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S1+TF Quest
Orig PC Gender
Adult Themes

Version: S1 Side Quest



From the creators of The Whore of Babylon, Kitty and the Lord are proud to present their next RPG Interactive Erotica: 

SX-ULTRA is a pulp action themed  Interactive Erotica; an acid novel that portrays the pornographic mind  of a young volunteer who lends themselves to a government mind control  program. In their new life as an undercover agent, they must cheat,  fight and fuck to survive at any cost and carry out the missions The  Agency has for them.


Explore  mind-bending worlds where your every wild desire can be indulged, but  keep an eye out for cyber brain parasites, nefarious terrorists, rival  agencies, and even your own colleagues, for not everything is as it  seems in PROJECT SX-ULTRA


Our games will always be 100% free, but patrons will receive walkthroughs, previews, cheatcodes, polls on future content, and more.

Don't forget to visit our Patreonand SubscribeStar <3




What to Expect from Season 1?


  • Choose the gender of your protagonist and dive into an interactive story of intrigue, sex, substances, dreams, violence, and conspiracies where YOU choose the path.


  • Five exciting undercover agent missions with challenges where you can play with your different attributes (Psyche, Vigor, Empathy, Morale & Corruption) to deal with situations.


  1.   File 1: Demolition Lovers
  2.   File 2: The Mystery of the Spheres
  3.   File 3: A Night in Amazonia
  4.   File 4: Tales of Brutality
  5.   File 5: A Promise in Blood
  • A vibrant and entertaining life inside the office (+20 total events), where you can interact with Lucy, your beloved supervisor, and other coworkers.


  • Or take a stroll through the endless and grand streets of the Techno-Haven™ Plaza (+40 total events), where you can spend your hard-earned money to enjoy all kinds of care and entertainment (all brought to you courtesy of Techno-Haven™ Industries).


  •   The Corp-O-asis, a temple dedicated to the body where you can play with your appearance or simply relax with hot baths and massages.
  •   The BodyFlex Pavilion where you can train your stats, alone or with the help of friends.
  •   The Neon Dreams Lounge, the club that never sleeps and where there's always a party (we apologize to customers for the hole in the bathroom wall; we keep fixing it, but it always comes back).
  •   The Palais Eros, a place where all your fantasies can come true.
  •   And many more places to visit!


  • And an optional Quest inside the Corp-O-asis if you enjoy Transformation themes:


  •   Meet Morgan [non-binary. They/Them]. An authorized medical professional from Techno-Haven™. They will guide you on your journey of body and mind discovery through three (for now) thrilling events of Futanarization or Feminization.
  •   Meet Ree [Futa. She/Her]. A woman from the decadent royalty of Amazonia who will introduce you to a whole new dimension of hedonism within the Palais Eros, if you let her.


Help Ree and Morgan resolve their differences and unlock new events, new transformation options, and new appearances for your avatar.




SubscribeStar | Patreon




Available for our lovely Youngster patreons and up.


Changelong Project SX-Ultra Transformation Quest Update (05-20-24)


  • New TF therapy event with Morgan: Session 4: Convex Projection Test 

  • 3 New side interactions with Morgan with 4 New images (Option to tip Morgan & take off their clothes)

  • Morgan & Rhea's (Optional) Quest: grants 4 new exclusive rewards regarding TF content (new character, new interactions, changing your appearance & the option to buy quick transformation pills)

  • 21 New images of Rhea 

  • New Alex event with 5 interactions 

  • You can start smoking after mision #5 and talking to Alex

  • Option to change your avatar's appearance (must do the optional quest for now) 

  • You can ask Lucy to let you work at the Palais Eros

  • New interaction options  in the Palais Eros and with other characters based on you corruption levels. 

  • The self-description in the "About" section has been replaced by a character report that changes with the progression of missions, as well as your physical and psychological changes. 

  • Taking a dose of X25 gives you more money when offering your services at Palais Eros, but also have consequences for your Psyche and Corruption levels.

