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Game Information
Release Date
Last Update
Orig PC Gender
Adult Themes

Version: 0.13.1

Version: 0.13.0

Version: 0.12.3

The Claim
by yeomanR

Plot Overview:

In "The Claim", a shy young man takes on a summer job watching over a home. This turns out to be a less ordinary experience than he was expecting. He may choose to prove he is worthy of an astounding inheritance, but it won't be easy. Fortunately, he will get some help along the way.

About the game:

This interactive fiction experience follows an incremental/slow transformation format which is most similar to Gold Rush and House Sitting. Owes a spiritual debt to the whimsy of classic adventure games from the 80s and 90s, not to mention the range of choices one might see with a "Choose your own Adventure". It's a Twine-SugarCube based HTML game with images. This is freely distributed as a purely non-commercial offering(This includes no patreon, etc.). Character portraits were generated using Artbreeder. Core experience paths get tested with puppeteer.

The core experience has minimal branching at this stage, don't expect more than an hour or two of play from it. Explicit adult themes are definitely part of the story, but not a frequent aspect of the visuals.

This is my first attempt at interactive fiction - your patience with this humble offering is appreciated. Constructive feedback on obvious bugs, and upvotes on existing features you'd like to see prioritized for enhancement would be a great help. Please use the discussion thread for this purpose.

You should hold off if you prefer games with more polish and depth and options, while I iterate on early feedback to provide a more well rounded experience.

This is NOT a complete game, but has a wardrobe, hair systems + sizable clothing options, tasks tracker, and a preliminary daily work/exercise system which is slowly getting more options/variety. A good bit of busy-work steps of the experience have been getting smoothed away.

The technologies in flight now are being assembled to support "side-quests" as player works towards big picture goal of proving self as worthy of the inheritance.

Key gaps pertain to filling in the overall story to reach major endgame scenarios, and then improving the skills system to be more transparent and satisfying. 

What to expect currently:

The first week of the experience represent the introductory act to the story, which is in a relatively stable state, with a pretty narrow narrative path.

At the conclusion of the intro, the player has limited freedom to work, shop, exercise and sleep. There's about another month of story driven tasks and activities, which normally concludes with an end of story notification. By around 4-5 weeks in, you should have seen an end of content note - there probably isn't much you haven't seen, for the core experiences, at least. 


What can you expect to change in upcoming updates?

-"Succession Planning" as MC prepares to gain control of company. MC needs training in some business topics.

-Triathlon competition Event.

-New emails from Stacey + new Dollsuit encounters.

Billy - The shy player controlled protagonist, and subject of potential transformations.

Stacy - Close friend of the protagonist.
Mark & Kate - Devoted parents of Stacy, and employers of the protagonist for the summer.

Marissa - A hard-driving high tech CEO who was responsible for numerous world-shaking innovations before her untimely demise years prior to the events of the story.

Sue - Proprietor of the local "adult entertainment" store. Has a front row seat to Billy's antics.

Margaret - A researcher at an offshore research platform operated by Maristech.

I'd like to hope that folks won't need too much guidance to make their way through this one, but if that's not the case, please let me know on the discussion.

You can get started by taking your luggage up the guest bedroom, and exploring the house.


To use the car, all clothing must be made for a woman. Make sure to take off the men's white tube socks!!!



Bugfixes & Fine tuning
-Fix bug of re-adding task on reading Stacey Paris email
-Apply whitespace for bathroom shaving option on early stage of game.
-Regenerate Reference Saves

✨UX Refinement:
-Expose Day count numbering
-Set up tasks to make details around Days 4-8 clearer.
-Add clothes Filtering to Mirror
v0.13.0 - (SAVE-BREAKING UPDATE) Some Tweaks & Continuity Fixes
-Update text for motivator plug use, to emphasize connection to MC's bodily transformation, and that transformation won't happen without it.
-Tweak text on use of swim cap.
-Prevent access to ballet studio before MC has visited it in addition to existing policy.
-Prevent Sea-Station story line from re-starting when re-visiting the dollsuit.
-Add feedback for MC when restless until they have gotten guidance from computer and Sue.
-Tweak text on sleeping text to account for shaved/unshaved status.
-Tweak player arousal model, so major sexual releases are also considered to satisfy minor releases.
-Some readability fixes on DoH first visit and introduction to dollsuit.
-Skip-auto dismiss on modal dialog.
-Fix unintended dead-end of Succession planning path for a late transitioning MC.

