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Version: 1.0

by Yarda

My first Twine game, the setting is medieval. The hero is a spy slowly transformed to a woman by an alchemic potion. There are three endings, including full feminization


Your father sends you to spy in women's clothing during The Hundred Years ' War

Jean / Jeanne - the main hero

Tavern sluts and customers

Etienne - the bad guy

Gilles - the good guy

Demons and inquisitors

There are two paths: the good one (Gilles) and the evil one (Etienne).

On the good path you will have some sex in the tavern but the main goal will be battles with demons.

On the evil path the sex content is maximal.

Version 1.0: Comlete

Review by Kolka

Version reviewed: 0.9 on 02/01/2022

Finished the entire game, bad and good ends, and I have to say, for a linear story, it's not bad.

Overall feminization is pretty straightforward, images are pretty good, it's just a short game, give it a shot.

Review by senorsmut

Version reviewed: 0.9 on 02/01/2022

This is a fast, fun little ride. The transformations are fun and well explained, and the corruption of the MC is entertainng, especially for the Etienne route.

The only real criticism I can make is that there is only one point where the playert gets to make a consequential choice (which mentor to go with). This choice takes place very early in the game, and once the choice is made the resulting path is completely linear. I don't know if this is the intended pattern of the game or whether it's a function of the current state of development; if the latter, then this game is fun for two fast playthroughs, after which there is no reason to return to it. I do hope the dev elects to add consequential choices along the way. 

That aside, it's an enjoyable experience.

Review by willnotwork

Version reviewed: 0.5 on 12/29/2021

There's a little bit of unfortuante railroading, but the core game loop is there, and enough uncertainty for now to plan a couple of different paths.

Not long, but an enjoyable hour playing.

Review by SophisticatedMare

Version reviewed: 0.4 on 12/27/2021

This game is relatively straightforward but has a good setup and is developing nicely. The rationale for the transformation makes sense (well, in-fiction at least) and it's been fun to track its progress. With the multiple paths and ability to avoid transforming it seems like there will be a lot to explore as this game continues to get updated.

The actual "work" sequence can sometimes be a little tedious but it's nothing to complain about. When it's time to polish the game, the author should consider running the script by a native English speaker to fix some trivial grammar issues. I'm very much looking forward to seeing more updates and hope that the protagonist will undergo a complete transformation.

Review by gueteva

Version reviewed: 0.4 on 12/26/2021

Really enjoying what's there so far. Apparently only v0.3 is available. OP please upload v0.4

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