  • New interactions at Palais Eros when offering your services based on your corruption level

  • New shortcut to your full Photo Archive with all your collectibles




Changelog PROJECT SX-ULTRA S1 + TF Update


- New character: Morgan (They/Them)


 - 2 New Pin-ups for Morgan


 - New interaction in the Gym: 


 - "Body Modifications" (Feminization/Futanarization)


 - Ask Moran about their transition


- Four new transformation events with +80 new gifs & images


- New Option in the Palais Eros: Offer your own services 


 - Optional: Buy X-25 pill to transform while offering your services 


- New Dares for Lucy: Naked push-ups, B00bjob, Lick pu$$y


- New chat option with Lucy: About the Complex 
- "Erohypno" is now easier to access and depends on your Relationship XP with Lucy


- Relevant information for characters added in the Archive 


- Relevant info added at the beginning about the world & MC's motivations


- Fixed Lucy's Blackjack bug (Only showing 6 of the 17 available "Truth & Dare" options)


- You can now dare Lucy to play Blackjack topless 


- All 21 Original Pin-up posters have been updated




Changelog re-launch SX-ULTRA 

  • New name + Banner + Poster + Logo
  • New Mission 5: "A Promise in Blood"
  • 4 different new avatars for MC
  • General aesthetic review
  • New dynamic backgrounds for all locations, including all 5 playable missions
  • "Downtime Actions" system implemented
  • General review of interface and navigability
  • Office is now Personal Portal. Features: "Available tasks" & "Archive" with useful info and collectibles from your missions
  • Visual + Story restructure of "Lucy's Blackjack"
  • Game Over event reviewed
  • Floor 85 is now "Techno-Haven Plaza" w/ 10 different locations
  • New images for "Techno-Haven Plaza" locations
  • New locations with a variety of new events and activities in: Nightclub, Gym, brothel...
  • 1 New Blair Pin-up
  • 1 New Alex Pin-up
  • New Alex Event
  • New Alternative Lucy Event





Changelog TDP Ch.9


- New avatar system: 4 new MC for you to play (for now) each with different stats & background


  • 2 Male Avatars
  • 2 Female Avatars


- Broke down walls of text for:


  • Intro
  • File 1
  • File 2
  • File 3
  • "Meeting Nate" office event
  • "Meeting Dr. Weiss" office event


- Added dozens of new dialogue options + expanded sexy options in said Files & office events


- New 'Corruption' system (Mind-control mechanic)


- New 'Credits' system (you start getting payed for missions)


- Reviewed mechanics for the Brothel (boosts Morale + Corruption. Payment in Credits)


- New art for all Agency places (15 new original images)


- New design for Dr. Weiss


- New art for "Meeting Dr. Weiss" event


- New art for "Meeting Alex" event


- New art for "Meeting Nate" event


- Extended Introduction event with Alex and Lucy


- Corrected minor bugs in Files 1, 2 & 3 while doing the review



Changelog TDP Ch.8


  • New content:

- Added File 4 to the Mission File Cabinet

- File 4: Tales of Brutality

- 64 passages

- 75 images

- 1 group encounter (FF+you)

- 1 couple encounter (M+you)

- 1 encounter with The Sentinel

- 2 original Pin-up illustrations for The Sentinel

- New character presented: Alternative Lucy

- Lucy's EroHypno S3 added (07:01 minutes)

- "About" section added


  • Fixes and others:

- No more censorship! All "click to view NSFW image" warnings have been deleted

- Added "back" button

- Replaced Lucy's EroHypno Mega links

- Fixed a bug where you got trapped in File 2 (You+Colossus scene

- Fixed image error in File 2 (You + Blair)

- Added SFRD link in Nate's 1st event

- Updated Posters and Pin-ups for all Files



- Changed format for "Lucy's Audiotherapy Track 1" to "Erohypno session 1" (audio to video)

- Changed format for "Lucy's Audiotherapy Track 2" to "Erohypno session 2" (audio to video)

- You can now play Blackjack with Lucy in her heart-shaped n*pple covers

- You can now play Blackjack with Lucy topless

- Fixed bug regarding the Palais Eros services (gender switch)


Chapter #7


- Fixed bugged Lucy's Audio Hypnosis Track 1

- Re-recorded Lucy's Audio Hypnosis Track 1

- Extended Lucy's Audio Hypnosis Track 1 (00:06:32)

- New: Lucy's Audio Hypnosis Track 2 (00:06:16)

  • Conditioning to Lucy's voice

- New:  Lucy's Audio Hypnosis Track 3 (00:05:00)

  • Conditioning to "The Room"

- Added "Wake up call" for the end of all hypnotic sessions (Icarus)

- New Original artwork for Lucy's Audio Hypnosis

- New Original Artwork for Lucy's Blackjack (3 variations)

- New Original Pin-up for Lucy's Spicy Selfie (Lucy's Spicy Blackjack)

- Improved Blackjack Interface

- Fixed bugged Body rolls in File 3: A Night in Amazonia

- Fixed several typos


Note: We recommend starting a new game for Ch.7 instead of loading a previous save to avoid compatibility issues after bugfixing.



