This game is about a guy that gets involved with a googirl... unfortunately that has consequences. Consequences that require diapers! This game includes all sorts of diapers including DIAPER SUITS! There is some TF content(just added to the patreon version) which is then followed by massive TG content(been in the game for a long while). Though the entire game revolves around a transformation to the players body sort of. I know this is a bit of a stretch TF wise but thats why I waited till I at least had the start of the googirl transformation content added. I know this is a weird one for the site, but if you have seen my other game... weird as heck is just what I do.
Coming soon to:
Public version:
The entire point of this is that there is NO scat. Yet the diaper will be filled. Its a googirl involved.... put it together. I hope this bridges the gap somewhat of those that love diapers but not exactly other aspects of them. The best of both worlds I hope.
There are no fully furry characters in the game but the diaper suits are all animal themed. Some of the NPCs are non human especially the Googirl of course.
THE GAME IS ONLY IN ALPHA!!!! Yet I can say the content is far from looking alpha. Some stuff is broken, much less is broken in the Patreon version! Game is currently just Mature but future editions will likely delve into the Adult level!
Major Changes since last posting here:
caretaker content
wolf diapersuit
fox diapersuit
Goth diaper outfit
more sissy content
Hair Growth and salon
forest exploration
Jade in the daycare
Modularity in suits
Hey there, FINALLY got the update ready! I am hoping this one is EXTREMELY stable! It has a TON of fixes and a huge adorable scene! The scene has so many variations and is technically a bunch of scenes... but you will see. Just head to work while the boss is your caretaker!
-MASSIVE new scene with the boss as caretaker!
- New scene has variations for dragon diaper, suits and normal diaper.
-it also changes slightly depending how much you have been giving in to being diapered and the boss.
-there is even one special scene with the aphrodisiac and a certain suit!
-art added for missing shop diaper suit icons
-New updated art for the base diapers
-Found the GOTH BOOBS!
-Found the missing left mitten
-fixed crash on final stage of luna quest
-fixed gasmask interaction with pig diaper suit
-fixed veils for sissy gloves not showing up
-trenchcoat works with large diapers again
-suits that cost 0$ can now be bought while in debt
-Mail in the morning no longer breaks after getting the pumpkin diaper
-diapersuit is no longer removed instantly after an overflow
-fixed paycheck day messing up diaper checks
-fixed huge diapers not leading to sissy route.
-fixed wording for huge diapers overflowing in the office.
-error with sissy hair dissapering MAYBE fixed
TLGG 0.35.0:
-MASSIVE CLOSET! (most functionality is there for huge diapers. More will come later)
-Pig diaper suit Added and functional!
-Mitts for the daycare and you get to keep them if you escape!
-daycare collar? I thought this was working.... Since it might not have been.. its NEW!
-New backgrounds for in house!
-Hint system at the chart in the daycare for help escaping!
-New interface for the crayon minigame!
-Its also a tad harder (still easy though)
-Added a Gold membership card to the mall to unlock more specific hints for achievments.
-Removed a few WIP items from the store
-added a curious pink vial to the mall
-Built the mobile code for closet interface
-added a bunch of post suit dialoge to keffa, and a teaser for next update
-Added 5 new achievments!
-streamlined and complicated more of the goo code
-tiny tweak to the intro
-Removed a forced clothing tag from locations. This may break things, or make public nudity a problem again >..>
-Made it possible to go between stores in the mall
-Cleaned up and reordered the mall interface
-fixed MASSIVE crash when wearing a diaper at home (THIS WAS HUGE) And it crashed saves too!
-fixed a repant error caused by "small" diaper They only come in "normal"
-fixed a weird rouge play element
-massive nerf to sissy diaper capacity
-made clicked to soon less soon
-fixed double entering the baby office
-fixed all of the gstage5 art!
-fixed a massive error in save code in the fullservice restrooms
-Fixed weirdness with buying good food after having poor food already
-Fixed an arm issue when removing sissy shirt
TLGG 0.34.3 KEFFA and Achievements!
