost for the associated stat for the next test attempt.
- Using the guide spell tells you the difficulties for each test as well as which stat witll be tested.
- Being fully TFd for a faction means their leader will be automatically passed.

(Variant: Inari Possession)
- Escaping the recesses of your mind requires you to go to retrace the steps to reach location hinted in the university.

The Mansion:
Breast Enlargement and Lactation (entire test):
- Many encounters and traps in this test will either grow your breasts or induce lactation.
- Breasts start at size 1 and max out at size 5. At size 3 you lose 10 intellect, at size 4 you can no longer wear tops, and at size 5 you lose another 10 intellect.
- Lactation does not have a passive effect, but if you fail certain encounters while lactating you will be milked causing a heavy resistance hit and removing the lactation effect.
- Every effect that increases breast size includes a Willpower check.
- Every effect that includes lactation or milking includes a strength check.

Objective (Upper Mansion):
- The goal in the upper mansion is to locate the basement key and then use a hidden switch in the basement to open the door to the underground lab.
- Each room in the mansion will have either the basement key, or a clue to where the basement key hidden in one of its three areas.
- Later clues will also contain information on where the basement switch is.
- If you find all 5 clues, you will also get an Information Access Card which helps once you reach the underground lab.

Investigation and Searching (Upper Mansion):
- In the upper mansion areas can be searched or investigated. Investigating an area will reveal whether its trapped or not, while searching it will activate any traps and discover if it hides any hidden items.
- If you search a trapped area without investigating it first you will face significantly heavier consequences.
- Searching does not risk rolling a random encounter.

The Spreading Ooze (Upper Mansion):
- Random encounters cannot occur unless the room you're in has some degree of ooze in it.
- The ooze grows slowly each time you investigate or move and increases in danger (both difficulty and likelyhood of encounters) at certain thresholds.
- The ooze starts in two randomly selected rooms of the mansion and will spread to adjacent rooms once it reaches a certain threshold.
- Ooze encounters often cause "Corruption". If you reach 100% corruption you will become transformed and advance immediately to the underground lab.
- Ooze encounters will often test your Agility.

Objective (Underground Lab):
- Once in the underground lab the goal is to synthesize three seperate compounds (A, B, and C) which can then be used to clear the emergency exit.
- Compounds are synthesized by mixing specific liquids with devices in each corner of the lab (except the bottom right corner where the exit is). The rooms must be investigated first.
- Investigation actions in the basement laboratory use the same mechanics as the rest of the game.

Synthesizing Compounds (Underground Lab):
- There are 5 different colored liquids spread out in the rooms between the corner labs, to synthesize a compound the correct liquid needs to be added to each device.
- The same colored liquid might be the correct liquid for multiple devices.
- If you try to synthesize a compound using the wrong liquid, you will incur negative effects based on the device you're using.

Information Request Cards & Clues (Underground Lab):
- Once you investigate the Theoretical Experimentation Lab (bottom right) you can use Information Request Cards to get clues as to the correct liquid for each compound.
- The first clue request for a compound will give you two colors that are incorrect.
- The second clue request for a compound will tell you whether the correct color for the compound is the same as one or both of the other compounds.
- The third clue request for a compound will tell you the correct color.
- Information request cards are found in 3 different ways: 1) finding all the clues in the upper mansion, 2) accessing the lab before reaching 100% corruption, 3) investigating a non-corner room in the underground lab.

Corruption (Underground Lab):
- If you access the underground lab before reaching 100% corruption you will be rewarded with an information request card and a choice of benefit (breast reduction, corruption reduction, milk curing, or additional resistance)
- Once you reach 100% you will begin undergoing 1 of 3 transformations (only 1 is implemented right now).

Latex Doll Transformation:
- You become unable to wear clothes and encounters become significantly worse, but your breasts cannot grow or become milky.
- At 130 and 165 corruption your transformation will increase and you will lose an additional 10 agility.
- At 200% corruption you auto-lose the game.

General Strategy:
- In the upper mansion searching an uninvestigated trapped chest comes with a heavy cost. Its almost always better to investigate areas first if you have the time.
- Corruption starts slowly but ramps up quickly once the mansion rooms start to become oozed.
- Corruption is only RARELY caused by traps, if your corruption is getting high consider blindly searching areas to avoid ooze encounters.
- Finding the basement switch is incredibly unlikely without at least a few clues, even if you find the key early considering trying to find a few more safe clues before trying to find the switch.
- Reaching the underground before you get corrupted comes with a couple significant benefits while getting corrupted early is punished and will make the second half of the test very difficult.
- The maximum number of information request cards you can get is 7 which isn't enough to get all the clues. Pick your information wisely.





(Variant: Inari Possession) - Escaping Your Mind
- The Clues and directions are:
- The path hungers - the cafeteria - north, north, north, room
- The path desires reason - the logical reasoning class - north, north, room
- the path is invigorated - the energy and anatomy class - east, east, room
- the path desires order - the angelic ritual chamber - north, north, north, north
- the path is humid - the amazonian jungle - east, east, east, east
- the path has an aroma of tea - Inari's hideout - west, room, room
- the path is silent and studious - the study hall - east, east, east, room
- the path is full of giggling and laughter - the witches woods - west, west, west, west
- the path is ever-changing - the discipline of balance room - west, west, room

Version 2.5.4 - With Special thanks to Xeeno!
- Fixed a bug during the Inari Possession sequence that would cause the successful path text to become desynched.
- Fixed a bug where the inexhaustable trait was proccing improperly during certain orgasm scenes
- Fixed a bug where the spells were not actually boosting your chances to succeed during the University leaders finale

Version 2.5.3
- Minor grammar and bug fixes you didn't notice and now won't ever see again

Version 2.5.2

- Fixed an issue where the university map wouldn't pop up on capitalization relevant systems
- Fixed an issue where fighting the humanoid milking slime in abbreviated mode could result in a dead end
- Fixed an issue where the dungeon map would show the wrong graphic after doing the poster quest
- Fixed an issue where you wouldn't get Sign Me Up acheivement if you did the Inari possession ending
- Fixed more grammar and spelling

Version 2.5.1

- Fixed a softlock that would occur if you were aroused when inserting the dungeon maid buttplug but didn't orgasm
- Fixed the spacing on the rogue spellbook encounter (i think)
- Fixed the spacing in the Ship Main room (again)
- Fixed a bunch of grammar and spelling errors
- Fixed a few bugs with student tasks not working or disappearing in specific rooms
- Added the clothing tearing graphic to some scenes that were missing it
- Adjusted the Ship AI Core finale. Removed the -20 modifier from each test, but now you only get 2 tries instead of all 4.

