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Birth of an H

This is a "game" where you are put into the shoe of a transfer student living abroad in Tokyo, Japan. One beautiful morning you were having the time of your life when everything turned for the worst as you happened upon a curse of old. This can only mean one thing: You have to find a way to break it!

...Or, just let it consume you. The only downside is a new body which you probably will get used to in a week, or months, depending on your mood. In the meantime, you get to play with black magic. Sweet!

This "game" features:

- Two types of multiple choices. One is self-explanatory. Another is the main character asking questions from other characters.

- Rock, Paper, Scissors battle system. (Done for now. Throw me a complain if it's a pain. For any of you that hate pain, the solution is in the walkthrough. No peeking, no spoiling.)

- Extreme slow burn in the beginning... My bad. Hope it doesn't put you to sleep. I'm a sucker for mystery visual novels where the protagonist has to go around looking for clues and such. This one, though, is more about "interrogation" so there will be lots of talking.

- Dating sim element. (Currently toying around with.)

I'm trying to improve my artwork as well as my writing. Any feedback and criticism is welcomed and appreciated.

HEXER ROUTE and HUNTER ROUTE are there but I'm expanding more on the HUMAN ROUTE, so pick that as the story goes on!

Alright. Made a short update to the walkthrough but I didn't know it would put my game up in the list! So to make it fair for everyone, I'm gonna remove all download to the game until I'm finished working on the next installment. Sorry for taking up useless space.

1. Aoba-sensei's math lession: Pick Hexer's Command whenever you can.

AF / 3 = y 

y - 1 = Scepticism

y + 1 = Command



Continuation of the story

Fix the version number to follow the norm and not to confuse people that I'm already finished making this

Push rating to X because of a "sex scene," which I messed up the scale pretty badly but was too lazy to redraw it, so... sorry


Add a duel-style battle system 

Add the visual cue at the part where some people thought they were stuck


First release

Review by TotallySane

Version reviewed: 0.0.3 on 10/20/2022

Love this game, and I will definitely be following.

I can relate to the people who thought the intro was long winded.

When you reach the TBC you have already sunk hours into the story and want it to go much further.

The writing itself is great and engaging and leave me wanting more.

Review by JaradLichLord

Version reviewed: 0.0.3 on 10/13/2022

Gotta love when Gramar Nazi's don't know what they are talking about. "Casted" is indeed a word just an old archiac one that is no longer in usuage which I think adds to the character of the game.
Unfortunately the game's pace feels extremely slow due to the walls of text describing how things work.

Review by tivanenk

Version reviewed: 1.1.1 on 04/23/2022

An interesting starting concept, to say the least, but I will have to fault the narrative to be too laden in exposition. There's a reason the saying, "Show, don't tell", is as relevent as ever. Sitting through the infodump on how hexers work, and their background, and how they fight, etc. does get quite mundane at a certain point, and starts feeling less like a dialogue between characters, and more like a tutorial passage. I would cut down on the narrative, leave some things as a mystery for the players to discover, and show more of it in action.

Review by Kolka

Version reviewed: 1.1.1 on 04/21/2022

What an interesting intro! The writing is really good, just a small quibble - don't use "casted", it's not a word, simply replace it with "cast" and voila!

The MC is a grade-A pervert, and even the roommate is a rare grade SSS+ weeb, this is going to be fucking amazing!

Well, not sure about fucking, but seriously, the writing is both funny, and really involves you into the game world. I'm sensing a theme of misunderstandings, and I have to say I really enjoyed Tejina accusing MC of being a Hunter and all, then the MC just skulking about in some shady corner feeling his female body up hehe

Seriously, 9/11, would bang, can't wait for more :D

Review by GLfan

Version reviewed: 1.1 on 04/18/2022


I just finished v1.1 and feel like somebody drugged my coffee with a powerful and sinister hallucigenic. A transformer-trippy-dark and dirty fantasy; if that's not right up your alley, or your cup of tea, then maybe you aren't on the right site?!

Thanks for such an impressive story so far; this VN is [I believe] really unique and rich; very compelling [for me].

It's a take on Alice going down the rabbit hole, though the protagonist starts male, but it seems that their transformation will be complex but in a story-driven multi-faceted way... no more spoilers.

The music grew on me slowly and I really appreciated it towards the end. However, I am a little torn on the Battle system; I got the divisable by 3 part, but wasn't sure what P-R-S stood for, and I'm not sure how much randomness is involved; no biggie, I got there at the end. The Battle interface seems fine, but I would try to explain the mechanics better. For stupid people like me!

The art work is cool and works well. But is the story, and the narrative, that leads this VN towards, hopefully towards a bright [or extremely dark?] future.


Great start. Imagination rich and interesting environments. 8/10. Maybe 9.

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