✨UX Refinement:
-Add shortcut links between bedroom, inner chamber and fitness room
-Block internship on sufficient physical training fitness with plug!
-Sequencing - Delay Ansible mission availability to after MC has established themselves at company.
-Provide mention about the upcoming 5K race, if player hasn't participated yet, when sea station is an option.

-Add triathlon prep-training moment
-Set up inventory preparations page for triathlon story.
-Allow player to go back to MarisTech campus after talking to Dr. F about the temporal ansible. Player can resume from their self-driving car when ready.
-Start on "Succession Planning" Report from the console in after late-mid game experiences have converged. Here the player will be able to be introduced to likely exec attitudes/challenges for MC to successfully controll the company.
-List a task for MC getting a health checkup for chest growth, to make sure it isn't cancer.
-Add minor relief for MC after sex with Margaret.
-Add Task for MC to try meet with Stacey via drone + mention on email.
-Update verbiage for dollsuit work stat.

-Numerous test coverage "catch-ups" on new and optional paths



V0.12.3 - Bug Fix Upate
-Make sure MC is dressed to leave house, when using the ballet studio shortcut. Hide it otherwise.
-Fix MC name use.

-Refactoring of images code folder.
-Reduce history limit to 20 slots for better performance and save-sizes.
V0.12.2 Bug Fix Update - React to recent feedback.
-Fix misnamed animation reference.
-Restrict outfit names to alphanumeric + dash, for application stability.
-Verify MC is NOT WEARING SOCKS when wearing yoga outfit to first enter basement. (Basement check was ignored, but front door check would complain later which was tripping up first-time players)
-Update basement check for socks to be better worded.

✨UX Refinement:
-Update landing page to more aggressively set expectations about experience.
-Change flavor text for sleeping in the pod.
-Drop restrictions on bra and underwear for fem-casual and work outfits.
-Start up a set of 5 "reference save games" covering key checkpoints. Add a landing page to access the saves from the start screen.
-Allow filtering at stores on basis of Clothing Type, slot (Body part), and activity.

-Add generalized filter model page scoped reset support for limiting view content.
-Update automation to generate reference saves at milestones
Bug Fix Update v0.12.1 - Unblock a major decision...

-Fix Unexpected identifier error after visiting Temporal Ansible Messages page.
-Give spoiler alert warning on "Ask your manager about temporal ansibles" for players who also have a pending 5K event. (I'll look at a better fix later)
-Block departure from womens changeroom at mall - on both links if player is not decently dressed, and add new warning if not suitably dressed as a girl.
-Fix typos reported by players so far.
-Apply computer formatting of text on male identity restoration storyline.


V0.12.0 - The story continues back home.

* Fix passage encoding issues
* Ensure MC doesn't work at computer during weekend.
* Block Dollsuit work on weekdays.
* UI formatting minor cleanups.

* Billy is given a new choice with the delivery of the temporal ansible data.
* Allow MC to regain masculinity, even after gender confirmation surgery.
* Allow MC to start endurance training for triathlon. Restrict exercise to Tues, Thurs, Sun.
* Allow MC to buy racing bike from Mariella.
* Introduce drudgery flavor text for routine Dollsuit work.
* Introduce option to use "Aldopril" a performance enhancing drug for improved human-machine synergies when operating the dollsuit.
* Set up initial flavor text for MC "decoupling" from Dollsuit after work.
* Add first stacey encounter while in Dollsuit.
* Allow MC to OD on Aldopril, with severe consequences.

✨UX Refinement:
* Flavor workplace images for early dollsuit suit work.
* Enable quick nav on Triathlon days from exercise room.

* Normalize job flows to reconcile inconsistencies on process.
* Factor the Work model into separate classes to better support job-specific customizations and growth.
* Move twine job code to use job scripts
* Clean up 5k Race event code.
* Update tests to catch up to latest content.

 v0.11.5 - Refinements + Elaboration on world lore

* Mark latex clothing for first time wear passages.

* Further MC+ computer elaboration on motivator plug + animation of MC's imagination on the perks from being super fit
* Refine Marissa logs and temporal ansible messages in preparation for next chapter.

