Sheroni girls will be a mix between an rpg, an adventure game and a life-sim in a modern world where humans know about aliens and also had contact with them.
You get to play a female human hybrid (half human, half sheroni) who starts out as a virgin and your decision will decide if she stays like this, loses it to someone she loves or if she will become a complete slut. The game will feature several people to romance as well as casual sex. Everything you do in this game matters. For additional infos and screenshots you can check out my blog:
What are the Transformations?
The first is the Main TF of the Game where the Sheroni Girls change their appeareance, get more curvy and get stronger and faster. Something like body morphing. I got inspired by this mainly from Magical Girl transformations and the series Dragonball.
Other transformations that are in the game already: Possession, Mind merging, corruption and mental changes.
Sheronis originally were inhabitants of the planet Sheron with a population count of 12,8 billion.
In terms of physically strength they are as strong as humans, at least in their base form. In terms of appearance they can't be distinguished from humans. Female Sheronis have a way to increase their strength and speed through a transformation. Male Sheronis however lack this transformation but they make it up with an above average intelligence.
However, after a 3 years long planetary war against the Everáks, their population count went drastically down and their planet got uninhabitable. The few that survived fled to planet earth.
In Sheroni Girls you get to play Lucy, a 18 years old human-hybrid, who is just about to finish her training. She has it especially hard because she is half human and can't transform like all the other Sheroni girls but this doesn't stop her to work as hard or even harder as everyone else to become a worthwile protector. On the other hand she is still a virgin and a prude and others might take advantage of her.
(It's inside the ingame folder)
New Content:
-Added a new main quest to Ewolis City (3 new big maps, several choices, a bossfight and one new H-Scene!)
-You can now complete the side quest "Crazy Appearances" (or fail it if you didn't find the portal gun)
-Added the first bad end into the game (get it by losing the bossfight at the new main quest)
-You can now find 6 dirty magazines hidden all over Ewolis city, find them all to unlock the third gallery
-Added a female client to the prostitution job (one new animated H-scene)
-You can now sell your virginity at the prostitution job for a big amount of money
-Added one new H-scene with April at Ewolis city (requires being her pet and buying the double dildo)
-Added one new H-scene with Kira at Ewolis city (requires being her girlfriend and buying the strapon)
-Added the new scenes to the gallery
Updated Content:
-If you missed getting the portable teleporter and the clothing device early on,
you can now still get them at the training refuge later on in the game
-Bugfixes and minor changes
Updated Content:
-Fixed a bug that happened when you take a bath at the weekend in the first town
-Fixed a bug at the shower in your Ewolis city apartment where the daytime change didn't work correctly
-Fixed a bug at the prostitution job where it got stuck after the first time
New Content:
-Added a new side quest to the police station (only the first two parts of the quest can be finished so far)
-Added the Adult club interior (2 new maps)
-Added the waitress job to the adult club (over 16 new events)
-Added 5 new H-scenes to the waitress job (one of it animated)
-Added the prostitution job to the adult club (random clients + a simple convincing/haggle mechanic)
-Added 5 new animated H-scenes to the prostitution job
-Added a new janitor quest (April's recruitment, around 8 events in total)
-Added 4 new H-scenes for April at the Janitor's place (one of it animated)
-Added 4 new H-scenes at the Janitor's place (one for each girl)
-Added 3 random events where your Master visits either you or Kira and April at Ewolis city (+ 2 additional H-scenes)
-Added the new H-scenes to the gallery
Updated Content:
-You can now leave Ewolis city without your teleporter
-You can now take a shower at your Ewolis city apartment
-You can now craft items at your Ewolis city apartment (at the kitchen)
-You can now take a bath on weekend mornings (at the first town)
-Fixed a crash/freeze that some people got when starting a battle
-Fixed several other bugs and minor changes
New Content:
-You can now continue the mainstory after you have beaten the second dojo master (talk with Master Quickwitt)
-Added the third city into the game (8 new maps, new npc's, events etc.)
-Added 1 new mainquest with 3 new bossfights to the red dragon dojo in Ewolis City
-Added 14 new events to the delivery job (some of them have branching paths depending on if you are in a relationship or not)
-Added 4 new H-scenes to the third city (one of them animated, can all be found at the delivery job)
-Added a new female love interest (can be met at the delivery job and you can start a relationship with her if you are single)
-Added the third gallery into the game
-Added the new H-scenes to the third gallery
Updated Content:
-Minor additions and bugfixes
New Content:
-You can now challenge the chakra dojo master
-Added three token quests at the chakra dojo
-Added one new H-scene (can be triggered by doing a token quest)
-Added one new H-scene with Lucy and Pinu (Idamville)
-Added three new small maps
-Added an Easy Mode on Lucy's PC (cheats for corruption and overpowered equipment)
Updated Content:
-Treasure Map is useable again (it somehow got disabled).
