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Version: alpha first release


Reborn is a 3d adventure based on the unity engine.


Warning: There is no tf on this version ! This is a first release. I spent 2 months to get to this alpha version. Keep in mind that unity games need a bit more work. Don't hesitate to give a return on this alpha version. I hope I made the base for a nice game here.

Have a nice day you sluts !

Review by freya102

Version reviewed: alpha first release on 04/12/2020

No choices. Next to no gameplay to be found. The differences in art style are jarring. The 3d work is good I like the style there.

Please stop using fade to black transitions.

Overall pretty lackluster. Its only novelty is that its a Unity game.

Review by IAmAHuman

Version reviewed: alpha first release on 02/19/2020

I'm in a little hurry, so I'll do bullet points this time. Here are the negatives:

  • The English here is really rough, it's good enough to be understandable, but you can tell it's from someone with inexperience.
  • All the cutscenes are automatic and don't let you pause or skip them. They're presented as visual novel bits but are delivered like cutscenes, making the presentation feel awkward and annoying. All the shortcomings of visual novel presentation with none of its benefits. You can mash the left mouse button to somewhat speed it along, but it's still somewhat sluggish.
  • The controls for navigating the map are bad. Moving the mouse to the edges of the screen in the full town map make the map scroll instantaneously in that direction at blazing speeds. Inside the office is the same deal except the speed is just sluggish enough to be irritating. A much better implementation would be making the right mouse button or the middle mouse button toggle to a scrolling mode for maps and have the mouse's movement speed and position on the screen be reletive to how fast it goes, ala any decent city sim game.
  • Like therandomestpersons said, the art style horribly clashes; and the photos of the characters don't blend in with the art style of the 3D environments. And this is just personal, but the photos themselves look bad with that filter on them and the aged face with "Amy."
  • The content is so very little here at this point it's hard to even justify calling this alpha even. The story is little more than an outline for events to be filled in later, and the outline isn't very expansive anyway. It's a challenge to view this as erotic in anyway right now.
  • No user options. At all. No graphics adjustments, no saving and loading, just a power off button that does nothing else but shut the game down (much to my dismay), and a "quick start" option at the beginning.

And here's the positives:

  • Assuming this game even has an ending after reaching 90 days (the end of summer), it could be a somewhat interesting speedrun game all about mouse navigation and skills. The bare-bones routine you do in this game is completely predictable so it's all about positing your cusor at the right spots and mashing it at the right time. It could be like that Clue PC game speedrun that was in less than a second. I don't know if this game does have an ending right now, I went up to 30 days before declaring myself done.

Yeah to be blunt, I think this is bad, sorry. I didn't enjoy it. Yes, it's just an alpha pre-release at this point, it's barely representative of the intended product, and it's free. But here's how I look at it: This is a proof-of-concept, and proof-of-concepts are supposed to convince me that their concept has potential, or proof of their worth rather. (That was forced, sorry) The presentation here was so rough and unsexy to me that it really failed to convince me of the proof of its concept. Changing Room is also a proof-of-concept, and it convinced me to hell and back of the proof of its concept. I suppose it could be something someday, but we have a very long way to go.


So keep working on this and I'll get back to you sev.

Review by therandomestpersons

Version reviewed: alpha first release on 02/16/2020

So...since for whatever reason the creator of this game didn't post an actual description of the game, i guess i'll do that here. From what little of it i viewed, the plot seems to be 'bunch of doms somehow got control of an entire island and somehow change every women who visits the island into bimbo sluts.' didn't view too far past that to see how the player character (who is a dude) factors into that. 

Also, despite saying its a 3d game....it instead seems to be a visual novel with two greatly contrasting art/asset styles. Like, the art for the characters is rather....unusual. One piece of it has someone who looks like a kardashian but also appears to be in their 60s. While the non-character art has a much more cartoon-ish style, vibrant, rounded edges, very polygonal. Which creates quite the disconnect between the two. Now this could be because it is very early in development and matching and or less clashing art hasn't been made/acquired yet but it still quite the unusual choice in my opinion.


So, yeah i really didn't do anything with it other then to see what it was supposed to be so i could inform others. 

Review by Unicron9999

Version reviewed: alpha first release on 02/16/2020

really sleek and a nice frame work! Now it's just time for *content*


Review by johnnynod

Version reviewed: alpha first release on 02/16/2020

As a concept, it's promising, particularly with the foundational 3D visuals...but it obviously needs a LOT of work past the foundations presented here.


It's got potential, though! :)

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