* Extra security validation on zip file & contents to address MS Defender false-positive warning. More details here: The Claim - Page 71 - TFGames.Site
* Update Marissa Messages + Temporal Anisble Logs to show unread status
v0.11.4 - Download Size Reduction + Bug fixes
* Allow latex babydoll for sleepwear
* Treat leggings as lower body clothing, not hosiery.
* Fix an issue with loading save games from early stages  of game.

* Delay availability of exercise batching until after MC gets the motivator plug. Expand computer explanation about motivator plug.

* Convert gifs and usages to webp for smaller download/install footprint.
* Standardize item images to 400*400 for smaller  download/install footprint.
* Factor action images folder structure to consolidate common categories.
Note: Recalled early due to MS Defender false-positive warning on zip file package. More details here: The Claim - Page 71 - TFGames.Site
v0.11.3 - Continued refinements + Sue's Fetish attire Inventory expansion
* Massively expand selection of fetishware at Sue's shop with contributions from Valsorim.
* Block continuity breaking SRS for MC until first day of intership is completed & hormones reach min bar of 20
* Add backup-restart option for computer imposed "Option 1" endgame in early game.
* Continued typo-grammar fixes
* Fix missing estrogen application during batched exercises.
* Add fade in animations for Exercise montage.

* Fill in a bit of dialogue during temporal ansible  data retrieval.


v0.11.2 - Research station  Bugfixes
* Ensure intern training isn't offered on weekends.
* Change measurements on player to be visible as long as player has smart watch. (This is earlier in the game - it could expose new bugs!)
* Repair savegames for clothing slot rename (typo rename of  "hoisery" -> "hosiery" broke legacy slots)
* Fix Casing for Hosiery label
* Fix prose in some early game passages
* Fix first time display of mc using makeup

* Align new and older story passages on matters of canon wrt sea station.
* Tweak the dive to temporal ansible passages

* Add mechanism to support correction of old savegames at load

v0.11.1 - Research station - Early Bugfixes

* Refine wordings on research station passages from self + player feedback.
* Align mismatched casing of image filenames & paths to lower-casing (helicopter.jpg, station-map.png, aircraft-interior.jpg)
* Allow for margaret to toy with MC if plug is present on post-dive date.
* Fix mappings of initial new fetishware selection at Sue's store.
* Add warning + bypass option at start of intern "interview" sequence
* Fix disappearance of coregasms. Refine scaling of exercise gains with experience.
* Add mention of coregasms for batched exercises.
v0.11.0 - Research station Storyline
* Comprehensive spellcheck fixes on all passages. This includes some page names which had typos. This can cause loading to fail for a small set of of passages. If loading from a page fails, you can use an older version with older save to move away from problem pages.
* Gate Hair styling on correct minimum length.
* Unblock hair styling if MC had slow hair growth at beginning. 
* Allow first hair style to be chin length, regardless of actual length. This avoids issues of tweaking with hair growth, while allowing decent initial selections.

* Prepare walkthrough of research station
* Intern "Dinner interview" sequence with executive at Maristech Auto
* Two new letters from Stacy in Paris
* Add uniform for working on the research station
* Allow MC to talk to boss about Temporal Ansible
* Prepare passages for travelling to research station
* Add research station character profiles
* Provide background on the "Red Hands" and "The Coalition"
* Add character art for research station and dinner interview.
* Add minimal initial inventory for Sue's Fetishwear.

* Add Support for donning prepared outfits. 


v0.10.3 -Exercise Montage and QOL Tweaks 
✨UX Refinement:
-Remove restrictions blocking work on console on weekends. Sleep still doesn't require weekend work. Give a "work-life balance" warning.
-Add shortcut between Pod and Computer Console.
-Allow Player to use "exercise montage" mode. This bypasses flavor text for folks who have already seen the exercises.
-Increase the exerciseable fitness skill limits to 400(Most stats peak at 100). The fitness numbers don't mean much yet except for a few checks, but this allows exercises gains to not be lost.
-Fix bug where the blonde wig wasn't being correctly removed from active head-slot when MC's girly-hair threshold is reached.


