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Version: 1.1

Version: 1

Interesting Times

I am working on several games and would like some feedback: is this an interesting way to handle gameplay?

I have grown up with text adventures, and loved them. There are some pecularities of such games (spontaneous death by dice roll, wrong encounter numbers that kick one out of the game, the sometimes weird game mechanics, the writing and more), and some issues with porting the idea to computer based (Twine) games: a game book expects the player to do their own paper work, to cross a circle when going to a room first, take note of items found (especially if there is a number anywhere in the description that becomes the entry number where one must turn sometime or other).

Fights tend to be dice rolling affairs: that can be done by browser / Twine & Sugarcube: but it is done behind the scenes, not visible and probably not as immersive.

In this game I am trying to do the room by room search that is part of many a roleplaying adventure: is that interesting or boring?
I think it fits with the theme (the first chapter is playing in an insane asylum in a world far far away from Freud and contemporary psychology/psychiatry.

This is a horror game, and I would like to get some feedback, svp. 

Please note that this is the first chapter of the game, and that the tags are what is currently in the game: the original sex of the mc is not female, but the mc does not know that by the end of the chapter. When the mc finds out who (s)he is/was, the game will get the M2F tag. And some adult content other than horror. 

Wake up. Find out you are: officially at least. Find out why you are in an insane asylum and why you should be in an insane asylum. The reasons why you are there are not, by the way, why you should be there. That does not mean that you are all wrong there. 

Some knowledge does drive people mad, even people like you. 

This is a horror game, and the main character is not a good person, or someone one would invite for tea. 

Several thugs.

A mad wizard (the main character).

A vivisectionist. 

Many other madmen and -women and beasts. 

A place that is personable in a bad way. 

First update is a small one: just one of the two feedbacks so far. The rooms that you have visited will no longer be shown in the list of rooms to visit. 

Second update introduces the M2F and age regression themes: not that age regression is all important for an elf, but with age sometimes comes standing and means. Both are lacking from where the mc is right now. 

Review by aromabish

Version reviewed: 1 on 02/11/2022

Well, this is something new about handling walkthrough. 
Adding map is nice improvement, but I also would like to have more descriptions in locations. There is a lot of useless places and you still have an option to visit them back. It would be nice to lock them out of game once player has visited them. 

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