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Adult Themes

Version: 1.1

Sex Talk
by Kurohi

A CYOA game where each path leads to different "sub-games". Essentially this is a large amount of quick porn. It should never take more than an hour to find an ending, but there are a lot of them (90 total).


You play as James. Life has been going great for you, however your lovely wife seems to have a bit of a beef with your sex habits. When she gets ahold of a certain set of books, you get to learn those beefs first hand!

James: Lily's husband. A laid-back middle-class man (thus proving this is a fantasy world), he has a good job, a loving wife, a nice house. And is also the target of all the sexual frustrations for the duration of the game.

Lily: James' wife. She's got a cushy job, but is sexually aggrivated. She loves games as well as magic.

(Primary Walkthrough written by Zatur)
[i]Endings 1-7: In the Bedroom[/i]
These are fairly simply, just choose the first two options after approaching Lily ('hot pussy,' 'huge tits') and it will lock you in all possible options for these endings.

Game Over 1: Blond Bimbo Slut
Game Over 2: A Night as a Cocksucker
Game Over 3: Eternal Lovers
Game Over 4: Transsexual Blow
Game Over 5: Swapped Lives
Game Over 6: My Husband the Satyr
Game Over 7: The Two-Dicked Man

[i]Endings 8-27: Candy at the Club[/i]
These are all on the 'Candy' path and you need to get the closet to appear.
To get the closet to appear, you need to approach Lilly, pick the 'hot pussy' option, and then 'hot black ass.' You only have one option after that, but then the closet appears and you get to choose which outfit to wear.
To become Candy, you have to pick the Mini-Skirt + Thong from the closet and whether you wear it or try to put it back, you need to select the 'Wait' option (under your portrait) TWICE to get booted to the club. From there, these endings can be found.

Game Over 8: Super Vanilla Lesbians.
Game Over 9: Vanilla Lesbians.
Game Over 10: Dirty Lesbians.
These three are gained from staying on the dance floor with Lily without talking to anyone else in the bar and just choosing one of the three options under your portrait.

Game Over 11: Pregnant Poly People.
Game Over 12: Double Date Double f***.
Game Over 13: A Good Day.
Game Over 14: Two for One Times Two.
Game Over 15: Uneven ratio of cocks to holes.
Game Over 16: Full Harem
These are gained by talking to 1 (for Ending 11), 2 (for Ending 12, etc.), 3, 4, 5, or 6 of the guys at the bar and then dancing with Lily.

Game Over 17: Screwing like its 1967.
Game Over 18: Love Riley.
Game Over 19: A night to remember.
Game Over 20: An abnormal meeting with a normal end.
Game Over 21: Bound and Fucked
Game Over 22: Worth Every Penny
Get these by going home with JUST one of the guys and without Lily. Bill for 17, Riley for 18, Eric for 19, etc.

Game Over 23: An Amazing Sex Life.
Game Over 24: A Cock in the Bush is worth Two in the Hand.
Game Over 25: Two at each end.
Game Over 26: Bring on the Men!
Game Over 27: Reverse Harem.
These are found by talking to 2, 3, 4, etc. guys and going home with them without Lily.

[i]Endings 28-46: Jada's Journey[/i]
These endings are found in the club area, like Candy's. As long as you don't wait twice (see the beginning of Candy's path above) and choose the "Go With Her" under Lily, you'll go to the club as Jada.

Game Over 28: A Change in Perspective.
Game Over 29: Walking a mile in her shoes.
Just stay on the dance floor twice with Lily and choose one of the options under your portrait to get these endings.

Game Over 30: Crossing all the way.
Game Over 31: Left Behind.
Game Over 32: Learned Skill: Blowjob.
Game Over 33: A Taste of Heaven.
Game Over 34: Lone Mother.
Game Over 35: Unwanted Harem
These are found by talking to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 guys and then dancing with Lily until you leave.

Game Over 36: Expectant Mother and Wife.
Game Over 37: Major Player.
Game Over 38: Berrys, Cocks, and Cream.
Game Over 39: Being Shy is Boring
Game Over 40: Used and Left.
Game Over 41: Cum-dumpster.
You get these endings if you leave the club without Lily and ONE of the guys you talked to. Bill for 36, Riley for 37, etc.