- I'm aware of an issue with the wrong dungeon graphic sometimes showing on the map. This is still being investigated.

Version 2.5.0

General Updates:
- Fixed a bunch of random grammar and spacing errors
- Added the 3 remaining resignation art scenes (vine, machine, and clothing)

Ship Updates:
- Fixed a bug where the broodmother achievement wasn't being granted if you had the female alien variant.

University Update:
- Changed the harpy item task to require only 2 items instead of 3 (she still takes all of them, but its easier to proc now).
- Fixed a bug where the rooms with items were not appearing correctly after asking inari where they can be found.

Mansion Update:
- Fixed an accidental debug link that was left in the mansion basement entrance.

Ending Update:
- Added an Achievement Unlocked text for "Completionist"
- Fixed a bug that would occur if you choose not to assist with the ending but then wanted to remake your decision.

Version 2.4.0

- Added new purchasable content in the coin shop, the developer commentary series! This 7 part series describes some of the thoughts and ideas I had regarding development of the game, the tests, and the ending. This can be found in the gallery after purchasing.
- Added 12 new art scenes to the accepting manual resignation scenes (all of them minus the tentacle vines, ship machines, and clothing tf which are still in the works). These are also in the gallery scenes. 
- Fixed a bug where you would not earn the high achiever achievement if you did more than 8 student tasks. 

Version 2.3.3 Hotfix
- Removed insatiable from interrupting whilst searching in the ship depths.
- Fixed a bug where trying to fight the human-sized milk monster would cause an error.
- Fixed a minor bug that would show you having a bunch of torches in the cavern when you didn't have them.

Version 2.3.2 Hotfix
- Fixed a bug with re-reading the mansion tutorial letter.
- Fixed a bug that prevented save files that were too large from loading.

Version 2.3.1 Hotfix
- Fixed a bug with the vine tunnel encounter that could potentially occur due to the variable optimization (non-critical, but it will throw up a few error codes if you happen upon it while playing ver 2.3.0).

Version 2.3.0

General Edits:
- Removed another 40 outstanding variables (mostly from the cavern and the university) to improve performance of the game. Might do more optimation post-playtesting.
- Fixed a bug where the Statuesque achievement wasn't being granted properly.

Version 2.2.0

General Edits:
- Changed the gauntlet mode difficulty mod to give 4 resistance instead of 3 to prevent looping orgasms with the inexhaustable trait
- Fixed a visual bug where gauntlet mode would stay on "advanced" after losing the gauntlet if you had the advanced mod active
- added approximate encounter percentage to difficulty selection in both setting menu and game start
- Minor grammar and spacing fixes
- Slightly improved the writing of the ending sequence (doesn't change any of the plot points).

Ship Edits:
- Fixed a softlock that could occur in the Advanced Ship version where you couldn't access the AI core when perma-egged

University Edits:
- Fixed a bug where you could accidently earn the high achiever achievement in the passing classes varient
- Fixed a bug where the inari spirit could still be assisting you even if you choose to leave her behind

Version 2.1.0

General Update:

- Added Kitsune TF portrait to the magic mirror
- Updated the gallery
- Edited the UI so that your current stats are on display when upgrading
- Completed development of the game

New Art for:
- Ship Scan Encounter
- Alien Oviposition
- Cow-TF Overfilled Breasts
- The Alien
- The Alien Alpha
- Inari Ending Sequence (which includes like 6-7 new art pieces and a custom character avatar for the progressive kitsune TF because I like Inari and she deserves a little love)

University Updates:
- Added a new mechanic/side objective, asking the sororities for help. You can now talk to sorority members in their main room once fully investigated and ask for assistance. Each of the sororities has a one-time benefit that they give for free with no downside other than the time it takes. Additionally you can also ask to sleep in their room for the night if its late enough, or even ask them for help with their specific class once their advanced encounter has spawned although both of these come with particular downsides.
- Hints to these are given in the game text from Inari both when being given the main objective and when asking about how to pass classes.
- Designer note. Its funny that this comes at the 11th hour, but I wanted to add a little more personality to the sororities and give players a bit more ways to interact with the ones they like the most. This also opens up another avenue of both passing the courses and transformation risk/reward which adds to the mechanical depth of the test as a whole. This always felt like a bit of unused design space and overall The University test feels more "right" having this implemented. Hope you enjoy :)

Version 2.0.3

New Art for:
- All oozegirl/latex-tf related encounters
- All remaining cow-girl tf related encounters
- Updated art with the oozegirl to use a lighter shade of grey for better visibility
- Generic Witch Art
- Advanced Witch Encounter Art
- All remaining "Insatiable" Scenes and variations (University and Mansion)
- All remaining orgasm faces (Mansion)
- Mansion milking trap
- Pink spray trap

Other Updates:
- fixed some random errors you probably didn't (and now won't ever) notice
- still haven't updated the gallery

Version 2.0.2

General Change:
- Added a Health Damage warning to the accelerate learning options for the univerisity classes.

Balance Change:

- Edited the advanced university encounters to remove ALL your clothes instead of just one piece.
- Updated the mansion ooze trap to do more corruption damage if you choose to not douse the room.

Writing Change:
- Changed the writing (but not the mechanics) of the fully angel transformed encounter into something more salicious.

New Art for the following scenes:
- Generic Angels
- Generic Giantess
- Remaining basic ooze encounters
- Advanced Angel encounter
- Milking ooze appearance and growth (all stages)
- Encounter art for all stages of the milking ooze.
- Cow Trap (all breast size variants)

Version 2.0.1
- Lots more art including all regular encounters in the university and generic clothing loss art for almost all scenes.
- Minor grammar fixes and wording changes to the opening and ending sequences. 
- Fixed some bugs with accepting thoughts not activating for some outlying scenes.
- Gallery is still yet to be updated. 
- Felt like I'd made enough progress to do another update because why not.

