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1.0.1 - bugfix - Complete
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Adult Themes

Version: 1.0.1 - bugfix - Complete

New Lingerie Drawer
by zur

Hi, "New Lingerie Drawer" is a game focusing on forced feminization, you play with Leo, a 24 year old handsome boy, still a virgin who has a beautiful and adorable girlfriend named Elsa.
Elsa has a rather peculiar plan to take Leo's virginity, with two years of dating, Leo hadn't figured out his girlfriend was so kink.

The game is complete and has an interactive mode, which you can play together with Leo in the comfort of your home. Hmm... Maybe not so much comfort...

Leo/You - A handsome boy who despite having a very pretty girlfriend is still a virgin.

Elsa - Your beautiful and kink girlfriend.

Miss Cory - Your boss, despite being demanding, is a good boss, she likes you and your girlfriend a lot.

Monique - Best friend to Leo and Elsa, She might be a little irritating to you, but she's still a good friend.

I strongly recommend that you try to solve the game yourself, going too fast can make you miss some interesting scenes, but if you still need a little help, I'll put below where to complete each task, to avoid spoilers it will be camouflaged, just click and drag with the mouse to reveal the content.


Task 1: Forever Mine - Dolls Hurt - Cute Little Thing - Scarlett's Secret - Pinkbella

Task 2: Spy Provocateur - Lilac - Valuable - Intimatemissimi - Rope

Task 3: Forever Mine - Dolls Hurt - Cute Little Thing - Scarlett's Secret

Task 4: Spy Provocateur - Lilac - Intimatemissimi - Rope

Task 5: Forever Mine - Valuable - Scarlett's Secret -

Task 6: Dolls Hurt - Pinkbella - Rope

Task 7: Spy Provocateur - Valuable - Scarlett's Secret 

Task 8: Dolls Hurt - Cute Little Thing - Pinkbella

Task 9: Forever Mine - Lilac - Intimatemissimi

Task 10: Spy Provocateur - Pinkbella - Rope

Task 11: Dolls Hurt - Lilac - Intimatemissimi

Task 12: Valuable - Cute Little Thing - Rope

Task 13: Forever Mine - Spy Provocateur - Scarlett's Secret

Task 14: Cute Little Thing - Pinkbella - Rope

Task 15: Dolls Hurt - Lilac - Intimatemissimi

Task 16: Forever Mine - Scarlett's Secret

Task 17: Lilac - Valuable

Task 18: Dolls Hurt - Pinkbella

Task 19: Spy Provocateur - Intimatemissimi

Task 20: Rope

Task 21: Forever Mine - Cute Little Thing

Task 22: Valuable - Scarlett's Secret

Task 23: Cute Little Thing - Pinkbella

Task 24: Spy Provocateur - Intimatemissimi

Task 25: Valuable

Task 26: Scarlett's Secret

Task 27: Lilac

Task 28: Forever Mine

Task 29: Dolls Hurt

Task 30: Rope

1.0.1 - bugfix - Complete

Some people had problems with the final part of the game, this new file should solve the problem, if you already have a save file you should go back to the part before leaving home, go to the wardrobe first to change your clothes.

Review by erynXred

Version reviewed: 1.0.1 - bugfix - Complete on 06/08/2024

It is a bit grindy and straight forward but kept me engaged and entertained. Using the walkthrough so you don't have to just click around does help.

Review by DiaperedJasmin

Version reviewed: 1.0.1 - bugfix - Complete on 11/23/2023

In my opinion this is not a "game"...

All you have to do is:

Step 1: Go to work
Step 2: Figure out in which store the "special" lingerie is.
Step 3: Sleep
Step 4: Go to Step 1

Thats all... You have 30 Tasks and every day after work you have time to visit 2 lingerie shops.

- You can't skip work to have more time
- You've only minimal choices which didn't have big effect on the game
- No punishments... You can wait forever to do the tasks
- You don't have money, you don't need money
- You can't buy lingerie, that you don't need
- You work and go shopping EVERY day.
- No sidequests, no other content. Only these 4 Steps, repetetive...

After the 7th tasks I was so bored, I quit the game...

With a huge! 2.22GB of data I was expecting more!

Review by Evacles

Version reviewed: 1.0.1 - bugfix - Complete on 07/30/2023

Another game with a "girlfriend" pretending to be in "love" but is just a heartless bitch that doesn't care at all about her "boyfriend" well being. If you like to fantasize about unilateral femdom go ahead, but if you have at least a speck of empathy, keep walking.

The gameplay is fun tho, it's nothing big but it is original and it's completeted, wich is rare enough.

Review by SaveThePlanet

Version reviewed: 1.0.1 - bugfix - Complete on 05/29/2023

It is not a game. Yet, I found it entertaining enough. You are a guy, why always with a small dick? And your girlfriend is sissyfying you by putting your dick in a cage and demanding that you buy lingerie. Basically that is the game. The fun is that there are a lot of lignerie stores in town and you need to visit them all, and frequently. You are actually looking for specific types of lingerie, panties mostly, but not exclusively. A littel bit less obligarory shopping would not have been bad. But, OK.
But I think the game could be improved if some more content gets added related to: a) your work, b) your girlfriend, c) friends of your girlfriend. (The basis for this is all there already, with the work content being most elaborate, but it remains a bit shallow, a kind of side story).

So, yes, a little bit too much repetitive actions (sleep - work - shop - sleep). Yet I can recommend the game, at least if you like the lingerie emphasis of this game.

Review by sissy.millena

Version reviewed: 1.0.1 - bugfix - Complete on 03/10/2023

Impossible download, split it in volumes!

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