-Made some tweaks to Kira's bet loss scene to better reflect the toy used in the renders.
-Some events now give you more corruption points (to slightly reduce the corruption grind
-Other minor changes, battle balancing changes and fixes
-Changed all gallery image names to lower case and adjusted the appropriate links in game to improve linux compatibility slightly.
-Fixed numerous errors in the second gallery including a black screen and a stat gain.
-Added missing trigger to Janitor's quest to Kira in the dojo bedrooms.
New Content:
-Added 6 new maps to Woodcock (mountain maps, second dojo and story related maps)
-Added 1 new mainstory quest at the second dojo + the first three challenges
-Added a bunch of new events, characters and dialogues at the new dojo
-Added bet loss scenes at the dojo (3 new H-scenes with different variants and dialogues depending on your choices and relationship)
-You can now finish the Janitor's quest to recruit Kira
-Added 6 new training events between Kira and the Janitor at his base
-You can now enter the bathhouse at night after certain requirements are met (Angie will tell you how to enter)
-Added 4 new H-scenes to the bathhouse at night and a bunch of other related events and dialogues
-Added 3 new H-scenes between Kira and the Janitor at his base (one is animated)
-Added 1 new animated H-scene between Mia and the Janitor at his base
-Added 1 new animated H-scene at the new dojo involving April
-Added all of the new scenes to the Gallery
Updated Content:
-Added a few new dialogue lines to already existing characters and paths
-You now have to grind less to reach a new level at the mine
-Slightly buffed the dodge stance chance and other balancing changes
-Text revisions
-Several bugfixes and minor changes
-Fixed a loop bug at the Pink Galore store
-Text revisions
-Minor changes and fixes
New Content:
-Added the second town into the game (8 new maps)
-Added a new map and event that happens while you travel
to Woodcock
-Added Woodcock's introduction events and first main story quest
-Added some events for Angie at the beach
-Added 2 H-scenes involving Angie in Woodcock
-Added 1 new beach event for April's pet path (Woodcock)
-Added 1 new beach event for Kira's girlfriend path (Woodcock)
-Added 1 new beach event for John's boyfriend path (Woodcock)
-Added 1 new beach event for Marcus' boyfriend path (Woodcock)
-Added 1 new H-scene on Kira's girlfriend path (Woodcock)
-Added 1 new H-scene on April's pet path (Woodcock)
-Added 1 new H-scene on John's boyfriend path (Woodcock)
-Added 1 new H-scene on Marcus' boyfriend path (Woodcock)
-Added a second meeting in the Janitor's base (will unlock after you arrive in Woodcock)
-Added a new quest to the Janitor's path (just the quest indikation, more janitor content coming with v0.10)
-You can now buy a Bikini in Idamville (once you met the requirements)
-Added a new variant scene to the bathtub masturbation on Stella's (Lucy's mom) date night (Idamville)
-Added the new scenes to the gallery
Updated Content:
-Using the mine advances time by one now
-Using the secret entrance at the mine only advances time by one instead of going straight to the evening now
-Added proper night lighting at the Training refuge and Master's Base
-You can now skip and auto-win Britney's and April's race on PE class at school after you lost at least 2 times
-You can now sell materials and items at the Weapon & Armor Shop in Woodcock
-Text revision, minor changes and bugfixes
-Fixed a bug that makes your game freeze when you accept both the Janitor quest and the monster in a basement quest at the same time
-Fixed a bug that makes Sally disappear at April's mansion after you recruited her for the Janitor
-Fixed a bug with April's punishment scene repeating all the time
-Fixed a bug where you couldn't work as a maid for April a second time
-Fixed a bug with Sally appearing too early at the Janitor's new hideout
New Content:
-Added the clothing store job
-Added several events and mini scenes at the clothing store job
-Added 5 new clothing store related H-scenes
-Added 1 new event with Lucy's mom at saturday evening
-Added 1 new animated H-scene involving Lucy's mom
-Added 2 new events with Vicky at home (at 10+ and 25+ corruption)
-Added the adult shop interior to the mall, you can now buy a sex toy there (requires the 25+ corruption event with Vicky first)
-Added 2 new H-scenes with your new toy (one of them animated)
-You can now start your training as April's pet on wednesday and friday (talk with Britney after classes at the school hall)
-Added 2 new training events as April's pet with different variants
