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Naming Layla

Naming Layla LogoYou’ve always dreamed of going to the University at Ambris, a place where old forgotten magic and the burgeoning forces of industry have somehow struck a comfortable, if unpredictable, symbiosis.

When a golden opportunity arose to make that dream a reality you jumped at it, not seeing the pit of trouble lurking beneath the gilding. Thrust into the  you must attempt to navigate the hidden pathways of the city. In trying to use you as a forgettable steppingstone the moment you arrived, one power walking those paths has slipped. Now will you find steppingstones of your own and keep climb? Or will you slip beneath the quagmire after all.


Incremental Release v0.2.3 released on patreon (4/16/2021)
Next Public Release v0.3

Chapter 1:

You wake up tied to a chair after accepting a position in the city that would allow you to fulfill a lifelong dream. It quickly becomes apparent that you are being used in some kind of illegal spell by your supposed benefactor and her daughters. However, since they don’t know you’re awake you may have a chance to change the outcome of their spell.


Chapter 2:

After managing to turn the tables on your benefactor and gaining an enthusiastic new ally in Layla you find that you’ve also inherited a serious problem from your benefactor that has a rapidly approaching deadline. You must figure out a way past this new challenge, but you’ll need help. Thankfully part of that help can be of the happily mindless variety.

I've made official walkthroughs availible on patreon for anyone interested!

Currently the walkthrough for Chapter One is public and Chapter Two is patreon only, but once I release Chapter Three I'll make the Chapter Two walkthrough public as well.



v0.2 - Chapter 2!

Alright this is a pretty big update. I mean big.

As in v0.1 was made up of about six thousand words, v0.2 is made up of about forty thousand words.

So this update includes all of Chapter 2 in fact, I was originally just going to make v0.2 an incremental update to Chapter 1 but I got a bit carried away. Chapter 2 follows my goal of making each chapter a bit less linear by introducing some spaces you can move around and a number of branching sub-plots that need to be completed to finish the main plot. There are lots of game over states but I’ve built in a jump back mechanic so in most cases only a single day is lost when you hit one so feel free to explore them all!

As always I’d love to hear any feedback you have.

Hope you enjoy playing as much as I enjoyed writing it!


v0.1 - Initial Release!

This is the initial upload of the game!

I wrote this after spending time playing with the Djarn character generator during all the power outages last week. I wrote out a game-doc on my phone along with pretty much all of the dialog found in this intro chapter by firelight. Thankfully most of the tutorials for twine are pretty easy to read on a phone screen as well!

I have the next three chapters roughed out with steadily expanding features. I've started writing the dialog and code for chapter 2 which shifts to a more open roaming style but still including some semi linear story arcs throughout progression.

I hope you enjoy playing as much as I have writing this. I'm pretty new to this style of game and story telling so any feedback you're willing to give would be much appreciated!


Review by Unicron9999

Version reviewed: 0.2 on 06/17/2023

This was a really fun and innovative game, it's a shame it's deleted :<

Review by ItWasWalpole

Version reviewed: 0.2 on 03/10/2021

I very much enjoyed the new content, looking forward to playing more

Review by Volendi

Version reviewed: 0.1 on 02/25/2021

An awesome start!  Not much here as of yet, but already there are branching paths with concrete consequences.  Shows plenty of potential!  Will be interested in seeing what this becomes!  =^_~=

Review by HoratioTheGreat

Version reviewed: 0.1 on 02/24/2021

Very short, but fantastic start. Well written, a puzzle that actually qualifies as a puzzle, decent art, and an interesting premise. I can't wait to see more.

Review by saphirsagitta

Version reviewed: 0.1 on 02/24/2021

Love it, pretty short, but it's just the introduction so far.

After I got the first ending, I was confused, that's it? And who is Layla? Experiment with some of the ending, and you will figure out the name in the title. All in all, pretty enjoyable. Also I love the character art used.

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