-Added Keffa to daily needs! he should show up after a few days.
-You might need some spidersilk if you want to help keffa out after you get to know him!
-Library can now be accessed to check on achievments in game! (only a few are avalible at the moment) achievements persist between saves! (in the future we can unlock content with them!)
-Added automatic blushing on using your diaper.
-Added Mind hazyness to the daycare chart
-Added warning on daycare chart if you are currently banned from using the stroller.
-I might have FINALLY found the multi boss portraits error!
-Modified diapers to save seperate from the rest of code
-Fullservice restrooms can now clean your diapersuit! FINALLY
-You can now ask anton to show you the machine that makes a diapersuit with spidersilk after completeing the quest if you didn't give the stuff to maya.
-Fixed another missing foot
-Fixed positioning of pacifier
-Added a bunch of code to the function of achievments. They are hard to miss and glow! You even have some leway when it comes to clicking them (some)
-Built achievment system clickers
-Fixed a weird problem with male and female bodies rendering over eachother.
-Fixed the options menus being broken by "hold it in" messages (this might have been crashing things
-Added proper option skipping
-Rebuilt the daily needs options menu to be MUCH simpler code side.
-Repeating wait for loop fixed in overflow code
-fixed a NONE showing up when changing diapers
-errors with female skirt fixed
-Added run out of diapers events, Game no longer explodes if you run out of diapers!
-Boss is no longer shocked seeing the sissy diaper SHE put you in.
-added 7ish achievments
-Found the females boobs for pumpkin suit
-Integrated suits into the new portrait system
-integrated clothing into the new portrait system
-removed a global variable to clean up code
-Added mail system interface
-Added 3 short letters to the new mail system!
-Added a new expressions system with BLUSH!
-Added in the missing content for the diaper changer restock event!
-added scene of getting someone to help you remove the diaper stuck around your head
-Changed restock tasks to be REQUIRED every few days anton will have you do one.
-modified office to slowly become more girly if you are a full sissy
-MASSIVE portait fix which also improves load times by 50ish%
-changed stroller event to have a failsafe to make sure it happens after reasonable amounts of time
-Added a new once class for achievment text
-Started the process of reducing global variable usage
-Repaired 90% of the goo portait code after destroying it.
7 updates have gone by since last post here so there is TONS of new content. some of the biggest....
-HUGE daycare added to game
-Sissy content to the office
-questish thing in the park during the weekend
-2 new patron characters added to the game
-two special diapers
-finished all plushy pile scenes
-Changed pink box message when incontenent
-Fixed Huge error in diaper restocking scene! You should be able to do them successfully now!
-Multi attempts to remove diaper while out will now result in an accident
-Time of day will only progress on a full locations menu rather than also on a batroom check menu.
-fixed daycare error where you were not given a nice bottle of milk to cloud your mind before waking up (no more escaping on day 1)
-bunch of spelling fixes
-Added stroller events
-added playground events
-added asria escape event
-added asria plushy scenes
-added nifty escape minigame!
-Added diaper and sissy variants to the payday scene
TLGG 0.26.0
-Drawn 17 Store icons
-Made downtown banner
-Added art for trenchcoat
-2 Character portraits done(maya/anton)
-Added art for daily needs shop
-Icons placed in menu for daily needs
-Fully coded up the trenchcoat art.
-Added a HUGE shop interface! SOOO MUCH ART INVOLVED!
-Made some changes to the daily needs opening scenes
-Added code to display art for Maya and Anton!
-Built not enough money function.
-Made diapersuits no longer bring
-Changed most images to be click to expand
-Changed delay on images to instantly expand.
-Edited diapersuit removal scene to add some teasing and prevent removal.
-Added maya spanking scene
-added anton saves player but gets embaressed scene.
-Fixed another save error, this time in the fix for the office minigame.
