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Version: 1.3

Slime Kingdom
by dragoon93041

Once the world was normal. There were the occasional problems with monsters, but heroes of all kinds wandered the land and dealt with those occasional problems with ease. Then the demon lord came. He had been defeated thrice before, and had decided on a new plan. With him, he brought hordes of succubi, who used an ancient spell to send their magics across the land. Most of the monsters absorbed the magic readily. It gave them higher intelligence, new powers, and a craving for male seed.

Suddenly the kingdom was plunged into chaos. Monsters were the only ones affected by the magic. Even the 'civilised' races had some of their own infected and turn into succubi. Those were banished but some were clever enough to hide their new selves, while others were only 'infected' enough to change their personalities, not their bodies.

The creatures most affected by the magics were the humble slimes. The magic granted them new forms and intelligence. Each species of slime grew into a new type but one type of slime rose above them all; the queen slime. This slime was more intelligent than the wisest of holy men and could create slimes of various types to wreak havoc.

You are one of those slimes. Your queen captured a castle long ago and use the inhabitants two ways: the women were changed into slimes and the men were kept in the dungeons. They are fed three times a day and every day a third of them are used for the 'harvest'. Every day more slimes are created and new people are brought it to be harvested or converted.

You are a special slime, though. You were created using the sperm of the castle's mightiest warrior and wizard, giving you unprecedented potential. You are one of the rare few who were intelligent right from the get-go, and thus have the ability to evolve into higher versions of slime. As you convert women you grow in power and status.

Heroes have been spotted near the kingdom and an arrogant lord has decided to employ many of them to defend his mansion. Your job is to remove all of the heroes and take the mansion for the queen.

Review by Soulfeaster

Version reviewed: 1.3 on 05/12/2014

Long time no review, anyways, this is a great game. I played it awhile back and enjoyed it a lot and the only problem I could really see is that it is short and lacks a great story line. While it is a fun quick game to play it is not a game where you are satisfied completely from just that amount. I am hoping to see a sequel or an add on to this game sometime soon so I can enjoy it again with more content! The max level so I can tell is level 2, which is saddining seeing how I wanted to be able to level up to the queen's level. Which is strange coming from someone who hates to grind. Now if I could just get more of this game I would happily come back in here and give a five a type in all caps, "PLAY THIS!" I will do that if the game becomes something that has a big story and such. That way you all can make fun of me if you wish, anyways I am rambling. I would suggest playing this game but it has low replayability because of how short and one tracked it is. Happy gaming!

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