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Game Information
Release Date
Last Update
0.13- the Big Gay Update
Orig PC Gender
Adult Themes

Version: 0.13- the Big Gay Update

Version: 0.12.2 - PATCH

Version: 0.12.1 - PATCH

Version: 0.12 - PATCH

Version: 0.11

Version: 0.10.1 - PATCH: better bounties and bug fixes

Version: 0.10 - Cosmetics, Secrets, and QoL

Tits, Tail, Tackle: The Triple Triad


A loving ripoff recreation of the classic card game Triple Triad, now with more skin.

The current state of the game should be completely playable in a basic sense but not mobile friendly in the slightest

(all images using photo/video content. warning: hypno segments contain flashing images)

Current content and features:

240 about 600 cards to collect and use to build your decks.

Randomly generated opponents to play against.

Modify your competition:
* Dominate them to make them more submissive, complete with animations that (more or less) correspond to your current body parts.
* Hypnotize them to see a trippy collage of images. (And in the next version, brainwash and give your opponents new fetishes)
* Transform them to alter their genitalia as you see fit, with corresponding animations.

Check out the discussion thread for more info on future plans for the game, and to report any requests or bugs

None in game currently, something something something virtual reality MMO

Players take turns dragging cards to open spots on the board to play them.

If the sides of your card touching the opponent's cards are higher, you'll capture the opponent's card.

The winner is the one with the most cards of their color once the board is filled.

- Fixed more achievement card display issues
- Added new rule- Revenge
- Added special rule description in lobby
- Lowered bounty access to 20 reputation
- Hopefully fixed the bimbo src undefined bug...this time
- Added ability to view your collection
- Added start of opponent personality system
- Added a ton of gay and trans cards

- Fixed "Heading up" goal bugs
- Fixed secret achievements bug and improved post-award UI
- Fixed bimbo TF purchase bug and removed some of the TF restrictions
- Fixed display bug with "Opponent Big Tits 5" reward card
- Blanket buff to many perks
- Added setting to speed up hypno sessions
- Improved settings screen behavior

- Fixed issue with domination setting
- Fixed button issue on perks screen
- Fixed using achievements cards with abilities in the game (such as Bimbo Other 5)

- Reduced chance of opponents picking D/s punishment, and increased hypno punishment chance
- Added setting to turn off D/s punishment altogether, with other effects now causing changes
- Weakened starting cards, but gave more starting cards and weakened starting opponents
- Raised card prices for higher levels
- Reduced deckbuilding requirements of early fetish levels
- Fixed undefined breasts issue with bounties and made the interface a bit better.
- Made domination bounty requirements less complicated
- Repopulate lobby when you win
- Improved perks system based on player level.
- Added goals that increase player level when completed
- Added persistent achievements across plays and the ability to reset them. NOTE- special achievement awards are only granted on initial completion.

v0.11 01/05/2022
Added an option to the shop to increase or decrease your fetish level
Added a lower quality download option

v0.10.1 02/03/2021
Fixed some bugs, made bounties less tedious

v0.10 01/31/2021
Added cosmetic tfs! Currently only hair and horns and it's a lil janky still.
Added the ability to edit decks, and made it so the deckbuilder warns you if a deck doesn't satisfy your fetishes
Fixed bugs I hope
Added a TON of new expansion packs, at least one for each fetish plus bi sex.
Added a series of secret achievements, including one verrrrry interesting new perk.

v0.9.0.2 01/29/2021
Hopefully fixed another bug???

v0.9.0.1 01/29/2021
Fixed bugs related to the new features

v0.9 01/28/2021
Fixed some bugs
Add tag sorters in the deck builder.
Added Subliminals as a new means of hypnotizing yourself/others
Improve opponent preferred fetish mechanic
Added bounty tasks
Added Fishnet, Latex, Gay, and Tentacle themed expansions.

v0.8 01/22/2021: Added ~30 achievements and ~25 level 5 cards with special powers. Fully hypnotising opponents will earn you cards useful against them; reaching level 5 in a fetish yourself will give you a perk to help you counteract it.

v0.7.2.1 01/18/2021: Fix previous patch lolol

v0.7.2 01/18/2021: Small patch so you can filter out faces you dont want: check out facefilters.js

v0.7.1 01/15/2021: Made it so that you can now pick your own rules rather than having them forced upon you

v0.7 01/13/2021: The moment you've been even MORE waiting for: no more early knocking out opponents! Now your victims will stick around. You win the game when you've soft eliminated each opponent at least once.

Two new special rules: Mega, which is a 4x4 grid, and Clone: whenever you take a card, change the captured card into your card! Now when an opponent challenges you, you can randomize the rules so you don't get as totally screwed.

