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Game Information
Quest Soft Player
Release Date
Last Update
Orig PC Gender
Adult Themes

Version: 1.1.2

Version: 1.1.1

Version: 1.1.0

Version: 1.0.9

Version: 1.0.8

Version: 1.0.7

Version: 1.0.6

Version: 1.0.5

Version: 1.0.4

Version: 1.0.3

Clean Slate
by mugwump


This is an open-world sandbox life-sim with a default slow-progression TF. Keep that in mind when you play the game, as it does seem to impact some players' expectations.

This game is inspired by GirlLife, Cursed, Do It For The Band, and Hard Times in Horntown primarily. None of those gave quite the experience I was looking for so I blazed my own trail. Hopefully this will seem like an homage to those games rather than a cheap copy, but that decision is up to you.

Please report any bugs you might come across! I'm just one person so I have hard time testing every path. 

 To play QSP based games you will need a QSP player. Specifically the v1.9 by Sonnix:


A down-on-his-luck man meets a fortune teller at a local carnival. His off-the-cuff wish for a fresh start to his dead end life leads him down a path of self-discovery and transformation -- Nothing is off limits when the Mysterious Fortune Teller casts her spell and sends him careening forward into a lifestyle that would have seemed impossible just a few short days before. 

Will you regain that which was taken from you, or will you jump head-first into this new opportunity? This is your chance to wipe the slate clean

It's better to just play the game and explore the world I've created on your own, but here are a few tips:

Tips and hints

  • A wiki is available at: https://clean-slate-qsp.fandom.com/wiki/Clean_Slate_%28QSP%29_Wiki
  • Join the discord server at: https://discord.gg/8KQAjzBaTa
  • There is a cheat menu built into the game (access your cell phone and scroll all the way down) -- but I advise new players to avoid this. It just takes something from the gameplay when you can skip and jump around.
  • Your cellphone is very useful. Each app has a use in the game. Familiarize yourself with each of them.
  • Save often -- there are lots of branches in the game and you may not like each of them. Save often so you can backtrack without losing a lot of progress.
  • There are several places to live, but the only ones available to you early game are the Fairhaven house and the empty lot near the bus station.
  • Alcohol lowers inhibitions, so keep a good buzz on if you want to speed up progress though the transformations.
  • There's an open air market in the Business District, you should explore that area when you get the chance.
  • In the business district there is a billboard that will occasionally post odd-jobs that pay cash. The jobs are not always there, so first come first serve around 9:00am.
  • Get to know your coworkers and roomates, they can help you deal with your situation.



NOTE: If this is your first time here  then download the '_FULL' of the latest version. If you're a returning player from a previous version just download the '_UPDATE' of all the versions since your last visit. 

DOUBLE NOTE: If there is a HOTFIX then download and install that last.




  • Bug Fixes
  • New Job at Dwights Gym
    • They are hiring a masseuse. Need I say more?
    • only F-massaging-M media for now. Will add more gender combos
    • Talk to the receptionist about the open position
  • New Home in Residential District
    • Go there during the listed open house and talk to real estate agent about purchasing the home
    • Comes with some changeable interior decoration
    • Mortgage payment functions like rent - but as of this update there's no consequence for missing a payment
  • Kingston Falls update
    • mostly tweaks and bug fixes for the current 2 days of content.


  • Misc Updates
    • Bug fixes
    • Some new media sprinkled around in different scenes
  • New Cam Request
    • Trans and full femme MCs with the "Rubber Joints" trait can now do self-oral requests
  • New Cam Event - Gold Collaboration show
    • Mona is interested in becoming a cam girl. Trans and full Femme MCs who already do cam work can invite her over for a repeatable Gold Show
    • There is some progression in content to earn more money, Just talk to Mona about doing gold shows once in a while to advance
    • Will eventually be available for other NPCs, but for now it's just Mona
  • New Transformation variable - Tit Reduction
    • the opposite of Tit Buff -- when this variable hits 10 your breast size will shrink
  • New Chest Fly Machine at the Gym
    • each use zeros out your Tit Buff
    • if your Tit Buff is less than 5 it *also* +1's your Tit Reduction stat
    • RNG chance of an event that has increasingly likely chance of an opposite effect
  • Melissa Date Contest Update
    • RNG chance that, during the contest, Melissa suggests you take "Cock Selfies" instead of normal selfies with your dates
    • take a picture with your face near someone's cock
    • only available for fem MCs
    • you can reject it, but will be kicked out of the contest that week
    • subsequent contests will give you the option for regular or Cock Selfies
  • Stripper Update
    • Full-time strippers at the strip club can now go on "private shows" for bachelor parties and the like
    • Mike will bring it up and then you can pick private shows from a listing in the stripper dressing room
    • you can do more than dance, if your MC is that kind of girl
  • Silver Slut Update - Story Arc Complete
    • New ability - Power Grind
      • when you face more than three opponents you can twerk and grind your ass against one of them to incapacitate him, leaving your hands free to fend off attacks
    • Can now team up with Super Slut to stop AMI's dastardly plans
    • She should bring it up during a roof-top meeting


  • Misc Updates
    • bug fixes
    • some new media for sex scenes added
  • New Cam request
    • Viewers can now request you spread your ass on cam
  • New Sex Position - 69
    • Not just for lesbians! All gender combinations should be able to activate it
    • engage in sex then "do something else"
  • New Julia Event
    • It's Christmas related so only happens during the last half of December
    • Missing some media for non full-fem MCs
  • Amanda Update
    • Some updates to Amanda's bar date interactions
    • You can now try to kiss her after a date, but it's not guaranteed to go well
    • Her Husband has been seeded (but not yet meet-able).
      • use the "Add New NPC" to add him anyway
  • New District
    • Residential District added
    • This is where Amanda and her husband live
    • Find it from the University District
    • Nothing to do there yet
  • More Clothes
    • Most of the shops have some additional inventory - panties, bra, shoes
  • New Job - Safeway Clerk
    • Just a boring soul-sucking job. No major story events or TF-related shenanigans
    • The City being what it is, there are some RNG evens with customers


  • Misc Updates
    • Misc bug fixes and minor tweaks
    • Fem Asian MC pics added
      • Original person I was working with vanished after the Caucasian images were done. Working someone else now
  • Amanda Updates
    • Note: I gave her the wrong personality profile. So either start a new game or use the 'Add new NPC' option in cell phone (if present) to update her.
    • Images and Text added for some 'WIP' scenes
    • Amanda now has her own Exhib/Inhib ratings
      • various ways to lower her inhibiition - give her compliments, anytime she agrees to a date, etc
      • her images will change as you lower her inhibitions
    • Get her to go to a bar date with you and get her a little drunk - she'll talk about her unfullfilled desires
      • unlocks the corruption path; will be several different directions you can try to push her
      • Right now mainly the 'exhibition' path is set up - get her to wear sexier clothing
    • Some Amanda specific events on Beach dates  
      • vanilla at this point, but more sexier events will be added over time
  • Sorority Update
    • Once you get to the second floor you can start entering random bedrooms
    • Don't have to have a relic quest to access the bedrooms
    • RNG chance you get caught in a bedroom and the Sisters have a....form of punishment
      • Spoilers in forums


  • Misc Updates
    • You can now do yoga in any home except the homeless camp and Fairhaven
    • Some new preg media added (Cam Whore clips and a few sex scenes)
    • Added some new nude indoor yoga pics
    • flavor tweaks to some text and NPC interactions to utilize the Platonic status from previous update
    • CrossPlay update
      • The store itself is now free-use on costumes and wigs
      • the more specialised merch (body forms) is for Members only
  • Mona Updates
    • 'WIP' compeleted and a few tweaks/fixes here and there
    • Her events should be more complete now
  • New Location
    • There's a Sorority in the U-District's greek row
    • has some basic interactions but will grow over time
  • New Relic
    • See forums for spoilers
    • NOTE: for existing games use the "add new relic" in the Cell Phone Settings
  • New NPC
    • More of an NPC-arc then an MC-story, Amanda is a middle-aged housewife who works at the bank.
    • you can meet her at the bank and at the gym
    • has some interactions, but her full story arc is still WIP
    • NOTE: for existing games use the "add new NPC" in the Cell Phone Settings
  • New Kink
    • See forum for spoilers
  • Non-Game note
    • I added a Patreon. If you are so inclined to subscribe in support I would appreciate it! But the game will always be free


