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RPG Maker MV
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Orig PC Gender
Adult Themes

Version: 0.5.1

Version: 0.4.0

Sand's Grey Cells

Disclaimer: I am not the developer, I am posting the game at the request of the developer. His twitter is below - give them some likes and retweets!

A 2D-side scroller where 2 girlsare on an adventure, fighting all kinds of monsters by shooting them or using various special attacks.

The game focuses mostly on petrification and other 'hardening' states, including but not limited to petrification, freezing, chocolate (white/black/brown).There is also one enemy that transforms the playable characters into anthropomorphic animals.

The game is in early development and only available in japanese, the developer can be found here.

An english translation patch was added to the download section, credit goes to SGC_English for creating it.





Since the game is only available in japanese, the controls are tricky to figure out. Here is a list of the various actions that the player can do:

Arrow keys -> Move

Down        -> Crouch

X              -> Jump

Down+C    -> Crouch Slide

V             -> Shoot (hitting enemies gains TP) & pick up items

Y             -> Talk

A/S+Arrow -> Special Attack (uses TP)

Q/W         -> Zoom

Space       -> Pause

Backspace -> Change difficulty

1              -> Regain 1st party member (once unlocked). You can sometimes even regain your companion after she was defeated once enough time has passed at the cost of some MP.

2              -> Regain 2nd party member (once unlocked). Only works after pressing 1 to regain the first party member.

Esc            -> Save Game


The game gets quite hard, especially with boss battles, so switching to Easy can be recommended.

Some additional hints:

-First room: You have to pick up (V) the TV that is burried in the ground, then talk with the cat in the TV (Z)

-Second/Third room: The game is teaching you to jump (X), crouch-dash (down+C) and to pick up/throw items (V) to make staircases. Use these techniques to pass this tutorial-esque section.

-Fourth room: The path forward is blocked by a wall of petrification gas, but it is possible to talk (Z) with the gas and politely ask it to move away (I think this is the kind of humor that the game runs on x)

Make also sure to collect any pudding you see lying around, they permanently increase your HP. There is also an NPC in these black rooms where you can heal up and get a free pudding by talking to them.

-First boss: A room full of enemies on floating plattforms, with the main boss in the center at the bottom. You can try to jump to the higher levels and defeat the hoards of enemies, or you can rush straight to the main boss, kill the two healers next to him, then take her out while tanking the damage. This is risky but once the boss dies, every other enemy is defeated as well. Defeating the shield enemies also drops their shield, which you can pick up. This helps immensly in avoiding the barrage of bullets.

-Second boss: A painter girl, she starts out friendly but you have to attack and defeat her in order to continue. She is the first mayor roadblock, with very quick attacks, firing a ton of projectiles and usually floating in places where she is difficult to hit. For that reason, using special attacks is very helpful. During the fight you can also talk to the ghost lady and she grants you a boon two times in the battle, either fully healing you or freezing the boss so you can get free shots in. Use the crouch dash to avoid her lightning-quick V-attack. The boss also has her own bad end cutscene that triggers if you die from her singing attack which puts you to sleep and petrifies you.

After the painter boss, the game becomes significantly easier because you get a companion, complete with her own lifebar. This is where the 1-key becomes super important, because whenever the companion gets taken out, you can press 1 and get her back instantly. This has a cooldown though, it's not spammable, but it should make things a lot easier.

-Third boss: An anthropomorphic cat hiding inside a chocolate wall. Shouldn't be too difficult, just stay on one side and take out the enemies she periodically spawns.

-Fourth boss: More of a miniboss, an enemy that powers up an ice beam that freezes you and does massive damage if it hits. To avoid it, simply jump on the head of the enemy and wait it out.

Review by beerbaron

Version reviewed: 0.4.0 on 01/04/2023

Reviewed v0.42

Have had such a blast with this game. If petrification is your thing, this is worth the effort to get into. I have found almost 50 seperate death states for the different characters in various Petrification states (Stone, Chocolate, Slime, Ice, Gold, Webbing...and others? Animations and sprites of it all happening for each party member?! Good stuff!). These depend on your HP and/or what phase of a fight you are in. The later bosses actually have specific kill animations and non-standard game overs for several of the separate phases?! Fantastic. Be warned there is some Soft Vore in the later end of the game, but they still finish with petrification.

Gameplay wise, this is a mostly linear Metroidvania, with a rather high difficulty spike at the first boss (A show of things to come, only gets harder). These bosses are very much Dark Souls style bosses: Learn attack patterns, everything is possible to dodge or deal with if you are patient and/or have a plan. Most enemies have a weaknesses you can exploit, but the bosses are definetly long fights, so take your time. Level Grinding is not required at all... unless playing through on Hard (Specifically to have the shield for the 2nd boss. Damn she is evil as hell). Even then, the grinding didn't take me very long, like 5-10 minutes in a spot full of enemies, which was nice.

You can save freely out of combat... do so OFTEN (Esc to save, F5 to reset). Like every screen kinda often. I eventually cleared the game on Hard (After I had beaten Normal), but it definetly took me several attempts on the tougher fights (Looking at you 2nd boss!). Even on Easy, the game can be pretty tough, but your hitbox is surprsingly small... so take advantage of it. You can dodge quite alot of the Danmaku style attacks even though it looks like it should hit you. Ah. Danmaku. Yea, there is alot of bullets or stuff on screen to dodge sometimes. Not to the level of Touhou (Which the game does clearly love considering the cameo's), but be ready to dodge with careful and precise movements sometimes.

The difficulty can be adjusted with Backspace (Easy, Normal, Hard). No extra content on higher difficulties, just tougher fights, so play as you like.

Mobility and attacking sucks at the start. It honestly took me until I cleared the first boss to really start to enjoy the game, as once you get into the Party system it starts to click. You eventually get better tools, like a double jump, a triple jump and some truely chaotic air combat with chain dive kicks letting you basically fly around by bouncing off enemies. By the end of the game I was pressing Up / Down to throw out damage and heal, while dodging attacks and trying to shoot stuff at the same time with a variety of spells....and a gun. Very fun for myself, but if that kinda "press lots of buttons" action isn't your thing, you probably wont enjoy this game.

Story is cute and funny. (From what I can understand of it, thanks machine translations!). Certainly doesn't take itself too seriously, but it does drop hints that something else is going on.

Overall, highly recommended to Petrification lovers.

Review by Aggressive Zone

Version reviewed: 0.3.0 on 12/11/2021

So a couple of notes.

First of all this game is quite interesting 

Second if you want us to know any form of humor from that game it needs an english translation. I doubt lots of japanese reading people on this site.


Third This game is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY to hard for a sexy game title. 
There is no way that i am going to get through the first boss its SO FREAKIN HARD.
Darksouls or Monster hunter is like pipsqueek easy comparied to this.

I dont even get how there is a hard mode for that.
I dont get passed the first boss idk how much healt it has.

The game feels like a bullet hell but then you have barely any movement capabilities to move around

The only decent way to move around is with the slide feature since you can spam the shit out of that
And even with that i cant get through the boss and i shot far over 50 damage in her after clearing the healers.

Game is busted beyond difficult

Review by alguienquepasaporaqu

Version reviewed: 0.3.0 on 12/09/2021

It looks extraordinary. I really wish I could read it, it also seems quite funny

Review by Sessh

Version reviewed: 0.3.0 on 12/08/2021

sounds fun....wish it was in english

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