Hopefully a fix for the drag and drop bug that I was never able to recreate, some AI tweaks, and 70 more character avatars have also been added.

v0.6 01/12/2021: The moment you've been waiting for: the special rules! Same, Plus, Random, and a new one suggested in the forums, Rotate. This update also has a massive (hopefully) improvement to the AI. If there aren't new bugs, I'll be flabbergasted.


v0.5 01/10/2021: Added gender (eww) and character avatars (yay!)

Made body ideals a bit less fiddly

Fixed at least one bug, probably added like a billion

v0.4 01/04/2021: Added opponent preferences for what fetishes they want to inflict via hypnosis. Main character and opponents also can have an ideal body, with rewards for achieving it or helping others achieve it. Also added add/remove vagina tf images (not animations).

Running out of points is no longer an automatic bad end; if you have decent reputation you can stay in the game...with a consequence.

One or two minor bugfixes and probably some other stuff I'm forgetting.

v0.3.1 01/02/2021: Single-file patch to fix issue where knockouts no longer function

V0.3 01/01/2021:  A small update- literally, brought the filesize down to about half of what 1.0 was. Fixed a bug with the Size Queen fetish and introduced a new Reputation and Influence system to make punishing your foes less self-harmful. Also added a simplistic tool for adding custom cards to the game and a little page in the navbar to log errors.

v0.2.1 12/29/2020: Fixed (hopefully) some awkwardness with hypno and click-to-move, removed Level 5 Bimbo issues, added booster packs to shop, added regenerating max willpower and dom/sub stats.

Also tweaked file imports- ./tripletriad/can_delete.txt is a list of images you can delete if you want to save about 200mb

v0.2 12/29/2020: Massive update- hypnosis now does something, some QoL changes and bugfixes, added some bad ends and a good end, introduced a story, and probably more that I can't remember

v0.1.1 12/16/2020: Make the game actually work, improve performance
v0.1 12/16/2020: first release.

Review by Red-XIII

Version reviewed: 0.13- the Big Gay Update on 10/03/2023

This is a TF battler - A familiar "classic" combo of a 1on1 game (aka "battle") leading to TF for the loser of that game.

At the core of the game side of it is Triple Triad, arguably the most successful mini-game in the history of mini-games, "borrowed" from Final Fantasy VIII.

Combat side has difficulty issues (being too easy) and many TF-side mechanics remain partially unfinished. (I'd like to call them work in progress, but the last time this game saw any progress was over a year ago, and I'm not enough of an optimist to think there's any work being done on it)

Still both sides work as is and are pretty solid.

Also, and this is somehow a rarity for such games, there's a decent interplay bewteen the TF side of things and the combat side of things.

The TF side of things has a mental side to it, which affects combat and can be affected by combat, but mostly is formed from just the combat outcomes.

But while what's there "works" it is nonetheless the side that needs improvement the most. (for example physical TFs mean pretty much nothing)

Another thing that makes this particular battler work is the nature of Triple Triad which takes progressively less thinking the better your deck gets.

As such, as you get more and more fed-up with the mini-game you get the option to pay less and less attention to it, unlike with most other mini-games, where you would still have to keep giving 'em your all even when you can't stand looking at 'em any more. (And just so we're clear, no, that's not the only good thing I can say about TT, but discussing it at length feels kinda pointless)

7.2/10 - Solid but still needs to be finished and polished. I hope it gets picked up again at some point.

P.S. If it were actually properly finished I'd estimate it could land somewhere around from 8.5 to 9, but that's a raw estimate.

Review by Razzler

Version reviewed: 0.13- the Big Gay Update on 12/03/2022

One of the better "games" on this site.  Triple Triad is a porn version of the bespoke game.  Pretty solid.

Review by jon132by

Version reviewed: 0.13- the Big Gay Update on 03/27/2022

There's not many card games around, and even less well-functioned ones like this. I know it's flaws and see ways that it could be improved, but I've also spent an ungodly amount of time playing it, trying to collect all cards, get as many achievements as possible, find secret achievemts and weird rules combination. It's a gold mine for completionists.

This game is good. Try it.

Review by foxdsx

Version reviewed: 0.7 - NO MORE FAST KNOCKOUTS! on 01/14/2021


The game change fast so i have to change my review.

graphics:raw fetish porn

combined with  raw TF

The 2 seperately is totaly fine, but if you mix it raw like this....lets say its a mood kill

(PS: The creator has to decide at one point that this game will be a fetish porn with game like elements, or a game that contains fetish porn as a fun feature. It is not the same at all, and requires different outlook and dialogues.)

About the gameplay....i do walue that the creator trys to make it less tedious and booring, i realy do.

But introducing untested features this mutch cripled the gameplay.


Review by blehtastic

Version reviewed: 0.7 - NO MORE FAST KNOCKOUTS! on 01/13/2021

After getting my technical issues with this game I can safely say that this is essentially pornographic triple triad. If you like triple triad, play this game. If you don't, seek elsewhere. Besides me stating the obvious, I DO like how fast everything in this game goes. 

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