  • Misc updates
    • New media added for titty-f&@#
    • Misc other media added in various minor spots (scene transisions, etc)
    • There's an 'early game' scene where your MC can give a NonCon blowjob; that same scene can now lead to a NonCon titty-f&@# scene.
    • When on dates at the bar, NPCs will get gradually more drunk as the date progresses
    • Wearing dressess should available slightly earlier in the game
    • Tweaks to Inhib/Exhib buff and stats
  • Added concept of 'Platonic dates'
    • When you and/or the NPC aren't romantically/sexually attracted to each other the media will be "We're hanging out as friends"
    • when you and NPC *are* romantically/sexually attracted to each other the media should be more "We're on a date"
    • Platonic dates can shift into non-platonic dates (yay booze)
  • MC Image overhaul
    • I want to add more MC ethnicities, so I nuked the old MC image structure
    • No longer have two styles two pick from
    • New AI MC images created for both Masc and Fem Caucasian MCs
    • will add additional ethnicities for next update (African, Arabic, Asian)
  • New NPC
    • For existing games use the "add new NPC" optionin the cellphone settings
    • Meet Mona - a fun loving, *very* outgoing young woman
    • she works at the Boutique in the Market
      • the Boutique will be permanently available once you find it one time
    • You can also see her around the city doing various....things.
    • Mona can help you overcome those pesky and limiting inhibitions you might be dragging around
    • Some Mona-specific events at bar and park dates
    • Mona will also invite you on Beach dates
    • Mona is hetero, so fem MCs are friend-zoned

v1.0.6 - Small update

  • Mosyly clean up and bug fixes
    • I'll be busy for the next couple of weeks and won't have time for game dev so I'm posting here what I have.
  • New Julia Event
    • Julia can now drag you to CrossPlay for some physical enhancements if you look too masc for her tastes
  • Kingston Falls update
    • Day 1 clean up
    • Day 2 extended (can now get the kids to school)


  • Misc Updates
    • Bulk purchase added to appropriate items in store menus
    • Some new TF (m2f and f2m) transformation clips added
    • Some new media for m/f sex scenes added
    • Can use the Moonstone ring during sales dinners to increase your chances of landing a sale
    • In the Habits app you can chose to "get dressed for work" - any "work day" when you wake up before the start of your shift you will auto-dress in a Work Outfit from your saved Outfits list.
  • New RNG Event
    • Sit on a bench in any district and People Watch - there is an RNG chance that once-per-day some NPC will 'catch your eye'
    • You can look at the NPC to see what about them drew your attention - as with most things in the game; your choices may have TG related impacts
  • New Store Location
    • In the RedLight district Alleyway
    • but it appears to be a "members only" store...
  • New Skill added - Gamer Skill
    • buy and play video games to raise your skill to get better at playing video games
  • New Content Arc - Snatch Streamer
    • Snatch is a game-streaming platform. Play games and get paid by your fans!
    • uses a new Gamer skill to help draw an audience and get tips
    • Female (appearing) Streamers may have a different experience than male (appearing) streamers.
  • Silver Slut update: Frenemies with Super Slut
    • There's an RNG event during normal Silver Slut scenes where you can rescue Super Slut from a bad situation
    • this unlocks a rooftop event during the night patrol where she will come to hang out and chat rather than fight
    • build up friendship with her and eventually she'll tell you AMI's secret plans
    • this is the setup for the final Silver Slut event



  • Misc Updates
    • Various Bug fixes in different sections of the game
    • Preg MCs can now get stretch marks if they don't use Belly Lotion at least once a week
      • No real game impact, just some flavor text in body-description scenes.
    • Suntan lotion added to mall Pharmacy. Usable at Nude Beach - no real impact; just allowes for some rubbing-on-lotion scenes.
  • Super Power updates
    • New Super Power "Reverso" added to XGene trials
    • New Non-XGene super power "Twinning" added somewhere else
    • You can now pay AMI a hefty sum to remove a super power
      • but if you have more than one power you don't get to pick which one is removed. It's random.
  • New Location - Nude Beach
    • Walk along the regular Beach and you should find a trail leading behind a bluff.
    • lots of fun content added - but it's hard to source media for some gender-combinations for some scenes. I'll fill in the gaps as I find new media
  • New Beach Event 
    • Walk along the regular beach and you can find a treasure chest that has washed ashore
    • What could be in it?
  • New Game Streaming platform - Snatch
    • You can get tips from viewers to live stream games 
    • Pretty basic at the moment, but should be playable
    • Will add additional viewer requests and some fun events for the next update


  • Mostly this includes bug fixes for some of the new events added in the last version
  • Does include some new content at the Mansion for the Vampire quest line
  • SPH re-added
    • there used to be an event for small-dick MCs where a fem NPC would laugh at your size. Not sure when but it looks like that had been removed during some refactor so I re-added it back in
    • must be masc-presenting
    • have 4cm or smaller dick
    • try to engange in any sexual act with fem NPC that requires you showing her your dick 
    • RNG based a bit on the NPC personality type - roll with it, laugh and leave, laugh and fem-domme you
    • should only happen the *first* time a fem NPC sees your junk


  • Usual round of bug fixes
  • New One-Time Random Encounter
    • Don't want to ruin the surprise, but will lead to some permanent TFs
  • Vampire Quest update
    • The Mansion repairs can now be completed and the quest line can now progress
      • quite a bit of content loaded in here but can't go into details without spoilers
    • Vampire options are available for more NPCs (even ones who reject you at first sight)
    • Can now be turned into full Vampire
      • Sun light will damage and kill you
      • super strength and speed work during the day
      • can turn into a bat at night and flutter around the city
      • obtain two new Vampiric Abilities


  • minor bug fixes in various spots
  • remaining NPC images have been added for all races/body types/hair color/age range
  • Fortune Teller Gift update
    • the gender swap power she gives you can now be used on any non-story NPC:
      • initial flirting conversations
      • on a date
      • chatting with your roommate at home
  • Generic Home Update
    • added gender-typed bedrooms for NPCs
    • the bedroom images moved so if you currently live in a generic apartment the NPC bedrooms won't have images. Move to a new apartment to regenerate the bedroom images
  • Boobie Bungalow update
    • When you get a lapdance from a stripper you can pay her to keep it going instead of just a one-song dance
    • do it enough times and get special VIP Room offer
  • New Trait: Itty Bitty Committee
    • Spoilers in forums
  • Fortune Teller Relic update
    • The Fortune Teller has a new relic she wants you to get, and an accompanying new quest location for her relics
    • use the "Seed Relic" option in the cellphone on existing games to add the new relic to your game world
    • Spoilers in forums
  • Misc
    • Some updates for Scott's Mom and the Vampire mansion quest, but both are probably still a bit glitchy.
    • the "Genie" story arc should be fully playable, but it still needs some dialog text in a few spots and maybe some media images.


