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Version: 0.21.0

Version: 0.19.0

Event Girl
by Sylen


"Event Girl is an interactive story, in which you take control of a young college student going on a field trip with his class to a Cryolab. The year is 2023, and promising progress is being made in the Cryostasis field.

However, an unfortunate accident on the field trip has unknowingly left you in permanent stasis. You wake up, flung far into the future. The year is now 2206 and the world is a very different place. Not only that, but you're not even yourself anymore. The corporation responsible for your awakening; eVentia Corp has changed you into a more suitable candidate to pay off your crippling debt to them.

The world of the future now lies before your new feminine self.

You must now become, an Event Girl." - Sylen


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*Please consider supporting me if you like what I'm doing. Thank you.*


*Changelog Updated.

*Alpha Notice: This is an Alpha Build, everything is subject to change, there will be bugs, there will be missing features and this is not representative of the whole vision of the game.



- Sylen


Event Girl is an interactive story, in which you take control of a young college student going on a field trip with his class to a Cryolab. The year is 2023, and promising progress is being made in the Cryostasis field.

However, an unfortunate accident on the field trip has unknowingly left you in permanent stasis. You wake up, flung far into the future. The year is now 2206 and the world is a very different place. Not only that, but you're not even yourself anymore. The corporation responsible for your awakening; eVentia Corp has changed you into a more suitable candidate to pay off your crippling debt to them.

The world of the future now lies before your new feminine self.

You must now become, an Event Girl.

Story Content:
- Finished Quest: Amanda Seduction Mission
- Added Quest: The Final Wager
- Added the Conclusion for the Amanda Storyline (Intended to have Several Endings)
- Added Amanda CEO Ending.
- Removed Amanda from the world from now (as interactible).
System Content:
- Added 2 new Vaginal Scenes for when the player has 2 specific cybermods.
- Added 2 new Blowjob Scenes for when the player has 2 specific cybermods.
Event Content:
- Altered some Receptionist events and retouched them all.
- Added a new Event: Linus Schedule.
- Added a new Event: Event Schedule.
- Added 3 new outcomes to Groping Incident (Slutty, Cool, Social).
- Added 2 new outcomes to Guidance Incident (Cool 1, Cool 2).
- Added 2 new outcomes to Upskirt Photography Incident (Bimbo, Cool).
- Added 3 new outcomes to Skirt Promo Incident (Bimbo, Cool, Mind).
- Added 3 new outcomes to Comic Convention Incident (Slut, Cool, Mind).
- Added 4 new outcomes to Harassment Incident (Slut, Bimbo, Masculine, Mind).
- Receptionist is now considered complete as an Event (Next is Maid).
- Cleaned up a lot of the code structure (had put this on hold for a long time)
- Fixed up the boink system, so that it behaves more like a module.
- Fixed up the noun system, so that it behaves more like a module.
- Moved a lot of javascript around, so that it's easier to navigate in the future.
- Changed the way that speaking works code-wise and added comments.
- Changed the way that events work.

- Fixed errors popping up during some sex scenes
- Fixed climax images simply replacing already unfolded images.
- Fixed Amanda's missions being available straight away
- Fixed Reflections getting stuck with Female start (now receives special 'Born Female' stat instead).
- Fixed Reflections for Unlucky Fella showing up for Damsel in Debt.
- Fixed player not knowing how to masturbate as a woman during Damsel in Debt.
- Fixed/changed the way meditating for the first time operates
- Fixed jessica/angry.png not being available.
- Fixed one of the body rental conclusions not actually counting intercouse properly.
- Even though it was intended, have changed it so the Hypernet Access event will repeat until all options are experienced.
- Added Shortcuts to "Psyche Clinic" and "Gloria Lane" to the map.

- Added all Bimbo Reflection passages (instead of placeholders).
- Added Quest: Amanda Meeting 3
- Added Quest: Amanda Seduction Mission
- Added Reflections to the debug menu (for testing)
- Fixed the bug with the Meditation mission.
- Added all Slut Reflection passages (instead of placeholders).
- Added Quest: Amanda Meeting 2
- Added Quest: Amanda Bug Mission
- Added Location: Waller Gardens (with an Elevator in the Gloria Hotel leading to it)
- Added Location: Amanda´s Office
- Added Amanda Waller location schedule.
- Added some default lines for her for now.
- Made it more clear that you need to pass Feminine before you can reflect on Slut, and Slut before Bimbo.
- Added a huge "NEW GAMES ONLY" message at the start.
- Fixed the error for "Time" that would show up if the player refreshed/updated the game in-browser.
- Rewrote the first meeting with Amanda to more fit her newly expanded Character Arc.
- Fixed a lot of typos/grammar.
- Fixed a dead end in the first meeting with Amanda.


