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Version: 1.1.0

Version: 1.0.1

Version: 1.0.0

Prisoners Dilemma


A criminal crew breaks into a house owned by a mad scientist. He captures them and decides to play a real life version of Prisoners Dilemma.
Each turn they gain points that are then spent to buy M2F transformations. Essentially it's a race to avoid being transformed first.

Current State:

I'm going to move this to a complete state. It's fully playable as is.  I do still plan to add additional content over time.  More random events, more cards, more endings.  Definitely a bunch more art.

New Features:

  • Endings Overhauled
    • New endings added (Band Bitch, Slutty Secretary, Trophy Wife, Second in Command)
    • Art for all new endings.
    • New level 3 cards which make it easier to hit specific endings.
    • New level 1 card - latex underwear.
    • All placeholders are now filled in.
  • Balance Patch
    • Adjusted to ensure all endings should now be possible.

Planned Feature Improvements:

  • Art.
  • Add additional events.
  • Additional cards and transformations.


Strategy Tips

For details on strategies that are used and potential ways to beat them Prisoners Dilemma is worth reading.

If you fall behind far enough - the scientist will offer you the chance to make up the points.  This can let you hobble a particularly successful opponent with mental changes. Attitude Adjustment can be very effective here.

When the scientist picks for you, he'll drag you towards a specific lose condition. If you want to see the lose endings, then it's fine, but it's better to randomise a bit if you want to see wins. 

The scientist will let you duck out for a couple of rounds. Use that to avoid specific transforms rather than just because.

If you win the game, you can chose to lose female attributes or refuse to be freed of mental changes. The later makes some of the harder endings easier. There's still a fair amount of luck involved.

Lose Endings

Broken In:  All 3 levels of advanced tattoo. One level each of Sex Drive and Happiness.  Outie to Innie of 3, Ass, Chest, Waist and Shrink Body 2, Lips 1.

Latex Slave: All 3 levels of Latex Underwear. One level each of Sex Drive and Attitude Adjustment.  Outie to Innie 4. Ass, Chest and Waist of 3, Shrink Body 1.

Bunny Girl:  Increase Sex Drive 3, Attitude Adjustment 1.  Chest 4, Outie to Innie and Waist 3,  Ass and Makeup 2, Body and Lips 1.

Maid:  Attitude Adjustment 3, Increase Happiness 1, Shrink Body 4, Ass 3, Waist, Chest, Piercings and Outie to Innie 2. Makeup 1.

Cheerleader:  Increase Happiness 3, Sex Drive 1, Outie to Innie, Body and Waist 3, Lips, Chest and Ass 2. Piercing 1.

Trophy Wife:  Increase Happiness 2, Ass, Chest and Waist 4, Outie to Innie 3, Lips and Body 2, Makeup 1

Band Bitch:  Attitude Adjustment 2, Ass, Chest and Waist 4, Outie to Innie 3, Tattoos and Body 2, Piercing 1

Slutty Secretary:  Sex Drive 2, Ass, Chest and Waist 4, Outie to Innie 3, Lips and Body 2, Lips 1

Win Endings

Crew Leader:  No mental Changes

Power Behind the Throne:  No mental changes and Outie to Innie, Waist, Body, Ass and Chest at 4. Lips at 3.

Second In command: Any mental changes greater than 1, but not suitable for any other endings!

Eye Candy:  Mild Horny or Submissive (1 to 2 points say). Outie to Innie, Ass and Chest to 3, Waist and Body 2, Lips 1.

Stripper:  Happiness 1, Outie to Innie, Ass and Chest 4. Waist 3, Body and Lips 2.

Distraction:  Horny, Submissive or Stupid at 2 or more. Outie to Innie and Body at least 1.

Brothel:  Horny at 3 or more.  Alternatively Horny and Stupid at 2.  Outie to Innie 3, Waist, Ass and Chest 2. Lips 1.

Street Corner:  Submissive and Stupid at 2, or just 3 or more in submissive.  Outie to Innie, Body, Waist, Ass and Chest at 1.

Floozy:  Happiness and Attitude Adjustment of 3 or more. Outie to Innie, Body and Waist of 3.  Ass and Chest at 2. Lips at 1.





  • Reworked Increase Sex Drive
    • You now have a "need" stat, that grows based the current level of Increase Sex Drive.
    • Sex and Masturbation reduces need.
    • If need gets too high, you'll skip your turn and masturbate instead.
    • Low levels of sex drive are fairly easy to manage.
  • Mild changes to Overlevelled stats
    • The game will now favour continuing transformations you've already started over giving you a new one.
    • The scientist will also gift you overlevelled traits now when you go for too long without picking something.
  • Bug fixes
    • Level the playing field should now show all changes you inflict on an opponent.
    • Fixed the links to some images that didn't display correctly.


  • Balance Patch
    • Adjusted to ensure all endings should now be possible.


  • Endings Overhauled
    • New endings added (Band Bitch, Slutty Secretary, Trophy Wife, Second in Command)
    • Art for all new endings.
    • New level 3 cards which make it easier to hit specific endings.
    • New level 1 card - latex underwear.
    • All placeholders are now filled in.
    • On the backend, the win condition engine has been overhauled which should stop weird combinations.