v0.10.02 -🐞Bugs/Accessibility:
-Fix mangled text errors in the dialogue passages(typically they'd involve a strings with long sequences letters and "or").
-Fix blocker for Weekend sleep if no work has happened.
-Fix many recent Typos/grammar issues
-Changed computer's text style when operating the drone to be closer to human style/not all-caps green. It will probably get a slightly tweaked appearance later.
-Links on top and bottom of mirror UI for QoL
-Improve state dependent continuity of texts at Mall basement & bathroom
-Replace some of the largest gifs for ~10% download reduction
-Allow sleeping on weekends regardless of work
-Add (PENDING NEW CONTENT) markings for tasks which are not implemented/Cannot be completed in current version


v0.10.1 - 🐞Bugs/Accessibility:
-Only give MC the dollsuit task once. Don't re-add it if MC is partially progressed through it.
-Tolerate for duplicated dollsuit task from earlier saves when taking ballet.
-Make sure dollsuit link stays visible as preparations advance
-Ensure Dollsuit measurement is properly enforced at 24".
-Accelerate MC mass shift from exercise by ~10% to keep timing of waist readiness close to baseline.
-Re-apply MC makeup after shower, at end of dollsuit training.

v0.10.0 - Introduction to Dollsuit 

* Seed more hints about MC having a history of blackouts and social anxiety.
* MC can attempt to decieve computer about true cause of blackout in mall, rather than blatant freak-out.
* Evaluate MC dimensions and Ballet skill to start dollsuit
* Introduce player to dollsuit with a first time donning passage.
* Add Dollsuit training sequence.
* After dollsuit training, MC can go to DoH to report computer as a violator the Butler-Hancock Act. 
* After dollsuit training, MC may request gender confirmation surgery from Pod health screen.

* Add Second letter from Marissa to her heir
* Introduce fem chastity belt item. Provide mechanism for forced replacement of items.
* Set up 5k Race passages on Friday + Participation t-shirt + spin off for triathlon quest for high cardio participants.

✨UX Refinement:
-Hide a number of player details while they are encased by the dollsuit.
-Apply minor image effects for dollsuit passages.
-Fix a bunch of typos, layout and grammar issues I found while doing a playthrough from the start of the game.
-Styling of dialogue, email/letters, epilogue + computer.
-Use fonts to reinforce speaking style of certain characters.
-Update player status page to support revised genitals configuration.
-Add more orgasm faces for mc masturbation moments.
-Start masturbation passage variant for female MC.
-Label front genital attire appropriately for female MC at the Mirror.
-Ladies bathroom at the mall has finished renovations. MC can test their outfits there now, without the hassle of going home.
-Give hints of player readiness to use dollsuit when ballet and waist stats change appropriately.
-Fix Inner chamber to show details on first 3 visits
-Add Defiance + Compliance Dialogg Skills to regulate options

* Allow player to go to FIRST DAY of internship in any casual attire they have. (MAY HAVE UNDESIREABLE CONSEQUENCES)
* standardize handling of dialogue passages to clean up text arising from sugarcube logic processing.
* After dollsuit, give player a not so subtle mention that the car can now take them to a Ballet Studio which they might like to check out, until they go


0.9.1 - Minor Improvements from Player feedback

Minor enhancements
* Minor tie in of ballet skill to initial dance situation at Vault.
* Add initial bikini Swimwear + first time bikini passage

✨UX Refinement:
* Replicate bedroom options in cell
* Style emails + unread notification
* Expose App Info button on sidebar
* Add Version info to load screen
* Have IC shower remove + Add standalone makeup removal action + new animation on apply in IC
* Limit max image height for exercise images
* Add new coffee animation for feminine mc.
* Add animation for first time thigh-highs.

* Fix typo on date with Sue
* Fix image filename casing
* Provide insufficient cash warning for ballet studio
* Fix avatar hair base image.
0.9.0 - Start Internship and Ballet Lessons
* Implement Monday Internship
* Add Stacy Email 4
* Basic work events of Tuesday 
* Ballet Lessons, Images & attire
✨UX Refinement:
* Block work at computer once internship starts                
* Fix "first time" clothing passages to account for location
* Mon Morning reminder for start-internship-on-monday
* Fix timing of emails to occur on Sundays

Version: 0.8.2

Bug Fixes/Refinements

* Change girly hair notification to be a heads up, not a call to action
* Add skill stats on completion of exercises
* Fix another misuse of "discrete" vs "discreet"
* Apply extensive set of  suggested grammar, spelling + text style cleanups as reported from sappho
* Add profile image for dance floor groper
* Get new image for salon concierge
* Add one-time warning about bleaching water damage for swimming with unprotected hair.
* Add first time wear messages for swimsuits and wetsuits
* When wearing outfit for first time, Redirect player back to the mirror they were using, not the bedroom mirror.
* Require motivator plug to be collected on same day as awarded.
* Allow player to stick with a "legacy" hairstyle

Version: 0.8.1
Bug Fixes/Refinements

* Be more explicit about needing to use the Tasks page on left pane when dropping luggage.
* Provide swimcaps as an attire option for swimming.
* Allow Wig when swimming :P
* Fix timing of panic attack warnings when in Grand hallway.           
Version: 0.8.0
Feature Additions: Stacy Emails, Girls Night With Sue, Hair Salon, Swimming Pool.

