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Escape From Mystical Manor
by Woothe

Escape From Mystical Manor

You one day wake up inside of a manor, filled with strange inhabitants and artifacts trying to steal your humanity. Will you be able to escape with your humanity intact?

Current Public Build: 1.1.0

- 13'000 words worth of content

- 4 characters that can be interacted with

- 4 endings

- Multiple transformations

Patreon Build: 1.2.0

- 4'000 words of new content, bringing the total to 17'000

- Added a new character, which can transform the player

- Added scenes in the succubus' dungeon

- Added a new ending to find in the succubus' dungeon

You one day wake up inside of a manor, filled with strange inhabitants and artifacts trying to steal your humanity. Will you be able to escape with your humanity intact?

Your objective is to escape the manor, but you won't be able to do that without going through changes. You also have to be careful, as you may not want to leave anymore if you get transformed too much.

You - Main character

Sina - A bubly maid, who will help you when you need it but is a bit airheaded

The Witch - An old witch, can provide some help, but at a cost

Isirana - Succubus, doesn't necessarily have you best interests in mind

Lady Elea - Coming in 1.2.0!

Review by AMagicalCampFan2

Version reviewed: 1.1.0 on 07/15/2021

I liked it. You can complete all the current content in about a hour, but the transformations are fun and the game has a lot of promice.

Review by anaisnon

Version reviewed: 1.1.0 on 12/06/2020

A nice start, well written. Looking forward to more.

Review by udders

Version reviewed: 1.1.0 on 12/04/2020

Its the start of a game, writing is coherent and seems logical so far, even if options to date are limited. Will watch and see if it has further developments

Review by jjars898

Version reviewed: 1.1.0 on 12/04/2020

It's a pretty good, average game that fits my personal tastes quite well. However, it's kind of silly to mark it "Version 1." anything if it's not complete yet. The public build of the game ends abruptly when you start doing maid/butler work.


There's technically a drawing in the game, but it's tiny, black-and-white, and on the most obviously marked bad ending.

Review by Tolkien46

Version reviewed: 1.1.0 on 12/04/2020

A nice start. 

Looking forward to seeing how this develops.

Total Games: 2,269
Total Contests: 32
Total Reviews: 21,552
Total Engines: 33
Total Adult Themes: 10
Total Transformation Themes: 26
Total Multimedia Themes: 10
Total Online Plays: 5,072,373

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