  • Mostly a flavor/mechanics update. No major story arc progression
  • Filling Media Gaps - added some media for missing scenes for:
    • trans cam whore
    • m/m non-con scenes
    • few others
  • Tweaks to Vampire brothel construction work
  • Added beginning scene for Wharf District "Genie" -- but only the beginning scene.
  • New Forplay action - Nipple Sucking
    • at least one person in the scene needs to have AA tits, or greater, and have them exposed
  • Mood Mechanic Update
    • Now works more like the 'Thirst Quencher' Trait
    • Things you experience during the day will +/- the current value of your mood
      • smoking a cigarette will give you a + to your current mood value
      • getting mugged will give you a - to your current mood value
    • Having unsatisfied kinks or requirements will LOWER your max mood
      • if you're addicted and haven't smoked in a while then your *max mood* value will decrease
      • If you have a makeup requirement but aren't wearing any then your max mood will decrease
  • Masturbation mechanic overhaul
    • Code base updated to match other sex scene loops
    • whenever possible, POV media was used for masturbation scenes
  • AI Re-Invasion
    • I decided to give generating AI images a try for myself, and added a new category for NPC pics
    • Black and Caucasian NPCs now have an Age category
      • if the NPC is supposed to 25 the pic should look like someone in their early 20's
      • if the NPC is 40-something then you should get a Middle Aged NPC image
      • Age Groups are "Young" (18-35), "Middle Age" (36-50), and "old" (>50)
    • Will update Asian and Arabic NPC image sets for the next update


  • Media Conversion is full finished!
    • Total reduction in file size of over 1GB for a final v1.0.0 size of 1.70Gb.
    • I decided to bump the game up to v1.0.0 due to the significance of the shifted media
  • Some Minor Bug fixes
  • Most of this update is for Silver Slut
    • Reworked initial scenes
      • the way the individual Clothing items work has changed
      • you can no long add Silver clothing items to your planned outfit (with one exception)
      • they have to be put on in the correct order
    • ArchNemsis - Super Slut
      • she tries to foil you from stoping crimes
      • Meet her in the final room of the Secret Lab
      • NOTE: this path does contain a "bad ending"
    • Slut Patrol
      • Silver Slut doesn't have to wait for crime to find her, she can go search for it on Patrol.
  • New Trait  - Night Breed
  • New Kink - Pay to Play



  • Minor bug fixes spread throughout the game
  • Misc
    • Some small tweaks for taking a bath
  • More conversions
    • Almost done, next update should include the final set of conversions
    • total game size reduced to about 1.77GB ( but that includes close to 100MB in new media as well)
    • NOTE: Pocket Worlds have not been updated yet, so they'll probably have a lot of blank pics
  • Vaping added
    • Buy a dispoable Vape Pen with 20mL of juice from the kiosk
    • Mostly* the same as smoking cigarettes
      • *cuz it's a fun knock on vapers -- smoking cigarettes has small chance to + your male buff, while vaping has a slightly higher chance to + your fem buff
  • Silver Slut Updates
    • New RNG Villain encounter 
    • No real story progression, just a fun side-quest event.
    • Some updates for the Secret Lab path of the AMI branch


  • Minor bug fixes and Media conversions.
    • _FULL game is now at 1.95GB including new media; that means ~800MB in size reduction since start of the conversion
  • New Store in the mall
    • 3rd floor of the mall now has a game store where you can buy new games for your laptop
    • no real impact to gameplay, just another way to waste time
    • Hint: Not all of the games available from the store are on the wall.
    • might add trait/personality impacts later on
  • New Paul event at University Apartment
    • Once you've progress to the end of Paul's content and he's in control he'll, at some point, have you start being the apartment maid and clean up the place once a week.
    • Right now mostly just a reason for some sexy-maid media but each cleaning event you do will raise your Cleaning Skill
    • Will add some RNG events and 'client encounters' later on
    • In theory this event-loop could be eventually used for any general maid services -- ie: a new job!


  • Minor Bug Fixes
  • Mostly media conversions - total game size has been reduced by 500MB! Overall game is now at 2.06GB
  • Dream Catcher has new side-effect
    • If you trigger a 'natural' overnight change the Dream Catcher will interrupt the scripted change and let you pick which body part to transform (brain, breasts, ass, etc)


  • Primarily more media conversions. Update file is apporaching 200MBs so I'll post it here. Total since v012.3 over 300Mbs reduced from game
    • NOTE: must of the next few updates will be primarily media conversions. Once they're all done I'll post a single FULL so feel free to wait till then.
  • Fix for missing images at clothing stores
  • Silver Slut/AMI Path extended
    • Entire arc is still not complete, but Rizzler scene should be working and now you can break into their secret hidden lab outside of town and snoop around.
    • WARNING: breaking into the lab makes criminals harder to fight in general as it advances the story progression and they can counter your abilities.
  • More Fan Interactions
    • Crowd can call for you to show off and flex. You can flex various body parts for the crowd's cheering approval
    • RNG chance a fan wants to #@$@# your tits 



  • Mostly this update is to push out some Media conversions since file size is already 100+MBs
    • Even with new media added in this update the overall game size is reduced by almost 200MB -- that means an overall reduction of around 300MB just from the conversions! More to come in future updates
    • Would recommend you clear your local folder and download the _FULL to benefit from the reduced file size, but the _UPDATE works just as well.
  • AMI Lab Janitor update
    • basic loop and RNG events added with media and text
    • hook added for Silver Slut quest
      • one of the lab RNG events gives you the chance to do some research on where AMI is getting material for their X-Gene trial
  • Rest of update is for Silver Slut arc
    • The Super Villain fights should trigger more reliably once you're able to defeat them
    • New Super Villain - The Rizzler
      • He's sent to stop you when your research into the X-Gene trials goes too far
      • able to turn NPCs into sex-crazed nymphomanic Bimbos. Basically he's a walking orgy!
    • New Powers added - was a bit grindy when the # of criminals gets too high so I added some AOE attacks
      • Summon a Silver Stripper Pole
        • Let's you do a spin attack to take out multiple baddies
      • Use Hoopnosis
        • Mind control your opponents to attack each other!



  • Asian Male MC pics added for all hair colors
  • Various minor bug fixes and tweaks
  • Media conversions from mp4/webp/gif to webm
    • reduced about 40MB out of this update alone, but does mean more duplicative media if you download the UPDATE vs the FULL. I'll also be converting more media in the next few updates.
  • New Part Time Job
    • 3 days a week you can work as a Night Janitor at AMI!
    • mostly mundane janitor stuff
    • will eventually have 'lab cleanup' tasks which can expose you to strange inventions and projects at AMI
  • Sonja the Vampire
    • Sonja has an update on what she needs from you - she tires of the living in the cemetery and wants to move
    • you are tasked with obtaining her new lodgings
    • you can't actually *get* the home yet, but the initial steps of the arc are there.
  • some new Super Villains added
    • Ripper - can use his mental super power to rip off women's clothing (MC Included)
    • IPMan - can cause any nearby woman (MC Included) to suddenly become late-term pregnant
    • Each Super Villain runs around the city wreaking havoc so you will probably run into them at various times
    • If only there was a Super Hero who could fight them!
  • Most of this update is regarding the Silver Slut arc
    • For existing games use either the "reseed silver items" or the "reset Silver Slut to level one" in the Cell Phone settings, depending on how far you've progressed, to reset some of the super hero stats so you pick up the newest logic loops
    • Silver and the Paranormal
      • Typically Silver does not pair well with the Fae so the Succubus/Vampire/Silver Slut paths are all mutually exclusive. You can only do 1 of the three.
    • Silver Locations
      • There are now 7 Silver Locations and 4 Silver Items. The actual locations selected in any game are random when you start a game, but it periodically makes sure you don't get gated behind needing to stay at Fairhaven
        • Note: if you get 3 of the 4 items and it tells you in the quest log that the 4th item is at Fairhaven (it would only do this if you live at Fairhaven at that moment in time)...and then you MOVE OUT of fairhaven without getting the 4th item then you are a lost soul and no amount of hand holding will save you!
    • Fight/Level system
      • some mechanic/event changes to the random criminals
        • each 'crime type' will have an RNG # of bad guys, different crimes have higher max #s
      • Each time you defeat a criminal you get some Silver Buff Points. Once you get 10 Buff points you'll progress to the next Silver Level
        • increases your max power
        • opens up additional criminals to fight
    • Boss Fights
      • There are 3 boss fights in the game, roughly every 3 Silver Levels
      • 2 of the Boss Fights are the above mentioned Super Villains. once you reach a certain level you'll be able to defeat them
      • Winning a Boss Fight grants you a new abilit you can then use in subsequent fights



