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Cattle Castle 2

Cattle Castle 2 is a whole new adventure featuring a brand new main character named Milly. Unlike Bess, Milly is a born leader and a skilled warrioress. As such Milly's approach to traversing the castle's many puzzles is to fight her way through. This game features plenty of puzzles as well as a huge cast of enemies to fight through and strategize against. Use your items wisely to maintain not only your health but your level of curse! Milly has several stages of transformation all with unique animations. The game is fully voice acted (With a toggle to opt out) by a talented cast of voice actors and actresses.

Much like Cattle Castle 1 this game features plenty of game overs and endings, some come with new game+ information, unlocks and cheats achieved through minigames or simply by discovering the ending.


  •  11 unique endings with cutscenes and some even with their own minigames included.
  • Fully transforming player character
  • Plenty of colourful descriptions
  • Interactive menus
  • Full cast of talented voice actors
  • Animated transformation sprites and scenes
  • Puzzles
  • Battle System

Future plans:

  • Supporter backed DLC Sidequest
  • Menu to view unlocked endings
  • Card Collection Carry-Over
  • Achievements
  • Android and IOS support

Continuing the world of Cattle Castle where magic is commonplace amongs a mostly medieval but peaceful world.

The story focusses on a young warrioress named Milly. Tired of the constant threat of cowification of the women of her village she decides to take things into her own hands. Unlike Bess in the first game who saught to reverse her own fate, Milly is here to put an end to the threat that looms over her village and the world en masse.

Milly viciously battles her way to the Cattle Lord, intent on killing him. For her brazen actions she finds herself under a similar curse, however due to her attitude Milly's body bloats to enormous proportions making her usual way of battle impossible. She must change up her battle strategy or use curse removal potions to scrub off the effects of the denezens of the castle.

Main Cast:

Milly: The main protagonist, a powerful warrioress with a fiery personality.

Buttercup: A hucow girl with dreams of a fuller life. Quite fond of sex.

Cleric: Soft and loving, infinitely patient healer.

Cattle Lord: Sadistic sorcerer with an insurmountable love for cow transformations.


Moo'dMother: As her name suggests, she is the BroodMother of many many hucows. 

Minostrous: A monstrous Minotaur with a temper to rival his "weapon"

???: A surprise character with a surprise set of moves to stand in your way

Short walkthrough, join our discord to download a PDF long version.

Enter the castle, to your right there is a cow-girl, she will only join you if you have a code for her. This room also contains three secret switches that need to be flipped in order to unlock a dev-room secret.

Move downwards and navigate a maze-room.

Enter a safe room, here you can heal your wounds and recover mana. You can also talk to a Cattle Cleric here.

To the left there is a broken down room with two boxes, one of which contains an important key.

Back to the right of the safe room there is another slightly longer room, here you will need to solve a small boulder puzzle. Move the boulder down to the chest, then right as far as it will go, up as far as it will go and then right until it falls into the water allowing you to pass. Once over that section you can use your key on the door.

Enter the "bridge room" and continue walking along the path into the next room.