Version 2.0.0
New Features:
- Advanced Tests: Harder versions of the tests made more difficult by several modifiers. Unlockable at the coin shop.
- Gauntlet: A challenge mode where you must complete all 5 tests without passing out while incurring unique negatives with each victory. Unlockable at the coin shop.
- Prestige: You can now prestige to provide more progression passed the original games design. Resets your stats and and currencies but not skills, thoughts, or statistics. Unlockable at the coin shop.
- Save to File: You can now create a save file which saves to disk instead of using the inbuilt feature which saves to your browser. 

Art Updates:
- Lots of additional art, particularly to the ship, mansion and dungeon. A bit to the university. Notably the gallery is still to be updated. A more thorough explanation of the art update will be provided in a forum post.

Other Edits:
- Tinkered with the Story Style Sheet to try and make it more user friendly for mobile, but I might not have actually changed anything.
- Changed the cost of the magic mirror from 2 to 1 coin.
- Changed the Dungeon Veteran skill. 

Hotfix 1.0.1

- Fixed an issue where losing a strength test in a specific cowgirl mansion encounter wasn't linking properly to the next passage.

Release 1.0.0

General Updates:
- Rewrote the ending sequence and completed the true intended ending of the story
- Fixed a bug where it said you had the trait Prudish instead of Resiliant
- Fixed a bit more grammar and spelling errors
- Play-Tester mode has been renamed Cheat Mode and no longer gives immediate access to the ending.

University Updates
- Added the shrinking acceptance scene to the gallery
- Fixed a bug where the game would softlock upon reaching day 10

Mansion Updates:
- Overhauled the Milking Cow TF - Now the ooze monster starts small and grows in strength the more it milks you leading to a potential instant-loss in-line with the other TFs. Additionally, you can now get milked at any device, and the chance of increased lactation is based on a willpower roll.

Version 0.9.3

General Updates:
- Quality of Life Update: Investigation - Rolling Insatiable or an Encounter while investigating an area now counts to the number of times a location has been attempted. While you still need to have an uninterrupted investigation to successfully investigate a room, interrupted attempts now count towards the 3 attempts needed before investigating a room is automatically succeeded.

- Quality of Life Update: Choices - Choices that will result in a skill test now display the stat that will be tested. Certain encounters that have alternate effects have those effects displayed.

- Experimental Change: Sidebar - While in encounters the sidebar will display your stats.

- The tutorial has been edited to accomodate the above changes.
- Added an "Objectives" selection at the laptop and updated the objectives menu while in the saferoom.
- Added an achievement for finding all 5 statues.
- Reworked the medalist achievements.

- (For astrinzik2) Added an option in the magic mirror to view yourself with pubic hair (does not affect the character portrait outside of the mirror)

Skill Changes:
- The prescient skill can now no longer be purchased. Instead it is automatically unlocked after attempting all 5 tests at least once.
- Redued the cost of most skills to make them more competitive with stat upgrades.
- Reduced Analytical cost to 2 since it now is partially redundant from the choice change.

Dungeon Updates:
- Reworked several of the succubi requests to balance them and make them more interesting.
- Removed the panty collection ending sequence and reworked the other two to be more challenging and interesting.
- Clothed succubi encounters now only deal 1 resistance instead of 1 health.
- Choosing to insert the butt plug in the chore quest will now make you continuously aroused until the chore quest is done.
- Alternatively, choosing not to insert the butt plug in the chore quest will now only deal 1 health damage.
- Added new standing image variants to the Blue and Red succubus.
- Shrunk the succubus character portraits.
- Added quite a bit of new art including happy/unhappy standing images for the red and blue succubi, genital state changes, and red succubi encounters.
- Reworded some of the blue succubus encounters where she acts a little bit more lewd than intended for her character.

University Updates:
- Adjusted the advanced encounters for (hopefully) the last time. The base damage is still 2 resistance, but now the check to increase resistance damage is done AFTER the damage is initially dealt.
- Transformation sequences no longer advance time.
- Wrote the shrinking acceptance resign scene. Forgot to add to the gallery.

Mansion Updates:
- Kept the photo discovery event, but added a naked statue to discover at a different location to keep it in line with the other tests.
- Wrote the three acceptance resign scenes. Added to gallery.

Version 0.9.2

General Updates:
- Added the first room upgrade purchasable from the Coin Shop, the Magic Mirror, which is a gallery for the character portraits.
- More optimizations to improve game responsivity, particularly in the late game.
- Satsifed trait now makes vibrators also heal an additional resistance.
- Fixed an issue where selecting The Mansion after completing a test sent you to The University instead.

Cavern Updates:
- Changed the mushroom step encounter from an agility test to an intellect test. Removed the -10 modifier from it.

University Updates:
- Adjusted the advanced encounters to deal an additional base resistance damage.
- Wrote the Angel (anal) acceptance resignation scene and added it to the gallery.
- Fixed an issue where sleeping could increase your resistance above your current maximum.
- Fixed an issue where you couldn't cast a spell on the janitor if you had more than 1 spell learned.

Mansion Updates:
- Nerfed the Masturbation Bimbo Encounter so that you'll only be forced to masturbate to orgasm if both will and int are below 10 (was 30).
- Nerfed the Bimbo Brain Drain Encounter to only reduce Intellect by 10.
- Fixed an issue with investigating the Theoretical Experimentation Lab Area.
- Fixed an issue with some liquids not being consumed when tested in a device.
- Fixed an issue where using the wrong liquid in the breast hypno device while in the bimbo tf would softlock the game.

- Adjusted the engine objective for the ship so that each successive attempt has +20 chance to succeed. 
- This resolves an issue where having 0 Willpower and 0 Agility (either though Orgasm effects or Nyphomaniac/Zealot Mode) would make the ship unwinnable.

Version 0.9.1

General Updates:
- Lots of small grammar fixes.

Cavern Updates:
- Fixed a bug with the game softlocking when trying to make it past the mist while there was still mist sources remaining.

Mansion Updates:
- Adjusted the balance to the milking ooze monster to deal 1 resistance per 20 corruption, instead of per 10.
- Fixed the milking abbreviated scenes to properly link when abbreviated mode is on.
- Fixed a bug with the cowgirl TF where intellect would be set low after being milked.
- Fixed the formatting on the laboratory information requests to look better.

Version - Hotfix
- Fixed an issue where the Milking Cow TF wasn't working.

Version 0.9.0

General Updates:
- Fixed up the "Examine Me" section for the new mansion TFs.

