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Release Alpha
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Version: Release Alpha


The Greek Gods exist! They just haven't been doing much. When a chance encounter introduces you to the supernatural powers that be, you must decide whether you want to aid the gods or help to overthrow them. In doing so, you will gain powers that can assist you in your endeavors. These powers definitely won't be used for for nefarious purposes, though, I'm sure. 

Welcome to Olympus, my first attempt at making a game. I've always enjoyed games where the MC must vie for control with their opponents in a transform or be transformed kind of way, and so I set out to create a game that provides that opportunity. Games like Stranded/Bimbo House/Submansion/Imperium and a host of others provided inspiration for me. This release consists almost entirely of an introduction to the world, and sets you up for future shenanigans. There are 45 passages and 10 endings right now, with about 12k words written. I'm not sure if I'd call this a concept or an Alpha at this length, but I hope you enjoy it either way. In addition to the themes currently in the game, I hope to add Bimbofication/mental changes in the next release.




You and your roommate Mike have been in lockdown for months due to the Budweiservirus sweeping the nation. Quarantine has lifted though, and now there exists a new world to be discovered. Through (un)lucky circumstance, You and your roommate are caught in the crossfire of divine forces, and now the balance of power resides with you. Whether you work with Mike, or against him as a covert rival, the choice is yours. 

Give Homer's Iliad a read for all the expanded universe lore if you're thirsty for more.

You - This is you, in the game.

Mike - Your roommate.

Emi - A pretty girl at the gym.

Apollo - A mysterious man you may encounter.

Release Alpha

  • The game now exists, which is neat.

Review by Yunari

Version reviewed: Release Alpha on 05/22/2020

Very good writing, promising start, plot's pretty cool too.

Hope you can stick with it, can't wait to see what comes next :)

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Total Adult Themes: 10
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