Chapter #6

- Added 20 different interactions with Lucy in the Spicy Blackjack

- Added 2 original Lucy pin-ups 


  • Push-ups Pin-up
  • Spanking Pin-up


- Added the first Track for the new Lucy's Audio Therapy

- Updated collection of Lucy's Pin-ups

- Updated Miss Levy's (File 3) pin-up



Chapter #5

- Implemented File 3: A Night in Amazonia (40.000+ words and 200+ images)
  • A Night in Amazonia (Male Version)
  • A Night in Amazonia (Female Version)
- 3 New folders in Cabinet
- Implemented Equipment/inventory
- 7 New original artwork images
  • 3 new original images for Lucy's Dare (Spicy Blackjack)
  • 2 new original Chief Deb Pin-ups
  • 2 new original Miss Levy Pin-ups
- Implemented collectible photo album (10/?)
- New icons for sidebar


Chapter #4
- Expanded File 1 with another encounter with Aleena in the park (16 new media files)
- 3 Original art images featuring Aleena [by Raichu Art]
- Added File cabinet on your desk (7/? documents)
- You can now visit Floor 85
- You can now visit the PalaisEros (17/? services. 67 new media files)
- Request a female companion
- Request group services
- Request vanilla services
- Request kinky services
- 10 new leisure activities
- New image for Floor 80


Chapter #3

Implemented playing spicy Blackjack with Lucy

Implemented three truths and three dares with Lucy, with numerous variations depending on whether you won or lost, gender, response, etc.

Introduction scene with Nate

Introduction scene with Dr. White

Drinking scene with Nate

"Getting to know" Nate

Modified difficulties to be easier in the Missions

Modified experience gain to be higher

Made it so failed rolls also give experience

Made it so failing rolls subtracts less morale

Changed video format to be compatible with all known browsers


Chapter #2

Added File #2: The Mystery of the Spheres

Added images and videos to all files

Added proof of concept blackjack with Lucy

More conversations with Lucy

Added avatar selection menu (skin color currently)

Added morale system (with game over)

Refined RPG mechanics

Added game tutorial

Chapter #1 (Demo Version)

Added File #1: Demolition Lovers

Lucy introduction

Alex introduction

Added proof of concept RPG mechanics

Added proof of concept dynamic avatar system

Added intro (getting to the Agency)


Review by renenarciso

Version reviewed: S1 + TF Update on 04/06/2024

The same as Whore of Babylon, this seems like a good game with sexy story and great graphics, but...

It's narrated in the first person. I can't stand first person narration for erotic games. It's distancing. This was already the case with the Whore of Babylon - great game, somewhat ruined for me by the first person narration.

If these games were second person narration, they'd be awesome. As it is now, seems like a wasted opportunity.

Review by toni7

Version reviewed: S1 + TF Update on 04/05/2024

Transformation isn't really this game's forte (yet at least) and I personally dislike real porn so even the sex scene are subpar.

I'd still totally recommend to play this if you are a sci-fi nerd, because it's very well written and it touches some themes (identity, memories, multiverses) in a serious way that I had never seen before.

Review by leonais600

Version reviewed: Ch.3 on 07/25/2021

The best part of the game is the concept: using the Daealeus machine to do sexy secret agent stuff in short scenarios in different realities. It does feel like a pen & paper RPG. I don't think the implementation  stands out in any way but it does all fit together and should be worth a look once the scenarios build up.

Total Games: 2,269
Total Contests: 32
Total Reviews: 21,555
Total Engines: 33
Total Adult Themes: 10
Total Transformation Themes: 26
Total Multimedia Themes: 10
Total Online Plays: 5,072,679

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