Mansion Update:
- Added the 3rd and final latex transformation, the milking cow!
- Removed the decontamination healing for reaching the basement lab. You now get automatically transformed (with no health loss) but receive an additional upgrade point!
- Added the milking cow option to the prescient skill.
- Rebalanced the Bimbo encounters to be more difficult and advance bimboification quicker.
- Changed the Mansion Subject Skill to make you more resiliant to the TFs in various ways (as well as negate health loss if TF'd in the upper mansion).
- Fixed an issue where abbreviated scenes would flip to their non-abbreviated varients after selecting an option.
- Added all new mansion scenes to the Gallery.

Version 0.8.7

General Updates:
- Buffed the Satiable trait so that Insatiable no longer hurts your resistance if you are at half or less of your total resistance.

Cavern Update:
- Fixed a bug where the vine boss would still be hurt if it was damaged in a previous encounter.
- Fixed a bug that would mess up the game after attempting and failing to get past the mushrooms. 

Mansion Update:
- Added the second 100% corruption variant, The Bimbo Slut! Can you escape before you're turned into the perfect Bimbo? Inspired by the "Bambi Sleep" series.
- Added Prescient Functionality (now that there's something to choose from).
- Fixed a bug where manually ending a run after the Mansion would not reset key variables.

Version 0.8.6

General Updates:
- Added The Mansion section to the gallery
- Fixed a bug with turning coins into upgrade points
- Fixed a bug where examining yourself in the second tutorial room would softlock the game
- Lots of little grammar fixes (but definitely not all of them)

University Update:
- Wrote the resignation scene for the Witches (added to the gallery)

Mansion Update:
- Wrote abbreviated scenes for all encounters and added abbreviated mode functionality
- Added Mansion Achievements
- Fixed a bug where the Mansion flashback sent you back to the previous page.
- Fixed a bug where getting transformed whil you had large breasts would retain the intellect penalty
- Fixed a bug where too many credits were being awarded for winning The Mansion

Version 0.8.5

General Update:
- Added a developer note when starting a new game regarding the state of save files.
- Reworked the Tutorial.
- The Mansion is now required to beat the game.
- Added The Mansion section to the tips document.

Mansion Updates:
- Completed the basement laboratory section of The Mansion.
- Added the transformation content once you reach 100% corruption.
- Added functionality for the analytical and clothing scrounger skills.
- Added functionality for the passive though benefits.
- Added PlayTester Mode functionality
- Added the Mansion specific skill, "Mansion Subject" which interacts with corruption.
- Removed the In-Development Tag

Things left to add to the Mansion:
- Two variations of the transformation once you reach 100% corruption.
- Abbreviated mode functionality.

Version 0.8.4

General Update:

- Grammar fixes thanks to Shaqarava

Thoughts Update:
- Top Tier thought traits are now available, each is a new activatable "mode" that significantly impacts the play of the game.
- Nymphomaniac is a stamina mode. Reduces your stats so that you'll fail most encounters but gives you a larger base health to compensate
- Zealot halves your health but turns each of your stats into an extra life. Each time you would pass out, instead you lose one of your stats while increasing the remaining ones.

Cavern Update:
- Fixed an issue with the mist ending that caused the mist source variable to improperly set

Mansion Update:
- Phase 1 of the Mansion is now available for playtesting and contains quite a few unique mechanics:
NOTE: *There will be a Phase 2 of the mansion that occurs upon entering the lab or reaching 100% corruption, these are not yet complete*

The Black Ooze:
- Once you enter the mansion, ooze will begin growing from two of the 6 locations.
- Once the ooze has grown enough in a room, it will spread to adjacent rooms.
- Encounters from investigating and moving occur in rooms with ooze.
- There are 3 levels of ooze growth, each level increases the difficulty of the encounters you'll face as well as the % chance of encountering them.

New Investigation and Searching method:
- Instead of investigating entire rooms, there are now various targets to investigate in a single room.
- Most investigation targets in the mansion are trapped (75%), these cannot be disarmed but successfully investigating a target will notify you whether something is trapped or not.
- In order to uncover something from an investigation target it must be searched. A location does not need to be investigated to be searched, however if you encounter a trap searching an uninvestigated object you suffer heavy consequences!

- Breast Expansion: many encounters enlarge your breasts which become increasingly distracting and eventually prevent you from wearing tops.
- Lactation: some encounters induce lactation which has no negative passive effect. If you're lactating though, certain encounters will milk you dealing HEAVY resistance damage. Lactation goes away once milked (typically).
- Corruption: getting exposed to the ooze will increase your corruption. Once you reach 100% corruption you will undergo 1 of 3 unique TF's (but that is not implemented yet, instead you just pass out).

Version 0.8.3

General Update:
- Fixed a bug with the objectives menu always displaying the saferoom objective
- Fixed some issues where passing out to an Insatiable trigger could cause errors with resetting variables
- Fixed a gallery scene that was improperly linked

Cavern Update:
- Fixed a bug where credits were not earned when beating the cavern
- Fixed a bug where the game was detecting no remaining mist sources when that wasn't true

Dungeon Update:
- Fixed several location where the game was looking for text colours improperly
- Fixed a bug where the dungeon map graphic wasn't appearing

University Update:
- Changed one of the university achievements to be more interesting

Version 0.8.2

General Updates:
- More optimization of variables
- Remade the gallery which is now unlockable via the coin shop
- University gallery now available
- Reworked the achievements and added them back into the game, there are currently there are 7 general achievements and 4 achievements for each specific test
*Note: While the achievement triggers have been tested, the difficulty of achieving them has not. They are all "theoretically possible" but numbers may be subject to change.*
- Added currencies to the current status menu
- Minor grammar fixes

Ship Updates:
- The time and encounter % chance are now explained when changing speeds

Version 0.8.1

Performance Update:
- Significantly reduced the number of variables (by about 25%) which leads to better performance in the late game.
- This may lead to instability and unintended side-effects in the short term.

System Updates:
- You can now always manually end a run after completing a test.
- Orgasm status effects are now described in the "Current Status" menu.

Thoughts Update:
- Overhauled the thoughts system to add more significant gameplay effects.
- Thoughts now grant unique Traits at various thresholds. The trait names and effects are hidden until first discovered.
- Defiance traits improve survivability, Acceptance traits help you deal with orgasm effects.
- The passive effects of Thoughts are still there for their unique fetishes.
- All three thoughts for each test are now immediately unlocked after attempting that test for the first time.
- The top level traits cannot be earned yet and will be released alongside "Test 5: The Mansion" soon!