  • NOTE: small typo in a final check scene blocked the Silver Slut path. The HOTFIX has this resolved
    It is advisable to start a new game with this update
  • updated code for Clan Gaming from a forum user (anonymous cuz I'm not sure if they want it know)
  • Lots of media shifts, if you download the _UPDATE you'll get lots of renamed/reshuffled media but no problems.
  • AI Invasion
    • Love it or Hate it, AI opens a lot of new avenues.
      • Dozens and dozens of new (AI) NPC Images added
      • Arabic NPCs Now available to meet!
  • New MC race added for 'skin tone' references
    • if your MC is, for instance, Asian, it might describe your skin as olive. A Black MC would get 'dark skin', and an Arabic MC would get 'bronze-colored' skin
    • this is very very generic, no offense meant for anyone! Just thought it would be more immersive
  • New Water Fountain in Market Square
    • Toss in a coin and see what happens
  • Kingston Falls updates
    • fleshed out Day 1 with more details, started adding Day 2 events
    • there's an event tracker that should help you keep track of Mom Chores -- but it goes a little SkyNet now and then and blows up time tracking in the game. So be forewarned.
  • New Cyber Bully
    • A hacker gets your numbers and starts making demands of you
    • has some redimentary punishments, but not fully worked out
    • Will get you to do things that require higher-and-higher exhibinionism
    • got a little sidetracked with the other new branch, and didn't get very far with this one
  • Introducing - The Silver Slut
    • You can find various items of Silver clothing around the city
    • Once you have them all you can put them on to turn into the Super Hero that Ellis deserves -- the Silver Slut
    • Will have its own developed story line, but this update was getting big so I wanted to post it now before getting further into the story
    • Spoilers avaiable in Forum for those who want them


  • I rearranged the transformation related media into a new schema so the _UPDATE file is over 100MB. Outside of this change the rest is minor.
  • Added some new transformation related media across multiple genres/events
  • OB Clinic Update
    • You no longer need to go through AMI to set up an OB appointment
    • OB Appointments now cost $100 per visit
  • BE trap added
    • NPCs have started taking the AMI X-Gene trial!
      • Right now only encounter is with BoobMan who while hit on a female-presenting MC sitting at the bar
      • RNG chance that any male NPC who smiles at you is BoobMan
      • BoobMan will increase your breast size 2 full cups - but it should be clearly avoidable
      • He offers a chance to reverse the effects; but nothing is free!
  • Ass-size traps added
    • New RNG event around town
      • You can RNG a chance to admire a woman's ample derrier - to certain physical impacts on your MC
      • adds +1 to your assBuff if you admire it
    • New RNG Gym Event
      • while fem-presenting and working out solo notice someone checking out your ass
      • letting him watch adds a +1 inhibBuff and a +1 assBuff
      • have to be slutty/horny enough to let him watch your ass while your workout
  • Height-Trap added
    • new porn is available on the laptop "Shorties Porn"
    • just tiny women getting railed by huge men
    • each time you watch it you get a +2 to your height-buff
    • watch it too frequently and you might just earn the Size Queen trait
  • New Mansion Event - the Spellbook
    • If you know about the potions in the mansion then when you go to the sitting room you can explore a pile of books to find a Spell book
    • it contains 3 spells - once you learn them you can cast them by choice
    • each spell adds a stamina-draing and lasts until your stamina drops below 30
    • you can manually cancel a spell by clicking on the appropriate spell name in the Character Profile menu
      • it only lists active spells 
      • not sure I'll keep this interface but I can't think of a better on yet


  • This is a pretty minor update - but I thought it'd be a nice Christmas Eve Present
  • A few dozen bug fixes in different scenes as reported by a very detail-oriented player!
  • "Skip Intro" option reworked
    • Added new option for setting the starting month of a new game (lets you jump froward to, say, December if you want to test out any seasonal content)
    • This is the main reason for this Christmas Eve release.
  • Breeder Dorm update
    • "Open front door" event added
    • stubbed out basic "happy to be a breeder" scene (still missing some images, but should be functional)
  • New Apartment - Farm Free Use Apartment
    • Either go through the breeding path or use the cell phone setting "Move into Farm Apartment"
      • NOTE: the game does expect you to be fully female to live in the apartment. If your MC is not fully fem your experience will vary.
    • This apartment does not charge rent but since the rent is free, so are you!
    • RNG free-use events with farmhands every couple of hours in the apartment
    • if you also work as a housemaid you can get free use events during your job too


  • NOTE: be sure to click the 'Adjust Variables' option in the cell phone (only need to click it once) on existing games
  • Misc Updates
    • Bug Fixes
    • Shifted some media around, if you download the _UPDATE you'll end up with some duplicate/renamed images.
    • "New" Melissa event
      • the event itself was coded some time ago, but a bug in the code blocked it from ever firing
      • while working as a night stripper you can RNG a chance to dance on Stage with Melissa
    • New Streetwalker event
      • NPCs can request you slap them in the face with your big ol' titties
      • must be at least D cup to trigger
    • Can now use your vamp powers on rando girls at Fairhaven
    • Some tweaks to logic that tracks who NPCs think you are (what body you were in when you first met them)
  • ZCup Island Updates
    • Once you discover a location on the island you can then choose to go directly there rather than randomly stumble into it
    • new location added - Mushroom Fairy Ring
  • Farmhand Updates
    • Scoring and ranking system added
    • new repeatable chore - digging a well - added for those who finish other chores early.
    • farmhands with the lowest weekly score get "punished" with an undesirable job
    • farmhands with the highest weekly score get "rewarded" with a desirable job
    • At end of first week boss tells you about ranking system, after that you can check your score ranking at the end of each day
    • It's now possible to transition from the Farmhand job to the Housemaid job if make the right/wrong choices
    • If you're too weak to do some of the farmhand jobs you can ask someone to help you
      • a few RNG tasks the NPC will offer you in exchange for help on your chore
      • One of these options is the path to transition to a Housemaid job
  • Housemaid Updates
    • As a housemaid when you clean you will notice a big metal door. You can try to open it but it's locked
    • Each time you try to open it, there's an increasing RNG chance that you'll be able to sneak inside
    • The doorway leads to the Dairy Farm's Breeder Den -- so proceed at your own risk!
      • This path leads to a fair bit of in-game time passing before you're free to roam again.
  • New Christmas Event - the Slutty Santa Clause
    • On Christmas Eve if you explore the City Park there's roughly a 50/50 chance that you can stumble across an abandoned sleigh!
    • Leads to a parody of the movie "The Santa Clause" -- you have to fill in for Santa for a night; but it's not your parents' Santa!
    • And remember - refusing to agree to some events in the game can lead to their own events
  • Two New Traits added
    • Grinch Blocked
    • Joy of Giving



  • Misc
    • bug fixes
    • new 'Zone Out' option when watching tv lets you spam 60 minute chunks. 
    • some new titty-groping media
    • new transformation buff added -- weakBuff.
      • Basically just a 'strength sink' like the other physical buffs. Once it hits 10 it'll lower your MC's strength
      • those with Ford Tough are immune from this effect
    • new RNG event around town - a traveling Florist
      • adds new weakbuff score with RNG chance for increased effect
  • New Dairy Farm Content
    • Walk around with milk stains on your shirt and people will comment
      • RNG encounter with an NPC who directs you to the market square milk booth
    • Milk Booth lady directs to her family Dairy Farm on the outskirts of town
      • They offer a specialized line of clothing 
        • the special distintive print disguises milk stains so NPCs won't see them
      • HuCow MCs might find some relief here if the pressure gets too much
      • two possible jobs here
        • Farmhand - physical labor outdoors
        • Housemaid - menial cleaning tasks indoors
        • more content will be added but the jobs should be day-to-day complete
  • Kingston Falls Content
    • I think day 1 is now 100% complete
    • some new interaction options with hubby
      • put the kids to bed and then chat with him about his day
    • NPCs can react to shaved pubes if/when they see it (shaving 'down there' wasn't very common back then'


  • Minor Updates
    • some bug tweaks and fixes
    • added some missing media for various scenes
    • Male-presenting MCs can now take "Cute" and "Sexy" selfies
    • added an "already owned" filter to outfits at all clothing stores 
    • sitting on the bench or watching TV now offers a variable for how long you want to do it. Let's you be more targeted in waiting for specific times
    • some new smoking pics
  • Kindred Trait updates
    • can now use your power on Julia and Jeffory
  • Kingston Falls update
    • Day 1 is more complete, but not yet 100% done
    • can visit the stores in town
    • more interactions with husband and kids
  • MISC
    • There's a 'Necklace Fix' option in the cell phone, existing games will want to use that to correct a variable name mistake from a few updates back
    • Kingston Falls is really still only 1 day long, so if you want to repeat it you can use a 'reset Kingston Falls' option in the cell phone


