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Adult Themes
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Version: 0.56

Version: 0.51

Version: 0.41

Version: 0.31

Version: 0.21

Transformation Warrior

Transformation Warrior Banner


Are you ready for the parcour of your life? Escape the clutches of a mysterious crowd.
Win challenges and buy items to ensure you reach the endgoal without ending up a bimbo.
Can you do so while fighting your friends?

Transformation Warrior was my Contest Entry to "Game Night!"
The Name is a play on -some show-. I find it terrible too, but hey, y'know.

 If you enjoy the content, please leave me feedback or hit me up in the forums or in Discord.
I'm a poor fucker so my priority is on other things, but rest assured I'm always trying to work a bit on this! :)

Random guy brings random game with him.

Teleportation, whew!

Super awesome parcour contest. Let the losers transform! Or... everyone?

Try to reach the end so you dont end up a stupid bimbo.

You - Duh.

Sarah - Your smart, every-day girl that happens to be your best friend!

Cinthia - A cheerful and emotional impulsive girl that also happens to be your best friend!

Paul - The guy Cinthia brought with him. The guy that brought the game. Damn you!

v0.56 - Round 11 Fix

  • Telling Sarah that you like her new look during a friendly game of tictactoe is not giving you awkward errors anymore.
  • Added a sentence to clear up that the syringe did not have to be used on Sarah in Round 10. (Friendship is high enough)
  • Added a bit more emphasis on the result of round 4.

v0.55 - Round 11 Update

  • Added mirror content.
  • Changed banner
  • Fixed tracked, so far unused variable.
  • Dead end on detective path due to high Sarah Friendship fixed.
  • Some grammar and sentence corrections.

v0.51 - Renderfix

  • Fixed a mistake in one of the renders
  • Some grammar and sentence corrections.

v0.5 - Round 10 Update

  • Added content up to the mirror
  • Added a short transformation sequence with renders when being changed into a woman
  • Fixed a few grammatical errors in Round 9

v0.41 - Problems begone!

  • A few character links after update 0.3 did not return correctly if clicking on specific text.
  • Spelling errors and grammatical mishaps across the board.
  • Changed certain punctuations for more consistency in presentation.
  • Edited some formatting.
  • Restructured a few sentences.
  • Replaced A-C in R3 shop with item names.
  • Added missing trait message for a R3 shop item.
  • Fixed wrong point allocation during Round 5 - Jacky won't always give you an improved ass now!
  • Removed an image of attacking Cindy in R5 when actually attacking Jacky.
  • Fixed Round 5, where the order of "Will Succumb" -> "In the next game" resulted in a wrong turn of events, leading to wrong stat allocations.
  • Fixed potential Dead-End in Round 9
  • Removed references to real items

v0.4 - Round 8 Update

  • Added content up to the ballgag table
  • Combined Traits - Certain traits might now combine in certain scenes and result in new ones!
  • Added a hover option - Images increase in size now when hovered over. Still a bit wonky though. Can be deactivated in the settings.
  • No more Image Scaling below 0% or above 100%. Keep those Images in check, I tell ya!
  • Shop-decisions after Gum/Lolly now list names instead of A/B/C

v0.31 - Fixed Sarah upgrade

v0.3 - Round 4 to 7 Update

  • Added a few more "back" options on pages without
  • Very small additions to inventory descriptions
  • Influence GameOver added for all of the game
  • Narrowed Round 3 winning gap
  • Added changelog to the game.
  • Fixed an image error on the Cindy character page.
  • Added Patreon information


v0.21 - "Thank you HiEv" Update

  • Some text colors changed to allow for better readability
  • Image Toggle moved into a Settings menu, saves me a ton of hacks and allows for more bugfree code. Thanks to HiEv for troubleshooting this with me!
  • IOS users should now be able to see the images. They were converted and compressed into JPGs instead of webp.
  • Few code parts removed.
  • From now on it is not possible anymore to get a faulty image error concerning an E: Drive if your directory has a "/temp/" in it's path.


v0.2 -

Added Images.

Proofread v0.1 content.

Reworked underlying system; Old saves should not work anymore.

Saved more of your choices.

Added Bike Challenge.

Added a few descriptions.

Points & Influence stats added.

Friendship stats added, but not used in this V.

Inventory might actually show an item, but nothing special... usable items in the future !?

Your own traits on the character page. Future versions might fill them up, eh?

v0.1 - Release. Content added up until start of Round 3. No character descriptions due to time, no images.

Review by RMK99

Version reviewed: 0.41 on 03/18/2021

One of the best TG bimbofication game.

Review by relattic

Version reviewed: 0.41 on 03/12/2021

very good game. i enjoy the amount of content and the bimbos

Review by AoS

Version reviewed: 0.21 on 05/11/2020

The start of a good game.

Extrapolating from what's here so far, this feels like one of those games that while it won't be particularly long, it will be good and cater mainly to a specific audience.

Both the art and writing are good, the only thing that sticks out is how different routes or items taken are perhaps a little too similar to each other. But then it's still early days so who knows how things ramp up.

The changes to the characters thoughts are great.


Thanks for sharing! Got to keep and eye on this one.

Review by Let

Version reviewed: 0.2 on 05/08/2020

So you know, none of the images work since they are force pathed through some sort of E: drive, not where ever they are saved locally.


Other than that, nothing really special so far.

Review by ravynreign

Version reviewed: 0.2 on 05/08/2020

Good for what it has which is not much but I'm super hoping this game keeps getting worked on and gets finished, be nice to have some hypno and more options to choose from but that's just me. Game is a fantastic start.

Total Games: 2,269
Total Contests: 32
Total Reviews: 21,552
Total Engines: 33
Total Adult Themes: 10
Total Transformation Themes: 26
Total Multimedia Themes: 10
Total Online Plays: 5,072,363

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