Skill Update:
- Reduced the upgrade cost of most skills
- Changed the maximum upgradable health and resistance from 12 to 10
- Added a new skill, Open-Minded, which adds +2 to both Acceptance and Defiance
- Removed the Exhibitionist skill (will be reintroduced in another way in the next update)

Shop Update:
- Reorganized and overhauled the shop system.
- There is now a single shop front which is accessible after attempting your first test.
- From the shop front you can access the various specific shops (Credit, Upgrade, and Coin)
- Added a new currency (completion coins) and associated shop.
- Completion coins are earned by completing tests.
- More coins are earned for each test completed in a single run (1 for the first, 2 for the second, etc...)
- This new shop will allow you to purchase "room upgrades" which will provide non-gameplay related additional content.
- Moved the PT mode upgrade and credit boosters from the saferoom to the main shop screen.

Acheivement and Gallery Update:
- Both are currently disabled while the systems go through overhauls.
- Achievements are being changed to be more interesting and challenging.
- Gallery will become unlockable from the coin shop in the next update.

Cavern Updates:
- Reduced the health damage from attempting mushroom escapes without clearing the exit from 2 to 1

Ship Updates:
- Added an additional charge to the ship security pass
- Fixed some bugs in the Vent Escape

Version 0.8.0

General Update:
- Added the university to the requirements to access "The End"
- Updated Tips document for The University
- Lots of grammar fixes

Cavern Updates:
- Fixed a minor issue where pictures weren't displaying the right clothed state.

Ship Updates:
- (Balance change) Laying an egg no longer deals resistance damage (unless you have the female alien variant where it still only deals resistance damage)
- Added art for laying an egg

The University Updates:
- Content-wise The University is now considered complete.
- Added art variations for the "Orgasm Face" based on TF level.
- Fixed a bug where orgasming from Insatiable in the University messes with the ending screen.


General Updates:
- Added a (Get Dressed) button to quickly dress yourself in the saferoom.
- Lots of general grammar and spelling fixes

Dungeon Updates:
- Added new standing images for the two remaining succubi (only 1 variant each)

Ship Updates:
- Fixed some encounter formatting.
- Added art for some scenes with the female alien variant.

University Updates:
- Completed the second "finale" variant for the University.
- Blowing the Janitor no longer makes you Insatiable
- Added a new standing image for Inari.
- Using Inari's special skill (from the upgrade) no longer counts as her request for the day.


The University Updates:
- Implemented the second variation of the objective where you must find and help a number of students in order to escape.
- There are 8 different requests to discover and complete.
- While learning spells is optional, they still help with completing student requests and provide their once a day active effect.

- Changed up the wording of the finale to more clearly explain the mechanics.
- Changed it so that chosing to leave Inari behind at the finale starts you at step 3 rather than step 2.
- After experiencing the finale once (winning or losing) you can ask Inari about it in future attempts.
- You can now immediately ask Inari questions after getting the University objective rather than having to leave and reenter the room.
- Prescient now lets you choose which version of the University objective you'll have to complete.
- Added the unique University Skill, "University Adept" which unlocks a new powerful request from Inari.
- Fixed a critical bug that made losing the university reset your skills to 0.


The Cavern Updates:
- Added two "dead-end" locations to the bottom floor of the cavern to make finding the side objectives a bit more difficult. 

The University Updates:
- Added in "the finale" after completing the main objective.
- Buffed the Advanced encounters to still potentially increase resistance damage even if you're clothed.
- Buffed the encounters where you choose the option to deal an additional resistance damage.
- You can now ask Inari some questions about the university that flesh out the backstory of the test.
- You can now investigate the naked statue in the University.
- You can now ask Inari about the janitors locations without asking her for help passing classes first.
- Added the University flashback scene.
- Nerfed sleeping at night to heal +2 Resistance insead of +1 Health


Ship Updates:
- Fixed a formatting error on the ship starting area.

The University Updates:
- Fixed the Guide spell.
- Implemented abbreviated mode.
- More grammar and spelling fixes.

0.7.2 - Hotfix

General Updates:
- Added a fix which should reset your stats to normal upon reloading a save from a previous version. 

The University Updates:
- Added fleshed out descriptions to the University Rooms.
- Fixed an issue where winning or losing while fully TF'd in the University would mess up some other functions.


General Updates:
- Updated Logo!
- Updated various art pieces with the new horny face effect.

The Ship Updates:
- Fixed a bug where one instance of the facehugger scenes wasn't properly giving you "aroused" due to a full egg.

The University Updates:
- Implemented Analytical Skill
- Implemented Thoughts System
- Added Achievement section
- Fixed an error that autoselected an option when talking to the janitor with available spells and could potentially dead end you.
- Fixed a bug where you could still talk to the janitor after getting the keys from him.
- You now properly lose the classroom key when passing out.
- Added The University section to the "Tips" document and walkthrough section.
- Lots of grammar and spelling fixes

0.7.0 - The University Release

General Update:
Remade the horny state pictures to look a bit better

Dungeon Update:
- Added art for varying moods for the succubus dominatrix

University Update:
- Now exists and is playable! The in-development tag is left on as many features are still to be included but it is playable, completable, and ready for play-testing.
- Full rundown of The University Test will be posted on the forum, but for now expect many grammar and spelling errors. 
- Initial playtesting has shown no dead ends or critical errors but please provide comments on the forum of any discovered bugs.
- Expect several updates to the test over the course of the next weeks as additional content is added to bring it on-par with the other tests.

General Update:
- This is a small update that adds some art and is a testing fixes for some playability issues on mobile. If the test is successful another update will be put out soon with the fix implemented on the rest of the game.

Dungeon Update:
- Balance Change: Edited the Lead Succubus encounter while caged. The test to resist the 2nd resistance hit is now easier (-20 from -40).
- Balance Change: Edited the Slutty Succubus encounter while caged. The test is now harder (-20 from -10) but only hits for -1 resistance instead of -1 health.
- Art Additions to several Dominatrix Succubus and chastity related scenes.

Ship Update:
- Art Added to "Restricted Area" encounter for varios clothed/egg states

Ship Update:
- Fixed an issue where one of the events would not be randomly rolled.

0.6.4 - Mist and Masturbation Art

General Updates:
- Added Missing skills to the Current Status screen
- Added top and topless Instatiable masturbation art for all states (normal, penis, chastity, egg)
- Another Update, another batch of grammar fixes.