  • Minor Updates
    • Some new transformation clips in various spots (insta-preg, m2f body switch, etc)
    • new media for getting dressed
    • A few unfinished scenes (mud wrestling, breeding bull intro/outro, etc) finished with text and media
    • New mini-scene during wet T-shirt contest
    • Tweaks to Melissa's interactions for new roommate content
    • When an NPC asks you to hang out they will take your full time job schedule into account when picking a time
  • New Clothing Store
    • In the Wharf District there's a new clothing store that caters to those of the male persuasion thanks to player ThiefLord!
  • New Inventory System
    • Inventory items (shampoo, razors, tampons, etc) have been consolidated into a single Inventory array
    • should be seamless on new games
    • does not impact wearable items (clothes, jewerly, relics, etc)
  • AMI Lab Updates
    • Two New powers available from the X-Gene trial
      • Close Encounters
      • Kitty Claws
    • You can take the trial enough times to earn 2 powers, but no more
  • Dark Angel Update
    • Made it slightly easier to gain entry than it was before
    • added 9 new sluttier goth outfits added - 8 casual and 1 school girl
    • RNG chance to overhear a conversation about a new area in town!
  • New Area Added for Halloween - Outskirts of town
    • Really only has one area of interest for now -- the Ellis Cemetery (thunder crash!)
    • Area will be available in game year-round, but I added it now for Halloween
    • Explore the cemetery for some spooky adventures
      • New static NPC available here
      • New trait 'Kindred' can be obtained here
  • Dragon Bracelet Update
    • UI altered a bit
    • new Pocket world added -- Kingston Falls
      • this one is set in 1950's American Suburbia!
      • only about 90% of day 1 is complete - so feel free to explore but do save before entering
      • eventually will be a consecutive 7-day mini-game where you have to accomplish all the tasks of a mid-century American house wife; Manage the house, the kids, and your husband!



  • Minor Updates
    • some new gamer girl vids for playing MMO with the clan
    • some path tweaks and bug fixes as well
    • Media shifted around a bit (mostly workout related media)
  • New Portrait Images
    • Stable Diffusion images have been created for female-presenting MCs
    • set your portrait style to 'Scipio' in the Cell Phone Settings
  • New AMI event - X-Gene Trials
    • you have an RNG chance to develop a super power! 
    • repeatable until you do develop an ability
    • 5 or 6 different abilities available
  • New Cursed Relic at the Pawn Shoppe
  • Handful of new traits added
  • 1 new Kink added
  • New "Procedural Apartment"
    • code added to Generate procedural apartments (bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, etc) with roommates
    • ability now exists to live with any NPC in the game including:
      • Ivan and Kremmer
        • you'll have to complete their event and chose to stay with them 
        • you can escape from them after the final scene and you might run into them later
      • Melissa
        • Reach a certain relationship level and she'll bring up during random Girls Night chats
      • Random NPCs
        • two paths available
          • live at fairhaven and read the list of Roommates Wanted in the lobby
          • visit the Kiosk in the U-District and read the classfied adds



I won't be doing much dev work over the next couple of weeks, so here's an update of what I've been working on on. Some events aren't completely finished, so play at your work risk!

  • Bimbo updates
    • The flag for if your MC is considered a bimbo is now more nuanced
      • it depends on a combination of traits, makeup, clothes, etc.
    • Some more Bimbo-ish related content
      • Giggling when on dates
      • Library research options updated
    • New Bimbo Profile icon
      • When you trip the Bimbo flag your profile icon will turn even more feminine and will have a little pink bow
  • New Store at the Mall -- PINK
    • Everything there is pink in theme and is considered feminine by default
    • if you advance to bimbo-hood they will have an expanded line of clothing for your MC to wear
  • New RNG event
    • No longer can you walk the streets of Ellis completely hammerd and have no reprecussions!
    • There's some 'drunk stumbling' media if you wander around too drunk
    • if you're near to passing out you might get happened upon by an NPC without your best interest in heart


update seems small. But some of the new Pawn Shop items have huge game impacts.

  • Usual round of bug fixes
  • Minor update for Scott's Mom content
  • Clan MMO Update
    • Paul has new fun idea to do while playing online with the clan
  • Couple of new items available at the Pawn Shop
  • New Trait
  • new content at the University District Mansion
  • if you win a lot of Fight Club fights you can get offered a gig as a Breeding Bull
    • some women will pay money to have the child of a 'champion'


  • Minor Updates
    • new reactions to finding your MC suddenly pregnant
    • Wardrobe Related
      • Fan's has some new outfits and underwear sets
      • Rings are now a wearable thing
        • Fan and Dark Angel each have a line of rings you can wear
        • rings can be set in planned outfits and managed in the Jewelry box
      • NEW GAMES ONLY - First-time bra wearers have a one-time scene of struggling to learn to put on a bra
      • Homeless camp now has a wardrobe interface
  • New Shoppe added
    • Located in the Wharf District
    • It's a "specialty" Pawn Shoppe that has some items you might like to investigate
    • can also sell unwanted outfits there 
    • will be able to sell other things in a future update
    • use the 'add inventory' option in the cell phone settings to populate the shoppe on existing saves
  • New Alternate Melissa Event
    • If you spend enough time around Melissa while male-presenting she will eventually ask about it during Girls Night
    • Has a different options for you to pick from
    • replaces the "post photo shoot" talk scene
    • if you go this route, the Photo Shoot will end differently than before if your MC still has a penis
  • ZCup Island Update
    • The vines have a different effect
    • there's a new location with a peach tree you can find
  • New Clan MMO event
    • While playing online with your clan some of your clan mates will private message you
    • get friendly enough and they'll offer some 'private lessons' on another server
  • New Kinks!
  • New Traits!
  • New Relics!



  • Minor Updates
    • Interface change when scheduling dates with an NPC.
      • You can now pick any day/time in the upcoming 7 days for the date
    • Beach update
      • if you have breasts but are able to wear the men's bathing suit then you get some topless pics at the beach
    • College Courses fixed
      • will require you to 'start over' and re-sign up for courses. Use 'Purge college courses" option in the cell phone settings to clear your current course list.
    • Fortune Teller Update
      • She now asks about previous relics when she shows up to give you a new quest
      • you an lie and keep the relic or tell her the truth and turn it in
    • Sales Job updates
      • job should have all 'day-to-day' functionality and weekly review sessions
      • will add more specific job-content over time
  • Coffee Machine Added
    • Coffee machine at Best Buy
    • Coffee grounds are at Safeway
    • lets you get a caffeine hit at home
  • Two New Relics Added
    • Pocket Watch
    • Ruby Necklace
  • New Event at beach
    • While walking along the beach there is RNG change to encounter a new event 
    • NOTE: either start a new game are use the "Add NPCs" button in the cell phone setting to add NPCs related to this event



  • Minor Updates
    • bug tweaks
    • Some new ENF/caught Nude media
    • New "hypno" media during Demon mode scenes
    • can now "Get Dressed" during cam session if you've undressed during the session
    • if you get suck outside naked you can still use the car service to get a ride home
    • small tweak to "Secretary" outfits and they're renamed as "Office" wear
  • Beach Updates
    • You can now go swimming at the beach
      • watch out for those waves though, they can come out of nowhere!
    • You can now suntan nude at the beach (with a high enough expo score)
  • Mirror Updates
    • You can flex in the mirror when your mental fem rating is low enough
      • basically the opposite of Posing -- gives you a boost to your dudeBuff score which can help turn you more physically male
  • New Date Option
    • Once you've discovered the Wharf District you can go on dinner dates at Pearl
      • Be sure you have enough to cover the cost of the meal! Not all NPCs will be willing to pay...
  • New Safeway Cosmetic item
    • after about 2 weeks in the game you'll see a new Advert in Safeway for a new AMI product -- ABZ Deodorant
    • May or may not have side-effects!
  • College Course Update
    • Some tweaks and fixes
    • Should be able to earn the certificate from all courses
    • Business Degree obtained once you have the Math, Econ, and HR certs
  • New Big Red Job
    • Once you have a Business Degree you can get a Sales job at Big Red Paper
    • Day-to-day functionlity in place and you can arrange and go on sales meetings but that's about it
    • will add weekly reviews and random events over time
  • New Item at Mall Pharmacy - MoodBoosters (tm)
    • These will give you a boost to your mood that should last a few hours
    • can access from medicine cabinet or your purse (if you put them in there)
    • careful about taking too many though -- the might be habit forming
  • New Trait - Parental Guidance Suggested
    • See forums for spoilers






