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Version: 0.35

Version: 0.1

Extreme Justice

A journey that could end in prison, or allow an entirely new experience for a hardened criminal. Currently, the game only encompasses the prologue, as well as a short introduction into the prisoner's "new life".

You are Michael Polk, rapist and murderer. In less than two hours, you are scheduled for your execution. An execution that you truly deserve. A last minute, unexpected visitor shows up and offers you a different path. Agree to be the subject of human experiments and you will be allowed to live. Do you follow through to your just end, or take a chance on survival without knowing any details?

Michael Polk - The main character, and a hardened criminal with nothing but contempt for women.

The Warden - She had known of your crimes for years now, as you've resided in her prison. She doesn't even try to hide her hatred of you, and has been looking forward to your execution for years.


Alison O'Malley - The CEO of Initek Genetics, and also one of their star researchers. She meets with you before your execution and offers to change your fate, if you can decide to agree to it.

Review by RedGhost

Version reviewed: 0.35 on 04/16/2022


Writing is solid, interactivity is minimal with this alpha release, transformations are very limited with this release.

Tough call. Too little to really review and what there is of the story is spoilers if you speak about the introduction.

Worth a look, but there isn't much here.

Review by madmel

Version reviewed: 0.35 on 07/03/2015

Great writing. An impressive start. Hard to really judge as a game because of small size.

Review by Narcissa

Version reviewed: 0.35 on 12/18/2013

Five stars for whats presented so far. Really enjoy the writing of it and the way things are headed. That said I really really want more and reserve the right to change my rating later. 

Review by Zer0zero

Version reviewed: 0.35 on 04/21/2013

Too early to really earn or lose stars.  The author plainly has a direction in mind and the characters, whats written at least, are solid and true.  Could be really good.  Waiting for an update.

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