Cave Updates:
- Added Art to Mist related scenes


General Updates:
- Fixed several bugs with the new achievement screen.
- Grammar fixes for several of the resignation scenes.

Ship Updates:
- Art has been added to all the facehugger scenes.
- Added Facehugger vent scene to advanced ship gallery.


General Updates:
- Cleaned up and reorganized the Achievement Screen.
- Updated the logo to include items from The Ship.
- Added the acceptance "Resign" scenes to the gallery. Purchasable from the shop after you've gotten a run of 3 or better.
- Reconsidering your thoughts now costs 1 Upgrade Point
- More grammar and spelling fixes, yay!

Cavern Updates:
- Added acceptance "Resign" scenes to the Cavern (encounterable when you manually end testing at a victory screen after a 3 or more successful tests)

Ship Updates:
- Overhauled the Communications Array alignment objective
- Added an extra page when traversing tram stations while unpowered to emphasize the time passing.
- Added the 3rd "Event" that occurs after all objectives are complete
- "Buffed" the alien. Alien encounters now deal 3 resistance damage, laying an egg when infected by the female variant now deals 3 resistance damage, and the alpha-male variant now deals 5 resistance damage.
- Getting caught by a facehugger while fully pregnant now causes you to become Aroused (if not already aroused)
- I'm going to be monitoring how difficult The Ship is after these changes and may revert some if it makes it too difficult/unfun.


General Updates:
- Created an option to finish your run once you've comepleted the 3rd test in a row. Ending scenes are available from this if any of the fetishes from the test are in the "Accepting Thoughts"
- If none of the fetishes from the test are in the Accepting Thoughts, you will only get a generic short ending.
- *These ending scenes are only written for the Dungeon and Ship at the moment, Cavern ones to come*
- *These ending scenes are also not in the gallery yet either, use playtest mode + skip to victory screen a few times if you'd like to view them.
- *The reason I tacked so many notes to this is that these scenes, especially the ones related to the succubi, were some of the most fun I've had writing. It was extremely fun and interesting fleshing out the different personalities of the succubi outside of the testing environment. If you enjoy my writing at all, or the succubi triplets, I recommend checking them out! (or waiting a few days until I add it to the gallery).

Dungeon Updates:
- Fixed a bug that induced a system error when returning to rooms you completed chores in for the Dominatrix.

General Updates:
- Added three new skills, "Empowered Ideals", "Prescient", & "Ship Predictor"
- Empowered Ideals (4 Points) buffs all the bonuses you receive from your "Thoughts"
- Prescient (6 Upgrade Points) allows you to choose the random events you'll face each test
- Ship Predictor (2 Upgrade Points) provides a time tracker to the ship as well as a warning when the next threat level will increase

- Test Victory screens now track how many tests you've completed so far in your run
- Statistics Menu now tracks your best run
- You can now save at test victory screens
- Added a new section to the gallery called "bonus scenes". This is purchaseable for 0 credits(!) from the E-Shop but only after you've completed the game. Contains bonus scenes that were written for a different ending but never added to the game as well as some concept sketches. (contains my personal favorite scene, the Succubi Date)
- Updated the Start Menu author blurb
- Fixed a bug where a gallery scene had no exit link
- Fixed More Grammar Errors

Cavern Updates:
- Added art to the rest of the mushroom encounters
- Art has been added to gallery scenes as well

Dungeon Updates:
- Fixed a bug where the succubus text colours could be wrong when displaying your cage to them after completing their tasks.

Ship Updates:
- Content Update! Intentionally kept vague here so you can discover things yourself.
- Changed one of the teleporter objectives to add more depth/decision making. Might adjust the other two as well but I'd like to see how this update feels overtime first.
- Added a new twist - one of two potential events will occur at a specific point that you must surpass to escape. A third one is planned and will be available with the next update.
- New scenes have been added to the gallery


General Updates:
- Added "The End", accessible once you've completed a number of game objectives (or through playtester mode)
- The End is not a test, but a scripted event that brings about the conclusion of the game. Multiple endings are available depending on how many thoughts your character has had and whether you were more defiant or accepting.
- *NOTE* While the end is instantly accessible through the playtester mode, I suggest anyone skipping to the end complete each test at least once.

- Added new "flashbacks" that after completing each test for the first time which contribute to the end. Flashbacks are skippable after viewing for the first time.

- Added PlayTester Mode, a new mode available in the settings.
- One notable thing about playtesting mode is that you can use it to dump XP and credits on yourself from the main saferoom menu.
- This can now be used to help players reach their previous levels of progress if save files get wiped with new versions.

- You can now investigate the naked statues in each test.

- Rewrote scenario intros for your first time in new tests vs repeated tests.

- Made Unlocked Acheivements Green.

- Fixed a bug that made Ironwill only cost 3 instead of 5.

- Fixed a bug where the option to purchase the cavern and dungeon skills disappeared if you completed the test more than once

Cavern Updates:
- Added art to the non-boss related mushroom encounters.

Dungeon Updates:
- You can now learn the names of the succubi in the dungeon.
- Fixed an issue with the succubi chore quest causing errors.
- Fixed a bug with rogue spellbook encounter

General Updates:
- Buffed "Dungeon Veteran" skill. Now guarantees success when trying to talk to a succubus you don't have the correct genitalia for.

Cavern Updates:
- Changed the falling ceiling encounter so that it is less likely to cause health damage from being too slow. 

Dungeon Updates:
- Changed the "Completely Desperate" dominatrix succubus task into something completely new. Now you must complete some chores around the dungeon for her, with an added sexy twist.
- Fixed a bug where the game would deadend if you encountered the bondage trap with a vagina after completing the lead and slutty succubi tasks.

General Updates:
- Thoughts Implementation is complete. "Thoughts" now provide buffs towards specific fetishes once unlocked. Accepting thoughts now give a 5% chance to recover 1 Resistance after taking resistance damage from a related encounter. Defiant thoughts gives you a +5 Stat boost to related encounters.
- Thoughts can now be reset with a helpful "Reconsider Thoughts" button.
- Personal Statistics has been changed to "Statistics" and now tracks total tests completed.
- Minor wording changes to the tutorial.