-Added fast entry into working at dailyneeds without leaving first
-Created a brand new minigame! Sort of like context clues mixed with DDR of all things!
-Got rid of error in promise on non mobile devices
_Added a way to control the speed of the nomnomicon function
-Daily needs unlocks faster
-Fullservice restoom will empty diapersuits but no scene yet.
-Rediapersuiting scene added!
TLGG 0.25.3 Patron Version
-Changed and rebuilt character display engine using Canvas fixing quality/display issues depending on the browser(WIP)
-Added partial implementation and code setup to checking the mail
-Added short stuck at home period before the player is able to go out wearing a diaper.
-Added TONS of new art for the female side of the overflow event! -Modified event to include from home filling of the diaper.
-Added more urgency events while at home.
-Fixed shading on some of the diapers messing with the googirl image sets.
-Added female overflow complete covering scenes.
-Added HUGE diaper check segment to the office after getting caught twice....
TLGG 0.24.0 Public Version
-Fixed some mobile issues (not all of them)
-large amount of art added... to something.
-made some fixes and broke a bunch of the delay codes.
-Numerous CSS changes to how the parer and delayer function
-pink diaper and sleeping no longer turns you into a girl.
TLGG 0.23.9a Hotfix
-FOUND a big save error! Maybe.. just maybe this will be the last one! IN the office minigame... The darn pink overlayer messages were picked at random from a list. The RNG seed was getting called but would be skipped over on loads. Changed it to be unseeded RNG.
-Removed possible sequence breaking options menu after office minigame. You can now leave the office before even doing any work. This will have a purpose when I think of one >..>
-Found extremely early sequence breaking RND call in THE COIN SOUND mechanic of all things! It picked a random sound from a list but the rnd was skipped in Loading.
-Rebuilt the clicked to soon event due to possible save sequence breaking. You can now continue to hold it in as long as you keep clicking it! This means you really can hold it till you reach a bathroom!
-Changed up some of the diaper usage settings. CLicked too soon now requires over 50% urgency. And the hold it in requires over 90%. -Urgency itself only raises by 8 instead of 10 during applicable day events.
-Urgency reduces but 50% on an accident instead of 40%
-Fixed a talk to the googirl scene bug. But it is weird.... shouldn't have been possible. Added error message to it... tell me if you see it!
-Added an old save game cleanup function. Saves from past versions were not being deleted from the localstorage! Now they will be cleaned up freeing up space every time a version change happens.
-Fixed the portrait engine setting errored files names rather than empty file names.
-trench coat once again will be actually required to be bought.
-Small diapers only need to be more than half filled to be removed by the googirl (most of the time)
-Removing a diapersuit at daily needs cleancycle converted to timemod system. Eliminating rouge sequence breaking buttons
It's still getting regular updates on SS, roughly once a month. As of this review, it's v0.58 on SS, and v0.57 is playable through the 'play now' on Itch.
Pretty enjoyable I guess, if you're into it. It's already pretty well described in the description, so you know what it's about - ABDL, and a fair bit of humiliation with a bit of forced situations if you let it escalate too far or poke the wrong things.
Its sad its not getting updates anymore, but its still overall a great game. The diaper costumes mix cosplay and diaper fetishes into one. The Boss story line is intresting along with the daycare. The forest was annoying, but besides that I loved everything about the game.
Tried to resist the cringe from ABDL to see the slime & tgtf content but this was too much. Yet if you're into abdl it should be a great game with decent art
It's a game about a googirl moving in with you! Except not really, because the focus is the consequences of what she does to you. The game is ABDL at its core, but with no scat, which is awesome. It's a cool idea, but unless you like baby stuff then it isn't going to be interesting to you.
I'm really not a fun of diaper fetishes, but I am, however, into monster girls and a qt3.14 goo-girl. The art is great, definitely love put into it. Only real turn off for me are the diapers, but I'm hoping to stick it out for banging our slimy friend.