  • fixes for a variety of small but annoying bugs
  • Lots of new pics seeded throughout the game
    • Pregnant/ENF/etc
  • Laundry Update
    • The University Apartment building now has it's own laundry room
    • in all laundry places, your MC can strip nude and wash his/her current outfit (if your stats allow it) 
    • I'm sure nothing untoward could happen to a nude fem-ish character in a public place...
  • Demon Mode Update
    • You should now "absorb" your victim's fantasies and take part as domme/sub based on what the NPC wants
    • your Demon Mode alter-ego should also be super into all the fun sexy times, even if your MC is normally prudish and boring.
  • .gif to .webp
    • The main reason for this update is that I switched all the .gifs to .webps -- reducing the overall size of the entire game by almost 500MB!
    • but this update is large now to replace all those .gifs
    • you can leave your current build as is if you don't mind a bloated footprint or extra un-used media.
    • Advisable to download the _FULL instead of the _UPDATE to gain full advantage of the media shifts.


  • Misc Updates
    • misc bug fixes
    • the Cameo (profile icon you click to access your profile) will be Masc or Fem based on your presenting gender
    • Big Red job refactored a bit to make room for a 3rd job position. shouldn't have any visual impact yet, just rearranging and sorting code
    • Laundry service updated to wash all outfits
    • If you go jogging with breasts but no bra you'll have a little extra "bounce" in your routine.
    • Added some more 'flashing tits in the car' media
  • Wharf Update
    • There's a new abandoned warehouse you can explore.
    • Leads to a repeatable change event - but might not be for everyone.
  • Dating update
    • New Conversation Topics
      • still pretty basic for now, but will grow into a more interactive dating event.
  • Mirror Updates
    • Some new actions added to the mirror screen
    • You can check out various body parts as they grow and change
  • New Traits added
    • see Forum for Spoilers
  • New Relic added
    •  See Form for spoilers
  • New Julia Event
    • Julia has a fun new repeatable game for you to play
    • RNG to trigger as long as you don't have any active quests and are fem-presenting
  • University Update
    • More classes available - Math, Economics, Human Relations
    • You can at least sign up and attend all courses -- but they don't all have complete endings


  • Misc Updates
    • Rain Update
      • Rain has always been in the game, but now you'll get some media if you get caught out in the rain without an umbrella
      • during the 'wet' months (Sep-April) it should rain more frequently than during the rest of the year
    • New Starting Year
      • New games have been updated to start in 2022 instead of 2019
      • old games hould be fine to continue as they are
    • New Nail Polish
      • A handful of new fingernail polish have been added thanks to IceCrash
    • New Makeup
      • You can now learn Goth makeup style from the clerk at Dark Angel
    • More Pregnant Pics
      • Handful of new pregnant pics seeded in different scenes thanks to Ajax
    • Legends Gym Update
      • You can now jump rope as a workout
    • Updated Bus Event
      • the "someone gropes your tits" event has been updated to be more interactive
    • Less Picky NPCs
      • NPCs at Dirty Dick's won't care what you have between your legs as long as you have a hole they can use
      • Similarly at Kelly's Pub NPCs at night are more willing to sleep with a trans MC (during the day they're still pretty prudish)
    • New Melissa Event
      • If you're friends with Melissa and you're working as a night-dancer at the strip club you'll have a new RNG interaction with her


  • New Profile System
    • There's a new AI Generated "paper doll" profile image system thanks to Daishi
    • Use the "Change Portrait Style" option in your Cell Phone Settings to alter the image style
    • Offers images more tailored to how your MC actually looks at the given moment.
    • This is sort of still a Work In Progress, but it's pretty damn cool as is if I say so
  • Ellis University is Open for Business!
    • Only offers one course for now, but will add more over time
    • Go to the Admin Center in Red Square to sign up for the class
    • Complete the course and earn a Certificate
  • New Job -Hair Stylist
    • With the proper certification and training you can get hired at Salacious Salon as a Stylist
    • I wonder how you you could earn a certificate from an accredited university...
  • New Julia Event
    • Only happens when you and Julia are inside together (IE: does not trigger at Uni Apartment)
    • Julia makes you stand in front of a window...harmless, right?
  • New Stall at the Market
    • It's RNG to find, but each week it will have a different selection of "knock off" clothing -- outfits you can find at other stores but are steeply discounted here because they're imitations
  • Scott's Family Troubles
    • Scott's lunch date with his mom is now available
    • Get his relationship high enough and he'll mention some issue with his mom
    • If you chose to help you can go with him to lunch with her
  • New Dirty Clothes Mechanic
    • if you live at Fairhaven there's no change
    • Everywhere else -- you don't live with your mother so there's no one to do your laundry
    • The bus Station in every district has an attached Laundromat
    • You can purchase a cleaning service (implements Fairhaven logic in all homes)
    • At the Penthouse you can use the built-in washing machine



  • Minor Updates
    • Fortune Teller can appear in any district where you live.
    • Small tweaks to Julia's story line to tie in with where you live
    • Car Show Update so media better matches your outfit during some scenes
    • Potions update - can now add modifer to height potion to gain/lose more height at once
    • Some updates to Paul's progession (shower vs game vs slutty)
    • All media added for ending the alien abduction story line
    • ATM added to Bus station in all districts
    • New RNG event while wandering around town
  • New Pregnant Outfits
    • Once visibly pregnant go to Slutz to see their new line of "Pregnant Slut" wear.
  • Portrait Update
    • Male-presenting images extended to all hair colors (still a handful in each color missing)
  • New Traits
    • "Flood Damage" and "Modern Day Rapunzel"
  • Wharf District Updates
    • Legends Boxing Gym is now open in Wharf District
      • boxing is "manly" activity, as far as the game is concerned.
    • New high-end seafood restaurant "Pearl" now open on the pier
  • New Research Topic
    • Starting in this release if you encounter magic Z Cups then they'll become a topic you can research at the library


  • Code Cleanup update
    • Long running games should have smaller saves, variables are cleared and reused more efficiently
    • This will be most useful on new games.
  • New Cam Girl Requests
    • Twerk
    • Masturbate with Dildo
    • note: still a few missing clips, but most scenarios should have media
  • Profile Body Pic Update
    • When your strength is high and you have a flat chest your "body" pic in the Profile screen should show a more manly image
  • Paul Arc Update
    • Playing games with Paul offline (after playing online with clan) has been reworked
    • You'll do more than simply dress up as a girl if Paul has his way!
    • may, or may not, work with existing saves. That's probably case-by-case based on your save point
  • Julia Update
    • Julia's influence now extends outside of Fairhaven -- moving out won't necessarily free you from her
    • Slightly different interactions if you live at University Apartment vs other homes
    • Some events are based on where you live



  • Misc Updates
    • Smoking has a reduce impact on sleep
    • You'll now only use the infinite compact relic when you have no regular makeup. If you buy more makeup you'll stop using the relic
    • As a fully fem MC with a stretched out vagina; if you stop having sex for a few days it should shrink back down
    • Can now fight in Fight Club
    • New Media for:
      • Oral
      • HJ
      • Fem Facial
      • cum-on-tits
  • Melissa Updates
    • Girls Night now always starts at 8:30 pm regardless of anything else. If you work as a waitress at Hooters then Melissa and the girls will just wait for you at the bar until 11:30pm
    • During the Photoshoot event it's possible for fully fem MCs to turn down Melissa's advances so you remain platonic friends.
  • Julia Updates
    • New RNG event - Julia takes you for a ride in her car
    • must have at least AA cups
  • New District
    • The Casino area has been replaced with a Wharf District with
      • the casino
      • a Pier (WIP)
      • an empty parking lot that can hold different events (like car shows)
  • Male Clothing Impact
    • outfits with a BLUE border can help push your presnting gender back towards male
      • the impact is small, but it is there
  • New Male Oufits
    • Fan's will finally get that shippment of male outfits!
      • doesn't happen for some time into the game
      • don't expect too much -- just a couple of outfits
    • Time To Play has found one set of male swim trunks in their storeroom
  • Alien Encounter Update
    • You can now get the option to short-circuit the alien event
      • you have to bring them at least one NPC to the park
      • mostly for those who don't like the event and want to end it
  • Alchemist Mansion
    • There's some kind of water fountain in the Potions room...
  • Mood Update 
    • So that you have to pay attention to your mood your MC can now suffer depresssion and mental breakdowns if your mood is too low!
      • Random crying events while moving around the city
      • sometimes you just won't feel like getting out of bed
  • New Trial added to AMI
  • New Trait Added
    • Titled "Chemical Attraction"
  • Roommate Updates
    • Help Scott work on his car enough and he'll finish it and enter it in a car show
      • you can go with him and hang out there -- a few RNG events
    • Once you've passed Paul's MMO challenge let him know! The clan is waiting to play!