Cavern Updates: 
- Finding the key now longer damages health on failed strength/agility rolls (now damages resistance instead)
- Major changes were made to the cavern to promote variety and add spice to each "boss", particularly in the lowest level. 
- Vine Monster boss: you can now only encounter vine related encounters in the lowest depths.
- Mist "boss": There is now a timer in the lowest depths. After spending too long exploring and moving, entering and investigating rooms that are not the main room will cause constant resistance damage. Attempting to get to the exit is now easier with existing mist sources (50% roll per source rather than 25%)
- Mushroom boss: Willpower and Intellect drain effects now tax 10 instead of 5. Entering into the lowest depths main room now forces you to test both willpower and intellect each time, damaging 1 Resistance for each failed roll.

- With these updates I'm finally happy with where The Cavern is at and will be moving away from the rework and focusing on other areas of development (unless major bugs are encountered)

- Ironwill now properly works, activing only once per run instead of once per test.
- Edited formatting and wording in the E-Shop.
- More grammar fixes.
- Fixed and issue where discarding an item in the Dungeon or Ship would discard all items of the same type.
- Fixed a bug where certain gallery items were not linking to the correct scenes.

0.4.2 - The Vine Art Update

General Updates:
- New "Orgasm Face" art added to orgasm screens.
- Achievements now have explicit descriptions on how to get them.

Cavern Updates:
- Art Added to the remaining Tentacle Vine Related Encounters
- *All Vine Encounters now have at least one piece of custom art!*

Dungeon Updates:
- Added a new encounter to The Dungeon, the rogue spellbook:
- The encounter is not connected to a succubi and won't be removed as tasks finish.
- The encounter is the first one to interact intentionally with the new "moving isn't interrupted" system.
- This addition will hopefully make the Dungeon feel less repetitive as you complete succubi tasks. If it still feels repetitive after playtesting another one may be implemented.

- Adjusted the Enchanted Bra encounter difficultly:
- Now instead of being unmodified difficulty with upper clothes on and tougher (-20) with no upper clothes, it is slightly easier (+10) with upper clothes and only slightly harder (-10) with no upper clothes.

Fixed a bug where orgasming to the Tentacle Boss would cause a dead end.

General Updates:
Major System Update: Rolling an encounter no longer stops movement (in most cases).
- Exceptions to this include:
- Exploring in the cavern (rolling an encounter means you do not find a new location)
- Orgasming from an encounter (sends you back to the original location)
- Character deciding to masturbate instead of move (due to Insatiable)
- Certain "early" encounters in the ship that are designed to slow you down (Blocked Passage and Noises in the Walls).

- Fixed more spelling and grammar errors as usual.
- Using an item in the inventory now sends you back to the inventory screen rather than the main page.
- Added complexity ratings to the tests.

Major Update: Cavern Overhaul
- The major purpose of the overhaul was to prevent unnecessary backtracking and overall make it a little more interesting.
- The cavern now has 3 floors:
- The first floor has 5 explorable rooms. One of the rooms contains the path down to the second floor
- The second floor has 10 explorable rooms. On the second floor you can find the Key, the Exit, and another path that leads even deeper (which is blocked until you find the key or the exit)
- The third floor has 5 explorable rooms and contains the optional key items you need to clear the escape route
- Some of the Mushroom boss mechanics and encounters have changed
- Mushroom Step encounter no longer changes your location
- Falling ground encounter has been reworked
- Cavern Explorer skill is reworked and available again. Once unlocked you start with the first floor of the Cavern explored.
- Updated CavernExplanation sign to be inline with the rework
- Updated Cavern Objectives

Dungeon Update:
- Portal in the Dungeon can no longer send you to the Portal Room

Ship Updates:
- Added "Thoughts" for the ship
- You can no longer escape the ship while carrying a fully grown egg. You must either give birth or clear the egg at the medical station to escape.
- Added a new feature to wait around at the medical station if its recharging. It takes several "wait" actions for the medical station to recharge from 0 to 100% and each wait has a chance of spawning an encounter.
- Formatting fixes for Ship Objectives.
- Added new Achievements for completing the Ship under various conditions.

General Updates:
- Added in an objectives menu in the sidebar to display current goals.
- Bug fixes for certain variables that weren't resetting properly

Cavern Updates:
- Changed the cavern so that exploring will always find a new room
- Changed the chance of rolling an encounter while exploring the cavern to a flat percentage rather than a variable percentage based on the rooms potential contents
- Temporarily disabled purchasing the Cavern Explorer skill until the cavern is reworked next update.

Dungeon Updates:
- Changed the encounter in the dungeon that randomizes your location to a new effect. Now you can choose to prevent your location from changing at the cost of potentially losing 1 Heath or a piece of clothing (strength check). No longer generates another encounter afterwards.
- Changed the requirements for the "desperately horny task" from the dominatrx to be -7 instead of -8 (This task will be reworked next update)
- Added a line to each dungeon room when resistance is less than 0.

Ship Updates:
- Added description of pregnant belly to examine self menu.

- Edited the Dungeon so that you can still complete the "showing off your cage task" even if you completed one of the other succubi's requests.
- Fixed an issue where clearing a fully grown egg on the medical device would not reset your Agility and Strength.
- More proof reading and grammar changes.

New Feature - Difficulty Settings
- At game creation you can now select both a starting difficulty (adjusts starting stats) and an encounter difficulty (adjusts likelihood of rolling encounters)

New Feature - Abbreviated Mode
- Reduces the text and general descriptiveness of random encounters

New Feature - Settings Menu
- Menu on the laptop where you can adjust both the encounter difficulty and turn on/off abbreviated mode

New Feature - Gallery
- You can now purchase "memory packages" from the E-shop that contain all scenes found throughout the trials
- Once purchased the memory packages can be reviewed from your bed which is now accessible via the main saferoom area

Additional Changes and Fixes:
- Rewrote the introduction, changing the connotation and theme of the experiment setup to prepare for implementation of the ending
- Moved the "Thoughts" section to the new bed area
- Added in functionality for the Unbreakable skill in the Ship
- Added the ability to use the ship security pass on the security scan encounter
- Fixed an issue where the clothing scrounger skill was not working with the ship
- Fixed an issue where a prompt was left floating after looting the ship engine room
- Fixed an issue where prompts to continue the game were not being given upon failing checks to open the captain's desk or laptop.
- Fixed an "issue" where the game awarded points for losing when you actually had completed the ship.
- Fixed an issue where certain ship "Key Items" would still appear in the inventory post win/loss
- Fixed an issue where the ships security pass was not consuming uses
- Fixed an issue where completing the ship was not awarding the proper amount of upgrade points
- Lots of proof reading and grammar fixes

- MAJOR UPDATE: The game is now playable on mobile! Might still require future tweaking to font size but the pictures and sidebar now scale with the screen size.
- Updated font and font size.