* Introduce swimming pool location at Baldric House w/swimming exercise
* Add ballet studio location (No activity yet)
* Introduce Beauty Lounge location at mall

* Create first email from stacy to MC prior to start of trip
* Create Day 6 email from stacy about london + cleaning Pool
* Day 6 (Monday) task to check for london Email
* MC adds email account to watch, to allow for subsequent notifications.
* Make reveal of swimming pool conditional on stacy's London Email
* Day 13 Glasgow Email
* Day 20 Belfast Email
* Add Pool cleaning task-gated on stacey's email
* Introduce Computer message to start internship after sufficient exp + hair length
* Suppress baldric house front door messages once player looks like a girl by default
* Set up 1st Spa day Sequence with Sue
* Sat Task Morning reminder for Hair styling
* Lounge outing passage with Sue
* First visit to "The Vault" nightclub + dance floor encounter
* Allow Hair styling change, dying and existing style trim at mall

✨UX Refinement:
* Set up MC's email UI on laptop
* Add shaving to inner chamber bathroom
* Add Color Shift convention for Hair styling options
* Allow for selection of Hair Styles at salon
* Allow selection of Hair Color at salon
* Add Shortcut between MC bedroom and Email
* Provide Email status indicator in bedroom
* Add remove all wardrobe option at mirror
* Allow for auto changing to casual outfit when leaving baldric house

* Text: Fix up usages of "discretely" ->"discreetly" for subtle actions (Reported by mimi69 - Thanks!)
* Continuity: Make sure relief task with Sue is only available after player has had cage in place (Reported by mimi69- Thanks!)
* Don't repeat morning message about logistics the morning after meeting with Sue + Require player to complete logistics work day task for that day. (Reported by mimi69- Thanks!)
* clean up some minor typos
* Change Work opportunity for cleaning to occur after 6 days at factory, rather than gate on skill level.
* Fix mangled dialogue passages with many interleaved "or"'s
* Fix erroneous feedback of wearing boyish attire for girly MC
* Disallow wigs for use when swimming

* Introduce UI toggling mechanism for chatty pages

Version: 0.7.2-Preview (See discussion for link)

Preview build of upcoming features(Distributed on discussion thread). NOT FOR GENERAL CONSUMPTION. FOR EARLY BUG FEEDBACK FROM EXPERIENCED USERS WHO READ THE CHANGELOGS. This exposes prep for 0.8.0 update, particularly hair styling mechanism and time representation changes.

* Introduce swimming pool location at Baldric House w/swimming exercise
* Add ballet studio location (No activity yet)
* Introduce Beauty Lounge location at mall

* Create pool location & ingress/exit links
* Assemble Images for pool swim exercise scenes.
* Block MarisCorp work during weekend days.
* Add more breast change events (Thanks to Mimi69 for help on that)

✨UX Refinement:
* Update clothing checks to explicitly allow for matched optional attire or nothing.
* Establish hair Overlay model (Only visible in Developer Notes > Contribution Section currently)
* Wire up renderer + test page for hair styles (Thanks for help from GwenTGFan on getting this started)
* Introduce player to status page when dropping off luggage

* N/A

* Transition from simple numeric day count to concrete Day, Week, month cycle, to start supporting weekly event structure
* Factor Exercises to follow a standard template structure for new contributions
* Wire up Jest based Unit tests for Core libraries
* Add support for auto-switching swimsuit outfit
* Add Deterministic PRNG to support consistency of test runs.

V0.7.1 -  Fixes of recent Player reported issues

* Polyfill String.replaceAll() for constrained/non-modern browsers which don't implement it. This error was blocking for some dialogue passages for folks using Internet Explorer or possibly some proprietary browsers.
* Fix formatting errors on Marissa's Personal Logs.
* Fix links from Marissa's Personal logs to not jump to console.
* Fix formatting error after some dialogue passages.
* Tidy up some minor grammar issues in text passages.
* Updated dev notes and start page to reinforce the importance of players reporting issues.