  • Misc updates
    • Mostly this update is for a handful of bugfixes for some of the new content in the previous release
    • Tweaks for planned outfits -- deleting/losing outfits should now update your saved/favorites inventory correctly
    • Deleting Potions now works correctly
      • for existing games
        • you will lose all your memorized potions
        • click the "fix potion mechanic" in the cell phone settings to update the potion-related code
    • Phone GPS Device update
      • about a 1/10 chance of.....something happening when you use the device
    • "Fighting" skill added
      • train with the self defense class
      • can help with those unwanted aggresive NPCs
  • Alchemist Mansion update
    • Get into the secret room (even for existing games where you've already been there) to trigger the new update
  • New Relics
    • One new relic added to Fortune Tellers' rotation
      • for existing games click the "add new relic" option in the cell phone settings
    • Second new relic seeded into the game world but Fortune Teller never sends you for it. You have to find it on your own



  • Misc Updates
    • some small GFE App updates for basic functionality
    • Jogging added to the University District
    • Masturbating "too much" can you earn you a trait (the trait isn't new, but earning it this way is)
    • more TF Reaction clips
      • couple of ass growth clips
      • some Ass/vag reaction clips
    • new Bimbo Check
      • sort of like the m/f-presenting checks; the game now checks if you look like a bimbo
      • uses same basic code as was originally in the Big Red Office job arc
      • Currently only used in 3 spots: Office Job, Walking between districts, and the University Library
    • University Library Update
      • You can now do some (limited) research in the University Library (new games only)
    • Guest NPC code updated
      • Inviting an NPC over to Kelly's Apartment or the Penthouse now fully functional
  • Hand Holding Update
    • Not really any new content, per se, but I've added some queues and prompts for new players who aren't familiar with this type of game
    • new "main quest" basically to find a place to live and figure out your money sitch
    • some clothing related quests to prompt you to go shopping
    • a few new dialog pieces with some NPCs to goad you into leaving the Downtown Area
    • some hopefully non-imerssion breaking app usage tips
  • Church Added to University District
    • Mostly just a vehicle to offer removing kinks -- confess you sins and kinks can be removed
  • MMO Branch complete
    • the online MMO story arc is 100% complete and finished
    • Paul's overall storyline still dead-ends here
  • Outfit Changes
    • The "Plan an outfit" interface has changed
    • can now plan (in theory) an unlimited amount of outfits
    • you can mark 10 of those saved outfits as "favorites"
    • your 10 faves get cycled through with the Habits app automation
  • New Repeatable Melissa Content
    • it's a random topic during Girl's Night
    • Date contest -- pay $50 to the pot and try to get more dates in a single week than the other girls
    • if you win you get the pot everyone paid into 
  • New Park Event
    • Go walking or exploring the park at night
    • SAVE FIRST -- both cuz it's a low-chance event so you'll want to save scum but also cuz the event has.....consquences that you may not want to keep.
  • Pregnancy Updates
    • More pregnancy outfits at Modern Maternity
    • walking between districts now has preg images
    • "Wash your belly" added to shower
    • "Belly Oil" added to mall Pharmacy



  • Misc updates
    • more media for some Kink scenes
    • paychecks from Hooters and the Office job now calculate correctly
    • your lips will chap less frequently (thirst has to drop below 20%)
    • food prices tweaked
    • Cell Phone OS Update
      • should be seamless, but has some changes under-the-hood
    • Makeup tweak
      • NOTE: for existing games click "Fix makeup array" if your Habits app has a blank value for makeup style
    • Office Job update
      • People at the Office job now react to your presenting gender. If you look like like a dude in a dress some of them may complain
    • New Random Event
      • It's windy in the Downtown area, you might want to be careful if you're walking around while wearing a skirt!
    • New mechanic - vagina size
      • size increases if you stick large things in there
      • having a baby will max out vagina size
  • New Class at the Community Center
    • Learn self defense! counts as workout and possible way to raise dominance
    • there is no actual "fighting skill" in the game. So you don't actually learn anything from the class, it's just a content-delivery method for dominance boosts.
  • Transformation Updates
    • dudeBuff now a thing
      • There are various activities in the game that can add to your "dudeBuff" score
        • once this score is high enough you will randomly "re-masculinate" one trait. IE: You turn more male
        • which trait is impacted is random
        • there are only a few ways to activate this in-game currently, might be hard to actually trigger.
    • Height can now be impacted 
      • You can shrink (to a limit) when being feminized
      • you can grow (to a limit) when being re-masculinated (?)
      • you can lock your current height using the ring relic
  • New Lab Trial
    • Vaginal Rejuvination -- only available to fully fem chars
  • New Trait
    • Hair Trigger
      • just like it sounds, you can cum with just the slightest of touches
      • pants and underwear might become problematic to wear
  • MMO Update
    • 99% complete - only one branch remains stubbed, all others have media and text
  • New Cell Phone App
    • New App GFE App is available
    • lets you sell GFE (Girlfriend Experience) sessions to paying customers!
    • it technically functions, but there's not real impacts yet and the loops are empty
    • right now only availbale through Paul's MMO route but will add more over time
  • Roommate Updates
    • Scott is always gone Saturday afternoons. Talk to him an hour beforehand to find out more
      • leads to opening sex encounters with Scott
      • spending Time with Scott can help raise the aforementioned DudeBuff score
  • Seasonal Event
    • During the month of December you can help out at a Santa's Village!
    • available 12/1 - 12/24 as an oddjob on the bulliten board
    • several positions available, you find out what your assignment is when you arrive
    • about 8 or 9 RNG sub-events based on position, presenting gender, gender preference, etc

Since it's a US holiday I thought I'd post what I have so far and you can play a porn game instead of spending time with your extended families!

There are enough minor changes in the basic game code that a fresh start is HIGHLY recomended.

  • Misc Updates
    • some tweaks to male/female presenting calculation
    • Julia has a couple of new punishments
      • 3 in total and it's RNG on which gets picked
    • Your lips can now get chapped
    • but you can now also buy lip balm to heal your chapped lips
      • I'm sure there's no other negative side effect.
    • New "Wash your chest" option in the shower
      • Again, I'm sure it's perfectly harmless.
    • New Exercise routine at the gym
    • new random event
      • Some new thieves have moved into the city. Carefuly what you carry with you
  • University Roomate Updates
    • More conversation options
    • Shower scenes fully scripted
    • Roommmates added to cellphone when you first meet them
    • Paul's Bedroom
      • Paul's bedroom now fully functional
      • Paul has some events that are not fully finished. It should not dead-end or error out, but you'll have some missing images and stubbed-out text if you go deep into the MMO route
      • Paul's opinion of you could lock off certain events
  • New Relic Added with a new Quest
    • See forums for spoilers
    • available from the Fortune Teller
    • if you want to try and use an existing game use the "add new relic" option in the cell phone settings
  • Introducing NPC gender preferences
    • Any randomly generated NPC has an 80% chance to be straight, a 10% chance to be bi, and a 10% chance to be gay
    • NPCs may comment if you look like a man wearing women's clothing
    • NPCs who do not like your presenting gender should stay plutonic and shun any sexual advances
    • Existing games will have some odd reactions with NPCs already on your cell phone
  • NPC Reactions to your package
    • NPCs now react to any "surprises" you may be packing
      • if you are non-binary the NPC may take offense at being mislead - or they might roll with it
      • NPCs might get mad, or indifferent, or turned on
      • You can chose to tell the NPC or let them find out the "fun" way



