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Adult Themes
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by BCG

Panacea, a transformative tale of a young woman and an experimental new drug with metamorphic properties.

0.74 -

- 465 images (Although some duplicates or minor variation)

- Major choice for Sal.

0.73 -

- 235 new images

- Culmination of JJ choices with 3 story paths

- Check the JJ section of the journal!

- Spelling and grammar errors fixed (thanks Bartimayus)

- Bugs fixed

0.72 -

Changelog -

- 202 new images

- Cammy side story start

- Major choice for Cammy

0.71 -

– 240 new renders

– Trayi end 1

– Lara end 1

– Wall of awesome updated.

0.7 -

- important story scene

-174 new renders

0.64 -


- 205 new renders

- Meet Grandmother scene

- Mission with Kat scene

0.63 -

changelog -

- 197 new renders

- Alternate (domme) scene added to the previous update

- Nisha scene added

- Mayor + Yu scene added

0.62 -


- 174 new images

- Nisha scene added

0.61 -

Changelog -

- 190 new renders

- New power

- Return of Bunny

- Return of Cammy

0.6 -

Changelog -

- 176 new images

- Return of Butch

- More names added to the Wall of Awesome!

0.54 -

Changelog -

-173 New images

- Nisha and Trayi return

- Bug fixed (Thanks Solstorm)

0.53 -

Changelog -

- 266 New Images

- New location on map

- First transformation choice for Simone

- Sex dungeon scene

- More names added to The Wall of Awesome.

0.52 -

Changelog -

- Kat and Lara scenes.

- Skippable weird dream sequence

- New powers


0.51 -

- 238 new images

- Major story choice

- Celeste scene added

- Aaliyah scene added

0.5 -

-  390 new images

- Mel scene added

- Mayor scene added

0.44 -

- Minor UI change to make some things clearer.

- Minor bug fixes.

- 287 Unique renders added.

- Major character development

0.43 (spoilers)

- 309 new images added (although many are mostly same image but with different hair/outfit for Sal)

- Sal Hairdresser and Transition scene added. With variations based on the choice of outfit made in previous update (Goth, Bimbo or Normal). May allow option to reconsider previous choice if people want it.

- Make final choice on Sal's genitals (Futa or Full woman)

- A choice of 3 sex scenes.

- New names added to the Wall of Awesome!


- 177 new images

- Celeste scene

- Simone bath scene

- Fetish club scene


Changelog -

- 192 new renders

- Cammy scenes added

- Dad scene added


- 191 new images

- JJ Gym scene added.

- Dr Shaw scene added.


- 199 new images.

- Major story development.

- Ivy Punishment scene.

- Meeting with Dr Khatri.

- Futa or lesbian sex scene added.


- 175 new images

- Can choose to transform into a man or not, both choices will have consequences later.


- 188 New images

- Lingerie party added



- 175 new images

- New scene pushing the story into the next phase

0.203 -

- 155 new images rendered.

- Sal shopping scene and sex scene (skippable) added.

- JJ Gym scene added.

0.203 fixes -

- Minor script bug fixed.


-  180 new images rendered.

-  Branching Simone scene added.

- Extra Pee fetish scene with Simone if you picked that option in the last update.



- 181 new images added.

- Sal and JJ scenes remade to reflect changes to characters. Also, can repeat the scenes if you want to see the other version.

- New Simone and Ivy scene

- Sex shop open after viewing new scene

- Two toys to buy and play with.


0.2 (fixed)

- 220 New renders added

- Cammy transform scene added

- Kaley Intro scene added

- Error fixed (thanks Solstorm for finding it)


- 214 images added

- Amita intro scene

- Sal's first transform

- Celeste/Simone scene



- 4 new scenes added, including 3 optional transformation scenes.

- Changes to UI

- New font

- Cleaned up dialogue

Review by Shaqarava

Version reviewed: 0.74 on 08/11/2022


Many, many hours of animations that are very good quality animations with lots of detail.  High quality renders.  A large amount of interesting story all the way.


Review by Pers99

Version reviewed: 0.72 on 04/09/2022

nice looking visual novel. Has some limted choices. i really like the basic story and characters.

one of the biggest dowm side is lots of clicking since every uttering of vocabulary is in a seperate dialogue box

and since the is a decent amount off dialoque it becomes tedious.

just fill the text boxes and if there are full go to the next 

but overall interestig game nice tranforming option

Review by IDontKnowMan

Version reviewed: 0.64 on 01/04/2022

I like this game, it has a good story with interesting characters and the scenes are interesting, but since it's too linear and the transformations for the mc are only temporary (for what I've seen) I can't really say I love it.

Review by leonais600

Version reviewed: 0.51 on 05/04/2021

This is a visual novel with a modest number of choices. The game has locations and other stuff that it doens't really need but despite that there is some good content with a sci-fi story about body TF with drugs. What sets this apart from most games hosted here is the focus on FF content with strong female characters and plenty of sex scenes.

Review by Coday

Version reviewed: 0.43 on 02/04/2021

Haven't completed this game yet. But the story is wonderful.

It's one of the best stories in a game on this site I've seen so far!

The art is good, nothing grindy.

I would reeally recommend playing this.


  • Great story
  • No grinds
  • Good (original) graphics



  • Pretty linear story
  • Choices don't seem to matter much
  • Some spelling errors


I would give it a 8/10.

Total Games: 2,269
Total Contests: 32
Total Reviews: 21,556
Total Engines: 33
Total Adult Themes: 10
Total Transformation Themes: 26
Total Multimedia Themes: 10
Total Online Plays: 5,072,887

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