V7.0.0: Story expansion + prep for MC Hair styling              

* Round out inventory of Shoes at Shoeboxx (Ankleboots, ballet flats, block heels, dress sandals, knee high boots, loafers, pumps, stilettos, wedge heels)
* Add task to Allow player to access a partial set of Marissa's personal logs at threshold + previews of corrupted files.

* 2nd bedroom encounter with Sue
* Define initial latex outfits for MC
* Oh no, 2nd Breast Growth Incident Morning Event! MC can still cosplay in boy clothes.
* Hair growth Milestone  - morning event + Styling Tasks
* Allow wig-less outfits after player reaches girly hair threshold.
* Only allow MC to fast forward to Inner chamber, if wearing a feminine outfit.
* Allow MC to manually enter the inner chamber in any feminine outfit, not specifically the Final yoga outfit, as long as inner chamber was previously visited.

✨UX Refinement:
* Add "Ass" metric for body details
* Add "EstroMet" tracker for body details
* Expand variety for yoga + cardio exercise grind imagery

* Fix presentation of fractions.
* Fix Player profile image resetting to day 0 appearance
* Consistency: Change issue motivator plug to be given based on # of visits to Elliptical, rather than performance from elliptical training

* Enable of Save last outfit to game state + Restore outfit from game state
* Enable masked/partial undress of items
* Define item creation template in ItemGenerator + 
* Update Developer Notes doc to address recurring topics


V0.6.1:  Tiny bugfixes

* Fix shower error with makeup removal
* Fix transcription bug - Move sports bra to go back to bra slot, not underwear
* Fix transcription bug - Re-enable missing athletic shoes in item generator
* Prevent availability of outfit assessments until after player has visited inner chamber for first time.
* Refine player avatar transitions to appear slightly more quickly, but still at a reduced pace.


V0.6.0: The self-aware wardrobe update  (Minor, mostly quality of life improvements)
* N/A

* Add alternate messages for drone and warehouse work + automatic outfit switch text.
* Cover Chest soreness as a health topic for the computer
* Shift facial drift to be hormonally induced each day, not merely a consequence of on time.
* Add simple first-time wear message for babydoll outfit

✨UX Refinement:
* Provide a Mirror in basement
* Provide expanded hover images for clothing
* Provide declarative explanation model for why an outfit was or wasn't accepted + Expose as dialog from mirror UI
* Auto switching to Exercise Outfit if available
* Set up auto-switching of Work and Sleep Outfits, if available.
* Label clothes by supported Activity with emoji & tooltips.

* Stockings @ Covert - Populate for missing stockings item 41
* Refine message for chest sensitivity
* Fix up scaling of wedge shoes
* Apply Item sorting by ID not name in stores and wardrobe

* Major code housekeeping! Clean up of dead variables. Consolidate logic into appropriate modules. Kill off dead-end classes.
* Create metadata for clothing categories in internal Model to describe uses of clothes
* Generalize outfit recognition filters for casual, sleep, work, fitness, etc.

V0.5.0 Misc Minor Expansion:

  • Provide initial HR onboarding for drone operation.
  • Fill in more context abt Maristech departments.
  • Introduce Player to Marissa's dollsuit after first day on drone ops
  • Add blouses at Olddorf
  • Add Turtleneck tops at Olddorf
  • Add hoisery at Covert Natasha
  • Add boyshorts & briefs at C.N.
  • Add Babydoll nightwear at Covert Natasha
  • Provide first example of bodily state indicators on status screen (Chest)
  • Populate initial stock of heels & wedges at Shoeboxx
  • Refine dildo use text for repeat use
  • Fix verbiage for tendril to be specifc underwear agnostic
  • Provide explanations for blocked sleep
  • Factor mirror to be usable from Gym
  • Fix exhaustion threshold to retain motivator "benefits"
  • Warn about socks at door.

v0.4.0 World building update:

* Add womens formal wear store at mall + populate Outfits
* Define Covert Natasha storefront
* Add Yoga exercises
* Add lore around Maristech domestic services
* Add Department of Humanity registration interview for "drone operator" license