  • Game now has 3 Opponents
    • Means All Betray strategy is not guaranteed to succeed.
    • Simplified summary of changes to opponents to reduce wall of text.
    • The order in which you pick changes varies based on how often you betray your opponents.
    • Endings have a brief summary of what happened to the others (needs work).
  • Rather than completely random opponnents, they are now grouped based on categories.
    • Different strategies may be required for different groups.
  • There is an overall winner state, for the player that accrued the least points.
    • Doesn't trigger if the least score is a draw.
    • Meter to show your current state.
  • Added more detailed change descriptions for opponents changes to height and breast size.
  • Fixed a rare bug where your buddy overleveling when maxed could lead to a infinite loop trying to find a trait.
  • Fixed some mild display bugs (having a stud in your dick, when you had no dick, tongue piercing not showing up in description)


  • All mental changes have placeholders replaced with descriptive text.
  • Mental changes now have in game effects.
    • Sex Drive - May masturbate when you should be picking traits.
    • Happiness - Makes it harder to read text, chance of picking the wrong options.
    • Attitude - Chance of being forced to cooperate.
  • New Fuckstation event - unlocked by Sex Drive increases
  • Code to include masturbation scenarios - 4 currently included.


  • Overlevelling - if a trait goes above it's max the scientist will pick something else for you. Either a mental change, or something a little weirder.
  • Added a description link to the sidebar so you can check your and your opponents changes wherever you are.
  • Now given a basic description of opponents changes when they happen, more variety is needed there.
  • Tweaked UI for links / buttons to hopefully make them a little clearer.
  • Added pictures for Distraction and Stripper Endings


  • Opponent now selects based on his mood (defiance, bargaining, acceptance).
  • Added street corner art.
  • Bypassed the Harlowe bug in 2 more places.


  • Scientist choosing transformations that drive you towards a specific ending.
  • Five new images.
  • Lisp from maxing lips now applied to all speech.
  • Bypassed a Harlowe randomisation that allowed cards to be picked more than once.

Review by Buridan

Version reviewed: 1.1.0 on 11/06/2024

A competently made little game that doesn't outstay its welcome. The central conceit is really interesting - you and three other men are trapped by a mad scientist who makes you play the prisoner's dilemma against one another, over and over. Any points you gain have to be spent on transformations, some of which are mental and messes with the way you play the game. After you spend the points, you get a brief scene and your description changes.

The UI leaves something to be desired, but underneath that is a surprisingly well-written game. It's this good writing that carries the game through a lack of images. A lot of the transformations veer into body horror territory though. Like having a pussy for a mouth, or having an ass so enormous your internal organs have to be shrunk.

Review by AGoldenGirl

Version reviewed: 1.1.0 on 05/20/2024

A solid, short game. Repetetive gameplay, but well implemented with enough variation of the impact of your decision to create replayability. Could do with more images to show the different transformation stages, but it's not a big issue and perhaps the imagination can serve as a better storyteller anyway. 6/10.

Review by RedGhost

Version reviewed: 1.1.0 on 01/14/2023


Writing for the game is solid. Graphics used for the game fit purpose well enough. Interactivity for the game is straight-forward option selection with a bit of mental corruption making it more difficult for the player (depending on your choices) and there are multiple endings (some are very hard to get). Transformations in the game are MtF but with varying degrees depending on the mental changes you may also take.

I found this to be a fun puzzle game worth playing through multiple times. You can adjust the games starting difficulty in multiple ways, as well as trying to game it for your advantage to get as many multiple endings as possible. As you play through the game you know the affects that the changes are having on your avater, while at the same time seeing that on your prisoner rivals whom you're trying to sacrifice for your own safety.

Worth playing. Strongly recommended if you like forced mental changes with transformation.

Review by renenarciso

Version reviewed: 1.0.1 on 10/25/2022

I really want to like this one, if nothing else because games with a comparatively fast and complete MtF change for the main character are a rarity nowadays, for some strange reason, so I'll take anything that comes my way.

But this one really is one of those games that is more "game" than story, and the sad fact is, there is a certain "sameness" to each playthrough. I realize the game is still comparativelly new, but it suffers when compared to stuff like "Who Wants to Be a Bimbo?". Not enough divergent TF paths, almost no visuals for the TFs...

The biggest selling point is the different endings, but it's a bit tiresome to go through several playthroughs to try and get them all, because about 60% of the time I got the Bunny Girl ending. Except when I manage to win (or is that lose?) the game and then I end up free and the ending changes according to the extent of your TFs, and in this way I managed to get a pair of Prostitution endings, and a couple of others.

And when I say the endings are the biggest selling point, that is not saying much, because they're still kinda short.

Review by Maximum12567

Version reviewed: 0.6.0 on 03/07/2022

Been playing each version since the release and have been enjoying it, it's def got promise. I look forward to seeing what happens as the author progresses further, as it has potential to become one of my fave games to play through!

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