The next room is a small maze full of colored levers: pull all of the red ones to open the door.
Next room is a forked path, on the right there is a doorway with two golden statues at the front and inside is another Safe room containing another Cleric and bubbles near the surface of a fountain, where you can grab an item.
On the left of the forked path is the first boss room. Make sure that you are levelled enough to be able to use "double attack" or this battle will be difficult!
Tips: The Moo'd mother will call for her brood twice during the battle and will call forth a chocolate fembull and a loyal cow the first time, and then a hyper oreo fembull and another loyal cow the second time. Be sure to dispatch the loyal cows first if you are worried about your curse meter. Be sure to heed the hyper bull, he hits harder than his brother.
The Moo'd mother's attacks are strong for the low level area she guards but she is otherwise fairly weak and is defeated with a good strategy.
After that you can enter a "residential" map, here there is a small grass maze amidst some beds and bookshelves as well as crates of goodies. If you keep an eye out you might also be able to spy a little twinkle of light coming from a hidden room!
After exiting the residential area you enter a rather fancy marble room with columbs and statues. In order to progress you need to grab the blue orbs from the statues and insert them into the stone tablets around the room. Though be warned! Some of the statues don't want to give up their orbs without a fight!
After that you enter another forked path, dotted about this room are several patches of bubbling water with items inside them. To the upper left is another safe room. To the upper right and bottom right there is a horseshoe shaped bath house with more items to get. To the bottom left...??? and to the upper center there is a door that leads to another bridge room.
Tumble down into the caves and lose only 100 hp. Now you're in a dark stony passage. Go upward to the glowing light to find a broken safe room. The more you use it without fixing it, the less it heals you. To fix it you might need to do something special and talk to a Cleric to learn the special hymn to sing to the statue.... Or you could lick it? Maybe save first though.
To the right of the first cave room is a large expanse of cave, it's dark and crawling with blood suckers and terrifying monsters. A lone torch stands in the south as if signalling a long lost passage, forgotten, maybe searching will uncover a way in?
-Inside the cave there is a chest that contains a "Extra Strength Bomb" that is a key item to progress the game.
The next room seems to be an underground support system for the castle above. Inside there is a less than sturdy pillar next to a deep chasm. Use the bomb on the pillar to knock it down and use it as a bridge.
Next up in the Minotaur Boss's room, otherwise known as "Minostrous". Challenge him to a battle to get past him.
Tips: If you haven't bought any bombs or found any, you're in for a rough battle. Minostrous doesn't issue any curses on you but he hits hard and can tank quite a few hits. Build up some TP while he's in his first stage and unleash your strongest attacks when he's physically weakened in his rage-mode. When enraged Minostrous no longer waits or guards and goes full on attack, delivering devastating blows that can deal some major damage if you're more human than cow.
After defeating him, he slumps spent on the ground and you are free to leave.
Heading north you will enter a massive staircase that will bring you back up to the main castle levels.
The last safe room is at the top of the stairs and contains the last cleric. Be sure to heal up, the enemies in the following rooms are beefier than the others, and you'll want to have plenty of health for them and the bossess.
Enter the final maze cooridoors for a "lost forest" style puzzle.
Solve: Up, Up, Right
Note: There is also a way to progress backward through the castle via this maze (in case you're missing some cards)
ENTER THE BOSS ROOM: Spoilers ahead!
Once you enter the boss room you'll notice he's not alone. Bess (from the first game) sits nude at his side. Once initiating a battle with the lord, she steps in to defend him as his last line of defense.
Bess transforms into a massive hefty werecow, still under hypnosis.
Tips: Bess is a damage sponge who is capable of self healing a few times during battle. In order to maximize damage be sure to remain constantly on the dps side pausing only to heal yourself if you absolutely need it. If you have them now is the time to use your bombs!
Once defeated you're given the option to fight the Cattle Lord immediately or to go heal up and come back. Rather kind of him?-
Once you accept the final boss's challenge the battle music changes to suit the gravity. The Cattle Lord deals massive curse in his first stage and it's reccomended to use a curse shield scroll immediately at the beginning of the battle. The rest of the battle he often guards and attacks normally, when his health dips low he employs the use of a vampiric spell to siphon life from you.
Once he is defeated in this form a cutscene will play and he takes his final form.
To defeat the Dracow lord you will need to employ the use of healing and DPS moves, while his attacks aren't entirely devastating the damage over time of the burn status can really eat away your HP. His own HP pool is much lower than his armoured form and with a good strategy the battle will end soon enough.
With the cattle lord defeated you return to human form. Curse attacks no longer effect you if you travel back inside.
Ahead of the boss room is a small hallway to leave the castle, there is a statue in the middle of the room that holds a slot for runes... Or maybe cards?
How to get each ending:
Mooing at the starting line: Insult the Cattle Lord twice in a row in the beginning cutscene and become a Bimbo cow-girl.
TF Ending: let your curse reach 100% and bloat out so much you can no longer walk.
Moo'dMother: Become another Moo'dmother after losing to her in battle.
Cocky: Lose to the Minostrous in battle, become a futa and rut with another cursed cow girl during a rythm based minigame. (If you get a high score she'll give you a code to unlock her as a follower in your next playthrough)
Pasturized: After making a poor life choice (licking the statue in the cave) you're whisked away to a pasture to spend your days eating grass, being mounted, and getting milked.
Hypnosis: Lose to Bess and join her in mindless endless bliss.
Can't beat him? Fuck him!: Lose to the first phase of the Cattle Lord Boss battle. Agree to have sex with him and get a high score in the rythm minigame. He'll hand you a map that shows you how to unlock to dev-room in the first area.
Getting Laid: Lose to the Cattle Lord's final form and be morphed into a dragon. You can lay eggs till your heart's content. The only prize you get here is bragging rights if you fill the entire screen with eggs.
Hys-Clerical: Get to the final stage of curse before a game over and talk to any Cattle Cleric. She will offer you a way out. If you accept it, you will be turned into an exact clone of all the others and join them. Here you will learn the hymn for the broken statue.
Good end: Defeat the Cattle Lord on your own as Milly and leave the castle.
Good end+: Defeat the Cattle Lord this time with Buttercup at your side and leave the castle.
Ascended: Defeat the Cattle Lord and collect all the cards. Place the cards into the statue near the exit and ascend.

