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Game Information
Release Date
Last Update
Orig PC Gender
Adult Themes

Version: 1.05

Version: 1.00

Version: 0.69

Version: 0.6

Version: 0.5

Version: 0.4

Version: 0.3

Version: 0.2

Version: 0.1


You are a young man possessed by an otherworldy creature who can only escape if you give birth to her.

You must resist her influence and tempations, or at least, you must try.

Currently features 9 different endings.

You are a young man who is the unfortunate host of an extradimensional being. You suppress the demoness for the rest of your life, or release her,

Once you've worked your way up to 100 corruption, sit at your desk and contact the old monk. He will drain your corruption and add a charge to your amulet. Content is unlocked by charging the amulet and increasing corruption.


  • Added character descriptions when transformed
  • Added mobile layout
  • Added content and removed placeholder events
  • Added 2 endings


  • The game has been ported to a new engine. Some content is missing, some new content has been added.



  • Added Colin storyline (200 corruption required to start storyline.)
  • Added a little more sissy content with Mike
  • Some fixes and rebalancing.


  • Added public sex in the park
  • Added basic weekly events
  • Added more sissy content


  • Added gloryhole at the park
  • Added more narrative content
  • Enabled beach content after intro


  • Added more content to the park
  • Added a bit of sissy content
  • Changed game category from "demo" to "concept" since there is so much content and mechanics to fill out still.


  • Added endings for most risky actions.
  • Reworked willpower/energy system


  • Styling update and some additional content.

0.1 Initial Demo Release

  • Basic into and starting mechanics.

Review by MarnumStar

Version reviewed: 1.05 on 09/02/2022

If you're into forced feminization, gender swap and hypno videos embedded into a story then this is a game for you. And don't let the introduction irritate you: It gets much better soon.

=== Story
You're a guy who has just finished high school and started the summer holidays with a camping trip with your friends. After nightfall some succubus, demon or similar reaches out to you while the others are sleeping. Later you find out it wants you to get pregnant so that it can be born into the world.
For some minutes the story seems to be messed up / is confusing: After you come home you are (?!) your mother after taking a shower and without further ado have a strong urge to give your father a blow job. This part is confusing because you can only understand it afterwards: Images and dialogues are written as though they were about/by your mother. But I haven't come upon another passage where this was the problem. A little rewriting might be a good idea. Afterwards gender swap will happen again and again though it's not alway M2F but also M2T.

=== Interaction
While you have a few of the usual choices and locations as in many other twine-games (mall, park, etc.) Still you can't do anything at all of them. e.g. there is nothing to do in the mall.
Nice: There are no repetitive tasks like having to decide about your clothes multiple times a day.
The story itself seems rather linear/repetitive and choices usually don't go beyond engage or stand back. Never the less if you take a closer look you will find that this first impression is wrong because there actually are changes, they are just more subtle than with most games.

=== Media
Now about the media.
There are lots and lots of photographs and videos and most have been well chosen. So there is not much of annoying repetitiveness or a wrong choice of image for a scene. Similar to many other twine games there is no sound at all (or perhaps there is one video or another with sound, but that's about it.)

=== Writing
About the writing:
It would also seem that the author is making some of the usual errors you find with non-native-writers. It's not too bad though, just some wording thing. Soon you wont think about this anymore.
Some technical remark: It would be nice if you could change the font size. With current display resolutions this one might be a bit too small for some readers. Some color choices aren't for the best: e.g. It's almost impossible ot read dark brown text on purple background. (fathers sentences)

=== Update cycles
Update cycles / Development of the game:
At the moment it seems that the developers are porperly working on the game and that they release updates from time to time. I can't tell about the size of the update yet.

=== Negative aspects
Well there actually are two aspects in the game that should be changed as soon as possible:
(1) No save button (or at least I couldn't find one). But if you close the browser and start the game again you'll be back where you were before.
(2) The back button is right beside the restart/reset button.

Review by -=Kiva=-

Version reviewed: 1.00 on 05/25/2022

great alterations love the alterations, best game on here 

Review by Dracilla

Version reviewed: 1.00 on 05/25/2022

Holy crap it lives! This was one of my favorites - the writing wasn't all that substantial but the content went well with the theme and pictures that piggy backed on a rare strong emphasis on pregnancy something very few games hit on.


Thus a conversion and implied intent to continue the work is a very welcome thing indeed. The change in engine adds a direction to the story but unfortunately introduces a increased grind that combines with a strange 'amulet charge' currency and no manual save, only automatic tracking. Before corruption was tied directly to many of the more advanced scenes and that remains mostly true now but you also require a certain number of amulet charges, which you get by purging your corruption with the monk's help, each time you purge it your minimium corruption goes up slightly and you gain a charge on your amulet but you need to go back to grinding your corruption up to at least 100 to purge again or higher to see some scenes, while some even require corruption AND repeatition to advance.


Each time you get a game over you can expend a charge to wake up the next day, but you can just use the BACK function to avoid endings till you are ready to for some reason grind up more corruption.  Overall the additional grind seems kind of obnoxious and with out merit in this version but its better than the game remaining 'dead' (though the previous version is still quite enjoyable) so bring on the grind.

Review by Diabolos

Version reviewed: 0.6 on 09/22/2019

The concept for the story is quite simple but good, kinda like a few other really good games in this site. Hope to see more of it.

Review by Daishi

Version reviewed: 0.3 on 07/26/2019

Very barebones after the prologue with little to do, and the updates are hardly worth mentioning. Needs to stop posting new versions with one extra scene each and put some time into making a game that has more than 5 minutes of gameplay.

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Total Reviews: 21,552
Total Engines: 33
Total Adult Themes: 10
Total Transformation Themes: 26
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