-Added 1 new H-scene with April while being her pet at school
-Added 1 new H-scene with April after refusing to serve her in school (it has different variants)
-Added 1 new H-scene that can happen while you do some maid chores for April
-Added 1 new H-scene with Britney, April and you on her pet path
-Added 1 new final event with the Janitor at school (it triggers a new quest)
-Added 1 new H-scene with Mia after the Janitor had sex with you for the first time, at school
-Added 2 new maps that can be accessed by solving the Janitor's quest
-Added 1 new quest to recruit a new girl for the Janitor's harem
-Added 2 new H-scenes with the new girl at the Janitor's new place (one of them animated)
-Added 3 new small events + 1 H-scene and one possible future quest for Pinu at home
-Added 1 final H-scene with Kai at the mining hideout
-Added 1 final H-scene with the cook at the diner
-You can now talk with the school bully about your pregnancy, if he is the father
-Some new npc dialogues and other minor changes
-Added the new scenes to the gallery
Updated Content:
-Almost all of the text has been proofread and revised (Thanks to the amazing help of Emily!)
-You can now go back into the A.D. Inc building after finishing the mission (in case you missed the calendar page)
-Added lots of missing portrait images for several npc's into the game
-Saving is now disabled in the gallery (try saving in Lucy's room instead)
-Fixed a bunch of bugs
New Content:
-You can now use condoms before having sex if you have any in your inventory (Doesn't work if you are getting mind controlled or are too horny/drunk to think about protection)
-You can now get pregnant if you don't use a condom (30% chance if creampie, 10% chance if he pulls out)
-You can now use the pregnancy test to check if you are pregnant (you need to do that to actually start the pregnancy, pregnancy duration can be set at this event aswell)
-You can now talk with your boyfriend/girlfriend about your pregnancy (event might vary greatly depending on who you are together with or who the father is)
-Added several small pregnancy related events
-Added a new talk event with your mom after you did a pregancy test
-Added several new renders for Lucy in her pregnant state
-Added birth event + some interactions with your baby at home
-Added Marcus' apartment which can be visited if you are in a relationship with him
-Added 1 repeatable h-scene at John's home if you are in relationship with him
-Added 1 repeatable h-scene at Marcus' home if you are in relationship with him
-Added 1 new H-scene with Marcus at April's party if you are his girlfriend
-Added 1 new H-scene in the bathtub at home if you have enough lust
-Added 1 new H-scene with Marcus while being heavily pregnant (animated)
-Added 1 new H-scene with John while being heavily pregnant (animated)
-Added 12 sexy calendar pages hidden all over the town, if you find them all you might unlock a nice reward
Updated Content:
-Replaced some low quality renders with better ones
-Bugfixes and minor changes
New Content
-Fixed a big with the school nurse where you could visit her more than once a day
-Fixed a bug where Mia got stuck at the Janitor's sidequest
-Fixed a bug where the Janitor got stuck at his sidequest
New Content:
New Content:
New Content:
-Gallery added at the computer, you can rewatch every scene you have already seen and even get hints to scenes you haven't seen yet (new savegame required)
-Continuation of the Main story, one new main quest, you can challenge the Master of the Dojo and other new stuff.
-Each class at school has several events now (still a lot more to come in future updates)
-Main Class Introduction + choices and dialogs with who you sit with
-Biology Class Introduction + first event with 4 different conclusions
-Art Class Introduction + first event
-Gym Class introduction + several events and a minigame
-You can now get promoted to cashier at the Diner job and earn more money (+new minigame)
-Added a lot of new NPCs, the town is much more lively now
-You can now take a bath to clean yourself and reduce stress
-Added some new dialogs with Lucy's Mom
-A lot of new renders and a few new scenes
Updated Content:
-Reworked some of the characters and renders
-Updated the lost necklace sidequest and added a new choice after finishing the quest (involving Aaron, at the mine)
-Certain H-scenes get you dirty now and add a debuff
-Updated some older content so your new "companion" reacts to them
-Several Balancing changes (Some attacks cost less KI now, some items heal more, enemy tweaks etc.)
-Instant skill name changed to Stance
-Several spell and bugfixes
-Reduced game size significantly
-Other minor changes