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Version: 0.2

Please don't make me a Mum, Nya!

You just started at a new school, it's only open to Seniors (18+) and your late, good thing as for some reason your classmates are jabbing each other with Syringes that make them into Cat Girls ready to get Imprgenated!


This game has reviews turned off as it's literally just word vomit, if you know my work I start off with word vomit, which I really hope is mostly readable, then I get told 5 million times it needs to be spell checked and rewritten, which is not a review... it's telling me what i walready know... DERP!!!

Point is, yes it's rough, hence Alpha status I just wanna get soemthing up, it's been to long need to get back into the flow.

Now there are many DEAD Ends... again Alpha... I will word vomit some more chapters in coming days/weeks and then will go back and spell check as well as edit (heavily) the existing chapters, for now I just hope it entertains someone.

WARNING: It's all about the Preggo in this one, like every ending is someone gettign Babygravy and having some Little Kittens, usually it's you... Yes.. YOU!!!

Also story is loose framework for fucking so if you want a story, well... not really here at all... Like many of my other works.


anyway Enjoy and watch the Changelog for edits.


Someone asked why I use Twine 1, and I wanna openly answer this as well, Twine 2 kinda pisses me orf and I'm gonna be honest here, I think Twine 1 is better for several reasons, lie several things twine 2 doesn't do pisses me right the fark orf!!!

I worte some stuff here, it got lng so if you go to Discussion thread on page 1, Comment 5 or 6, you'll see why I use Twine 1 over Twine 2, with legit reasons why I prefer Twine 1.

Click on an Option if you go forward and miss Getting Knocked up, hit BACK button and see all Endings, pretty simple, there is usually only one path that goes forward, others all get ye Jabbed and Fucked... well in some cases you do the jabbing... ALL THE JABBING, Giggity!

Ending 1: Happy Motherfuckered!

Ending 2: Comfortably Bulgy!

Ending 3: Living Fuck Doll with Cat Features!

Ending 4: One Big Happy Family

Ending 5: All the Right Jabs!

Ending 6: Jabby Jabby!

Ending 7: My Wonderful Kitty Paradise!

Ending 8: Obediant Slut Slaves! (Next Update)

v0.1 Basic As! 14 Passages with several Place holders and 5 Endings.

v0.2 Still Word Vomit, now with 2 new Passages (16) and 7 Endings.

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Total Adult Themes: 10
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