  • Misc Updates
    • Name Customization
      • New games have the option to change your starting first and last name
    • Baby Crazy Trait impacts
      • Fully female chars having vaginal sex can't NOT chose to have your partner finish inside
      • Fully female chars who are not inerested in males will still have the option to sleep with them to get that baby batter.
  • Journal Updates
    • The journal has been updated for QOL
    • This doesn't REQUIRE a new start, but the journal will probably be pretty useless for existing games
    • Now have the ability to add and remove custom notes to your journal
  • Univeristy Apartment updates
    • Getting caught in the shower scenes now fully implemented
      • different branches depending on who walks in on you
    • Add start of Paul-specific event
  • New Traits Added
    • See Forum for spoilers
  • Kinks added
    • Sort of like Traits  - once you earn a kink you will need to satisfy it to have a "good" orgasm. Without satisfying your kinks our orgasms should be less-than-impressive
    • Kink options are accessed during sex scenes
    • See forums for spoilers on how to obtain



  • Misc Updates
    • More Sex Media
      • should have media for 99.9% of non-Anal non-F/F scenes
    • Clothing Updates
      • Some fixes for Dark Angel outifts
      • Dozens and DOZENS of new ZCup Outfits and Bras thanks to @warbler
  • Melissa Update
    • All 3 Makeover Party events are fully coded and complete
      • each event offers some skill boost and an increase in the Beauty Calculation for the item in question (makeup, clothes, hair, etc)
  • New Apartment
    • There's a new apartment in the University District that's quite a bit cheaper than Kelly's Pub and even Fairhaven. But it has roomates!
    • Some location-specific events are still WIP, but should be fully functional place to live with interactable-roommates
    • most of the this Development phase was spent getting the groundwork laid out for living with two semi-autonamous NPCs. Next cycle will be fleshing out their story arcs and events
    • NOTE: to use an existing save you'll need to click the "Add new NPCs" option in your cell phone settings


  • mostly this is to fix the date engine crash and the date-schedule leapfrog issues.
  • but to make it worthwhile to download a new version
    • More sex media - anal-missionary for all gender combos
    • Melissa's second makeover party is available     


 NOTE: Some things will work better with a new game -- but existing saves should be fine for 99% of the updates. the remaining 1% should be minor issues.

  • Various bug fixes
  • Added some more sex scenes (GH money shots, undressing, some other misc fixes)
  • New Store Interface (for generic non-clothing items IE: Safeway, Riteaid, etc)
  • New Clothing Store in the mall available thanks to @IceCrash's hard work
  • A new Magazine has been added (both to Fairhaven free stack and the Magazine Kiosk)
  • Dating Update
    • Newer players may not remember but the older version of the game allowed you to invite NPCs back to your place after a date. That's been re-added
    • You can also text them and ask them to come over
      • Note: you will have to "refresh" the screen to see the notice when they arrive -- leaving and entering the living room, opening and closing your cellphone, etc
  • New "Examine yourself" Shower scene completed
    • offers you a way to react to your changes. Minimal (though there is some) impact for now
  • Ivan And Kremmer story line completed start-to-finish
  • Several new traits have been added (spoilers in forum)
  • Never-ending compact curse has been completed 
  • Added another of Julia's "You look like a guy - let's fix that" events
  • Melissa's Makeover Party extended
    • this will be a repeatable event -- only the first iteration is available
    • adds some boosts to your beauty calc



  • Misc fixes and updates
    • strip club payments corrected
    • lunar cycle triggers updated
    • moon images match lunar cycle
    • journal entries corrected
    • gym bunny trait fixed
    • twerking at strip club can raise ass buff value 
  • Weight Loss
    • working out makes you a little hungry
    • "have a snack" option available in kitchens
      • fills 25% of hunger bar for a fraction of a 'full meal' calorie cost
    • weight loss metric now correctly computing 3-day average
  • More ZCup Fits
    • pregnancy ZCup fits
    • replacements for costumes and quest items
  • Sewing Kits
    • Kits are now consumable
    • random chance to succesfully alter outfit or break needle
    • can raise skill with community center courses
  • Ivan and Kremmer
    • another branch completed
    • still one or two more to go


Review by lrsix6

Version reviewed: 1.1.1 on 01/27/2025







The following text is in English. Due to the limitations of machine translation, it may not fully and accurately convey my intended meaning.


     This is the most promising game I have experienced. In GL, players are restricted to female characters, while in SOB, they are limited to male characters. This game, however, offers a wider range of possibilities. The inclusion of supernatural elements adds significant novelty and depth to the gameplay.


    I've been following the game since a few years ago, and there are still a few bugs, but the overall progress is very satisfactory. I didn't have much time to play, and a lot of the missions didn't go very deep, because it would be embarrassing for my family to see me playing these kinds of games.


    English is not my native language, and reading English is a bit difficult for me. I am trying to translate this game into my own native language, which can make my gameplay smoother. I hope the author can work hard. Many people in my community are paying attention to this game and looking forward to it very much.

Review by ecostarr

Version reviewed: 1.1.1 on 01/18/2025

This is one of those games that I both love and hate. In terms of an overall experience it is more similar to Girl's life than any other transformation game on TF. That said, my biggest problem is my inability to control my own transformation. Every single time I've played I've been turned into a woman, even though trans content is discussed in the changelogs, and SheM content is offered in the tags.  Everytime it happens, I try reloading an old save and trying again. Nope, your choices either lead you into being a man again or a woman. Accepting feminization doesn't mean I want MtF. It's frustrating.

Review by user210

Version reviewed: 1.0.3 on 06/21/2024

One of the best game on this site. 9.8/10 score, its final form will be just near perfect in terms of corruption and transformation. Also this is a game where, if patreon is opened, I can bet that thousands will flock to support it. I honestly want an option for fans to support this author. At one side we have AAA games not caring for fans and here we have a porn game hidden in the net with insane level of dedication towards the original vision of the game.


Edit: @RusScp, this game draws inspirations from games which have lot of sub quests and quite lackluster main storyline. Focus here  is to create a sandbox with different storylines and let players play the game as they like. This enhances the replayability as no single run is similar to other even if you try hard to follow the same steps. There are ways to become a man, even have power to change genders, or become a woman or complete bimbo at the start of the game. 

Review by RusScp

Version reviewed: 1.0.3 on 06/21/2024

Diversity without purpose

The game is a sandbox in which the player needs to survive from scratch, with $ 100 in his pocket and a phone, and all this is compounded by the curse / blessing of feminization.

From the very beginning, we have a choice whether to go along with the fortune teller or resist and preserve our masculinity. All the simple decisions in the game lead to becoming a girl, and sometimes they are almost inevitable

The game has a lot of content, different jobs and different housing. There are many secrets that can give unique abilities or effects.

2 brothers that will turn you into a bimbo, a mansion with alchemical potions, a demon summoning circle and much more with each update, more and more content is added, which of course cannot but please

Quite another thing is depressing, the author, as if sated with his own imagination, does not finish the job, switching from one topic to another, rarely offering a full-fledged experience, which is why it does not work out to play the story of transformation. There are several cheap ways to instantly become a girl in the game by depriving yourself of some of the content, not always even allowing you to adequately avoid such an experience.

While we have several NPCs through relationships with whom we gradually discover femininity in ourselves in different ways, Melissa, Julia, Paul, NPCs who slowly push us to turn into a girl, also In the last patch we added an event where we get into a high-tech location from which you can only get out by transforming and 3 out of 4 options will turn you are turned into a girl, which is why the value of those 3 NPCs almost completely disappears.

I would like the author to focus on a specific topic and add more and more content to it, and only after finishing it, start a new potential plot branch.

Review by Duncan26

Version reviewed: 0.12.2 on 01/24/2024

I agree that the Ai images are working well for this game. Sometimes they are something that ruins a game, in this case I feel they add to it positively.

Total Games: 2,269
Total Contests: 32
Total Reviews: 21,552
Total Engines: 33
Total Adult Themes: 10
Total Transformation Themes: 26
Total Multimedia Themes: 10
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