- Fixed a bug where running into the volunteer encounter in the dungeon after already having volunteered would break the game

- MAJOR UPDATE: New area added - The Ship
- The ship is complete but expect a lot of minor updates over the course of the next few weeks fixing bugs and adding small amounts of adding additional content

- Feature changed - The Succubi in the Dungeon will no longer have randomized colors.
- New Art has been added to the Dungeon Map.
- Minor editing to some passages.

- Fixed a bug where losing your last health to a succubus by refusing to strip would result in an error. 
- New Art for Mushroom Step encounter (shorts and naked)
- Slightly rewrote Mushroom Step encounter
- New Art for Items (discovering and purchasing, not yet implemented for inventory)
- Added hints for missing achievements
- Added Orgasm Effect explanations to the walkthrough/tip document

- MAJOR CHANGE: Reduced the penalty for orgasming from 2 Health to 1 Health.
- Added more text to the Cavern and Dungeon introductions to help guide players.
- Added a Helpful Tips text document to the zip file (included in the "Walkthrough" section) which includes tips without explicitly telling players how to solve the puzzles.
- Added a Walkthrough Spoiler document to the zip file that explicitly tells players how to complete each challenge. 

- Fixed a writing error where the "Examine Self" was displaying references to a vagina when your character had a penis.
- Removed a link to the "Pink Flood" encounter that was accidentally displayed in the Main Cavern.
- Fixed an issue where dropping an item from your inventory would drop all items of the same type. 
- Fixed a bug where several variables in the Dungeon were not being reset upon game win/loss.

- Game Created and Posted.

Review by hellra1ser

Version reviewed: 2.5.0 on 11/12/2023

I've been playing V2.3.3 the whole time, but recently when I decided I'd had enough of this game and was looking forward to "The End" I realized that there had been two more updates in the meantime.

So I went through the experiments in V2.5 again for half a night because I still hadn't had enough ;)

Thank you very much for this thoroughly captivating adventure, which I was a bit skeptical about at first. But already in the dungeon you had me completely hooked and it only got better until I finally arrived at the Mansion!

Out of my nature to really explore everything down to the last detail, I finally entered the basement area as a rubber ball. Not quite mine, but curiosity got the better of me when I noticed a crucial detail about the traps on my second attempt (first look, then touch ;)

During my journey I hardly encountered any program errors, which makes the game experience unforgettable for me.

Pro: very varied, exciting, no grinding
Semi-Con: Recruitment at the university is often quite aggressive when the RNG has its "menstruation"...

Review by Kyrus

Version reviewed: 0.5.0 on 08/03/2022

The good:

-Although development is still going, this is essentially a complete game already. A breath of fresh air considering how many abandoned games litter this site.

-Lewd content covers a range of themes, and if you're into any of them, you'll probably enjoy it. Each test covers three themes, embodied in each of the area's bosses. This does make it somewhat rng which theme you'll focus on in a given run, but does provide some nice variety.

-Good writing. Things are given good detail without being overly verbose.

-Good QOL features - you can't waste items by using them when there'd be no effect, there's options to make the game more/less wordy along with difficulty options, and you can unlock the ability to just read scenes instead of playing the game for them if that's your jam.


The neutral:

-Pictures are minimal. I don't mind this, but I mention it because some people might.

-Much of the game revolves around rng. Again, I don't mind this, and there's difficulty options to make it less(or more) frustrating.

-The thoughts system is neat flavor but has minimal gameplay effect, and is there mostly to determine your ending.


The bad:

-Only being able to save after losing a trial can be an annoyance, especially as your stats get higher and it gets harder to actually lose.


Overall rating: 10/10

Review by pingguo

Version reviewed: 0.1.1 on 04/29/2022

The Experiment is a game that has different themes, depending on the "room" you join in the game. The game is mainly in text, not overwhelming but you definite need to do some reading. There is a well made western style avator with changable body parts which is quite impressive. The UI itself is prelim but neatly done.

You are drawn to an experiment of some sorts for no reason and was turned into a redhead along with some other changes in no time, which the character feels totally okay.

Then you are given a laptop to pick a room to run through. I picked the second room. It is a rectangular shape area with blocks of rooms with different random? encounters. There is a hint of Trap Quest but not as intensive and focused. Without a target (trap quest: look for the stairs, or altar, or explore the map) it quickly becomes confusing if not a bit boring. I have to find my own way to entertain myself. say, should I do it anticlockwise, clockwise, or stay in the middle rooms? They are all random encounters in a big rectangle so there seems like little point exploring the map. So I went North, West, South, East and investigate anything that was thrown at me.

The lewd part of the game is okay. body transformation, femdom, penis growing and chastity, bondage, etc. more themes in that other room I did not explore. if this is your main focus, give it a go.

Review by Kolka

Version reviewed: 0.1.1 on 04/29/2022

This seems to be one of those dungeon explorer type of games, similar to Trap Quest.

Althought at the moment the game is more textual than visual, there is a concerted attempted by the author to provide their own artwork for the game which is admirable. Though I'd highly suggest a clickable map for exploring/navigating the dungeons, although I do like that each dungeon room also shows completion status, so perhaps just add a visual minimap in the top right corner of the screen?

I'd also like to see hotkeys for navigation, maybe if you do make the dungeons traversibe, one could navigate using WASD keys, and search the dungeon with spacebar? That'd surely be more streamlined for the end user, and then you could just focus on the dungeon-specific content.

The author is jokingly harsh on themselves, when you go to equip items, they self-shift blame for being lazy and only adding a single outfit. Bah, don't worry about artwork for now, just focus on adding more dungeon varieties, perhaps some semblence of a story behind it all. Either way, it has been years since I played Trap Quest, I'm positively excited about what this game can become. But what I can say with certainty is that you can supplement the drawn artwork with pictures from the web, at least until you find the time or outsource the artwork. Hand drawn is a nice touch, but I'm cautious of it eating away precious dev time.

So, overall, glad to be the first reviewer, the game already has working dungeons so check them out, although it's definitely an early beta.

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Total Adult Themes: 10
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