Review by senorsmut

Version reviewed: 0.21.0 on 11/07/2021

Review for build 0.21.0.



  • Good premise and setting, As others have stated, the sci fi elements add a nice twist to the transformation life sim genre we all know and love. The setting hints at complexity and some broader elements to come, and it's already aparrent that the reality of the place is far grimmer than the glittering exterior would have to believe. I look forward to being able to peel back the layers in later builds.
  • There's already an intriguing basis for a story in place. Right now we're only seeing the barest hints of it, but I anticipate it expanding greatly in later installments. 
  • One of my favorite elements of games of this type is the paper doll function, and it works well here. There's already a wide variety of clothing implemented and mizing and matching (or going without) is fun. However, see below.
  • A nice variety of jobs is already in place and I anticipate more becoming available in later releases. I'd like to see a wider variety of stuff available eary on that she's willing to do even when her resistances are very high, but that can be added later. I also assume that later builds will also incude wilder jobs, and maybe even one-off jobs that present unique choices and challenges. Hopefully. Because that would be fun.
  • The game is fun and compulsively playable in the way that only  good life-sim can be. There is grind but you'll thoroughly exhaust all content available at this early stage before the grind starts feeling grindy. It's one of the best games I've ever played on this site and it's only getting better.



  • Buggy as all get-out. This mostly involves an inordinate number of broken links. Some of them are merely links to illustratice porn gifs, which is irritating but not crippling. More irritating by far is that every link to vaginal sex (bar the gangbang that occurs during one of the booth events if you are a bimbo) is broken, which prevents all of those events from progressing. It's weird because all other sex types work just fine.
  • Speed of progression through the personality traits seems off. Even when actively trying to avoid it, daily life, nonsexual jobs, and especially dreaming seem to shove you through the ranks of Femininity and Sluttiness pretty quickly. I suspect that most players want to soar up those ranks anyway, but it would be nice if it were at least possible to take it slower. Maybe that's coming in a later release.
  • There is a strange disconnect between clothing and jobs. Consistently the player is able to work jobs that require clothing that the player is unwilling to wear when she leaves home. When the MC says shje won't wear the receptionist outfit because she thinks it's obscene but then can go to the Event Board and work the Receptionist job and auto-wear the outfit, it breaks immersion.
  • It would be nice if your player couldn't buy clothes she's unwilling to wear. It doesn't matter so much once she gets her feet under her, but in the initial stages when money is tight it hurts to get home, have her put on the clothes you just bought, and have her say, "I can't wear that outside!"
  • This is a balance issue that I'm sure will be addressed later, but in interests of full reporting on the current state of things, there is no feeling of desperation in the game. The player is told that the MC is under threat of severe saction if she doesn't make regular payments on her debt, but making huge payments a couple times a week becomes trivial once you buy clothes to do the Girlfriend job. I want to feel the desperate push to do more and more, and right now it isn't there at all.
  • I'm 100% sure this will get addressed later, but I'll mention it here anyway: there should be liesure events the player can attend and other tempting ways to blow the MC's money instead of throwing every penny at the debt. Again, I'm suire this is an early-build problem that will be addressed later.



4/5. It loses one full star because vaginal sex is utterly broken.


tl;dr: Why are you still reading this when you could be playing Event Girl instead?

Review by erinraven

Version reviewed: 0.17.1 on 08/15/2021

This game stands out (even as an alpha) among the many life simulator clones on this site is the sci-fi element, which provides a better backstory and richer storytelling than some shoehorned diabolus ex machina at the start of the adventure.  "Life was fine, and omgs Imma wimmin nao aaarg"

The problem is there's too much misogynistic talk, even coming from the player's own narration.  I get it, guys don't get catcalled on literally every street corner, and yet, it's still well executed because the catcalls quickly transition from criticism to open propositioning. And yet I can live with it because of the sci-fi element: if people could be enhanced as easily in this game, people probably would behave like this.  I'd expect more non-Event Girl women making snide commentary, and there seems to be a general dearth of women in general in this version.