Game Over 42: Addicted to Cock
Game Over 43: Birth of a Nymphomaniac
Game Over 44: Broken
Game Over 45: Lost in a Sea of Holes.
Game Over 46: Whore 2.0
To get these, leave with 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 guys from the club without Lily.

[i]Endings 47-59: School Daze[/i]
These endings are all found from once your at the school. As mentioned at the beginning of the Candy path, you need to get the closet to appear, but instead of picking the Mini Skirt + Thong, pick the T-shirt and Jeans and wear them.

Once at the school, all the endings occur when you go see Lily, so after getting the proper class combinations, go to the Principal Office and Approach Lily.

Game Over 47: Role Reversal
Either complete 2 or less clases (doesn't matter if you fail or succeed, or go to no classes at all). Note: DO NOT choose "Do it" at Health Class.

Game Over 48: Lost one cock to find another.
Game Over 49: Lesson Learned?
Go to Health Class and choose "Do it" then go to the Principal's Office and Approach Lily. The next two options under Lily give you one of these endings.

Game Over 50: School Bimbo
Succeed at three or more classes. Note: DO NOT choose "Do it" if you go to Health Class.

Game Over 51: Weaponized
You need to go to at least 3 classes and fail 2 of them, and one of the failed classes MUST be Math Class.

Game Over 52: Parents
You need to go to Health class and select "Do It," fail at Math Class, and succeed at one or more classes before approaching Lily.

Game Over 53: Spells gone wrong can be so right.
You need to fail at Math Class and succeed at 2 or more other classes. Note: DO NOT choose "Do it" if you go to Health Class.

Game Over 54: Extreme Masturbation, hot new show for Fall Season.
Fail at Science Class, choose "Do it" in Health Class, and go to one or more other classes. Note: You CAN NOT fail at Math Class.

Game Over 55: Flexible
Go to Health Class and choose "Do it" and go to at least two other classes. You CAN NOT fail at Science or Math Class if you go to them, however.

Game Over 56: A loving family
Fail Gym and Science class and go to at least one more class. You CAN NOT fail at Math Class however, or choose "Do it" at Health Class.

Game Over 57: Perfect Hourglass
Fail at Science and History class and go to at least one more class. DO NOT choose "Do it" if you go to Health Class or fail at Math Class.

Game Over 58: Face Fucked
Fail at Science and English class and go to at least one more class. DO NOT choose "Do it" at Health Class or fail at Math, Gym, or History class.

Game Over 59: Good ol' Fashion Oral
Fail at Science class and succeed at two or more other classes. DO NOT choose "Do it" at Health Class.

Endings 60-63: Back in the Bedroom
Like 1-7, these 4 are fairly simple. After choosing 'hot pussy,' choose the 'thick cock' option and each of the four options will give you one of these endings.

Game Over 60: Married Life
Game Over 61: A less than normal life.
Game Over 62: Perfect Match
Game Over 63: A strange night.

[i]Endings 64-72: Mallrat[/i]
Though the first two aren't at the mall, them, and the ones at the mall, are all locked in when you choose "Do you like getting fucked?" after approaching Lily.

Once on this path, there's five items available. As long as you don't use the Milk, Ice Pop, and Dildo three times and then use the shower, or if you do so and DON'T take a shower, you get ending 65 and not go to the mall. Otherwise, after using the items and talking to Lily, you'll be dropped in front of the Mall. Also note, getting the Milk or Ice Cream automatically uses them, counting as one use.

Game Over 64: Lube Makes Everything Better.
Grab ONLY the KY Jelly from the drawer and talk to Lily for this ending.

Game Over 65: In response to your earlier question: Yes.
Either avoid the conditions for the Mall with the items, or talk to Lily without getting any items for this ending.

Game Over 66: Sex Doll
Game Over 67: Ultimate Gloryhole.
For these two you need to either search the Clothing Store and then search the Mall Bar or go to the Movie Theater, go in, and watch the movie. After those events, either search Spencer's or search the Bathroom to get these endings.

Game Over 68: One Night
Search Toyland first to get this ending.

Game Over 69: Just took once.
Merely initate one of the sex scenes in the mall without a condom and then search Toyland.

Game Over 70: Two Mothers
Game Over 71: Hermaphrorific
Game Over 72: Mothers of Four.
These three occur when you have the 'Pregnancy Counter' at 1 (for 70), 2-4 (for 71), or 5 (for 72).

