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Game Information
Release Date
Last Update
0.2.1 - bugfix
Orig PC Gender
Adult Themes

Version: 0.2.1 - bugfix

Version: 0.2

Version: 0.1

Fool's Gold

A game about raiding ancient alien temples and trying to avoid their dangerous traps. A basic press-your-luck type game with Dynamic Avatar Drawer paperdoll.

Currently in Alpha stage, but technically playable

0.2.1- 4/8/2022: a few bugfixes

0.2- 4/4/2022: Added a few new traps, things to spend gold, upgrading to Alpha

0.1- 4/2/2022: initial PoC release

Review by Frinkleton

Version reviewed: 0.2.1 - bugfix on 04/23/2022

Has abit of promise but currently everything is rather rushed, content is a pretty basic loop but I look forward to hopefully future updates that flesh the game out abit. 


inventory system seems there but also not there


The paperdoll while not the greatest looking it does have a hecking lot of customisation options for the dev and I have grown to kinda like it.



Review by Kolka

Version reviewed: 0.2 on 04/05/2022

Trap quest in the making is probably the best description of this early demo.

The core game is there, though I dislike the paperdoll character portrait. I mean I went from bald to rapunzel, probably should add a max hair length limit... probably.

I hope in the future there will be some random interactions with NPCs or in general some overarching side quests and content. In any case, good luck.

Review by DogIdleDays

Version reviewed: 0.2 on 04/04/2022

This is a very promising start to a TF exploration game. Even at 0.2 there's a strong core game loop, with a bunch of possible directions for specialization or adjustment. I have no doubt I'll be back to say more nice things in the future as development continues. The author has a track record of putting effort into their gameplay, so if you like at least some game in your game, this will no doubt be for you. Currently it's still a little heavy on the random elements, but also, this is the second-published version. Things will change and shift and tweak still, and with a core as solid as this, I am excited to see that happen.

Review by vdfvdvdd

Version reviewed: 0.1 on 04/02/2022

Pretty boring right now but it's a good start with good ideas, ill keep an eye on it

Review by Tizzzy

Version reviewed: 0.1 on 04/02/2022

An interesting concept so far, try and give gold a purpose in the next update maybe? Right now it acts as just a score system so maybe allow for the purchasing of clothes when you go back to the gulch. Also you have a better advantage if you have a flat chest too which is weird so perhaps that can be changed.

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