Review by TheZapper

Version reviewed: 1.2.1 on 08/20/2021

This is a really solid little RPG, honestly a lot better than most of the RPG Maker efforts on this site. The combat system and mechanics are pretty solid, there's some meaningful strategy to be found here. It's not as good in that regard as some of the more remarkable RPG Maker titles here, like Between and Magical Camp, but still provides you with more meaningful choices than just hitting "Attack" over and over.

And on top of that, it's definitely one of the site's better animal TF games, though it leans a bit more anthro than true animal TF. Still, managing Milly's transformation is a key part of the gameplay, and adds a degree of depth to it. Your transformation mostly results from certain enemy attacks, which means you have to think strategically about whether you want to fight or flee once you know what those enemies are. There's also a hidden merchant who can sell you items that will make your game easier, but also greatly increase your transformation level, meaning there's a very real trade-off for their advantages. Even allowing Milly to transform is a dilemma, since allowing her TF to advance will increase certain stats while lowering others, and give access to new abilities while blocking off access to others.

There's also a lot of content and some pretty clever secrets to be found here. Each boss has its own "bad end," and some of those are necessary to get in order to obtain the collectibles needed to obtain the secret ending. It adds some replay value as you need to seek out things you may have missed before, although I will say that a few of the endings are non-intuitive to find, which may frustrate some players. On balance, though, I'll take more content over less.

There are a few bugs in the game, but they're fairly minor and don't really detract from the experience in a meaningful way. My single biggest complaint is that the farting and piss kinks don't make a return from Cattle Castle 1, even as optional kinks. This is a little disappointing if you like the "messy" elements of animal transformation, as I do, but on balance, there's still a lot of good TF content here, so it's a fairly minor gripe.

All in all, if you like cow TFs and RPGs, this is a good use of five bucks. Definitely recommended if that's your cup of tea.

Review by BlueMoon

Version reviewed: 1.2.1 on 08/20/2021

Very much enjoyed this game. The animations and art are fantastic, the TF itself is very well-paced, the writing's fun, and exploring and finding secrets is great.

The combat's definitely the weakest bit, but if you're willing to do a bit of grinding it's not too bad, and there're secrets you can find that make it a lot easier.

It's a strong recommendation from me, overall.

Review by Argol228

Version reviewed: 1.2.1 on 08/20/2021

I took a chance and was dissapointed. For starters the player character is a very boring design. Sure my preference may be Princesses in gowns and heels because seeing such cute clothes get stretched then torn is a lot of fun. This character doesn't;t have that fun design.

As for the game, the worst part of these types of games is almost always the combat. Nothing interesting here, just spam attack until dead. The turn based nature is just there for filler and it really drags down the game. then we have the moo'd Mother, which was the nail in the coffin that made this game an absolute waste of money. went through 6 small health pots and 4 health pots while chipping away 10 damage at a time only to lose after what must have been 10min. Which means this game forces grind.

So to sum up.
Boring character design
Boring gameplay
Grind wall.

But I am not going to give up on the Developer. the Dragon princess game teased on their site has me intrigued, as long as it avoids playing like this game.

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