To get the counter to one, either search the Back Alley AND the Bathroom or search Clothes R'Us first and search Spencer's, then search Toyland.

To get it to 2-4, you need to search Clothes R'Us first, search Spencer's, search the Bathroom, search the Food Court, and search the Back Alley.

To get it to 5, follow above to get to 4, search either the Mall Bar or go to the Movie Theater, go in, and watch the movie. Then search the Arcade, afterwards search Toyland.

Note: For any of these endings (except 68), DO NOT pick up any condoms found in the mall.

[i]Endings 73-82: Castle Training[/i]
All of these, except 73, involve going to the Castle and accomplishing certain tasks, and usually involves then going up the tower to Lily and approaching her. Selecting "How badly do you want it?" locks you into all of these endings.

Game Over 73: On Loop
Select "I want your pussy" to get this ending.

The rest are from the Castle. Selecting "Please suck my cock" takes you to there.

Game Over 74: Stone Sucker
In the Viewing Room, suck all the statues and then stand on the empty pedestal.

Game Over 75: Burden Bearer
In the Harem Room, give the wrong massage to all the men, then select "Take the Job" option under the room.

Game Over 76: Slutty Kitty
In the Stable, open the cupboard, take the Catsup, and then sit on the stool.

Game Over 77: In the Harem Room, give the wrong massage to all the men, then in the Shrine area, make your cock grow by all six priestesses. For growth, be sure to apply opposite lube to what the priestess wears. If she wears a Sun, use Blue, if she wears Moon, use Red.

Game Over 78: Broodfather
In the Shrine area, make your cock grow by all six priestesses. For growth, be sure to apply opposite lube to what the priestess wears. If she wears a Sun, use Blue, if she wears Moon, use Red.

Game Over 79: Ass-whore
Fail moving around the Strip Stage 7 times.

Game Over 80: Asian Whore
Either approach Lily immediately or don't complete one of the trials.

Game Over 81: Minor Modifications
'Succeed' all the trails, but get transformed. You have to avoid all men at the Strip Stage. You either have to mess up all the massages in the Harem (which gets you transformed) or get them all right for it to count towards this. You also need either a monster cock (like in 78 except either avoid the last priestess or shrink your cock then grow it) or a hungry pussy (gained by approaching all six priests with opposite lube to their symbol) or both. Sucking 5 or 6 statues counts at succeeding in the Viewing Room. Merely sitting on the stool makes you succeed in the Stables.

Game Over 82: Sex Skill +1
Get a monster cock in the shrine without hitting 78 - you'll need to "fail" one priestess check for this. Get the condom wrapper in the Stable, and the magic necklace in the harem. Avoid all the men in the Strip Club. Sucking 5 or 6 statues in the Viewing Room still counts for this ending. (Thanks to Random Distraction for this one)

Castle Dance Stage: (Provided by Cyndane)
(Starting on the stage)

[i]Endings 83-90: Not Tonight[/i]
All of these endings are started by leaving the room immediately at the start, don't approach Lily. After that, the Time plays a part in finding these endings, so you need to take note of a few things:

The Fridge in the Kitchen has a "Snack" option and the "Watch TV" in the TV Room. Each of these will advance the Time by an hour. You can not Snack or Watch TV from 12:00 AM to 8:00 AM.

At 8:00 AM you can choose the "Go to Work" option from the Hallway. You return home at 5:00 PM. Also Lily is in the Master Bedroom at 8:00 AM.

At 9:00 AM Lily is in Lily's Office.

From 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM Lily is "at work." Though you can find her back in her office at 2:00 PM, she isn't considered in the house until 6:00 PM.

From 7:00 PM to 3:00 AM you can choose "Go to the Bar" option from the Hallway. Going there advances the Time by an hour, and "Stay for another drink" does as well. "Go Home" does not however.

At 9:00 PM Lily is in the TV Room (this is important later)

From 10:00 PM to 3:00 AM, you can choose the "Sleep" option and will wake up the next day at 8:00 AM

Each successive day at 8:00 PM, you'll find yourself in the Bedroom facing Lily. If you want to get these endings, leave the Bedroom again, otherwise you can Approach Lily to find other endings.

Now, for the endings.

Game Over 83: Maid and her Mistress
At 9:00 PM, "Search" the Hallway. Then try to open the TV in the TV Room when Lily is home.