* Expose work skill levels from status screen
* Generalize exercise model. Track for cardio and flexibility stats.
* Provide "motivator-plug" for improved fitness endurance and gains.
* Increase chest sensitivity in presence of min hormone threshold. Bra no longer optional.
* Warn about shaving + Provide shave action from Mirror
* Provide new image for showering at day 10
* Block ambiguous outfits at front door of house
* Continuity - Introduce male name to sue at beginning
* Add positive feedback from Sue to female PC when player has been exercising today.
* increase player endurance with motivator plug active
* Add bra-requirement from increased hormone induced sensitivity.
* Track initial body attributes for weight, height and waist from status screen. Adjust daily based on fitness status.
* Wire up work model to wrap up warehouse job
* Give initial variable feedback at work & Gym
* Add conversations with computer and experience with Sue wrt "relief"
* Add arousal tracking for main character
* Add work productivity penalty and reduced capacity for exercise due to poor sleep

* Allow player to shower and launder from Mirror

* Provide click-zoom view for currently worn clothing & portraits
v0.3.1 - Newly reported bug fixes and Clothing experience improvement

* From the closet, provide the player with feedback about the outfit's effectiveness (after the player has reached the inner chamber)
* Allow quick toggling makeup from the Mirror, once the player has reached Inner Chamber

* Reject outfits as non feminine if there is no head accessory/wig (for now)
* Block library cleaning, until player has dropped off their luggage

v0.3.0 - Story Expansion + Quality of Life improvements (Less clicking!)

*Add shortcuts to bypass multi-hop paths between major locations (Grand Hallway, Bedroom, Inner Chamber, Strip Mall, Central Mall)
*Auto-Clean clothes when showering.

Story+ Continuity:
*Enforce non-removability of special clothing
*Implement the "Consequences" of Day 6
*Allow sleeping in the pod in day 7+
*Allow repeated visits to elliptical + work
*Block sleeping for mandatory "today" tasks
*Add Mall dialogue for added confidence on second visit.
*Block purchase of specialized clothing until player reaches a higher level of clothing tolerance (Racy clothing tiers/styles to follow a similar model)
*Treat swimwear as first example of "contextual" clothing
*Force extreme path of day 6 as the canon path for now, to allow for player to reach Open world phase of clothing tolerance 2. (Support of the more "reasonable" branches will come in time)

*Fix broken day 1 reference to main character image references
*Require task for shaving, before player can successfully learn.
*Add $ prefix on prices
*Expand status page to cover clothing tolerance


v0.2a.1 - Story expansion + Minor bug fixes (May have minor save compatability issues)

*Provide player character with their first "trainee job+daily income" at Maristech.
*Add Exercise room + initial exercise mechanic with repeatable Elliptical Exercise.
*Allow character to sleep after work and/or exercise after 7th day.  (Purely mechanical, no story from there yet)
*Add first "experiences" in the pod for day 6.

Worldbuilding+ Continuity:
*Provide high level background about what Maristech does
*Add HR Rep and Warehouse supervisor characters
*Provide basement bathroom+ Shower

*Make more subtle transitions of player portraits

*Stabilize for robin hood movie task order
*Fix for known occurrences of hard coded player character name use
*Fix for know file path issues
*Mirror - Tweak introductory experience slightly, to make use more obvious.
*Mirror - Fix for removing multi-slot clothing in all slots when putting on other clothing.
0.2a.0 - A significant internal update and preview of what is changing. (Multiple bugs were reported in early evaluation, best to wait a couple days for 0.2a.1 update to cover fixes from early testing.)
Note: Task tracking support and major refactorings break compat with savegames format of earlier versions.
Early Bugs: Linux/Mac os script loading is busted due to a case sensitive name issue on scripts/Version.js. 

UX Refinements:
*Clean up presentation of store inventory
*Move Mirror to Player's room
*Add Task Tracker page + Integrate tasks in with existing experiences
*Provide red overlay for outfit items which are now removed.

Story: (No big story/experience additions yet- adding capabilities & cleaning tech side first)
*Add context about globe during dusting
*Require cleaning of theater + library on day 1

*Break up css to Sass
*Split code usages from twee
*Separate codefiles for maintainability
*Enable modular loading of scripts.
*fix image paths for dialogue
*Provide interface for sugarcube variable usage.
*Factor common player logic to shared functions
*Start validating save games for compatability. 

