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The Guide to Being Assertive

There are many games about being transformed from a man to a submissive, slutty woman.

This is not a game like that.

The Guide to Being Assertive follows the protagonist as they're turned from a man into a woman after a hypnosis session. The protagonist is a pushover, desperately stressed and close to a mental breakdown. But thanks to their therapist, that's all going to change.

Main themes of this game are domination and corruption, with elements of mind control, hypnosis, body transformation, and a slew of fetishes for flavor and fun. 

You've never been confident, and it's driven you to the point of a mental breakdown, especially after one of your newest co-workers takes advantage of your insecurity to torment you and push you to the brink of getting fired. Your therapist has an idea that might be able to help you, but the hypnosis session is going to go far, far off the rails. Not that you mind. You'll be too busy being the confident, assertive person you've always wanted to be. And if anyone doesn't like that, well...you'll have to find a way to convince them.

Protagonist - You. You're a bit...okay, a lot of a pushover. But there's still a chance for you to be stronger.

Cindy - The Tormenter. Cindy has made your life a living hell since she started working at your job six months ago. She noticed that you can't stand up for yourself, and she's been more than happy to take advantage of that and push you into the mud in the process.

Travis - The Boss. Your boss, specifically. Cindy has been the instigator, but Travis has been complicit in your torture, since he's the one that keeps siding with Cindy. You actually like your job, and you'll need to have Travis on your side to keep it.

Annie - The Receptionist. She's always nice and friendly, and she even seems to kind of like you a little bit. You would never do anything to hurt her, would you?

Kathy - The Co-worker. Kathy works at the desk next to you, and keeps herself busy throughout the day. She's driven to succeed and ambitious, but she's never been mean to you.

Mina - The Accountant. Mina works in another department, and has an elegant, almost exotic air to her. She's beautiful and smart and you doubt you'll ever work up the courage to talk to her.

Todd - The IT Bro. Todd is the antithesis of everything you think about when you think about IT. He's muscular, into sports, and likes to call people "bro". He has nothing but confidence, and you kind of admire him for that.

Dr. Halliday - The Therapist. Your mental health professional, Dr. Halliday has your best interests at heart. It's thanks to her that you've been able to stay relatively sane for the last few months.

Sheila - The Secretary. Dr. Halliday's assistant. Sheila is nice and always has a smile for you, though your relationship with her is strictly professional.

Susie - The Stylist. She works at the local hair salon. You wouldn't do anything to hurt her, of course. But she is cute...

None yet.

v0.3.1 - The first Cindy update!

v0.2.12 - The Dungeon update!

v0.2.11 - The Annie Romance update!

v0.2.10 - The Items and Gifts update!

v0.2.9.2 - The Sex update!

v0.2.8.2 - Hypnosis learning fix and some minor but important bug fixes.

v0.2.8.1 - New NPC option for dating: Mina! Hypnosis added for Annie!

v0.2.7.2 - The Scattershot update! Many things!

v0.2.6.3 - Sibling focused update!

v0.2.5.6 - Heels skill will now increase properly, and a potential major roadblock with asking Annie on her obedience date has been fixed.

v0.2.5.5b - A few more minor bug fixes.

v0.2.5.5a - Fixes a minor bug in the end of day checks.

v0.2.5.5 - New public release progressing Annie's story and adding heels and height systems!

v0.2.4.7 - Minor fixes and error corrections.

v0.2.4.6 - Fixed bugs in player lactation and sibling leaking events.

v0.2.4.5 - Fixes for Annie's second date!

v0.2.4.4 - Drugs work again! And some text errors are fixed!

v0.2.4.3 - Second Annie Date and some other stuff!

v0.2.3.5 - Additional bugfixes!

v0.2.3.4 - The Annie Update! Starting the interactions with NPCs!

v0.2.2.3 - Less critical bug fixes, but bug fixes nonetheless.

v0.2.2.2 - Several critical bug fixes.

v0.2.2.1 - The "rest of the last update" release is now available to the public!

v0.2.1.8 - The Drugs release is now available to the public!

v0.2.0.4 - The first public release is now available!

Review by MimsyB

Version reviewed: on 03/25/2024

This is my first review for a game on here so forgive me if it's a bit rough.

Anyway... lets go for it.


