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Castle Nox


The horrors of Castle Nox have claimed many throughout the years, valiant and vile both. Now you stand before it. Will you be the one to penetrate its terrible secrets, or will you fall to the deep dark, like all the others?

Castle Nox is an 18+ text adventure RPG.

I'm eager for feedback on this since it's going to be a long project. Also please report any bugs or spelling mistakes!


Wow, it's been a while, huh? I promised myself I would get the next Lord ready before Halloween...last year. So this is either a day late or a year and a day late, depending on your point of view.

This is a BIG update! There is an entire new Lord of Nox to face, with his own realm full of traps and dangers! When you reach the heart of the castle, you can now choose between entering Zelig's realm or Altan's! You can also fight both one after the other, if you want.

Altan's realm focuses on Might and Charm. You will get a chance to save Nick the merchant, and a culmination to the donkey curse plotline.

New Content:

Altan's realm, a sinister ivory castle. Altan's theme is the waltz - each move you make in his realm makes time count down to a confrontation with him. Use masks to protect yourself and buy more time.

Players who have the donkey curse and maxed it out can obtain a special ending if they are also romancing Nick.

Players who have reforged the Ashen Blade can receive a special outcome during a battle with Altan.

Altan's realm contains twelve possible bad ends - see the in-game Endings list for hints

There are also two new good ends, one for becoming Lord of Charm, and one for completing the full donkey route. If you rescue Nick he will also be present in the other existing good endings.

Derevan: A goat-horned sorceror at the outskirts of the castle

The Stablemaster: A mutated dogman who serves the castle's lords

Nicholas: A human shopkeeper and former poet

Tristram: A wizard searching for the castle's secrets

0.7 is a big one. You can face one of the Lords (Zelig) and conquer the castle at last, and get one of the good endings!

You may experience bugs if you use saves from old versions, I'm sorry to say. I hope it's not too annoying starting fresh.

New Features:

There are two new prestige classes, in addition to Blood Knight from defeating the Beast

If you join Zelig, you unlock the class Assassin.

If you get any good ending, you unlock the new game+ class, Returner, which has the stats you had on your previous playthrough (but not the items)

There are a small handful of achievements, but it's still a WIP feature. If you have any achievement rewards you'll get them on the road up to the castle when you start a new game.

If you rest before entering Zelig's realm there's some content with your allies (just Derevan and the wolf, for now)

You can train your stats with Derevan before entering Zelig's realm, and with one of the new allies inside his realm. This lets you trade maximum health for a chance to increase your stats up to 12.

New Content:

- Enter Zelig's realm and fight your way through his trials to face him for his throne
- If you pass his trials and enter his realm, you'll find a place to relax and unwind. But be aware that inside Zelig's realm, time rewinding doesn't work! Unless there's some secret way to sneak in the time goddess's protection...? Think outside the box for that one
- Reunite with the Stablemaster, and learn something about his past
- Find new allies in a pair of somewhat unreliable criminals
- Join Zelig, or succumb to his will if you allow the Blessing of Skill from the cult to consume you
- Defeat Zelig with combat, or with the mysterious three lost shards hidden in his realm
- Claim a throne of Nox, or turn your back on it

Review by stash

Version reviewed: 0.72 on 10/03/2023

This game is shockingly good.  It isn't focused on the erotic side of TF, but rather the narrative implications, which is extremely refreshing to see.  It's easy to miss the genius of it at the begining, since the player character seems so weak, but it makes for a tense and wonderful first playthrough and a number of very fun repeat playthroughs.  Repeatedly I was amazed at how different narrative paths seemed fully featured.  Even small decisions can lead to outcomes larger than I'd expect possible.  As an RPG, all the skills and options seem balanced and useful.  The combat is just deep enough, but what's more interesting is how many opportunities there are to avoid combat altogether, or skew it in your favor using your skills. 

If you're only interested in masturbating, there are better games to play, probably, but the experience here is unique and well worth your time, and if you're into horror/animal TF, you'll probably get your rocks off along the way.

Review by cambriansoup

Version reviewed: 0.72 on 04/11/2023

Even in it's currently unfinished state, I find this to be one of the best games available on the site, so long as you're interested in the darker side of transformations. The creativity and interactivity in the transformations themselves are the biggest draw, but even after youve seen them all you might find yourself coming back to try new character classes or builds like I have, especially since different endings can unlock new classes to try.

Gameplay is similar to old-school RPG gamebooks, with transparent mechanics that are easy to understand even without any sort of tutorial, and a semi-linear story that gives room to explore without being overwhelming in breadth. Each playthrough offers choices that can have far reaching impacts, and part of the fun is finding new solutions to obstacles you've solved before, or treating a companion differently to see how scenes change further down the line.

The gamebook inspiration does come with a major drawback, though. Combat and skill checks rely heavily on dice rolls and random chance, and the best you can do is weigh them in your favor, meaning a short streak of bad luck, or even a single bad roll in some situations, can be the one that finishes off an otherwise thriving character. Thankfully the game provides you with the option of whether or not you want to disable the ability to undo your mistakes, and manual saves are always available, which both work to mitigate what could be a major source of frustration. For the purists, the risk-reward dynamic can be engaging once you're familiar with the game, but expect to be making new characters often until you reach that point.

Give this one a try if you have any interest at all in anthro, feral, or especially corruption based TF themes (or if you just want a solid bite-sized RPG experience), and I promise you won't regret it.

Review by johnnynod

Version reviewed: 0.4.5 on 07/30/2022

Intriguing as it is, especially with the newly-implemented incremental TFs, I'd like to see this get developed further. :)

Review by Xodiac

Version reviewed: 0.2.0 on 04/25/2022

I am really likeing this!  The writing is pretty good, and there's enough random chance in there - influenced by skill scores, of course - that I feel it is a game and not just a multiple-choice story or a puzzle to find the right action to advance the plot.

I haven't played everything out of the current version yet, but I do have a few suggestions of things to fix or enable in future versions.  First, some sort of system for saving your personal information would be good.  Once I reach an end scenario, the game remembers the name I used, but I have to re-build my character.  It'd be nice if there was an option to simply re-enable the same character choices as I used last time with a single click.  Or of course I could choose to build a new creation entirely.  Character creation is easy and doesn't take long, but having to do it over and over was mildly irritating.

Secondly, there's a link to show the endings I've uncovered.  That goes toa list of the endings, and if I've encountered it there's a link to the actual scene.  That's awesome, but it doesn't always work.  I'll get an ending but there is no link provided.

I also am not sure it's wise to have the endings so explicitly available.  I suppose since this is for TF enthusiasts it'll help people "steer" towards those endings, but it diminishes the gae aspect of trying to actually find them.  I'd suggest they be blurred out, or worded in a way that gives a hint where they are but doesn't make it so clear what task you have to (or fail at doing) to reach.  Also, when I leave the site and return, those endings are re-locked.  For now, at least, they only count towards the current session.  It'd be nice if it remembered you from previous visits so you didn't have to play through it all again.

This definitely has promise, and I will eagerly await fixes and expansions as BlubballsFA works on it.  It's good now, and it could be great.

Review by Vane

Version reviewed: 0.1.0 on 04/22/2022

Very good writing. 0.1 ends abruptly after 1 encounter (have not tried to descend into the chasm next to gate). There is many classes available from the start, if different class - specific paths are planned for all of those that could maybe turn out too  many to handle for the required amount of writing. Will play again, good start!

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