The grindy parts aren't bad either: there's already several hours of content here, your character quickly climbs out of the treading water phase. What isn't clear is what will happen when you finally pay off your enormous debt which they have so graciously charged to you, the victim of the accident!  There needs to be a better connection to the endpoint, which for many of these games is tenuous at best.

Review by RedGhost

Version reviewed: 0.12.2 (Public, Hotfix) on 05/23/2021


Quite good so far. Graphics for the game fit the scene and the NPCs/avatar all look fine. Writing for the game is amusing and solidly entertaining as you stumble your way through the future you find yourself in. Transformations in the game are all easily accessible with minimal grinding; it just depends on how extreme the charges are that you're trying for. Inactivity in the game is good with the Twine game engine being easy to understand and not hinder you as you play through the game.

General premises of the game can have you playing your avatar one of a number of ways, with the guiding benchmark being just how much of a sex slave you're prepared to become to get to the end or if you want to regain your original identity lost to one stupid mistake in the distant past. The game does have its life simulation component of course that you'll be potentially grinding through (depending on the choices you make, as money can come very quickly on a few of the sluttier options) but it's not torturous to do it.

I'd love it if the transformation options went further but that's just a personal choice.


Review by Surume

Version reviewed: 0.8.2 (Public) on 03/08/2021

I feel like this game deserves an updated review as there seems to be quite some updates compared to the last review (made me almost not try it out).

Well, the game is not yet finished and I stopped after I felt progess slowing down. However, I like that (compared to 0.6.2) there's now progression in the different jobs. With low stats you can't select all options. Also you can now try to get a higher "E-value" (not entirely sure what it stands for) and this permanently increases your payment. Also nice is, that there're several different events (e.g. as receptionist), so you need a while until you feel you saw them all.

The many different shops I like as well. The first moment, when you see there's still a bunch more to visit :)
Not sure, but I think they were all accessible from the start. Maybe you hide a few behind some quests?

Happy to see more variety added in the future. For sure I'll replay a newer version.



Review by Red-XIII

Version reviewed: 0.6.2 (Test Release, Hotfix) on 10/24/2020

This looks like it might develop into a great game, but right now it isn't one.

Solid UI and visuals, decent writing, mechanics groundwork in place.

But content-wise it's still a stub, and some design elements are headscratch-worthy.

For example there's no difference in mental changes progression between different hypnosis programs, yet there's difference in payout and you can typically pick between 2 of them. Basically it's just a choice between more money and less money. So why is it even there?

Other than paid hypnosis the game features a whole total of 5 event/jobs - Reception, maid, stripper, g-hole, and auction.

And those'll go stale long before you get anywhere close to paying off that debt.

But where this game's design hurts the most is the gameplay flow.

There IS practically no flow, so to speak.

From games like this one you'd expect to gradually "upgrade" MC's job "performance" with various assets ranging from clothes and make-up to mental and physical changes, and feel the "backlash" of some of those choices. You'd also expect some sort of system that would stop MC from just "prude-ing it out".

But no, none of that is in place. You'll gradually increase MC's pay (through rating) if she went through enough MC to please the customers, and a few event variations seem to check her "assets", but that's about it. The rest of the arsenal you'd expect to affect her job is mostly just there for you to gawk at. Clothes in particular are the most puzzling part - events provide their own uniforms, so what's the point of even having any?

Flow of events also seems to lack uniqueness. Literally ALL of the current events are infinitely repeatable. Would be nice to see a few "limited options/opportunities" ones, like maybe an event that happens once a week, or an a event that only pops up at random, or some events that you can't accept without certain clothes or upgrades.

Then there's the time flow. It feels off tbh. I can't imagine what could possibly keep the player interested long enough to pay off that kind of debt, and, with current amount of content, to even get to the point where interest starts to tick (should be 2 months in, if I understand correctly).

I mean I get it it's "crippling debt" and all that, it has to be huge because plot said so, but playing for that long one day at a time isn't going to work.


So basically while there's a good foundation here there isn't a good game here yet. And how the author will approach the game design in the next few patches is (imho) going to either make or break this game.

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