It starts off very much like a CYOA game and continues as such for quite a long time as a sort of introduction. This intro section while long does have some relevant decisions to be made throughout which will affect your MC once you finally get into the main meat of the game.
Speaking of the meat of the game once you finally get to it it is very much your standard life sim. You know the thing... each day is broken into time periods and during each one you can do various things in various locations. Your MC works 5 days a week and you are on rails through those days until you get home at which point you have a 2 free timeslots to play with. The weekend is free time for you to do what you want. Unfortunately when you really get down to it there's not a whole lot to do during those free time slots at present due to an issue that I will speak more on later when I get into the storyline. For now just assume that you are going into an unfinished life sim.


The user interface is not bad. It's nothing out of this world or anything but it is servicable. Locations and actions are all traversed using blue block buttons on a black background. A small sidebar shows date time, arrousal, "puchasing power"(more on that later) and links to various stat pages. Like I say, servicable. The one problem I find is that the layout could be better. The buttons for locations are not static, and shift up and down depending upon how much text/image there is in the location description which appears cetred at the top of the screen. It could really benefit from having these location buttons made static either down the side of the window or along the bottom perhaps. Beyond that there's not much to talk about with the UI. Servicable but not great.

Story (and some gameplay)
Ok now this is where the game COULD shine. And I stress could as it is very clear that this game is far from being complete. I'd estimate that it is probably about 15-20% of the way based on what I have played and seen. The game starts on 
4 September and I played till 19 April 2024 so 228 days. It took a good 10 hours or so of casual play. This may seem like a good thing but unfortunately it isn't really. Most of the time was spent grinding out skills. So why do I say it COULD shine then? Well thats because the writing of what is there is very good. The dev AnonymousMan has a really strong idea of what he wants to creat even if he hasn't got there yet. The story centers around a guy who is transformed into a woman/trans/futa (depending how you play) who wants to dominate. Now this really appealed to me as it bucks the normal trend of the MC being TFd and then becoming the bog standard sissy sub who gets caged and jerked around by assholes. No this game isn't like that. With this one you are the dom interacting with a cast of characters who you can jerk around (with love albeit a slightly twisted form of love).
That all sounds great so why COULD? Well... as it stands there are only really two semi fleshed out npcs that you can dominate. And this is the games main problem. The dev seems to be planning on having at least 10 NPCs that you can play around with but without the storylines for those characters most days feel like they are full of wasted time. Like there is three timeslots during the work day where you can interact with  6 of them yet only one is fleshed out. The others have the bare bones of a start but very quickly just end up as dead time. And you might think fine I'll just spend all of my timeslots at work on that one fleshed out character but that's not an option as you can only interact with each person 1 per work day. So that's two timeslots every day that are effectively dead (Although not totally... I'll explain more later in the TF section). The other fleshed out character is one you interact with outside of work and can be interacted with more than once in a day so that's a little better but there are still issues as the interactions appear to be optional based upon your choice of whether you are into the taboo kink. Not only that but as this character is more interactable and seperate from work you can quickly get through all of the currently implemented interactions pretty fast so very quickly your time outside work become mainly free time too. If more charcters within work time and outwith were more fleshed out with storylines then you could split your time between them and you would have a much more balanced game with less wasted timeslots.

It's also worth noting that the two characters who you can follow through a storyline with seem to be more minor characters. This may change as the story gets further developed of course but as it is it feels like you are engaging in side quests. Well written side quests of course but still superfluous to the main storyline. The early story does introduce a couple of characters who seem to be antagonists that feel like they should be the main focus but they are left undeveloped in favor of the two that have been focused on who seem relatively benign side characters. My suggestion to the dev would be to focus more on the antagonists as this would add a whole lot more scope for using time during work timeslots and would allow for some sort of meaningful progression within the workplace in general.


This is actually another section which could be very good and this ties into something I mentioned earlier. The MC does indeed go through a transformation... a very quick one which could perhaps do with being drawn out a little longer but doesn't really need to be. This is because one of the main focuses of the game is going to be the transformation of other characters by the MC. There are mechanics featured in the game which if fully implemented will allow for the transformation of all 10 aformentiond NPC in various styles. What's more it seems as if the dev has it in mind to make it so that the player can choose which style of transformation occurs to each one depending upon which kink they choose to focus them on. And there are a few kinks to choose from such as feminization/bimbofication, latexplay, bondage, exhibitionism, pet play, prefnancy and cumslut. There may be more but I can't remember of the top of my head and it may be possible that others might be added. This means that once the game is fully complete you could pick and choose which npcs to push into which kinks. Theoretically this is a very exciting idea which could lead to a great deal of replayablitiy and diversity in play style. Of course the idea is pretty ambitious as it would require whole sets of media for each character for each kink which I feel may be the thing holding back development of the game in general. I can only imagine just how much work it will take to implement such a system in a stable and functional way.