Game Over 84: If you give a mouse a cookie.
At 9:00 PM, "Search" the Hallway. Waste Time until 10:00 AM and open the TV. "Check" the Wall Safe. "Close" the TV (if you don't, when Lily comes home, you get ending 83). Waste Time until Lily is home again, then try to "Use" Lily's Computer in her Office.

Game Over 85: Forever Stoned
Leave the Bedroom on Day 0-2 at 8:00 PM, during Day 3, stay in the house and at 8:00 PM you'll get this ending. Don't go to the bar with Lily (only available after checking the Wall Safe) any of these days either.

Game Over 86: Bar-room Whore.
As in ending 85, keep avoiding Lily from Day 0-2. On Day 3, go to the Bar and drink another round until 8:00 PM to get this ending.

Game Over 87: Massive Tool.
At 9:00 PM, "Search" the Hallway. Waste Time until 10:00 AM and open the TV. "Check" the Wall Safe. "Close" the TV (if you don't, when Lily comes home, you get ending 83). "Use" Lily's Computer in her Office. Waste Time until 7:00 PM and go to the Bar, this time the option to ask Lily to go with you is there, so choose that. Choose "Drink Shot" twice, then "Drink Half a Shot." Waste Time until 10:00 AM then "Use" Lily's Computer. Waste Time until 6:00 PM then choose the "Get Books" option from the TV.

Game Over 88: Better Life, Same Problems.
Game Over 89: The corruption of power. Sweet sweet corruption.
Game Over 90: Best Ending.
For all of these, you need the Spellbooks. At 9:00 PM, "Search" the Hallway. Waste Time until 10:00 AM and open the TV. "Check" the Wall Safe. "Close" the TV (if you don't, when Lily comes home, you get ending 83). "Use" Lily's Computer in her Office. Waste Time until 7:00 PM and go to the Bar, this time the option to ask Lily to go with you is there, so choose that. Choose "Drink Shot" twice, then "Drink Half a Shot." Waste Time until 10:00 AM then "Use" Lily's Computer. Go to the TV Room and choose "Get Books." The three options under the Spellbooks give you these endings. The last two give you 89 and 90. For 88, after Lily appears and the scene ends, go to the Bedroom and "Sleep" (though you could try and Go to Work, if you want... )

Review by RedGhost

Version reviewed: 1.1 on 04/17/2021


You're not lacking for TF choices in this game, but it is certainly one you'll be having many "guide damn it" moments to find all of the endings.

RAGS engine is used well with the navigation and item hunting handled solidly enough not to cause much frustration, with the majority of the events being tied to character interactions. While there are some bugs with these, by large there aren't any I've found so far that will cause a game looping state that will not hit you on a bad ending or right back to a main plot junction point.

Story is told very well for what it is with there being so many branching pathways to follow and many, many ending possibilities. You'll either go through this game in minutes or take close to an hour if your choices are consistent enough. Characters in the game are mostly there for interaction changes (TF), but do tie into their story point so they don't just look like filler or a chatting switch very much.

It's difficult to talk more about the possible paths of this game without hitting spoiler after spoiler so I'll end my review here and just finish by recommending this game.

While not the best at the TFGS, it is a strong contender. This is also not a password protected RAGS file if you want to check out how it was made.

Review by Volendi

Version reviewed: 1.1 on 05/09/2019

Awesome game, so many paths!  Must have taken forever to do! 


In response to the last review (a little late), you need to use the RAGS client.  I forget where to dl from, but you'll find it.

Review by SSB-01

Version reviewed: 1.1 on 11/18/2015

My wife suggested we should have sex, so I loafed in front of the TV for the rest of the game.


Review by navigator_dan

Version reviewed: 1.1 on 01/22/2015

Good game, on of my favourites on this platform. Not 100% "polished" and lacks good pictures, but it's really cool.

It's a pity that kickstarter project was not finalised.

Review by sepraslay

Version reviewed: 1.00 on 12/30/2013

Amazing game with many endings, but it could be better. Many endings are available, but it feels like some are down paths that diverge by a single transformation, and this being a rags game, trial and error seem like the only way to get all endings. This isn't really a downside, but the main issue, even with all the content, it still feels like more could be done and I would be delighted to see even more branches explored and paths available.

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Total Engines: 33
Total Adult Themes: 10
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