*Populate store inventory at sporting goods

*Fix Reddit link which broke flow
*add html based Prompt + Stabilize Prompt for keyboard input
0.2.2 - (Streamlining the clothes experience)
(This version jump may contain inconsistencies from old saves, such as no saved outfits with new wardrobe model. No known game breaking issues. )
* No New Scenes, yet.
* Supplemental case Sensitivity fix for character images - Moved usages of profile images to strictly use lower case
* Upgraded clothing system to support creation, update, rename and deletion of named outfits with previews.
* Changed individual clothing change mechanism to only provide messages on first wearing of new clothes, and to only provide player commentary on first occurrence.
* Normalized location images towards ~600px width
* Cleaned up Inner Door logic to better handle wardrobe issues.
* Updated jogging cliffhanger message.
* Updated tests to handle Mirror-clothing system overhaul.

 0.2.1- Key bugfixes
* Fixed bug where clean house wasn't triggering tiredness, and player could never sleep. Moved the day 4 "Clean House" action from the left side bar UI to occur in the Grand Hallway. Re-Tested flows to make sure the player can (watch movie, clean and sleep) or (clean, watch movie and sleep). 
* Standardize image paths to all use lower-casing, to hopefully resolve any broken images arising from case sensitive handling.
* Updated developer notes section to provide link to actual forum page for feedback. 
* Make init stage more strict + suppress presentation of in-game details on Left-bar, when viewing the Developer notes which is "out of game". (Fixes left pane errors when viewing dev notes)
* Defined Version Log page.

V0.2.0 - Initial public preview rollout.

Review by dandan1234

Version reviewed: 0.13.1 on 03/25/2024

It's sad that this game has been abandon it has a great potential 

Review by Angeloflight

Version reviewed: 0.13.1 on 07/13/2022

This game really falls into the grinding time sink that a ton of these sissification games fall into. 90 percent of this game in earlier versions was grinding for very little to no payout. And now in future updates...........you get slightly more content out of it. Each update has barely added much to the game at all. The nuralink suit is a perfect example of this grind, it takes 10-15 in-game days of exercising, ballet practice, all this boring crap just to get inside the suit and unlock an optional area. In previous updates, you would grind to unlock the suit only to be hit with an "end of content" message once you had it unlocked which made me not play this game for an entire year. 

Luckily this game has a lot of decent lore and sex scenes. But I still feel like the obnoxious amount of clicking, changing into outfits is all just a pain. Having to cycle through a swimsuit, working uniform, sleeping clothes, ect is such a nightmare that it makes the already long grinding cycle feel like it takes forever. Overall, if your bored and looking for something new, then this is a great place to start. But there are much much better sissification games on the site. 

Review by willnotwork

Version reviewed: 0.13.1 on 07/04/2022

I played this several versions ago, and was frustrated by how forced the story was given the descriptions of the characters. This has now been fixed pretty well by metaplot—much can be excused if you're trying to save the world, and it literally all depends on you.

There are also more options, which I appreciate. As of the current version, quests can run into each other, and that's problematic, but not gamebreaking, and the game isn't so grindy as to force me to quit.

It's a fun time if you engage with iit!

Review by cd1997

Version reviewed: 0.12.3 on 05/31/2022

The game is fantastic so far. My first stage of the playthrough was horny, so I was just skipping pretty fast until the horny stages. There aren't many, but I appreciate the subtlety of the house being empty and the relative lack of interaction with random NPCs except to actually progress the story, because it makes . IMO it balances well "the grind", letting you move around and explore, and setting a clear storyline. There are a couple of moments that get too grindy where side quests or easter eggs could help, given the relaxed time system (no such thing as morning etc, it's more of a "can't sleep until you do what you have to do, do whatever you want out of the limited options the rest of the time")

My second stage of the playthrough was less horny, and i started reading more of the story, and I am glad to say that I found it pretty interesting. Obviously not a Game Of Thrones deep type of lore, but I found it a cheeky plot and "dystopian" scenario in which the transformation and dollification happens. Reasonable enough to suspend disbelief, you're not thrown ridiculous things out of the blue, rather you're fed some clues that resolve to those ridiculous scenarios lol. Fun to see how it plays out.

Not sure of what the "Compliance" / "Defiance" choices do at the moment but I may find out if i replay it

Review by jdeuce2s

Version reviewed: 0.12.3 on 03/06/2022

i love the start of this game, but any more i have no idea whats going on

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