It's ok.The characters all have portraits which give of a slightly AI generated feel but this is not super distracting as they are solid and not distracting. It actually works for the TF system as the portraits do have gradated forms which follow the transformations applied to them (limited at present to feminization/bimbo but could be filled out later with the other kinks). There are also some gifs/images/videos scattered throughout the game which compliment the writing and gameplay pretty well. These are on the sparse side though at present and there could be more.  Overall I found that the media serves as just that... a compliment to the writing. The writing is the main focus and it does it's job at delivering the feelings that it should. I mean not to be too crude or anything but during my playthrough was pretty much one 10 hour long edging session where the periods of heightened arousal were almost entirely internal on account of the writing. Basically flacid during the grinding and pretty much rock solid during the story when it happened. In fact when I finally did reach climax the only thing that was on the screen was text and I was fine with that... although there was a small part of my subconcious that was a touch disappointed that there wasn't a visual on the page that I could scroll to for that moment.


The game that COULD be great. If the developer continues to work on the game and focuses more on the central conflict to drive the game forward of course. And honestly that is possible as one of the reason that I chose to play this game was because I saw that it had recently been updated. Updated on the 24th March, I played on the 24th of March and this review was written on the 25th March. That's how active the dev is at present. Although it's worth noting that the development process has been going on for 4 years at this point. I hope that AnonymousMan continues as I can see that if he does complete it this game COULD be one of the greats.

Ok, that's enough from me now. I hope this review was helpful to someone and don't worry I totally understand if nobody makes it through it as it is pretty long and I fully get that people would rather be reading the horny game than the review about it. 

And finally thanks AnonymousMan for the work youhave done so far.

Kisses xxx

Review by RedGhost

Version reviewed: on 01/06/2024


Very good so far. Graphics in this game is limited right now, but as of this release and the fewer number of broken links I saw it is being worked into the game code. Interactivity in this game is high with a number of stats and NPC interactions to track to avoid triggering a possible game end from mind-breaking four NPCs (not possible yet, but it's coming). Transformations in the game are good and you can also try to change the NPCs you can interact with. A few small bugs in the game with broken image links and the breast pump item not being added to your inventory after purchase (despite PP cost still being deducted), but nothing serious for a beta release.

However the real gem of this game is the writing: it's good so far and sets the story, scene and world very well. You know exactly what your avatar is becoming depending on your choices, you have the chance to see small changes in the NPCs as your actions take effect and you'll gradually find yourself becoming invested in the game world as you play out your avatar's new life.

Keep in mind though this is a beta game so there is still a lot of release work to come in the future. But it's work that's worth checking out.


Review by LavishingLeigh

Version reviewed: 0.2.10 on 11/02/2023

I have always enjoyed AnonymousMan's games, and this one is no different but there seems to be an issue with the ways the save files are stored. I'm not tech savy enough to understand the issue, but anytime a viewer like Chrome or Firefox or Edge tries to open a file from a folder that has this game's saved file in it, the file will never be displayed. The file viewer load page will say 'Working on it' and you will have to hard close the program out.


I thought it was my computer being broken for a second, but as soon as I removed that file from where the file viewer was trying to open the files from, it was able to work. I've since been able to recreate this issue with no problem and everything works fine as soon as I removed the file. I'm not sure what's causing it, but I hope it can be fixed.

Review by Tilla

Version reviewed: on 07/30/2023

I want to love this game and think it has a lot of potential but the content is a bit lacking with none of the paths particularly well built out yet. Still feels like its YEARS from being really completable minimum

Review by Dranylis

Version reviewed: on 05/31/2022

Honestly, I really loved the idea of a revenge based, mind control, BDSM idea behind the game. However, I'm sure everyone has read the spiel of how it's extremely grindy, no hints, tips, or walkthrough to assist in navigating the progress in the game, an overly complicated clothing and upgrade system...ect. I played for almost four days with little to no progress after the lengthy introduction.  Don't get me wrong, I really do like the game.  It has immense potential and I can't wait to see what is in store for future updates. 

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