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Making of an Office Bimbo

You are blackmailing a female executive who was embezzling money.

You have two months to turn her into an office bimbo. After those two months, the evidence you have on her will be useless.
Each evening, you can give her orders to perform the following day.
For instance, you can ask her to dye her hair, wear increasingly shorter skirts and higher heels, give her co-workers a back rub, flirt with the clients...
She may not comply if the order is too harsh, so you have to take baby steps. The more orders she obey, the easier it will be to make her comply. It's also beneficial to give her some rest days.

 This is text based operation that could be taking place in the SelectaCorp universe.


Mobile users: the game is designed for PC but it should somewhat works, long press the eyes icons to see the images (not ideal I know...).

There is 6 endings :
-Suzanne is promoted and can delete the evidence of the embezzlement.
-Suzanne is promoted but controlled by the corporation.
-Suzanne is demoted.
-Suzanne loses her job.
-Suzanne loses her job and work as a camwhore.
-Suzanne is crushed and somewhat rescued by the player who turns her into his personal slave. A variation of the camwhore ending.

Illustrated V0.5: 5 composite pics of Suzanne depending on how she was transformed.

Review by SouthernBelle

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 11/14/2023

This is my first review on TFGames despite I have been heavily playing for years.

Generally I am into M2F slow feminization, also sissy and stuff. But this game is a blessing!

It gives you a whole bunch of options, and the writing is simply amazing!

So it's such a pleasure to play it over and over again.

I never get fed up with this game.


P.S. If only the original subject, Suzanne, was male, slowly feminized under you as a supervisor... So 9/10.

Review by Knoloa

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 06/24/2022

It's a short and simple game but with a lot of content and it respects your time: There are no useless micro-management or "life sim" elements, and there's enough content to let you experience something fresh for most rounds of the game. Don't be deceived by its unassuming appearance, this is easily among the best games on this site.

Review by zero123

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 03/03/2021

Love it. 10/10

Review by blehtastic

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 12/21/2020

eh? I was expecting a level of customization and the best I could do was make her call herself "watashi." Not much of a story or gameplay, either. Would only recommend if you really, REALLY, like the premise

Review by kithrin

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 12/21/2020

first impression, it typs out so SLOW that i get boared becouse i read faster than it types


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